* Posts by tthtlc

1 publicly visible post • joined 3 Dec 2018

Oracle's new Java SE subs: Code and support for $25/processor/month


You can never be safe with any language, especially when people like Larry Ellison exists - and he is the root cause of all the world's problem. Yesterday he bought Sun and now we have to pay for Java. Today, Php and Node.JS are the top in performance for web transaction - but I bet one day he will try to buy it up, and we will be paying license fee in another way.

I am active in opensource development, and we do it all for free, and then next people like Larry is soaking up all the profits on our behalf? Luckily technologies are always moving very fast: in no time someone will be creative enough to revolutionize the world with something new, and something low costs, like Rust and WebAssembly is taking the technological world by storm now. But I sincerely hope existing players like OpenJDK will remain strong and well-funded to survive.