* Posts by drorharari

2 publicly visible posts • joined 11 May 2018

Windows Notepad fixed after 33 years: Now it finally handles Unix, Mac OS line endings


Re: what about the BOM?

Notepad does not insist on adding BOM (=byte order mark or zero width, none-breaking space) . If you save as ANSI, it won't add BOM. It adds BOM just for Unicode files where it is critical for portability and for the ability to know, when the file is opened again, what encoding the file used.

In this aspect, Notepad as actually doing a great job - much better than other editors.


It was long due - here is one reason it too so much time

>> Microsoft acknowledged in a blog post today, without touching on why the issue was allowed to fester for more than three decades.

We must recall that 'bash', the most popular Linux shell, still does not support the Windows line ending of CR+LF (carriage return followed by line feed (new line) even today.

So it seems Windows got to its senses faster...