* Posts by rexyup

7 publicly visible posts • joined 29 May 2017

Microsoft giveth and Microsoft taketh away: Partner boss explains yanking of free licences


When your Linux distro doesn't play nice with some hardware and your open-source solution goes boink! who do you, the naive computer user without ten years experience of coding and Linux kernel hacking go for support?

The Linux SysAdmin(s) that you hire who are almost always significantly more skilled in all things computing than the massive throngs who throw down cash for MS cents in the hopes of getting a paycheck, but who have little actual passion for the technology?

If you can find a competent Linux Admin who doesn’t spend significant portions of their own free time furthering their own knowledge then you may have spotted a unicorn. For a Linux problem, there are also far more people with access to the solution, it’s not controlled by a single entity from their support line.

It’s not like getting support for a Microsoft issue is easy. I’ve spent hours and hours on the phone as the script-reading phone monkey exhausted went down his list before declaring defeat. They are no more legally responsible to solve your problem than some random Linux guy. This notion of ‘reliable support’ is a myth. I doubt it happens any more or less often than any other platform. You’re always at the mercy of someone who may or may not tell you to go crap in your hat.

These are the people you want your business to depend on?


Re: Support

When your Linux distro doesn't play nice with some hardware and your open-source solution goes boink! who do you, the naive computer user without ten years experience of coding and Linux kernel hacking go for support?

The Linux SysAdmin(s) that you hire who are almost always significantly more skilled in all things computing than the massive throngs who throw down cash for MS cents in the hopes of getting a paycheck, but who have little actual passion for the technology?

If you can find a competent Linux Admin who doesn’t spend significant portions of their own free time furthering their own knowledge then you may have spotted a unicorn. For a Linux problem, there are also far more people with access to the solution, it’s not controlled by a single entity from their support line.

It’s not like getting support for a Microsoft issue is easy. I’ve spent hours and hours on the phone as the script-reading phone monkey exhausted went down his list before declaring defeat. They are no more legally responsible for solving your problem than some random Linux guy.

These are the people you want your business to depend on?

LLVM contributor hits breakpoint, quits citing inclusivity intolerance


Wealthy whites have been trying to scapegoat poor whites for the sins of the rich for the last 50 years.

Now, they equate the “white privilege” of the janitor with the “white privileged” of the CEO. Essentially, they are telling folks far beneath them on the socio-economic scale, how well they have it. Which, as we know, is easy for them to say.

“No, no, don’t look at the black incarceration rates since Democrats began pretending to care for minorities, look over there at the racist joke being told by the powerless gas station attendant ... he’s the reason you’re suffering!”


The Primary Bigotry in the USA is Economic

It's far better to be a wealthy woman in the USA, than a poor man.

It's better to be a wealthy black man, than a poor, white, male.

Most welfare recipients in the USA are white.

Yet, in this country, we take away contracts from men who were born into poverty, and there are many ... take Appalachia for example ... and they give those contracts to women born into money.

Because, we say, the man born into poverty was privileged, because he was a man.

It's completely insane, and everyone knows it. We have to see the Emperor's clothes, though. At least if want to keep our jobs and not be outcasts.

The elite are hoping beyond hope, that the lower classes, of all races, don't band together and rise up.

And so, this is how they keep that from happening.

Sueball claims Apple broke hacking laws with iOS batt throttling code


Re: Consumer protection

Because lawyers are greedy, corporate malfeasance should not be punished.

It’s a novel theory, and one that’s certainly appreciated by the big companies, but I don’t know that I agree.

The benefit of class-actions to consumers is not usually money, it’s punishing bad behavior, and sometimes making that bad behavior change. Since lawyers spend all of the hours in court, while consumers simply wait for an outcome, yeah, the lawyers tend to get the money for actually conducting the lawsuit, making arguments, etc.

EULAs are “adhesion contracts” which do not carry the same weight as actual contracts anywhere. Contracts are negotiated, not attached to people for clicking a button after being on-screen for 3 seconds. Apple knows it’s been onscreen for 3 seconds, knows you can’t read 27 pages o legalese in 3 seconds, and thus cannot represent in good faith that you read it. When a new Apple download appears, there is only the option to “Upgrade Now” or “Upgrade Later”. There is no option to decline. As such, it is not a legal “contract” in the USA. You must have the option to clearly and conspicuously decline. They also show the EULA after the update has installed, essentially locking you out of your $1,000 phone if you disagree. Once again, not binding.

Apple is so rabid about being deceptive, they can’t help themselves but to invalidate their own contracts. They just can’t restrain themselves. Not giving you the option to decline is very unwise, but that’s the avarice they have, and they will get bitten by it, and they will probably fail to learn.

Those with IQs in the double digits believe the line about Apple throttling to help customers. Those above this level are aware of the reasons this does not make sense. There’s more of the former in the USA than the latter, however, which is why things are the way that they are here. It’s not that we accept EULAs, it’s that the 20% only get what the 80% will accept, and there’s not much left to choose from thereafter.

We cater to the lower intellects, and cast the most demanding customers aside.

“Most people don’t care about xxxxxxx, they just want xxxxxxx” is a common refrain here.

Idiot-rule is what we practice, and that’s just the way the ruling-class and their corporate masters like it.


Re: Too narrow

Given the Android batteries don't (under usual circumstances), suffer the same problem as Apple's, you could argue that the batteries are defective. Yeah, yeah, Samsung's exploded, but they recalled them. Apple just sapped performance and called it a day.

Android batteries really are the elephant in the room. People go on and on about how Apple was trying to help the customer and all this and that ... while completely ignoring the fact that Android does not do this. I have a large family with a lot of functional old devices laying around, both Android and iOS. There's an EVO from 2010, some phones from 2012 ... contrary to iPeople's made-up scenarios, the batteries in the Android devices last one heck of a long time, and they do so while maintaining the same performance throughout the aging curve.

Yet, Apple was throttling 1 year-old batteries.

To "help" the customer.

It's okay that it doesn't make sense, though. When you've bought an identity, You'l validate it to the end and make excuses for anything that doesn't add up.

It's human psychology.

Frustrated by reboot-happy Windows 10? Creators Update hopes to take away the pain


Sorry Fellas

I’m a Linux/Unix/OSX user, so I’ll probably be persona non-grata here, but I’m truly sorry to see what MS is doing to it’s customers these days. Sure, I could tell you to start using something else, but let’s face it, if you could, you’d already be doing that. Sometimes, you’re just stuck.

Regardless, I think it’s truly wrong the way you’re being treated, and I hope that you can somehow make MS think it’s in their best interest to treat you better. This is intolerable, and the nonsensical redefinition of customer purchases from products to services doesn’t help. Just because you're not in my camp of users doesn't mean that I want to see you treated badly. You deserve as much as we do to have full control over the things that you purchase.

That said, even with a EULA, you are obligated to get just consideration for every sacrifice MS causes you to make, so I’d say you have several lawsuit basis if you have the means to fight this.