* Posts by Andrew Poodle

4 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Aug 2007

Is Europe's war on Islamist terror running out of terrorists?

Andrew Poodle

Deterrents and policing?

I've got anti-elephant devices planted around my garden to prevent elephants from destroying my vegetable patch.

They must work, I've not suffered an elephant attack ever.

Sun does Google's dirty work on MySQL

Andrew Poodle
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Postgres an "alternative"?

I don't see Postgres as a direct alternative to MySQL. Sure, there's overlap, but MySQL has and always will have the edge in the web environment where speed and ease of use and installation has been it's strengths.

With so much more web technologies out there, and with the web "platform" becoming more widely used, and more flexible in what it can offer, I don't see MySQL's market being eroded by Postgres to any significant extent.


YouTube biker clocked at 189mph

Andrew Poodle
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I've seen far worse at legal speeds

Apart from the speed itself (which I would also dispute as being 189mph) That riding didn't appear particularly dangerous.

If you look in the reflection of the speedometer, you can even see him do a lifesaver over his left shoulder on the roundabout. He was obviously well aware of the traffic, and slowed when he approached other vehicles. The point regarding pedestrians is also somewhat irrelevant, as even at 70mph, any driver or rider would be unable to stop shoud a ped-lemming decided to cross a busy dual carriageway without looking properly.

People in this country need to stop blaming everything on speed, and look at driver education. I'm sure there are far more fatalities at legal speeds that are down to stupidity.

MySQL defends paid tarball decision

Andrew Poodle

MySQL are not preventing access to Enterpise edition.

MySQL have simply removed the enterprise tarballs from their own FTP servers.

The Enterprise source is still available from the repository, from which you can make your own tarballs, OR from other places like dorsalsource where they are publically available.

MySQL have only removed them from a point of distribution, and have NOT prevented or restricted access.