* Posts by Rick

4 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Feb 2007

'Facebook fatigue' kicks in as people tire of social networks



I think all things go through a hype phase.. whether it was FriendsReunited in the beginning, Myspace, then Facebook, Linked In or FriendSite.com .. all things go through booming hype and then fade off into the ether, several years down the line will we be saying the same about the iPod or iPhone, HD or BluRay, Flickr, etc?

NY probes Facebook over pedophile controls



Ok.. I can understand the frustration at Facebook not responding to take down requests.. naughty naughty.. for bad customer service.

BUT ... Myspace, Facebook, Bebo, Friends.ac all really cannot be held accountable for every single message being sent by their users. I think in this day and age, people are too quick to place blame with other people, rather than take responsibility in teaching their children how to use, what is a pretty powerful tool, a computer. You wouldn't let your kid run loose in a car without lessons, nor fly a plane, not even leave them with your credit card... but you'll let a child play unsupervised on the busiest of highways, the internet?

So the government want to blame online sites for the proliferation of sex offenders. Balancing things out then.. if Myspace, Facebook or Friends.ac are responsible for a 24yr old man sending lewd messages to a 14 year old. Then, by the same degree, if a 24 year old male approaches a 14 year old girl in the street, then is it the cities fault? No?

Fundamentally though its the parents to blame.. YOU are responsible for your child's behavior, YOU are responsible for their upbringing, and YOU are responsible if you let some naive teenager play around unsupervised or untrained on a powerful tool, and then wonder how the kid got themselves into trouble.

Cruise missile streaks across Google Earth


Painted Wings

It is a tomahawk iv cruise missle.. but if you look closely then you'll see the wings are painted a dark colour.

What's interesting though is the cloaked missle in front of it ;-)

Want to cross the road? Don't ask Google Maps


Only in Oz...

I guess its only in Oz that you would actually look on Google Maps for directions to a building one up from you!