* Posts by Mark Bertenshaw

2 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Mar 2016

Brexit: Time to make your plans, UK IT biz

Mark Bertenshaw

Re: ...an addendum to the above...

The irony of this is that the UK had all these before the ECHR - in fact our freedom has been based on our Common Law. If we removed ourselves from the ECHR, things would be unlikely to change very much. I prefer that we were able to legislate for reasonable measures, e.g. preventing prisoners from having a vote, rather than having this blocked by an unaccountable figure from an alien justice system.

Bash on Windows. Repeat, Microsoft demos Bash on Windows

Mark Bertenshaw

Re: Right?

Actually, the limit has been 2048/process since WinXP. Looks as if Linux need to catch up. :-)