* Posts by ILoveGadgets

2 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jul 2015

You know that silly fear about Alexa recording everything and leaking it online? It just happened


You Just Can't Kill The Beast...

Alexa and other such devices are just the tip of a very big iceburg.

Many of you will have heard of Multics and probably thought it was obsolete and just a waypoint on the path to the operating systems we have today.

That is only partly true, the hardware and software technology of Multics faded into the mists of time, having done their job and inspired the creation of newer, more achievable, cheaper tech.

The problem is that Multics was not just an OS it was also a business model and that is very much alive and indeed thriving.

The original idea is that people and businesses would not own computers, they would instead rent capacity on giant central computers. All of their data and processes would be kept centrally.

Did you really think cloud computing was a new idea?

Now on the way, the business model of Multics seems to have fallen in love with Orwells 1984 and Alexa is the bastard child of a very unholy alliance.

We tried using Windows 10 for real work and ... oh, the horror


If only

If only there was an operating system that could run on every device from microcontrollers to supercomputers; phones, tablets, watches, desktops, laptops, servers and anything else you can imagine having a computer in it.

An operating system where there was a choice of GUI or even no GUI, which could be accessed via an attached display or over any kind of communications link.

An operating system where a single consistent ecosystem of basic programs means that someone familiar with one device can easily control all other kinds of device that run it.

An operating system which can update all components in place without a reboot.

If only...