* Posts by UNOwen

4 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Mar 2015

Fake Flash update malware targets gullible Apple users


Re: Warning

Boy, are you ever correct.

It seems humanity (esp. Americans) are DE-volving.

I've used macs for a long time, and I DO know what I'm doing, but, every once inn a while, I'll have a question, and whenever I get results back - which come from the Apple boards, 'm utterly gobsmacked at the high-level of utter stupidity.

People who don't know what they're doing, much less talking about - are endlessly giving 'advice,' which well, here's an analogy (I'm making this up); I have 'no-fault' insurance, so, I'm protected, and my car's horn sounds a little-bit off, so, even though I know nothing about auto mechanics, I decide to take apart my entire car - piece-by-piece, and whilst doing this, I come across a 'thingy', which - I just think it's not supposed to be there, so, I looked on Google, to see if anyone else ever saw this 'thingy', and you-know-what? There was some guy, who said if it looks sort of like a fork, but, instead of tines, it's got tweezers, and I knew he knew much more than....'

They're out of their minds.

These are the type of people who think an antI-virus software will 'cure' everything', so no matter what stupid thing they do - what thing pops up on their screen, and says 'click on me', they do, so,thinking; 'nothing bad can happen - I've got antI-virus protection.'

I really have no patience for morons. As I said, I've had Macs a long time, and I do know what I'm doing, and I do take risks, but, in all my years, not ONCE have I EVER had ANY malware, or anything else installed (downloaded yes. NOT installed).

Is Microsoft's chatty bot platform just Clippy Mark 2?


'Bots are the new apps'......


I've never owned/used ANYthing from M'soft, and would laugh at Steve 'Ballbuster's cringe-inducing thickness in running a technology company, but, I DID have some hope for Mr. Nadella.

However - with that one sentence, my slight curiosity, that this company - a company which through it's ability to (poorly) imitate, and/or buy others might - MIGHT - actually - finally be(gin) to head in the right direction.

Apps are NOT 'bots.


They DO have a - A - as in a singular - place, but, are NOT the be-all, end-all of software development.

It' seems to me that as anyone who wants to 'get in on the next big thing' - is looking fort what this might be, and, if Mr. Nadella thinks THIS IS the future, then I've got a lovely bridge to sell him.

Perhaps Clippy could do the negotiations.

Life after Nokia: Microsoft Lumia 640 budget WinPho blower


Here's a wild idea - DON'T waste ANYTHING on the Nokia, er, uh...'Windoze nonsense.

I like the analogy made by The Register; '...biggest mobile device for Microsoft since the days of Zune and Kin…' and we all know how well those things did, don't we?

US Attorney Gen latest to roast Apple, Google mobe encryption


So spoketh Helen Lovejoy ...and now Eric Holder!

I love reading the Register - not only for the insight, but, The Register IS 'savvy.'

By this, I mean, The Register is the ONLY ... ANYTHING I can think of, off-hand, which has the guts to actually call it when it sees it- i.e., 'think of the children' - easily the most lame-brained, and over-used rhetorical tactic (if anyone reading this actually takes 'think of the children' seriously, and does not know the story of this declaratory phrase , read here; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Think_of_the_children).

Thank you - for having guts - in an age of gutless-ness.