* Posts by Celebril

3 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Nov 2014

Boffin imagines Wi-Fi-defined no-shoot zones for wireless weapons


Re: Wrong solution when in fact the problem with guns can be solved easily

Actually, not so easy here in the US. The 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution - our supreme law - essentially defines "reasonable conditions" as being a citizen. One of the reasons gun control advocates here try to "back door" owner databases is that registration/licensure would almost fail legal muster. Taxing the consumer for merely being an owner would fail for similar reasons, as well as being compared to an infringement of rights similar to the attempts at poll taxes from the Jim Crow days.

To do what you suggest would involve amending the Constitution. Not only would the attempt be dead on arrival, but would almost certainly be met with a popular backlash that would reduce or eliminate what gun restrictions do exist. The Left knows this, which is why it has not been tried.


Re: So many obvious issues

The result is correct - fingerprint reading guns not tolerated - but your cause is wrong. The outrage wasn't the gun lobby, it was purely grass roots. There is a real misunderstanding regarding the idea of "gun lobby," especially for those outside the US.

Remember that there are in excess of 300 million guns in the US. Some 100-150 million gun owners. 42% homes have guns. Actual stats are uncertain but almost certainly low, since very few parts of the country are allowed - or even desire - to track gun ownership. Even most of the non-gun owners find their sympathies more likely with the gun rights rather than the gun control crowd.

America has always been a heavily armed society and there is not going to be a change while our system of government stands. Since our inception, gun rights are as precious as the right to free speech, religion or privacy. It's not cultural, it's much deeper. It is a part of the fundamental makeup of America.

That equates to a *very* loud voice. It is the loudest grassroots voice in the nation and frankly, it's one of the single loudest grassroots voices in the developed world. While gun owners do lean conservative, it is a group that crosses party lines as well. THAT is the group that controls gun rights organizations like NRA, SAF and NSSF, not the gun manufacturers. In fact, manufacturers have made conciliatory moves toward gun control folks in the past and have had to rapidly back pedal due to the public backlash.

You're final comment I completely agree with. It is laughably impractical. What may be surprising to many, though, is that the people considered to be on the wrong side by rank-and-file Americans (outside a relatively few urban/progressive centers) would be those in favor of gun control. The issue with "gun violence" in America isn't an issue with guns, it's an issue with violence.

I went a bit long, but I've many friends outside the country and they rarely understand the relationship we have with guns over here. While I don't expect to changes anyone's mind on guns, at least it hopefully gives a bit of understanding of one of our "little quirks."


Too late

This technology already exists. More important, it's been patented. John McHale from TrackingPoint patented this back in 2012. He's a strong 2nd Amendment advocate and the main objective in the patent is to prevent it from going to the market as a gun control method. Their TrackingPoint targeting system inherently made this technology possible, so they took preemptive action.

If I remember, there was a bit of a scruffle a few month ago. He warned Eric Holder that he'd destroy all his technology and research before he'd let it be used as a means of civilian gun control.