* Posts by Binra

14 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Aug 2013

Google security crew sheds light on long-running super-stealthy iOS spyware operation


What if the idea of the 'state' is in effect captured as a proxy or extension of a broad spectrum corporately networked capacity?

What if whether known to Apple or not, agents within its employ set up or leaked the various components independently that can then be drawn together by a third party at some remove?

The ability to conceal toxic debt or intent in complex instruments of packaged obfuscation is part of the attempt of gaining power by the back door (deceit). The essential being to armour against exposure by trails of plausible deniability - which is itself the usurpation of National Security (anywhere) for private agenda.

Rather than make a conspiracy theory - why not see that this is the way the mind works when it no longer trusts, believes or engages in relational communication - not least from believing its own spin.


Re: Entire populations: State sponsored?

What if the idea of the 'state' is in effect captured as a proxy or extension of a broad spectrum corporately networked capacity?

What if whether known to Apple or not, agents within its employ set up or leaked the various components independently that can then be drawn together by a third party at some remove?

The ability to conceal toxic debt or intent in complex instruments of packaged obfuscation is part of the attempt of gaining power by the back door (deceit). The essential being to armour against exposure by trails of plausible deniability - which is itself the usurpation of National Security (anywhere) for private agenda.

Rather than make a conspiracy theory - why not see that this is the way the mind works when it no longer trusts, believes or engages in relational communication - not least from believing its own spin.

What a smashing time, cheer astroboffins: Epic exoplanet space prang evidence eyeballed



Astroboffins get funded to come up with Astrobaffle?

No doubt the simulation was rigorously set up to optimise the model.

Why are electrical forces not openly acknowledged in our Cosmology?

Instead of digging ever deeper into absurdity we could admit we don't know and then identify conjecture as such but analyze evidence to see if it is supported. Its a strange idea I know and will probably never catch on. But perhaps a loss of face - over millions of years - will reveal a more coherent appreciation of Life, the Universe and Everything.

Google: All your leaked passwords are belong to us – here's a Chrome extension to find them


One to rule them all?

From being a corporately captured and managed asset to becoming a digital input is not so big a jump. Doublethink is actually simpler and life outside gridlock is a lie.

I first saw the PR in Trusted Reviews. It great how we can tell everyone what we are so they can simply be serviced. There was nothing in that article that hinted at being captured. At least the Register allows some indication of the underlying nature of 'trusting' Google with all your passwords - albeit without alarm, outrage, warning or protest.

It isn't that privacy is possible - so much as proportionate checks and balances against acquiring undue and overwhelming influence.

It would seem that there is great willingness to get in the nice man's car because he gives away sweeties.

I remember the Internet - before A.I took over...

Are you aware of the gravity of the situation on Mars? Why yes, say boffins: We rejigged Curiosity to measure it


Is Big G truly a universal CONSTANT?

Is Big G truly a universal CONSTANT?

We have extrapolated a model of the Universe upon local conditions applying universally.

Why does G vary on Earth - such as to be replaced by a mathematically mandated 'constant'?

Note that the remote 'Ultima Thule' is also unexpectedly lacking mass and so also asserted to be surprisingly porous.

What exactly is gravity and mass? Newton worked out mathematical laws or ratio and relation as describing the force. mass and actions but we do not understand what gravity is or how it operates. I am attracted to the theory that it is a function of dipolar alignments in electrically charged bodies which (like cells) have negatively charged surface relative to positively charged core. IE: Gravity as a weak but locally significant function of The electrical force.

Ad hoc extensions to a model that does not meet its predictions in empirical observation only serve to make matters dark and lead us into black holes with corresponding budgets to search for the saviour of the MODEL - while a false not only leads astray, but denies the benefits of aligning in a true appreciation - in a broad spectrum of reintegrative alignment back from death by fragmented specialisations under a gov-corps narrative dictate.

Fermi famously asked: 'Where is everybody?' Probably dead, says renewed Drake equation


If you wanted to get away from everyone, you would seek-find a time-space to be 'alone' in all the Universe. If you released that to let the Universe back in, time and space will change to a reintegrated perspective. But first one has to want to get away from Self (what is, as it is), to project the device (false flag) onto everyone else and then separate from (or attack and deny) them, so as to 'have control' over your experience. As a software developer once labelled his dialogs; 'acceptance' or 'denial'. As there is nothing else but reality, denial is the invoking of 'something else' and giving it allegiance over true. This generates the polarity of 'choice' as a focus of a consciousness and with this tool, further divisions can be introduced. Polarised and separated forces, entities, identities operate the 'exclusive' point of view. But What Is, embraces all that it is and extends that awareness as an embracing field of awareness and not a confined meatbrain in a realm of death and taxes. We have both of these perspectives within us - like two 'masters' from which to extend and meet results. Bringing self-illusion to the true, opens a repurposing of illusion and not a destruction of it. But to set up the consciousness of the human development, required a destructive experience - hence the Mythic Cosmological record across Antiquity and our human conditioning in its likeness.


What we call our mind and assume to be a consciousness or a 'life' formed over and against a largely 'dead' universe, may be a trick of the mind.

What would mind be - excepting that which matters to it? In other words minding is a verb for the giving of attention, the beholding of, or experiencing.

What we developed as 'communication' is based upon the predicate of separate minds and lives - but this is a predicate for an experience of Everything through a 'separated off' sense of dissociation.

My sense is that what we call sense is a mindset of conditioned rules that filter a limited and distorted perception (of Everything). The model works well enough within its own rules, but defends against any other perspective and so in effect quarantines or straitjackets itself within the idea of privately possessed or subjective knowledge, power and life. Disguising this in narratives of wishful thinking that draw upon symbols and derivative concepts of life in modelling such an unfolding experience.

That Everything (of which we have no power to separate from and thus define in terms of prediction and control) is always communicating to us in every moment or every thought and experience is blocked by the 'mind-set' of allowed discovery. That this nonetheless is the true creative, leaks into our mind, model and experience in events we assign to personal achievements and discoveries - regardless that this is usurping a native intelligence to 'scientific' rulership - and in historical terms is seen in the invalidating, suppression and denial of native cultural wisdom (ancestry) as the presumption of god (judgemental superiority) backed by weapons and false words (guns and laws).

The basis for communication is not setting the terms of the form of the answer, but of holding a true question and listening for anything from any vector that resonates to our communicated desire.

Fake questions are statements in the form of questions.

It is possible to confine and define ourselves within fake or substitute 'reality' as a way of persisting in the experience. But such a substitution is not aligning true and so is innately conflicting and conflicted. The investment and fascination in the apparent dynamic of conflict is in some sense a freak show for just how 'far out' one can go, into the idea of not life or non-existence.

Looking at All That is and proving non-existence is a strange 'victory' for the sense of lack that drives human development in terms of marketising and weaponising Everything that comes into our range.

For the More of What Is - to communicate to humans - directly, would generate psychotic reaction.

That is, it would serve only to further distantiate. And so leaking into the minds where willingness does not reject occurs over gradual steps toward a qualitative shift of recognition.

'Physical' experience is a true result for the questions or desires that are given forth. Except in the bubble of a fake world, we know not what our unconscious or denied sense of native being is none the less actively operating, and assign cause to external authority/reality while retaining judgement as an expression of a unique and subjecting 'mind'.

Just as the Universe can be seen in many spectra - so is it communicating instantly as charged relations in all its parts, for energy is a carrier for information, and resonant circuitry attunes to serve relevant function. Relevant and relevant to what? To the magnetic desire that attracts purpose of fulfilment. That Existence includes awareness of existence is inherent to All That Is.

The idea of life OUTSIDE Human bounds is an ongoing disclosure. The desire to expand meets the fear of loss of 'control'. Trying to determine the truth of something is different from opening to what is already true but unrecognised. The revealing of the false defences around a sense of self-dissociation, is part of releasing of the idea of control as fearful inhibition and substitution.

That which communicates is the nature of a real relationship. Using others to get from is some kind of contractual social personification of a sense of lack and being thus driven to survive in its terms.

British clockwork radio boffin Trevor Baylis terminally winds down


The operating system is the way the world is thinking now. If it does not fit in, it does not really run.

The way the world is thinking is not concerned with helping so much as masking for validating and funding in the narratives that are set. So dealing with Co2 may not address any of the toxic pollutions that operate at a cellular level to degrade life on Earth, but it is more likely to find support in the narrative driven system of control that is itself the possession and defence of captured revenue streams at expense of true sense.

To align in true sense may not be to gain the world or to gain in terms of the consensual group or society, but it may be to live the live that you are the movement to be instead of 'selling out' to a sense of security.

There are many more tragic denials in our history than this one. He did get recognition and did get to sell working models of his idea. Perhaps he wanted more control over and licensing fees for what he felt was his. Others have spoken into this.

Patents are for by far the most part serving corporate gods that demand human serf-ship.

Don't panic, but.. ALIEN galaxies are slamming Earth with ultra-high-energy cosmic rays


The 'electric universe' of charged plasma as communication of energy and information, is implicit to such observations - but joining up the dots is not allowed so much as gradually leaked to the general public.

Perhaps the term 'alien' rightly belongs to the nature of such thinking - set apart from EVERYTHING as if to define, predict and control... the narrative if not the outcome itself.

Alien thinking cuckolds truly shared Thought - but is it 'other' or is it simply not true - running as a programming in place of true appreciation?

In appreciating our 'energetic' environment or relational field - as a synchronicity rather than of actions of 'parts' upon each other - and the intent of 'understanding' the sum of such 'parts' as if the 'whole', Humpty has not fallen - and all the king's motivations and machinations are redundant. However, the program may now run as the reintegrative movement of being to itself - for all awareness of existence is of the same source nature regardless its screen coordinate 'identity'.

'Space weather' embraces more than 'space' has been designated to be. Awareness is always of tangible witnessing to existence at any and every level. Self-specialness seems to 'set apart' to run its moment of 'victory' over an all embracing unconditional 'love'. "It's love - but not as we know it Jim"

Brit boffins debunk 'magnetic field and cancer' link


In the 1972 book 'pure white and deadly' John Rudkin blew the whistle on sugar. A scientist's career was curtailed as a result. (look it up).

So although it may be true that genuine science is being carried out and fully reported, the mere fact of billion dollar markets makes it likely that some of what is reported is as true as the scientific reports on tobacco were when it was first challenged as a health risk.

BIG money equals significant risk of corruption - doesn't it?

As well as this there is a vast userbase of wifi technologists who enjoys the facility and have become dependent on it in large degree who have an emotional investment in not wanting there to be any issues affecting them unless unequivocally linked. Of course there are adverse effects but these are not from the emf but from privacy, lifestyle and cultural effects.

Pervasive beliefs that technology brings harmful results have greeted most of not all new developments. Isn't that at the root of climate fear? Often the imagined harms are just that, and become laughed at, but the actual costs are of a different kind. One such is that we put more and more of our eggs into one basket - that is to say we become addictively dependent on external systems in ways that actually make humanity redundant - perhaps quite literally- as well as inviting power and wealth to consolidate in the way HG Wells foresaw in his Time Machine.

Fear often works as a self fulfilling prophecy. In a world of many pervasive hazards, one has to feel for the level of risk. Science as reported is not trustworthy - one still has to operate discernment unless one WANTS to outsource all intelligence to externally shifting paradigms. I've always distrusted margarine as industrial effluent and embraced butter as something humanity has been eating for millennia - although modern methods add all sorts of new hazards with anti-biotic drugs and gm crops to cattle - and maybe most of us with a healthy functioning immune system.... oh those few of us whose system hasn't turned against itself...can simply rebalance and detoxify as our natural resilience.

In principle science is the willingnesss and desire to dis-cover truth - which is already true by the way. It only focusses on the empirically material - which does not have a hope of embracing truth as far as I am aware of true - but that doesn't mean it isn't a useful tool - especially if it could be used for truly Cooperative Good instead of weaponizing, monetizing and medicalising Life to serve private agendas, in attempt to define, predict and control it.

Human consciousness is not absent from scientists - nor is is 'controlled' by them either.

Research into Electrical Universal paradigms is not encouraged - since Tesla and others. Perhaps maintaining scarcity is an essential aspect to controlling a system. Perhaps the weaponry of such technology is far too dangerous for what is after all an insane humanity suffering delusions of rationality.

I can postulate a future where the brain is found to be adversely affected in subtle but definite ways that increase and amplify an already sense of disconnected mentality that then presumes to need to control everything because it has lost all empathetic resonance of compassion and communication, with Life, itself and others, and so for those who are still allowed to have such faculty, a tin-hat will be designed to shield the brain.

I would rather imagine a future where life lived and shared in more intimate creative endeavour simply doesn't template such disconnect - and thus doesn't require all the kings horses and all the kings men to try to put it all together again.

MOST iPhone strokers SPURN iOS 8: iOS 7 'un-updatening' in 5...4...


Here's something easily overlooked

No one comments on the article's context - which is one of multi billion dollar market rivalries and 'news' media outlets sowing hatred and provocation in order to either make clickbait out of such rivalry or perhaps profit from 'planting' such headlines in the subconscious - for that is what the corporates and politicos do now. They don't use reasoned honouring modes of communication, but seek to manipulate.

All consumers/readers/populations are to do now is react.

Not unlike a rat-maze, people are conditioned by their OWN reactions that are set up and anticipated in advance.

The framework that is set forth in this provocation of an 'article' is puerile in its appeal. The whole thing stinks but once one reacts to the bait, one is essentially serving to set the framework as if it were discussion rather than propaganda (propagating hates, invalidations and disinfo).

The article says; "Hate Apple" and "Apple are hateful" and uses recent update stats as a cover to attack under.

Those who love to hate, hate to love ...and fear it - or they would not seek out and invest in conflict as an escape for their own lack of substance.

I invite a positive extension of value from news vendors and aggregates. One can be critical within an honest communication. Truly what one gives out is what one gets back. Hating is a form of self-harm. Manipulative deception can seem to get a hit of pleasure and self-righteousness from it in the short term, but mental sickness is neither pleasurable or validating to who you truly are.

Like iPads? Like stuff called AIR? Here's our REVIEW ROUNDUP-squared


It's fair comment to say that Apple used a kind of marketing approach that is now backfiring on them. For a while they were a media darling - because the 'halo affect' also sold copy or made for easy clickbait. Now everyone else is advertising and marketing in a similar fashion and cool is rather cold.

I would prefer if Apple positioned itself to be of service rather than to seduce with shiny products loaded with hype - but they are after all a highly competitive profit seeking global corporation who see service as something to own, monopolize, control, manipulate. In this they are no different from other companies - though the new models of Google and Amazon and Facebook (though admittedly FB don't sell proprietary hardware yet) are selling hardware at a loss or a discount and then selling customers - as well as their customer usage data - to advertisers, corporate entities and any other entity that pays the going rate.

Apple have pluses and minuses - as do others in the marketplace. But in such a billion dollar market how 'independent' is information able to be? Looking at so called articles on any of this device led revolution in global communication society there is scant attention to users as citizens and mostly pandering to consumer-consciousness (and there;s an oxymoron).

Currently I see a 'love to hate' Apple movement. It largely expresses a mob mentality which consolidates what Apple personified so well - the association of a kind of self righteous tribal identity with branded product choices.

The products that are being sold are increasing selling 'identity substitution'. Data mining is only an outgrowth of what advertisers and corporations have been pursuing for decades now; a war on our mind.

This can continue without being openly recognized because the media are so much a party to the same manipulative mentality.

A deep cultural shift that is occurring is in many ways being brought in with such devices but is largely unrecognized by those who are under the spell. The Snowdenball is gathering momentum - and is relevant to the whole business of digital information technology. But NSA are not the only entity seeking to predate upon and manipulate a population of 'users'.

Microsoft investors push for Bill Gates defenestration: report


The 'real world', where customers and workers - except for the very top of the pyramid scheme, are essentially exploited as disposable and replaceable - or manipulatable 'slave assets' of the corporation is an agreement to believe it. It is a logistical outcome of a kind of thinking that has drifted further and further from reality.

Corporate mentality effectively owns and runs nations whoever appears to govern. 'Conspiracy theory' is a term that once associated with information, invalidates it without further investigation. There is always a natural 'conspiracy' of self interest - BUT - according to how we define our self it expresses... as the world we see.

I don't know how much corporate entities CAN incorporate a true responsibility without a groundswell of support for such direction. The customers generally are a sort of cash cow fed with dreams and milked of consciousness - because there is such an enormous demand for unconsciousness! Whilst this is exploited by the clever, it all moves to a world where everything is 'weaponized'. You are indeed bombarded with propaganda and the means of delivery and monitoring grow ever more sophisticated.

Each will simply act to survive in a changing world - but mere surviving is not living. As many workers or would be-workers who are also customers are increasingly coming to realize.

Bringing a sense of value in a willingness for communication means you have to first have it! - much of what seems evil is a template running that no one has brought into awareness. In a clearer sense of share value in shared vision it is MUCH harder for the scammers and manipulators to operate. Therefore they have an active natural - to them self-interest in blocking such a sense of value and will naturally ally themselves with what serves their desire and interpret so as to justify themselves. But they cant SHARE a sense of value in any deep sense and are locked into a mentality that is no more serving them truly than the self-distractive habits of the unmindful.

Bill Gates has been nicknamed the 'Gates of hell' with regard to his involvement in biotech. Well meaning philanthropy? Manipulators are themselves slave to a manipulative mentality that tells them they are free or special and may not know any alternative for they simply see manipulatable data, rivals to its farming, PR props and temporary allies.

Zuckerberg: I want the WHOLE WORLD in my hands


Underneath the alarm and antipathies - what is this about?

The idea/technology/intent of systems that identify personal and social value (Life communicating) as transactions and marketize and weaponize these transactions as means of levering personal control over the system and its outcomes.

The word personal as used above can represent any private interest that has access to the system on the inside; both Corporate, Government or indeed hacker.

But on the outside is no less a control mentality in the construct, presentation and maintenance of a sense of self that 'gets' from its transactions in forms it values.

I'm only sketching here - but the ideas that we accept as to what we are and who life is - are the active determiners of all that comes therefrom. This has always been so.

The scientific split from the non-measurable or non-objectifiable has bequeathed a loveless machine mentality that runs a front end persona-mask as part of its function.

Distraction with persona-realities will delay the appreciation of the wholeness that is essential for meaningful relationships. Of course 'meaningful relationships' can be transacted within the getting system such as to obtain mutual consent - but the true Meaning of all things is not in the parts in themselves nor the relations between the parts minus the whole - but the part-whole relationship. The substitution of a control mentality for the wholeness is one of taking the concept instead of the Living Sharing Knowing Feeling Being.

My sense is that the 'control mentality' is the (Bible's) 'Beast' becoming exposed to plain sight that is also hidden at the foundations of our consciousness. To recognize it in our own mind is to be initially disturbed. But to recognize it as false and NOT use or employ it as a basis for living - OPENS a true Foundation.

It's no good asking about this true foundation - as if to get a 'handle on it' . Do you see what I mean?

It is what you are - or what is being you - when the false foundation is not employed, subscribed to, identified with, energised, reacted from and traded in our world of relations as if it were true currency.

Sure - it feels good to be flowing in the presence of one's true being - but DON'T let that become marketized oir weaponized by deception. To reclaim our life is only necessary to notice and disregard what baited us into a false sense of power and protection.

No one likes to lose what they think they have and power and protection figure LARGE in the mind.

Noticing anything real becomes disallowed if what is uncovered threatens the apparent stability of an upside down mentality. So there is a way of it that comes from a sense of value felt directly and not as provided by 'thinks' whether apparently our own or those 'thinks' by which the system maintain itself in your name.