* Posts by TitterYeNot

703 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Aug 2013


MPs: This paperless health service plan isn't worth the paper it isn't written on


>"Hell, my dogs and horses get complimentary non-proprietary digital copies of their internal images. I'm absolutely certain my vets didn't pay millions, much less billions, for that."

This is true, but I doubt your vet has access to petabytes of image storage that is replicated in real time to a separate data centre in case of disaster, with storage infrastructure that won't allow accidental deletion of patient data because you would need the correct physical key from the storage manufacturer / vendor to do so. It's the redundancy and resilience that costs an arm and a leg unfortunately.

I should add that I don't think this article is referring to the imaging system (that's just one small part of the NPfIT that was actually delivered and mostly works) - it seems to be more about the steaming pile of cluster-fuck that the patient record system turned out to be.

'Symbolic' Grauniad drive-smash was not just a storage fail


Angle grinders? Hard drives and memory chips? Incompetent idiots in charge? I thought this was the latest episode of BOFH for a minute there...

Google goes dark for 2 minutes, kills 40% of world's net traffic


Or someone googled "And you know why I want a cup of tea?"...
