* Posts by Nick Kew

2841 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jan 2007

Fun fact of the day: Voice recognition tech is naturally sexist

Nick Kew

Re: Telephonists

Telephone companies traditionally stated that they employed women telephone operators because their voices were clearer on the line.

That's entirely compatible with the report.

If female *voices* sound more alike than male ones, that would tend to make their *words* easier to follow in adverse circumstances like a noisy/low-bandwidth line.

Poop to save planet as boffins devise bullsh*t way of extracting gas

Nick Kew

Elephant in the room?

Other things being equal (i.e. government funding for hot air), surely the Big Win would be not some variant on anaerobic digestion for farm waste, but a way to harness the human variety. Bonus points for including man's best friend in the scheme.

Stephen Hawking dies, aged 76

Nick Kew


Can't believe noone here has consigned him to the Clacks yet ...

To think, many years ago as a young student in the neighbouring Pure Maths department, I would semi-regularly encounter him in the wheelchair with his helpers, without really knowing who he was. My occasional forays into DAMPT[1] revealed a singularity in the building, that may have been his field.

[1] Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics.

Please, Hammond ... don't hurt 'em: 'Suggestions' time for UK digi tax clampdown

Nick Kew


Who on earth was downvoting your comment?

Not me. Only just read this story, and not voting either way on the comments here.

But the description "cartoon character" looks to me like confusing Milne's childrens books for some film, probably Disney. What's not to downvote about that?

Developer mistakenly deleted data - so thoroughly nobody could pin it on him!

Nick Kew

I shall leave you with this question: if you were placed in the same situation, and had the presence of mind that always comes with hindsight, could you have got out of it in a simpler or easier way?

Yes. Take up a new career writing IT suspense stories. That one looks massively TL;DR, but had me gripped!

Pasties in SPAAAAACE: Cornwall hopes for slice of £50m spaceport cash

Nick Kew

The transatlantic cables bring no benefit locally. It's not like, say, a Nigerian oil pipeline we can tap in to and help ourselves. It's just disruption when they dig up the roads.

Special funding for rural broadband is an altogether different question.

I'm sure your tongue was in your cheek there, but it brought back memories of the time when both my on-road routes to work (about six miles at the time) were dug up.

UK takes first step towards criminalising driverless car hackers

Nick Kew

Re: Fighting "planned" obsolescence.

Stick to open source. With a robust dev community.

Or, better, never own a car. Just summon one with your app when you need it. Advantage: the bigco managing a whole fleet of them is better-placed than the individual to ensure support doesn't get pulled.

Nick Kew

Re: Manufacturers should be liable

Would we also have a case like with the aviation industry where a fault can lead to the grounding of all similar planes until the problem is fixed?

Striking a balance between that and a regular product recall is presumably the kind of thing on the current agenda.

Sacked saleswoman told to pay Intel £45k after losing discrim case

Nick Kew

Re: Legal Costs

That's what happens if you get taken to court.

But in this case, wasn't it her who went to court? Not so unfair when it's a consequence of your own action.

Nick Kew

Representing herself could simply be all she could afford. That's not unusual, and the hot air we occasionally get about "equality of arms" when a highly-trained barrister faces some poor sod who has no choice is meaningless.

Though come to think of it, scrub that. She did have a choice - just put Intel behind her and get on with life. Not a victim after all.

Half the world warned 'Chinese space station will fall on you'

Nick Kew

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern will die

In September 2011 it was a US satellite coming down, and I blogged about it:

"A NASA satellite is crashing to earth, out of control. Noone knows where it will land, but the chattering classes have been speculating on the risk of humans getting hit by it.

I just heard Prof. David Spiegelhalter on the wireless telling us the risk of getting hit was similar to the chance of 44 consecutive Heads on tossing a fair coin.

The Stoppard fans among us know that 44 times is nothing. Do we need to resort to an Infinite Improbability Drive?"

Good luck saying 'Sorry I'm late, I had to update my car's firmware'

Nick Kew

Re: Let's get physical

Very cheap, yes. But surely subject to the same security concerns as a software update: an imposter could brew up a ROM containing malware, at a cost that's a drop in the ocean compared to a home or car system. Security again boils down to a cryptographic chain of trust.

How do SIM cards authenticate? That looks like a framework for pushing out a handshake. Having a SIM card manage security of signed updates, whether of hardware or software, should surely be feasible.

Nick Kew

Re: A new cause for concern

Not sure that's entirely new: rather it's a new face on a well-known issue. We've seen it online where a domain changes hands from someone trusted (and linked from respected sources) to someone evil. Not a private key, but a level of trust that might count for just as much.

The more interesting question is, who is thinking about it? You can mitigate: for example, IoT company's insurers to hold keys and revocation certificates in escrow, but who will make that a code of practice?

Ex-Google recruiter: I was fired for opposing hiring caps on white, Asian male nerds

Nick Kew

Re: Won't somebody think of the....

I remember a lady programmer telling me about how she had to fix the walks of a game's female characters, because the blokes had no idea the hips worked differently.

Was she really a programmer? Sounds more like a visual/arty kind of person. Yeah, OK, she could be someone who wears more than one hat, but really! How many programmers do you suppose give a d*** about the accurate depiction of the gait of cartoon characters in a game?

OK, I expect having someone with her eye for detail probably improved the eventual game. Diversity of talents is good, though totally different from "diversity" imposed for SJW reasons.

Nick Kew


To respect your wishes I'll address you as "Dear Anonymous Coward".

Thank you, but there was absolutely no need for that. The reason for anonymity was that, in my judgement, it seemed entirely appropriate to what I was writing that you should read it "blind". If you read it before googling for the origin then my anonymity served it's purpose. If not ... well, there's no compulsion to play along.

And yes, I was aware as I wrote that a reader could probably identify me (only probably, because I couldn't be arsed to verify it for myself). After all, I even mentioned the possibility of googling me in the text!

Nick Kew

Re: Assumptions

I always find it amusing that (typically) conservative white males leap to the assumption that the women and under-represented recruits are "token", "mediocre", or somehow less-than them.

I always find it amusing that (typically) white male SJWs jump to utterly unjustified conclusions about what other people think. If I were to say "my application failed because the quota was already filled", I'm not saying I'm better than a black female candidate who got the job. Merely that our respective merits were never considered, and no-one has made a judgement either way.

She may very well be better than me (we'll never know), but even so she wasn't recruited on merit. And that should bother her too, if she has self-respect.

Exactly as is alleged to be happening at Google.

ObDisclaimer: I've never applied to work at Google, though I've had my share of spam from their recruiters. In common with, I suspect, most Reg commentards.

Nick Kew

This looks the most interesting

With other ex-googler cases, it's about touchy-feely and subjective things like a hostile workplace environment. This one looks much more like objective discrimination issues: is it happening, and is it legal? Looks like a good one to follow.

BOFH: Honourable misconduct

Nick Kew

Re: I think I even have a script for that.

I've been trying to sell a TV series based on the BOFH for ages now - after getting the OK from Simon to draw on his stuff, I completed seven scripts and tried to get production companies interested

Ooh! Good luck with that. I wonder what level of cliqueiness you're up against with the production companies that have the ear of telly commissioners?

For me to make suggestions is probably a case of teaching granny to suck eggs, but ... have you tried thinking through your customer's mindset? For example, making Simon's alter ego a female would tick a huge box with the BBC in terms of representing women in central roles, without seriously impacting on the story lines. Just wondering!

Euro Commission gives tech firms an hour to take down terror content

Nick Kew

How fine-grained?

Taking discussion from the abstract to the specific and well-known, how fine-grained should censorship be?

Should the entire Bible be banned, or only those extensive passages that explicitly glorify acts of terror, genocide, and war?

And what about works derived from the Bible's terror content? Like the Dixit Dominus, the slaughter to put the greatest 20th century monsters in the shade? Or the story of Elijah - the great role model for Bin Laden? Or small-scale terrorist acts like the suicide bomber Samson?

Boffins baffled as AI training leaks secrets to canny thieves

Nick Kew

Stands to reason

Humans in particularly sensitive activities[1] have long operated on a need-to-know basis.

Occasionally we hear of a dog or other animal being killed because it knows too much and would reveal something to an enemy.

If the "I" in AI is to mean anything, we're into the same situation.

[1] Including some that are sensitive only because the glare of publicity would reveal monumental waste of taxpayer funds, and such things.

UK watchdog Ofcom tells broadband firms: '30 days to sort your speeds'

Nick Kew

@ rh587

Virgin speeds as in this speed, or maybe this ?

I wouldn't mind slow speeds so much if only the buggers could be contacted to fix it when they grind to a halt altogether! A much higher priority for Ofcom should be to insist on a functioning customer service!

Revealed: UK.gov's 'third direction' to keep tabs on spies' potentially criminal activities

Nick Kew

Re: The UK government *really* likes its secrecy.

Open government.

Defeated by Sir Humphrey in the very first episode of the first series of Yes, Minister.

Stop us if you've heard this one: Ex-Googler sues web giant claiming terrible treatment. This time, sex harassment

Nick Kew

Re: Something biblical ..

Damn, keyboard trouble. Meant to add a pseudo-Wildeian quip.

To suffer one discrimination lawsuit might be considered a misfortune. Three looks like ...

Nick Kew

Something biblical ..

.... as ye sow, so shall ye reap ...

A workplace that obsessively naval-gazes about issues of identity politics, finds identity politics comes back to bite. Who's next?

Brit spooks slammed over 'gentlemen's agreement' with telcos to get mass comms data

Nick Kew


There seems to be a missing element to this story.

Did the telcos (all of them?) just roll over and provide data on request? Or did they at least insist on some form of Due Process? Wouldn't the latter in itself create a documented evidence trail (at least in theory)?

And did all our telcos behave exactly the same? Or is the story glossing over something, or perhaps generalising from a single GCHQ-telco relationship?

Full shift to electric vans would melt Royal Mail's London hub, MPs told

Nick Kew

@ Doctor Syntax

In the case of the Swansea Lagoon, the environmental effects have been studied probably more extensively than any other proposed project, and found to be extremely benign compared to other human things. Like houses or cars, let alone power stations.

One of the followup projects planned by the Swansea folks - building on the Swansea experience - is a bigger lagoon at Bridgewater, that'll not only generate power, but also help protect against flooding. If you believe the Somerset Levels are land - and value peoples houses, businesses, farms, and some of our best cheeses - that sounds like a positive benefit.

London's postal vans want a depot somewhere out Essex way, with some local tidal capacity. It won't be as much as in the Bristol Channel, but those Thames Estuary and North Sea tidal flows are still strong enough to be clearly visible from space.

Cryptocurrencies kill people and may kill again, says Bill Gates

Nick Kew

Suddenly, all is revealed!

So that's the reason for Windows's long history of Not Working, and of subverting other systems by disrupting the standards that enable us to communicate.

They've been fighting a rearguard action all along, to protect us from buying dangerous things!

4G found on Moon

Nick Kew

Re: And if there are any problems just call our hotline

8 seconds? Luxury!

Delay over four weeks (and counting) trying to contact Virgin Media's customer services.

EE: Data goes TITSUP* for Brit mobile customers

Nick Kew

Just fine here

EE 4G was just fine this morning here in the southwest. Long may it continue!

Unlike Virgin cable, where not a ping has been seen since about midnight.

Voice assistants are always listening. So why won't they call police if they hear a crime?

Nick Kew

On hold

Oh yes please. Alert the emergency services when I'm on forever-hold trying to call someone's customer services modelled on Kafka's castle. Preferably before rather than after the rising blood pressure leads to a fatal heart attack.

Better still, as soon as the "on hold" becomes a yob screaming too aggressively.

When clever code kills, who pays and who does the time? A Brit expert explains to El Reg

Nick Kew

Re: Accountability is important.

Indeed. The article talks of "the programmers". Given that the word programmer commonly applies to some of the most junior folks in the $bigco, and that they may have little freedom to Get It Right, I can see two interpretations that work:

(1) They mean holding the developer corporately liable.

(2) They're already anticipating an exercise scapegoating the innocent.

Why not talk about the the interesting questions, like responsibility for software components (libraries, etc), and the distinction between proprietary and open-source?

New Google bias lawsuit claims company fired chap who opposed discrimination

Nick Kew

Re: Google are evil, because humans are evil.

Actually, having now taken a look at Damore's legal complaint[1], Chevalier doesn't appear particularly unpleasant/abusive. He's one voice among many, and by no means at the extreme.

What he (or indeed Damore) may have done elsewhere is a whole nother question.

[1] It starts well, but also seems to indulge in manufactured outrage that looks a lot like what the SJWs themselves go in for.

Nick Kew

Re: Google are evil, because humans are evil.

Interesting comments. Perhaps some journalist might investigate the reality of it.

'Cos if this turns out to be what he's really like, one could be tempted to speculate on whether and why we're being prompted to compare a man who politely expressed an opinion (albeit a dissident opinion) with an utter s**t.

Nick Kew


The fact, as I see it,

Erm .....

is that the difference between male and female brains is not significant,

Evidence? Or is that pure blind prejudice?

(Note, I'm not saying you're wrong. I retain an open mind on the evidence of differences).

and that there is a wider range of difference within male brains or female brains han between male and female.

That at least is uncontroversial, though it's often presented as a red herring in arguments, as if it negates actual differences.

Nick Kew

Noone should be dismissed just for having views. One hopes there's more to justify it both these cases than has been revealed in these columns.

In the Damore case, quite a lot is known, including what he actually wrote. In this case, less is known, leaving open (on simple Bayesian principles) a higher likelihood that his dismissal was indeed merited.

Batteries are so heavy, said user. If I take it out, will this thing work?

Nick Kew

Re: Flip phones & their users are evolutionary dead ends?

I much prefer a mini-keyboard to a touchscreen.

Doesn't mean I want a flipphone: far too fat in the pocket. I just want my old Nokia E71, or as second-best a similar-sized blackberry of the same era.

Nick Kew

Re: Electrons

And why doesn't a battery get lighter due to leaky electrons?

Electrons are lighter than hydrogen.

And if you fill something with hydrogen, it gets lighter.

Ergo, leaking electrons make the battery heavier.

Nick Kew

in Notepad (or whatever the equivalent was in 1992)

There were vi clones around at the time.

I recollect one called pcz that did a decent job on smallish text files, but was completely unable to load anything big. Never investigated, but I suspect there was a 16-bit size somewhere in there.

Or maybe that was another vi clone, and pcz was better than that. Damn, no memory for that kind of detail.

World's cyber attacks hit us much harder in past year – major infosec chief survey

Nick Kew

Re: Back of a fag packet

Of course. My point is, they should have given us a better idea of what that actual sample was. Without that[1], the figure is meaningless.

[1] You might argue it's meaningless either way, but that's a different argument.

Nick Kew

Back of a fag packet

A quick google finds a not-too-outdated estimate that there are 5.2 million businesses in the UK. If we take the article at face value, that would suggest losses of 5.2m * 500k, or 2.6 billion. That being, good British billions, not those US imposters: in US numbers it's 2600 billion. Which is something round about our entire GDP.

Hmmm. Something pretty fundamental is missing - like telling us what they're actually talking about.

This job Win-blows! Microsoft made me pull '75-hour weeks' in a shopping mall kiosk

Nick Kew

@ Pen-y-gors

I gently explained the idea that a definition of professional is 'paid to do something' and that the opposite is 'amateur' - does something for fun without pay.

Good for you.

You evidently didn't graduate into a big recession. That's one life-circumstance that's out of our individual control. Studies have shown that the self-confidence (or otherwise) that comes from graduating into a good or a difficult jobs market stays with most of us throughout working life. The term "lost generation" is sometimes applied to cohorts who graduated at the wrong time, while your lot thrive.

Kudos if you're the rare exception, but it seems most unlikely.

Nick Kew

Re: To be honest...

Never mind Microsoft. What employer ever behaved substantially differently?

I was brought up with the idea that doing as many hours as it takes (unpaid) was precisely what distinguishes a professional job from a unionised blue-collar one.

Though a change in that culture would perhaps be no bad thing. If she can contribute to that then good on her!

Careful with the 'virtual hugs' says new FreeBSD Code of Conduct

Nick Kew

Re: What is a 'hug' ?

Meanwhile in the physical world. If I'm out walking, I'll expect to meet random people and domestic animals.

With my own species I can exchange a friendly greeting. Not all of them, but many are fine with it, and some even like to extend it to a good natter.

With our canine friends, I can exchange something more physical: a pat on the back, a tickle behind the ears, even a hug. Again, not all of them, but friendly individuals will bound up to me and introduce themselves. Obviously no power games, no question of sexual politics, just a physical expression of being friendly.

And I sometimes think, what kind of a world is it where such casual friendship can only come from a different species!

A print button? Mmkay. Let's explore WHY you need me to add that

Nick Kew

Re: No user story

There was a very good reason for you to read it. You've posted (to date, at least) the most insightful comment on the article.

Nick Kew

@ Prst. V.Jeltz

So the programmer is now responsible for ...

... for pointing out when a request appears to make no sense.

When some PHB asks you for a print button in a webpage, do you

(a) add a "print" button because you know no better

(b) add a button labelled "print", and surreptitiously check PHB's browser settings for what will work for him?

(c) point out that print is a browser function, and that to do it from a web page is at best re-inventing a wheel, and at worst a security hole (when someone compromises their own security so it'll "work" for them).

OK, the webpage is one scenario among many. In another case, the arguments might be different, and a sensible outcome might include the button. But I suspect that's not the kind of scenario where your programmer is pushing back against a request.

Developer recovered deleted data with his face – his Poker face

Nick Kew

Re: If you can't dazzle them with brilliance ...

You are Wally AICMFP.

UK.gov calls on the Big Man – GOD – to boost rural broadband

Nick Kew

Re: Good stuff but a sticking plaster fix ...

Hang on - I'm a rural business, and bandwidth means I can Skype (or Zoom, or hangout, or whateerthehellcustomerwants) in to meetings

Yep. That's what 2Mb/s ADSL broadband did for me when it arrived in 2004. Made all the difference to my ability to work.

Having twenty times faster than that now is nice, but makes very little difference. Except when it fails.

Nick Kew

Re: Good stuff but a sticking plaster fix ...

You don't need modern broadband speeds for exchanging red tape with government, no matter how extensive the forms farmers deal with. If farmers need it for business, it'll be their fancy precision equipment. Perhaps if things like the drone-mounted video camera and the smart combine harvester are exchanging data in real time via the cloud ...

I wrote some thoughts on rural broadband a while back. The priority should be ADSL-grade always-on connectivity; superfast is not an issue.

UK.gov's Brexiteers warned not to push for divergence on data protection laws

Nick Kew

That applies in all areas of regulation for anyone trading in both UK and EU. As soon as our regulations diverge from theirs, it's a doubling of Red Tape. Particularly onerous in areas where compliance costs millions - like getting new medicines approved.

If this laptop is so portable, where's the keyboard, huh? HUH?

Nick Kew


I had a crippling RSI some years back. Learned to use a mouse left-handed. And gave up some mouse-intensive ways of wasting time.

It took quite a while - many months of often-severe pain - but the RSI went away. Now I can use a mouse (or a laptop device) with either hand. And perhaps most importantly, I know the early signs of RSI, and can modify my computing behaviour any time it threatens.