* Posts by Dan Paul

1582 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2007

40 Foxconn staff hospitalised after CAMPUS RIOT

Dan Paul

Almost all Chinese goods are made with Slave Labor

If you do business with the Devil, be prepared to be impaled on his horns.

Google acts against prostitution app after complaints from Congress

Dan Paul

Google & Craigslist actually help stop the Pimps, so could this App!

If prostitution is legal in the UK and Canada (now), allowing prostitutes to use Google or Craigslist will actually help to cut out the Pimps (middleman) that are usually responsible for the violence to women and "trafficking".

The girls get the best "Work from Home" scheme avaialble and they get to keep ALL the money becuase they don't have to pay off cops, lawyers or pimps. If they could band together, they could afford health care too!

When can we get rid of all laws that are based in puritanism? Should have happened with the separation of Church & State.

Did genetically modified food cause giant tumours in rats?

Dan Paul

Is this why dogs are having so many cancerous tumors these days?

Several friends of mine pet dogs have had repeated large tumors like shown and eventually died. All of these animals have had a diet of dry dog food, comprised mainly of corn.

'How I CRASHED my bank, stole PINs with a touch-tone phone'

Dan Paul

Now where is my Cap'n Crunch Whistle?

Phone phreaking used to be so much fun back in the day. Free local or long distance from any pay phone, oh the memories...

Thomas-Rasset faces $220,000 file-sharing bill after losing appeal

Dan Paul

I hear Canada Calling you....... Jammie.


You have only one choice, file bankruptcy and steal away in the night to any foreign country that does not recognize the MPAA or US extradition. Hint, you can get to Cuba from Canada. I hear it's quite nice there after Hurricane season. Or I hear the Ecquadoran Embassy is taking in boarders.

I publicly apologize for the sheer stupidity and financially retarded behaviour of the American Justice System (Now owned by the MPAA and soon to be the very definition of the word, Oxymoron)

Are you frikking kidding me? A maximum of $150,000 per occurence and $9,250 per song??


This entire LAW and the CASE should have been overturned on the grounds that the "punishment does not fit the so called crime", Cruel and Unusual Punishment, "Suing for a sum certain in damages" are all appeal possibilities in a real world without undue MPAA influence peddling.

What actual Damage occurred? The cost of a even 1,000 CD's does not equal this judgement. Regardless of the limits other laws state that there has be some basis in reality when determining the fines.

Unequal treament under the law is another venue but she has witless lawyers. They don't fine other white collar criminals like they are doing to her and amking any kind of "example" out of this woman is definitely unequal treament.

Where is the argument about collusion and influence peddling by the record companies that obviously influenced the Judges decision?

Who'll save the 100 most endangered species? Microsoft, apparently

Dan Paul

Anthropomorphism rears it's ugly head

Nature just is. Man likes to make more of things than there actually is, adding qualities (or values) to animals or nature that only exist in the mind of man.

Taobao shoots pirates on Hollywood's orders

Dan Paul

China - A good place to send MPAA Stormtroopers

Please send them all over to China so they can be "Disappeared" and the rest of the world can rest easy that the MPAA are "Doing their job" (In the slave labor camps of Foxconn)

UK ice boffin: 'Arctic melt equivalent to 20 years of CO2'

Dan Paul

Anonymous Cowards

Hey, El Reg....I have a great idea, let's ban all Anonymous Coward comments wherever there is any chance of discussion of Global Warming issues.

Emotional baggage

Dan Paul
Thumb Down

Does your son need the class to graduate this semester??

I had a similar issue in the US and since I needed the one course to graduate that semester, I went to the Dean and complained.

Turns out that a public college is required to provide courses needed to graduate regardless of the number of attendees. That all worked out because the rest of the people in my curricula signed up for the course when it became available.

Obama platform: 'Open' internet, strong IP protection

Dan Paul

RE: Open Platform "Unwilling to work but happy to steal"

I beg to differ. That's not Obama, that's Romney and the rest of his fatcat RICH bastard buddies who even make you bring your own vaseline.

The total number of people ACTUALLY on Welfare are approximately 15 million or roughly 4% of the population. Statistically, that's not too bad compared to most European countries.

I won't argue that some of the Welfare recipients cases need to be checked out to ensure they are not cheating. This is what we get when the government tries to help people in need without having checks and balances. Tough to fix this one.

Unfortunately the GOP is throwing numbers around like 100 million but that includes anyone on Social Security and Medicaid/Medicare. Lies and politics are inseparable.

There are approximately only 3 million receiving unemployment benefit at this time and that number is decreasing. Nothing being said by GOP or FOX ever seems to add up.

In the mind of the Republicans, you were never supposed to suffer a debilitating disease, accidental death of the breadwinner, or other calamity without getting a life insurance benefit to support you or living on your inheritance.

They believe you should be paying through the ass for life or other form of insurance that poor people cannot afford instead of getting some help from the government via the Unemployment Insurance you have been paying all these years.

Let's not mention all the other MANDATED insurance that their RICH cronie lobbyist friends have made it law that you must pay. Private Mortgage Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, Auto Insurance, Health Insurance, each of which are paid mostly because some RICH bastard legislated a way to steal another pound of flesh from you. These are the same people who decided that your everyday health insurance (in the US) has nothing to do with your eyes or your teeth because those aren't worked on by "real doctors". They are the ones who created the "Diagnostic codes" that determine whether you get any bloody coverage at all. Afterall if you own the insurance company you would not want to pay any claims right?

These are the "Job Creators" as we are told. Except they are deliberately holding back "creating jobs" until they get "one of their own" in power to ramrod through more legislation that will leave the common man even more bloodied, laying in the street begging for mercy. What part of that does not sound like outright treason?

We all know the RICH can always afford to spend money, on ANYTHING. Poor people are instead worrying if their meager salary will pay the rent and still have money left over for food, let alone insurance.

The RICH have always conspired to milk the common man out of every penny they can, so that same man cannot raise himself up to compete with the RICH on a open, common playing field. Read about the Molly McGuires and the Railroad and Mining Barons and you'll see what I mean. Romney and the GOP wants to bring back indentured servitude by the cut of his jib.

The US will never have the kind of Social Services that Canada, the UK or Europe have even though those programs are reasonably beneficial. Too bad really because the only ones ever making any real money are the ones who need it the least and they conspire to deny good wages and benefits to those who need them.

I ask you, who really NEEDS an income level in the millions? Why can't they pay an equitable % share in taxes to the 28% I do? Do they need a 8,000 square foot home taxed at the same overall rate as my $90,000 house? They should pay more local taxes than I do, but they don't.

The trouble is that the rest of us are just too poor to buy our own political representation like the RICH can. Until that changes, good luck.

Nokia tears wraps off new Windows Phone Lumias on steroids

Dan Paul

Calling Anonymous Cowards Everywhere

Just asking...Has anyone noticed that there always seem to be a multitude of AC's commenting negatively about any new smarthone/tablet that is not Crapple (tm). Now especially prevalent since there are Nokia/WP8 phones finally at the forefront?

Is this how big brave Apple spins competitors product announcements these days? Paid AC's whose only job it is to write some derogatory comment on a blog somewhere?

Never was there a better description of an "iposters" handle than Anonymous Coward.

At least have the courage of your own convictions and use your actual handle. Or do you actually make your living off Nokia or Microsoft oh chicken hearted one.

Is there any room for an objective viewpoint anymore or has the whole tech world polarized themselves into a proverbial corner just like US politics has?

It's a sad day when comments sections become infected by shills.

'World's first' dog to sniff out pilfered cabling is Brit black lab

Dan Paul

RE: @ Charles 9 "I Hope"

Folks, what Steve Evans was alluding to was the fact that these thieves BURN the insulation off the copper wire because stripping it off manually takes too much time. The copper is quite oxidized at that point so any chemical or scent markers would probably be useless.

The burning of the PVC insulation also causes toxic off gassing including the creation of Dioxin which you may note is one of the more toxic pollutants available. (See Times Beach or Love Canal)

We just had someone steal our main power feed wires between the transformer and the building (480 VAC 3 phase 1200 amp service) during a weekend and it was all live. A pair of plastic insulated rachet loppers (Big pruning shears) and some good high voltage gloves are all that is required.

We ended up putting a large metal shield over the groung level portion of the wiring and installing cameras.

The solution is to further regulate the junkyard operators and have inspectors come to each of these junkyards at least once a month to identify the copper cabling which is pretty easy once you see what it looks like. Most industrial wiring is quite large diameter. The residential stuff is more difficult. The hardest to identify is copper water piping or roof flashing. A log of the persons bringing in ANY COPPER will provide a trail to start from.

Make it a felony to accept ANY stolen metals with a mandatory $500,000 fine and 20 years in jail. The junkers will stop accepting stolen stuff pretty quickly. Then require a photocopy of a photo ID from the person bringing in the copper as part of the records. Don't think that junkers don't have that kind of money because anyone who has a reasonably large junkyard is a millionaire in most cases.

RIP Neil Armstrong: The reluctant American hero

Dan Paul
Thumb Up

RIP Mr. Armstrong

I was 12 years old when you walked on the moon and it still stands as one of the most memorable days in my life. You and your compatriots changed the world that day, giants standing on the shoulders of many, reaching to touch the very hand of God.

My most sincere condolences to his family, he and his type will be sorely missed. Godbless and Godspeed.

Reagan slams webmail providers for liberal bias

Dan Paul

We all know that Politicians are liars yet we continue to listen.

Why is that?

Politics in the USA has been a two party mudslinging nightmare since the inception of the country. You should see some of the campaign ads from the 1800's for and against Lincoln and other presidents.

Obviously we are incapable of learning from our mistakes. The media is as responsible for political lying and violence as gun toting psychos are.

Fox "News" perpetuates unbelievable lies and half truths every day. The latest with the "You didn't build your business" misquotes and even showing the damn tee shirts. Ah ha ha ha go the stupid talking heads on Fox & Friends because they have begun to believe their own bullshit.

Where are libel and slander laws? Talking like that about ANY President in the 40's, 50's & 60"s would have gotten you a trip to Leavenworth Kansas let alone Guantanamo Bay today.

We need a three party system right now to break the logjam and we also need to civilly arrest and sue every senator and congressman for theft of services and recover their salaries for the last 4 years of obstructionist bullshit. (On BOTH sides of the aisle).

Maybe then they will get the message

Hard-up Kodak selling consumer film biz

Dan Paul

Deliberate Mismanagement by Antonio Perez


This is nothing new, it was discussed years ago and has been part of Carly Fiorina's protege's (Perez) plan for a long time. Unfortunately, Perez's actions are no longer rare in business but they are completely deliberate. Much more of the same if Romney is voted in.

They are using the HP/GE management philosophy to "Maximize shareholder profits at the expense of an entire companies' heritage and brain trust".

They are literally burning Kodak to the ground. They already sold most of their film making technology to the Chinsese in 2006. I know because a good friend was literally held captive against his will in China while they finished the new plant.

They will reap everything they can from the sale of their intelectual properties, give all the profit to the shareholders (mostly to themselves) and eventually sell off the printer business to HP or Lexmark.

If there is anything left, they will just fire everyone and go bankrupt so they don't have any pension and environmental liabilities.

Ice core shows Antarctic Peninsula warming is nothing unusual

Dan Paul

Opposite Viewpoints are not wrong, unpopular but neccessary.

Why is it that I get 9 downvotes for stating that Lewis Page and Andrew Orlowski are simply providing counterpoint to the obviously biased AGW supporters? This post should garner some more...

Is it because those normally "Anonymous Cowards" who never post under a real name can't stand to hear anyone making a rational argument against their "New Religion"?

I have nothing bad to say about cleaning up your environmental act wherever possible but it has to be both fiscally and socially responsible while being leagally and technically equitable.

I will say this now and forever... AGW is a baldfaced lie promulgated by people whose agenda it is to destroy the ability of the Western World to live at it's current level of comfort. Climate change is not caused by man but a naturally occuring cycle that can be easily seen if the science is unclouded by F.U.D.

The "Green" agenda is designed to make our collective economy tank while raising that of other countries who DO NOT comply with ANY ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS at all.

The western world has already done plenty to clean up our air and water. At this time, doing any more is not financially feasible. However, pound for pound even minimal cleanup in Central and South America, China, Asia, Russia, Indonesia, Africa would provide greater environmental benefit and results than any major changes in Europe, or North America.

It is a plain and simple fact that no one from the "Green Movement" will ever try to force THOSE nations to actually do anything to clean up their act.

This irrational green baloney is just part of the one world government, one currency, rich oligarchs versus the middle class & poor conspiracy that no one wants to acknowledge. It's a lot easier to conquer a bankrupt country than a fiscally sound one

The western world is already on the edge of financial collapse. Don't let Green Religion overtake actual Science and push us all over the cliff. Our "Fearless Leaders" and the Chinese are already doing a great job at sending us back to the Stone Age.

Dan Paul

Lewis is only providing an opposite but valid Skeptic viewpoint that counters the AGW PR

Nearly every article produced by so called "Scientists" seems to have a very pronounced slant towards AGW. As LP says in the last paragraph "more reminiscent of religion than science".

Lewis Page and Andrew Orlowski provide needed counterpoint to those articles.

In this Nature article, it is quite apparent that the press release headlines and leader paragraphs are exacerbating fear/uncertainty/doubt at the expense of unbiased reporting, not unlike the Register or any other magazine does to grab attention.

The actual articles in Nature seem to only "mildly" contradict the headlines so where is the truth? The graphs certainly show something that contradicts the AGW argument that mankind is the sole cause of warming.

The "Truth" sure does not appear to be presented in Nature magazine that much is certain.

Mr Bank Manager, help yourself to my smartphone contents

Dan Paul

No one ever heard of long range RFID????

I assume you have RFID for highway tolls in the UK like we have using "Easy Pass". Reads the card on the window or license plate as you drive 90 mph.

With a little hacking, those same large high power antennae can read your card right in your pocket as you walk down the street. The power for the card signal comes via induction from the reader not the card. The higher the power, the greater to distance between the card and reader can be.

What's to stop a slightly smaller high power version from scanning your card in a crowded subway or bar?

Absolutely nothing, and phone companies are not regulated like banks and credit card companies are so you stand a very good chance of never recovering that money.

McAfee puts Barnaby Jack on car-jacking hackers' case

Dan Paul

Re: Car hacking? Who needs Kevin Mitnick when you have a canbus adapter & software?

The guy up near the top of the thread talking about CANbus is your first clue. CANbus is a common industrial automation protocol used in almost every auto today. Check http://www.canbushack.com/blog/index.php for some interesting info.

Dan Paul

McAfee?????????? Please God no!!!!!

<SARCASM> Really, McAfee? This will be the death of the automobile as we know it. Might as well get a new bicycle now before the price goes up. Norton wouldn't be any better.

First, the car will take over ten minutes to start because their antivirus is such a miserable resource hog, then it will only allow you to drive it to the dealer because it will need an update about everytime you start it. Next, driving it anywhere near another vehicle will cause both vehicles to temporarily shut down while they scan each other for viruses. During scanning or updating the vehicle will lock the doors and windows and turn off all other functions. For your own safety, you will not be able to leave the vehicle until the scan or update is done. Unfortunately, the update will corrupt the master boot record so the vehicle is locked in an endless cycle of update and reboot. The end result is that millions will die from being locked in their cars.

Tree hugging carbon credit junkies will finally get their wish as millions die and the rest are forced to walk everywhere. 40% of the remainder die of heart attacks because they now had to walk. The overwhelming unbalance in favor of the remaining unwashed hippies finally tips the vote in favor of wind energy. All regular power plants are shutdown and those who know how to run them are killed for crimes against the enviroment. Unfortunately, a cold snap happens and the winter temps dip below -10 F for two months and the rest of humanity outside of the equatorial regions freezes to death.<SARCASM>

Merde! French Prez palace blueprints nicked from cable layer

Dan Paul

No encryption at all is my bet

Not that we'll ever know for sure, but I'm willing to bet that these were simple Autocad or PDF files that were never encrypted to begin with. It all has to do with the level of detail in the drawings. If they were simple circuits or one line diagrams then not much damage would have been done. If this went out to bid, there would have been so many people looking at them that there could not have been any real concern about security. Just one company could have had 10 people with access to the plans.

The REALLY secure stuff doesn't have any plans to begin with. You bid from a "Narrative" of the work involved and guess from there.

I can't say too much but I have seen plans for Federal Prisons that had less security than those for your local Starbucks. Some "private" bids are far more secretive such as a new Yogurt plant being built nearby. You would have thought they were building missile silos in the '50's.

No way Moto: Chinese workers protest Google job cuts

Dan Paul

Re: Karma is a bitch isn't it?

PLEASE Let me know when it happens to you so I can GLOAT. I saw what happened to people from the Motorola plant here in Buffalo as well as the Delphi plant in Lockport, NY.

Offshoring IS as TREASONOUS as "Terrorism".

You must be one of those "Manager" types, with no conscience or morals.

There are FAR better ways to deal with economic turndowns than use that as the excuse to ship jobs permanently overseas. Reduced hours is one way. Getting rid of upper level management is another (however unlikely).

The so called "Free Market" is not "free" and never has been. Somebody (other than the "freemarket capitalist") always ends up paying, often with their lives.

BTW, it is NOT one of the "founding principles of the US".

It is however the founding principle of the "Robber Baron" class like Astor, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan et al that raped both the land and the people of this country for the mighty dollar.

Those are the class of people that Romney is trying to elevate as his heroes.

Dan Paul

Karma is a bitch isn't it?

Ask the thousands of US Motorola workers how they felt when all of their jobs originally went to China.

I have said it before and I'll say it again. OFFSHORING JOBS IS TREASON!

Sending jobs overseas undermines the economy of ANY nation. If that's not treason, I don't know what is. Now that the other shoe has finally dropped on China, perhaps they will finally understand why everyday working people in many Western countries dislike you so.

BTW, this round of layoffs isn't due to "mismangement" it's due to the global recession.

Boffins pump hot, vivid fluid into squidgy robostarfish

Dan Paul

I have a headache......hand me my hat.

Yes, the experiment where the squishy robot cehalopod ATE MY BRAINS!

Hypersonic Waverider scramjet in epic wipeout

Dan Paul
Black Helicopters

Weapon or Pure Research

Some one had asked if the Concorde was designed as a weapon. Long before there was a Concorde, there was the North American XB-70 "Valkyrie" which flew in tests up to Mach 3. The XB-70 looks almost identical to the Concorde with the exception of the twin tail fins and canards. Even the nose tilted the same for better field of view on the ground.

The XB-70 was designed as a supersonic nuclear bomber which was supposed to be able to fly fast and high enough that Soviet anti-aircraft missiles could not reach it. Unfortunately, their missiles were eventually able to reach greater heights than 74,000 ft, the top ceiling of the XB-70 and at greater speeds. The XB-70 had lots of structural problems due to large forces and temperatures applied to the wings and other control surfaces at such high speeds.

Though the XB-70 used conventional turbine engines, there was top secret work (now declassified) done in the 60's at Bell Aerospace in Niagara Falls, NY to test scramjet (Self Contained Ram Jet) engines that used very toxic oxidizers to allow the XB-70 to reach low earth orbit with conventional JP4 fuel. There was work done in the 50's on other types of fuels (Boranes) for the XB-70 but that was abandoned because that fuel caused wear and buildup on turbine blades.

This Mach 3 plus capability would have allowed US nuclear bombers to fly far outside the range of any existing missiles and fly a hyperbolic path over the North Pole to the Soviet Union.

The advent of the ICBM eventually stopped further research into this bomber technology until another generation of politicians and aerospace companies felt the need to spend more taxpayer money unwisely.

Others have commented that we should not be spending money on such projects as the Hypersonic Wave Scramjet.

There is something to be said for the gains in general technology from defense or pure research projects. We have made many gains in metallurgy, materials and manufacturing processes from supersonic testing.

The other benefit of spending on weapons/space research was that it helped to bankrupt the Soviet Union when we would let stuff "slip out" on space based laser initiative, stealth or whatever, they would spend billions to "catch up" and we did not have to go to war to do it.

Hard-up Kodak stalls crown jewels sell-off to milk bidders

Dan Paul

Not the only blunder by Kodak

It is truly too bad that Kodak did not recognize the value of all of it's R&D work. This is something that Kodak's management missed big time as their brain trust was wildly undervalued. I dare say those people could think up more stuff in a few days than most could in a lifetime. Xerox missed the boat as well.

Now Kodak is a dried up husk of it's former self and we have their management to blame.

BTW since most movie production companies are no longer using film and going all digital, you'll be sad to hear that most art theaters and small movie houses will be going out of business soon.

There will be no first run films left to fill their projectors and Digital projectors are way beyond the means of the small theaters

Reg readers scrap over ultimate bacon sandwich

Dan Paul
Thumb Up

My personal favorite

At the risk of excommunication I offer that MY version of the best bacon sandwhich is one using crusty Italian bread, crunchy peanut butter and 4 to 6 slices of good quality thick sliced smoked bacon fried until light brown and crispy on the edges on a griddle with no additional oil. Toast the bread, smear the crunchy peanut butter lightly on both sides and arrange the bacon as desired. Do not pat the bacon grease off.

My other favorite is based on the same bread, toasted, lightly coated with Hellmans Mayonaisse, light salt & cracked pepper, very ripe 1/4" thick tomato slices to cover, add bacon. NO LETTUCE (It's for rabbits)

BTW any meat with Ketchup on it is simply an abomination. Ketchup is for childrens "hot dogs" and french fries. It has no other purpose except as a base for making barbeque sauces. Mustard is made for sausages, especially hot horseradish mustard.


Luminex rips virtual tape from data centres, shoves it in the cloud

Dan Paul


A backup is a complete copy of your data, with incremental updates on changes. The minute the responsibility for the back up job and the actual data leave your hands, it's reliability percentage drops like a stone.

A physical backup (Tape, Optical or Hard drive) provides 100% certainty if you do it yourself and check the results.

That cannot happen in the "Cloud".

Samsung to probe claims of underage workers, abuse at supplier

Dan Paul

Only way to compete with scum is to become scum. If you buy from scum what are you?

Once the door to "low cost labor markets" is opened, it cannot be shut. Anyone who needs to compete with the kind of scum that use child labor (All companies doing business in China, Taiwan, Indonesia, India etc, etc) will become scum. There is no choice in those countries as this behaviour is part of their culture to sell their children into effective slavery just as was done during the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the US and Great Brittain. Then we finally decided it was wrong and found other places to send our work to, that weren't so "Cultured" or "High Minded".

We outlawed Indentured Servitude only to see it become rampant in other countries. Small wonder.

However, our moral compass does not seem to be too outraged to buy products made by these scum.

Deadly pussies kill more often than owners think

Dan Paul

Just a crazy cat lover says, Let them Eat Birds...

I've had both dogs and cat and have to say that I like cats much better as pets. Far less trouble, completely self sufficient and yet very lovable and affectionate creatures. The worst thing about cats is the litter box but at least cats will crap in a box while dogs will go anywhere they lose control (usually on a carpet).

As far as cats being predators, get used to it. I have had cats that brought in gifts and ones that just expected to be fed. When a cat brings you a "gift" it is just that. The cat is trying to show appreciation for the good food and back scratching that you have done for it. Let alone that most of mine have been rescues and they have always been quite appreciative of not getting killed for some reason. Your cat has shown that you are the leader of the "pride" and brings food to you, simple as that.

In the 80's I had two cats, Boogy (Striped tiger) and Biko (Coal Black), mother and son who were the best hunters ever, Boogy would leap 8 feet into the air from a standing start and catch bats on the wing in the garden at night. Biko was mostly a mouser and would leave 3/4 eaten gifts at the side porch every morning. Boogy was crazy though, every summer day she would jump up and hang by one paw from ground to the windowsill with a mouse or a vole under the other paw, hang there and mew until I recognized her by say "Good Girl" then she would bite it and bounce off the house and run to the back porch where she would kill the mouse after playing with it for a while.

We had a cat called Dammit when I was a toddler that would guard my stroller like a pit bull. Anyone who came near that cat and was not family was in for a real surprise. This cat was so smart that my mom would let it out in a basket on a rope from the second floor apartment window and the cat would yeowl to come back in the same way when she was done with her business.

Another cat I had actually jumped up on the back of a German Shepherd that liked to poop in our yard and ran him down the street like a furry jockey. That dog never came back again, too embarrased.

Spooky, my current feline pal will run up and jump on the couch and rub his nose on my cheek and give me a quick "Mewf" and lay on my lap. He comes when I call him just like a well trained dog. He weighs 18 lbs (he's 30" from nose to rump not including tail) and I've seen him scare off a pair of Foxes, Racoons and Opossums. Most dogs are little problem and they usually run away. Funny thing is he does not hunt for food (too well fed?) and let's most things escape after he gets bored. Weird thing is he LOVES Garter snakes.

British radio telescope genius Sir Bernard Lovell dies

Dan Paul
Big Brother

Re: Put down that Axe Eugene...Microwaves can kill, easily.

"Put down that axe Eugene" is a pun based on part of a Pink Floyd song title "Careful with that axe Eugene".

So you feel it is unlikely that the Cold War Era Soviets would use/favor using a completely invisible, long distance, non contact method of killing/harming a British Scientist? Back when the "Arms/Space Race" was in it's infancy and any lead over the Western World was a coup for the Politbureau? I'm quite sure that far worse things were done by the KGB.

The KGB did what ever it wanted in those days and there did not need to be any rhyme or reason to their actions. The mere fact that it was possible would have been enough reason for the KGB back then.

Dan Paul

Put down that Axe Eugene...Microwaves can kill, easily.

My dad spent alot of time with radar testing for ICBM's that he was involved in designing and met alot of Radar techs who had lots of horror stories about dangers of high power Radar. The NORAD Distant Early Warning system was a series of VERY large radar antennae that ran across Canada, Alaska & Greenland. They were powerful enough to kill small animals that had the misfortune to cross their path while they were on. The antennae were mounted almost horizontally (maybe 3 to 5 degrees above horizon) Men that were exposed had many health issues, not the least of which was sterilization, cataracts . Worst case scenario is you could easily be microwaved to death if you spent any time infront of the main antennae.

Your brain would boil in your head if you walked out in front of them. Each antennae had a peak power of 160 Kilowatts (just a wee bit more than your microwave oven) and was the size of a drive in movie projection screen. The tubes used to create the RF radiation could also produce X rays.

So no Eugene, Sir Bernard was NOT paranoid. Although concentrated microwaves focused on a human brain CAN cause confusion and paranoid delusions.

The Russians could have easily pointed strong Microwave energy at him to kill him or try to make him sick.

No different than the Russians indiscriminant use of Polonium to kill people, just that microwaves could have been a "regrettable accident" with little reason for investigation

Cloud backup drama: Mozy kicks Carbonite after ASA's had a go

Dan Paul

ASA is NOT Right JP19!

Throttling bandwitdh is significantly different than capping the size of the backup file. What Carbonite are saying is that they do not limit the total size of the backup file(s) only the bandwidth of the connection during the backup process. The backup will take longer initially but it will not stop backing up files at 200 Gigabytes or some other predetermined number. All the bandwidth limiting does is save money for Carbonite and put evereyone on an even playing field.

Most companies will use faster bandwidth for downloading small files but throttle larger ones (see MS Update connection speeds, other companies driver or program download speeds)

Climate change behind extreme weather, says NASA

Dan Paul

Re: Don't believe or deny. Just observe

This is so interesting when one considers that the temperature data we are using has only existed for a few hundred years since the inception of the thermometer. We are also extrapolating data from samples whos origin would be considered "questionable" if the data was related to ANY OTHER SUBJECT!

The trouble with human nature is that we are not content to "just observe".....

Euro NCAP to mandate auto-braking in new-car test

Dan Paul

Whatever happened to "Personal Responsibility"?

I like technology but when it is a replacement for the simple act of driving responsibly I don't feel it should be made mandatory.

Let's take ABS for example. Friend of mine had a Ford Probe with major ABS problems, car had never been in an accident, decent condition just a little rusty. ABS would just lock up on him at a moments notice. Dealer wanted $3,000 (yes that's right) to replace the ABS "pump" (hydraulic unit) and computer.

That was twice what my friend had paid for the used car. Obviously he did not go back to the dealer for the repair.

He later found a few used parts and some new sensors and wiring solved his problems. Most of his issues were caused by corroded electrical connectors. Since he is a very safe (and SLOW) driver, the CBA for the ABS did not make any logical sense.

As others have mentioned, much of this technology really only serves to unneccessarily increase the cost of the car as well as the "Stealerships" DisService Department coffers. GPS map updates should never come with additional costs, electrical connectors should be IP68 by default, brakelines and fittings should be made from 316L SST and exhaust tubing should not rust.

Once a car is out of the financial reach of the average man, then his freedom to move is greatly decreased. "The Man" gets even greater control over Working Stiffs and we go back to the era of the "Company Store" with "Company Scrip" and "Company Housing".

If technology becomes mandated then it's lifespan and warranty should also. Manufacturers should be required to disassemble autos for repairs and fix any design (before sale to the public) that requires the front bumper be dropped to reach the ABS pump or other stupid design debacles such as having to disconnect and lift the engine to change the rear spark plugs. Special tools and Repair Manuals should be provided to the owner WITH the purchase of the vehicle not as an after market item. The minimum lifetime of a car's mandated operating parts should be at least ten years if not longer.

US will fight ITU members for internet domination

Dan Paul

Re: It sounds great in principle


Yes, We are EEEEVVIILL. But the US is a damn sight more even handed and ethical than Russia, China North Korea will EVER BE, and just about all former Eastern Bloc/Eurasian countries.

Too bad ARPA didn't patent the "Internet" when we had a chance to.

Let the naysayers create, install, manage and pay for their own damn Internet. Then we can conveniently drop them from our router tables and bask in the glory that will be a practically spam free Internet that makes it much more difficult for the Russian mob and the Chinese Government to spy on our government and businesses.

In fact, we should just disconnect them now right at the undersea cables and be done with it. They don't want the principles of "democracy" influencing their people, they sure want evil capitalism though.

Ridable giant robo-bug creeps, crawls toward reality

Dan Paul

Re: It needs two more legs and some big fangs (think SPIDER)

I was aiming for the spider mecha in the Will Smith Wild Wild West movie without using that phrase (Eight legs and fangs) I thought that was close enough of a reference. The Scorpion tail does have a nice look but too derviative of a recent Transformers flick

What I really want is a Mech Wars anime type unit that gives me a nice airconditioned bulletproof chamber on a bipedal mecha and all of that anime firepower. That's not asking too much is it?

And screw the "frikkin lasers", gotta have GE Vulcan Mini-Guns, THAT's the ticket (Except they have to be the 25mm depleted uranium, tank busting version)

A bank of 105 MM anti-tank missles would be "EXCELLENT" (said in that sneering Mr. Burns bad guy voice).

Dan Paul
Thumb Up

It needs two more legs and some big fangs

We need an "Ocotopod" not a Hexapod. Claws on the end of the feet for grasping onto buildings and a really strong winch and cable arrangement.

Then I'll put it on my bucket list.

Experts stroke beards over LOHAN's vacuity

Dan Paul

What were the engines DESIGNED for?

As AC 13:22 stated, perhaps Cesaroni Technologies could be helpful in determining what pressure differentials are allowable or desireable across the specific nozzle orifice you are using. If there is enough backpressure inside the nozzle, it should have sustained combustion once ignited. If the backpressure is too low (nozzle orifice too large) it could easily blow itself out (which may have happened to the Aerotech).

Since the propellant is solid and contains both fuel and oxidizer, the flameout issue would not be related to available oxygen but how much pressure differential exists between the chamber and inside the nozzle at the point of ignition. Nozzles designed for Atmospheric use are not the same as those for high altitude use which is another possible issue to consider.

See link for much better description and math. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_engine_nozzle

Aslo see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid-fuel_rocket#Nozzle

Republican filibuster blocks Senate Cybersecurity bill

Dan Paul

I completely agree, US Politicians are no better than two year olds that need a spanking

We "the People" need a troop of lawyers nearing retirement that would work a pro-bono "Theft of Services" civil lawsuit against every Senator and Congressman to recover their wages for the last four years of their outright obstruction of justice.

The only way to fight the LAW is to use the LAW. Otherwise we might as well just admit that Democracy has failed and start a Revolution.

Lets face it, the main objections by the Republican party (Tea Party) to the Obama Administration have their basis in outright racism and I have heard it right from their mouths. It's not even a question anymore.

Fox News propogates outright lies and they laugh about getting away with it.

Republican policies got us into this mess and they are NOT going to get us out of it. If we do not regulate business they will do nothing to fix problems until it is far too late. It's way past time that business paid it's fair share towards the cost of government. The Romney's of the world will just continue to hide money in offshore accounts, getting rich off the blood sweat and tears of "those people" who actually work for a living.

I have had enough of the political posturing, bogus amendments, fillibustering and grandstanding.

It's time for a spanking.

Romney promises to announce VP choice via mobile app

Dan Paul

Vote ROMNEY 2012 Because Marie Antoinette never had enough cake....

I am admittedly one of the few Obama supporters in this forum but if Obama was the earthly reincarnation of Lucifer himself, I would have to vote for him over Mitt Romney.

What in God's sake is Mitt doing traveling out of the country in the first place, let alone generating a very negative picture of the Republican party (and America in general) in at least four countries? The Republicans always did a fine job of conveying what morons they are, without Mitt Romney offending half our allies.

This exactly what you get if you let nouveau rich people out of the country club or frat house.

Marie Antoinette revisited...only it's an "Ugly American Fratboy" instead. Even George Bush wasn't this bad.

Let the inevitable downvotes begin.

BT charged rivals 'unjustified' prices to use network – Appeals Court

Dan Paul

Nationalize the Infrastructure and charge BT and others rent to use it and maintain it.

This is what happens when the Fox (BT) has the keys to the henhouse. The US missed the opportunity to fix the infrastructure problem when AT&T (Ma Bell) was broken up into the Baby Bells, each of which became problematic in different ways.

The government builds the roads and maintains them and the telecommunications network infrastructure should be the same way so that there can be some kind of competition between service providers.

In my area, Verizon will not maintain it's POTS lines and are deliberately letting them decay even though there are laws and regulations in place that require them to provide repair and maintenance. Fiber has not been built out here and we are stuck with either cable internet (Time Warner) or DSL.

That is a choice between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.

NASA's nuclear Mars tank prepares for high pucker-factor landing

Dan Paul

NASA have you got your Metric Conversions figured out? Where's the ROTM people?

The title says it all.

On the other hand, I 'd hoped for someone to remember Keith Laumer's BOLO stories about intelligent tanks. It's been a long time since anyone used the ROTM acronym. So we now have a nuclear powered tank on Mars... What could go wrong?

BTW Mars has an atmosphere, however thin, someone COULD HEAR YOU SCREAM!

@UnSteveDorkland Twitter satirist faces 4 charges in US court

Dan Paul

So understanding the work practices of the obviously "Dorky" is hacking?

So tell me that someone astute enough to understand, describe and satirize the laughable work practices of a "journalist" or "Execudroid" on an obviously false Twitter account is considered hacking not satire?

Then I assume the creator of Dilbert would be just as guilty?

As far as I am concerned, no one from the "Daily Fail" is allowed (or should be) to bring charges of hacking, impersonation or defamation of character; as their record of employment with that company is prima facie evidence enough that they the plaintiff are guilty of the same charges.

Paying by iPad, sir? Apple buys US security firm for $350m

Dan Paul

Patent Wars Ammunition

Who wants to bet this acquisition is just another box of ammunition in the patent wars?

Schneider moves into Cisco's Olympics crib, dims lights

Dan Paul

Re: You cannot control that which you do not measure...and vice versa.

Then you have the wrong kind of motion detector... if the detector is single technology (the least expensive type) that will happen. The location of the sensor also matters. Straight down ceiling mount type are more problematic than wall mount type.

But if you use dual technology occupancy sensors (Both Infrared and Ultrasonic) then the switch senses body heat as well as motion thus solving your problem. They still need to be aimed properly.

Someone also might want to look at the DIP switch settings as they are adjustable for time and sensitivity.

I think you just have a situation where you experienced a vendor that installed a product that met minimal specification and walked away from the job without proper setup and tuning.

Sometimes..you get exactly what you DON'T pay for.

Dan Paul

Quite Testy aren't we Lee?

Large Building owners and operators are very receptive to this technology and most have these load shedding agreements already in place with power aggregators who buy power from many sources to provide lower rates (including National Grid who has significant operations in the USA).

I am not going to defend the power companies behaviour as i believe they have not properly spent the line repair tarriffs we have been paying for 80 years. They are also too top heavy with management and salaries and don't spend on maintenance unless absolutely required. I have National Grid here in Niagara Falls NY so I can comiserate with you folks in the UK.

Power companies should be directly paying for most line and grid enhancements from their own pockets without gouging their customers for needed improvements as they have already collected billions in line fees.

Reducing or shutting off the non critical systems in a power emergency can help keep your building running during a brownout because the whole grid does not go into a blackout. You cannot control those systems without Building Automation systems.

One blackout can cascade throughout the entire grid as it did during the 60's across the Northeast of the USA. The people that were stuck in elevators in NYC back then would be quite happy to have lost the cooling in the building rather than the elevators. Things will only be worse in the next big blackout as there are more large buildings and even higher power usage.

Temperatures do not absolutely need to be in the "comfort" range either so if they can be temporarily adjusted during the power emergency then critical loads can be kept running, like traffic lights, hospitals & water and sewer plants. I suppose you'd like to be 65F during the heat wave rather than have elevators, water and sewer.

These load shedding agreements are also VOLUNTARY not mandatory. I said NOTHING in my comments about residential systems although there are pilot programs here is the US (California) where you agree to power company control of your HVAC thermostat in return for (wait for it) Lower Electrical Prices. How do you spell "Savings"? The grid is using less power and the end user is paying less for their everyday cost.

It appears that you do not understand that the availability of full voltage power at peak demand times is ALREADY an issue in many countries and even in the US and UK. Rotating blackouts will become quite common if the primary grid does not become smart(er) and able to shunt power around from many different sources to accommodate many different types of demand. Smart grids are especially important when combining sources of electricity like coal and wind and hydro. Each powerplant needs to be operated in different ways and produce power differently so tying production to usage patterns is important technology. Wind is especially problematic as it can drop out with a simple change in wind direction and speed. That capacity has to be replaced from somewhere and the smart grid will allow the power to switched from location to location and properly billed and accounted for.

You also do not understand that Building Automation is only one aspect of this type of smart grid system and BAS are not used much in residential applications at this time. In most cases, the savings that are provided by BAS and Lighting control systems typically are up to 25 to 30% for schools and other large buildings. No the payback for residential compared to a programmable thermostat would not allow their use but for large buildings, BAS makes great sense (cents)!

Dan Paul

You cannot control that which you do not measure...and vice versa.

I am in the Building Automation business of which Schneider Electric is now one of the largest players. Building Automation Systems are very IT intensive and Cisco provides managed POE switches that can be configured for the kind of IP traffic required by Building Automation Systems and Video Surveillance Systems.

One of the largest hurdles to a good control system is the fact that most companies have no idea what energy they are using on an instantaneous basis, they only see a monthly bill.

Electric power usage can be reduced significantly when there is a widespread power availability problem by knowing the instantaneous power usage in a particular building or grid and controlling that load, by shedding unneccessary cooling, lighting or heating loads.

BAS systems would allow each controlled building to respond to the grid power requirements. The grid itself must be "smart" enough to communicate to it's customers and vice versa.

An example would be large high rise buildings are in an area suffering an undervoltage (brownout) condition. The grid relays that info to each building and the corresponding lighting and airconditioning loads are reduced through discrete control in each affected building. Power monitors in each building allow the control system to discern whether the load has been reduced enough and provides the power company with feedback.

Generator systems can be turned on in each build for the critical loads that cannot be shed. UPS systems can be used to cover the transition period between main power and generator power.

Load shedding can bring power savings since the electric provider often reimburses the building owner for their cooperation through lower electrical costs.

Another example is occupancy based HAVC and Lighting control in schools and office buildings where unoccupied rooms have their lights and HVAC turned off until someone enters the room. This can even be done on a residential level with the right equipment but there is far less payback.

All of this control and resulting load shedding can provide more power availability to everyday consumers.

But it can only happen if both buildings and infrastucture are able to communicate with each other.

Story gone

Dan Paul

I'm not a UK resident but I'm entering anyway. Screw the Terms and Conditions

Since you obviously accept posts and advertising from people worldwide, your contest must be open to all as well.

I'll be glad to pay any shipping/customs costs.

Intel, AMD financials: Bad news for Obama campaign

Dan Paul

Politics and Business are inseparable (and insufferable)

@Don Jefe I agree, our business is still pretty decent and expected to get better next year. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that certain companies are deliberately holding back pending the election as they often do.

There seems to be an increasing mindset that certain business owners will do anything to make Obama look bad; up to and including cutting off their nose to spite their own faces. The problem is that ALL of us suffer as a result.

@Jeebus, I couldn't agree more about the AC postings...there is a reason why they are called anonymous cowards. There is NO PLACE for religious or other types of Bigotry but one must be cognizant of the fact that the Republican party is one of the most religiously bigotted political creatures there is. We are seeing the rise of NeoCon McCarthyism combined with outright libel and slander.

Some AC's are promoting the "You didn't build your business" lie and others are countering it. Unfortunately, this lie is still being promoted by the New McCarthyites on Fox News and elsewhere.

One thing is certain, it and the person promoting it have no place on El Reg.

I agree with most of the comments regarding politicising the EL Reg forums except that any discussion about the economy today, will inevitably have to include the politics behind the economy.

Let the inevitable downvotes begin.