* Posts by Mark 85

12882 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Nov 2012

My PC is on fire! Can you back it up really, really fast?

Mark 85

Re: Magic blue smoke...

Did you ever notice that when there was a loud "boom" or flames and smoke that unlike everyone else in the building running for the exits that engineers run towards the "boom"?

Mark 85

@Russell Chapman Esq.

It's probably a good thing then that the instructor didn't try nitrating glycerin then. We had one go wrong at the high school I went to. The teacher lost several fingers and everyone's ears rang for several days.

Blame everything on 'computer error' – no one will contradict you

Mark 85

Re: When it’s their money...

If you owe them, as in they overpaid... yes automatically fixed. If they owe you, you'll need to fill out 10 forms in triplicate, attach a sample of your spleen, and wait until hell freezes over.

Mark 85

The District of Columbia is built on a swamp. Asymmetry is the least of the problems.

So thus "we must drain the swamp" has a root in truth?

Mark 85

Re: One of those sounds like a computer error

Ah... confusion and chaos... your work there was done.

Well done, sir. That deserves a frothy one.

BOFH: But I did log in to the portal, Dave

Mark 85

Re: And then there's Crisco...

Crisco? You're adding shortening to your system? https://www.crisco.com/

Icon: Flame since you're obviously doing a fry-up.

Mark 85

Re: I swear

Indeed... his desk is right next to one where Scott Adams sits.

The scary part of the BOFH is every story has real truth in it. So it's obviously not fiction.

Lakes on the moon? Boffins think they've found the evidence

Mark 85

Just because they find ice, doesn't mean it's water. If they do locate I'd hope there would be some serious analyzing of it before getting everyone's hopes up. Hopefully the days of "canals on Mars" and the like are behind us.

Time to ditch the Facebook login: If customers' data should be protected, why hand it over to Zuckerberg?

Mark 85

Re: @Wiltshire

Wrong... go to the FB link on the article page for this any other story... and then click the FB link. You'll see this:

Log in to use your Facebook account with TheRegister.

Email address or phone number:


Yes.... El Reg seems to be Zucking us if we're so inclined to use FB.

Drone 'swarm' buzzed off FBI surveillance bods, says tech bloke

Mark 85

Re: An Interesting Indent.

Most consumer drones operate on the unlicensed 2.4 & 5ghz band's it's not exactly subtle to roll up and disable all wifi in a block's radius, even the dumbest drug dealer is going to notice that.

No but if they put in some transmitters at more than a few random places on the boarder they wouldn't have to be manned. The effect would be that the bad guys would assume there's agents in place. Maybe kick off the jammer, have a half dozen agents run around for a week to show a presence and move on. Seems this getting to Spy-vs-Spy stuff. Do it enough with manning the sites randomly and the bad guys won't know if the border patrol is there or not.

Mystery crapper comes a cropper

Mark 85

Just another free spirit who thinks the world is not his oyster but his crapper. And we want to go to other planets? These types will go with us unless we can convince them to wait for the B-Ark.

The Rocky Planet Picture Show: NASA Mars InSight ready for launch

Mark 85

Re: Return ticket?

and then comes home again? Wow!

I would hope that's the plan. We send them and leave them there...alone. They should come back home.

Microsoft's latest Windows 10 update downs Chrome, Cortana

Mark 85

Re: Microsoft’s business models require stealing and reselling personal data

There's no "value" if the system keeps crashing as they'll just piss of the users who will find a new operating system. Their execution stinks.

FTC Commissioner refuses to budge until Trump fulfills promises

Mark 85

So she won't step down until she's appointed as a judge? Is she even qualified to be a judge? This almost comes across as blackmail or at least intimidation.

Twitter: No big deal, but everyone needs to change their password

Mark 85

But if it will help, there's potatoes in hash. And then there's hash for smoking...

LLVM contributor hits breakpoint, quits citing inclusivity intolerance

Mark 85

This whole mess started back in the early 70's so nothing new here except the ferocity of the attacks. Back then, it was pure numbers.. the company needed X-number of engineers and Y-percentage could not be white. Not qualification based at all. Lots of folks were hired to fill the quotas without being able to do the work. Little has changed excepted the volume level of the attacks have increased.

Another quarter, another record-breaking Tesla loss: Let's take a question from YouTube, eh, Mr Musk?

Mark 85

Re: Respect to Musk but...

Part of the problem arises from a person being a visionary running a company of growing complexity. They are too focused on the ideas and big changes, but have little grasp of the detail needed to make a company of growing complexity, work.

I wouldn't say it's "part of the problem". In this case, I think it is the problem. Visionaries are good and great, but somewhere they need some advisors on how to implement that vision. Lately, things go the other way.. the bean counters run things and nothing happens.

Mark 85

Re: If you skip that preliminary step and like to play with fire to scam the investors ...

I suspect that you've identified the issue. Most analysts seem to be locked into the "short term" views... even the big companies have fallen into this trap. It's all about the "last quarter" and not about what the long term solutions and issues are. We've seen a lot of good companies fall into this where layoffs, cost cutting, etc. to make the bottom line look good for the quarter is the rule.

Shocking. Lightning strike knocks out neuro patient's brain implant

Mark 85

Re: A bit of levity

Having a tinfoil hat is only a partial solution. It's also needs be grounded which requires a bit of wiring which might be substantial depending on where (location... like home) you wear the hat.

TSB's middleware nightmare: Execs grilled on Total Sh*tshow at Bank

Mark 85

Re: ROFL...

I trust that clarifies the "paying for talent" myth for any budding MBAs reading this.

It should but the reality is that the MBA's won't read El Reg as it's below their pay grade. Now if a financial paper was running these articles it would be a different thing.

NASA demos little nuclear power plant to help find little green men

Mark 85

Re: I guess they will use this for deep space probes? like old RTGs ?

You could hook it out of spent nuclear fuel, but Merkins refuse to process the stuff. Even on site, even if it's going straight back inside a PWR.

Sad but true due to politics, the "oh my god nukes" brigade, etc. It would probably be safer to process on site than to ship it across country and bury it.

I've got way too much cash, thinks Jeff Bezos. Hmmm, pay more tax? Pay staff more? Nah, let's just go into space

Mark 85

This really has nothing to do with "left" "right" or even politics. It has to do with being human, both the good and bad side. If you can' see beyond that, then there's a problem and it's not those of us who can.

Mark 85

That means that in the US, in addition to the 4.1% who are unemployed, there are another 37.1% who don't have a job, but aren't classified as unemployed for one reason or another,

In the US the only number that counts towards "the unemployed" are those drawing unemployed benefits. There's folks whose unemployment has run out that aren't counted. More than we'd like to admit. There's those that haven't been employed because they're "unemployable" due to health, drugs, or criminal record. It goes on but yes, the number is higher, a lot higher.

Mark 85

Re: I disagree...

The sooner we can get off this ball of mud and leave behind the stupidity ("oh, this particular piece of mud/sand/blade of grass is *special* because... reasons") the better.

You're deluded. We get off this ball of mud and guess what? Our prejudices, stupidity and arrogance will go with us.

And if you think he's doing great things for space, think again. His little spaceship isn't about exploration, satellites, or colonization. It's about giving the rich a few minutes "up there" and a maybe a certificate, 8X10 color photo, and a lapel pin.

HP Ink to compensate punters for bricking third-party ink cartridges

Mark 85

Like Howard the Duck

I feel trapped in a world I never made. I use 11X17 paper and color quite a bit so the only printer I could find 10 years ago was an HP Deskjet 9800. The price of ink has climbed up way beyond what I thought was rational and becoming scarce. I've been looking for a new printer but I don't want any of this 3-in-1 crap for a printer. I just want a printer that works. Damn muppets running things....

<rant off>

Mark 85

Re: Motherf***ers. I strongly doubt this is the only HP that has done this.

Some things have changed over the years but one thing has remained the same is printer manufacturers shafting their customers.

Well... yeah. Many printers are allegedly (not just HP) being sold at about "build cost" level because the profit isn't the machine but the cartridges.

Last attempt to find MH370 starts this week

Mark 85

Re: It WILL be found...

The ocean is very corrosive to metals. Part of this problem is the currents and how broken up was the craft before (from the dive when engines died) and how hard it hit. It's not like it did a nice controlled ditching.

Cambridge Analytica dismantled for good? Nope: It just changed its name to Emerdata

Mark 85

Re: Claim They Did Nothing Wrong...

What is it with the culture nowadays, where so many people lie and have absolutely no conscience in doing so ?

Simple really, money and power. Add in a bit of "I got mine, so screw you." and so it goes. Look at the "activist investors" or even high government officials in every country.

Mark 85

That probably won't matter. They filled as bankrupt.. probably no cash (or very little) after paying off exec bonuses and troops in the field. But... they head folks will be back to continue the mirth and merriment under a new name.

Ex-Netflix veep allegedly banked payola for tech deals with web TV giant

Mark 85

So the companies offering the dosh aren't being charged?

It takes two to make such a deal.... where's the charges against those paying/offering the bribes?

Xerox CEO resigns as company caves to activist investors

Mark 85

Carl isn't interested in manglement or the company. He's a vulture who will strip the assets, sell of what he can and bankrupt (for a nice deduction from his taxes) the rest. Read up on him a bit.

The concept of activist investor isn't what he is.

North Korea's antivirus software whitelisted mystery malware

Mark 85

Rich11... you best claim the movie rights for that.

US techies: We want to see Pentagon's defence of winner-takes-all cloud contract

Mark 85

There's points to be made for "sole source" and also for "multi-sourching". Some items, the DoD insists on second-sources, on others... not so much. I do have a feeling though, that even going sole source for a "cloud", they'll still end up with a fragmented system as some departments won't give up their systems due to the bureaucratic mindset and turf wars.

The other part of the equation has come into play yet... CongressCritters and pork for their home districts. So once that comes in to play and everyone has spouted their stuff, probably little will change.

Irish High Court slams Facebook's conduct, smacks down bid to drag out data probe

Mark 85


I see your points but the reality is that FB should just shut up and comply with the law as it is now and comply with new one when it takes effect. Or.... they could just close up shop, take their millions and party for the rest of their lives. But we know that at the end of this month, the crap will hit the rotating air movement device as FB tries to continue doing business as usual and more lawsuits will be tossed about. I'm thinking lawyers are cheaper than losing the income from the ads.

Ahem! Uber, Lyft etc: California Supremes just shook your gig economy with contractor ruling

Mark 85

Re: Common Sense Approach

The key result will be that Uber just has to make sure that the drivers don't put in more than 38 hours (in most states) a week. By doing that, the workers are all "part time" and thus, no benefits such as insurance, paid vacations, etc. The catch is that if the State is a "will at work" one which many if not all are. This throws a lot more fuel into the fire.

UK Parliament roars: Oi! Zuck! Get in here for a grilling – or you'll get a Tower of London tour

Mark 85

In real terms, the summons would not result in the CEO being arrested or forcibly taken to Parliament nor the Tower of London – those days are long gone

Seems a pity to me. Something to be said for the "old ways" sometimes and this is one of them.

Mark 85

So in Blighty, it's the same modus operandi as in the States? Much posturing, much lip service, but business as usual.

Techies! Britain's defence secretary wants you – for cyber-sniping at Russia

Mark 85

Re: Salary - That leaves patriotism

Ah... the same problem here in the States. Different people, same results however. Oh.. add the Norks as a "problem" along with Russia although in a couple of weeks (at least here in the States), the enemy will probably change.

Open Internet lovin' Comcast: Buy our TV service – or no faster broadband for you!

Mark 85

So this is how net neutrality will work?

We have to take their over priced TV offerings even if we don't want it? I haven't had the TV on in couple of years except for a couple of DVD's and I have friends the same way. I've doing the "life" thing rather than Youtube and Streaming Services. Much more peaceful and enjoyable.

But then, I have Spectrum... with Internet and Phone it's about $80/month. I add TV is another $80/month... meh.... a pox on them.

What could Facebook possibly do next to reassure privacy fears? Yup – make a dating app

Mark 85

Re: Facebook absolutely cares about your privacy.

Good conspiracy theory there.... I'm just not sure how much is theory and how much is reality though. Hell, even a non-FB user is tracked any more. I'll know if the conspiracy is out of the genie bottle if I suddenly get emails about "perfect matches". At which point... I'm thinking I'll nuke the computer and move to the woods. It'll be too late to nuke it from space.

Press F to pay respects to the Windows 10 April Update casualties

Mark 85

Re: "Upgrading users should be able to ignore the viewer as before."

Thus, we have a couple of desktops and a laptop (for travel). I only update them one at a time... just in case. Even still, I usually wait at least a week to see what issues occurred. But if I had only one, I'd be very reluctant to ever run an update....

Take-off crash 'n' burn didn't kill the Concorde, it was just too bloody expensive to maintain

Mark 85

I find it sad that a company that accomplished what they did for Concorde is now doing iPhones.... seems like we as a civilization have slipped.

Bill Gates declined offer to serve as Donald Trump's science advisor

Mark 85

Or perhaps White House Science Advisor Elon Musk could construct a suitable simulation to convince Donald he's destined to be on the first crewed mission to Mars, thus saving the world?

Maybe a large bonus and our eternal gratitude if Musk could get Congress to go on the second crewed mission to Mars.

Firefox to feature sponsored content as of next week

Mark 85

Can someone tell me....

what the hell this means: "... users need to trade their privacy and data in exchange for personalized, high quality experiences."???? Exactly what does this buzz phrase of "personalized, high quality experiences" mean??? I just want to go to a website... I don't need "personalized" and sure as hell don't want ads for stuff I bought a week ago. And no... you can't have my personal data because "ads". Dammit, that's another browse headed for the bitbucket.

Escape from the Zuckerborg: WhatsApp founder legs it

Mark 85

So the hoodie wearing one wants less encryption on WhatsApp but the founder disagreed. Which I do note this: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/03/14/whatsapp_facebook_user_info/. Obviously Zuck has changed his mind and wants to sell more ads.

Democrats need just one more senator (and then a miracle) to reverse US net neutrality death

Mark 85

Posturing for votes

It's what Congress does second best right after trolling for donations from lobbyists.

Mannequin Skywalker takes high ground on Bezos-backed rocket

Mark 85

So, it's in the image of the creator then? I'll get my coat.

Windows 10 April 2018 Update lands today... ish

Mark 85

Re: "Keep clicking, Windows-lovers! It's bound to come along soon."

Not only have MS already dog fooded it internally, but several million voluntary beta testers that have signed up for Windows Insider have already tested it. So in fact way more testing than any other competing OS gets before release.

Do you really believe this or are you a paid troll? If they have (and may very well have) that many "testers" willing or unwillingly, then they are doing a piss poor job of fixing the deficiencies found. Testing is fine, fixing is different issue.

Google founder Sergey Brin promises to protect humanity from AI

Mark 85

Reminds me a bit of Marc Anthony's speech about Caesar

" I have come here to bury AI, not to praise it." Hmm...Oh wait... it's not for us but only for Google.

Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie, oi oi oi! Tech zillionaire Ray's backdoor crypto for the Feds is Clipper chip v2

Mark 85

Re: Why would Apple (or anyone else) want to be in the loop?

The keys in the repository, if held by the manufacturer, would not have to be delivered to either domestic or foreign law enforcement or intelligence agencies.

This might work if the keys were not accessible from any network. LEA wants a key, it gets emailed or hand delivered to them. Behind a firewall isn't good enough it would only isolation will work.