* Posts by Mark 85

12882 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Nov 2012

UK Home Sec kick-starts US request to extradite ex-WikiLeaker Assange

Mark 85

Re: Sweden

Whenever the US decides somebody is an enemy, suddenly they all are sexual perverts.

So they found his stash of whips, chains, and fine leathers??

No Telegram today, protestors: Chinese boxes DDoS chat app amid Hong Kong protest

Mark 85
Black Helicopters

Re: Democracy is an eternal uphill battle

But unfortunately it's so, so much easier to say "It could never happen here"

Head in The Sand Syndrome surely. We're seeing this everywhere including the US, GB, etc., etc. They use same tired excuses while tightening the noose. I hope, that it's not too late for the citizens to rise up and take their countries back.

Must have hit a sore spot with someone.... incoming choppers.

Underground network targets Salisbury: Not the Russian death crew, this time it's Openreach laying fibre-optic cables

Mark 85

Re: Who Micro-Trenches These Days?

Pity the British cable layers don't use current technology.

Could be union rules or something similar even greenies. Same here in the States for the most part. The telcos would save on installation costs and then get to charge a few extra dollars a month. But... <shrugs> I probably won't see coax anywhere near me (I'm a good sized city also) in my lifetime.

It is with a heavy heart that we must report that your software has bugs and needs patching: Microsoft, Adobe, SAP, Intel emit security fixes

Mark 85

The Intel info was next to useless.

That seems to be pretty normal for them. Tracking a given processor through their maze is almost impossible. It's a pity they don't have some tool to identify the process and then call for the appropriate patch. It would save everyone a bundle of time.

In a separate issue rant, homeusers never, ever (for the most part) hear of these patches and then have a clue what to do.

Hate your IT job? Sick of computers? Good news: An electronics-frying Sun superflare may hit 'in next 100 years'

Mark 85

Re: Didn't already happen?

I daresay that this 100 years and/or "coming soon to a planet near you" is basically scare tactics using statistics. Just because it's "one every 1,000 years or so" doesn't mean the time can be pinpointed. Could be next week or even the next millennia.

I suggest that rather than worrying about it, we just have an adult beverage. If it happens, it happens.

Oblivious 'influencers' work on 3.6-roentgen tans in Chernobyl after realising TV show based on real nuclear TITSUP

Mark 85

Re: Bah!

Your post really needs the face palm icon so here's one for you.

Mark 85

Re: Bah!

, people who did not know anything about Chernobyl.

Yes indeed. That's the same generation that knows next to nothing of the WWI and WWII and tend to ignore the "Danger!" signs dealing with unexploded ordinance.. Probably the same ones that climb large TV/Radio antennas and go up on tall buildings and run around the roofs and jump from building to building. Ignorance is just a tool to cleanse the gene pool.

Mark 85

Re: Small point

I'm with you. Let's look on the bright side. Letting the entitled visit up close and personal will help the cleansing of the gene pool. Or mutate it into some of the nightmare stuff that Space Opera and Science Fiction are made of.

Cram this in your Pai hole! New York, Cali, eight other US states sue to stop T-Mobile-Sprint merger

Mark 85

Yes, that sounds reasonable but he's corporate property as is much of the current elected federal government.

US border cops confirm: Maker of America's license-plate, driver recognition tech hacked, camera images swiped

Mark 85

TOR again....

Hmm.... methinks the government screwed up royally way back when they developed this and let it into the wild. Law of unintended consequences and all that.

IBM raising axe for 'significant workforce balancing in Europe', says staffer rep council

Mark 85

Re: Given the recent rounds of redundancy,....

Get out of purgatory early.

Idle Computer Science skills are the Devil's playthings

Mark 85

Re: One more slip and he’s out with 0 notice and shit references.

Reading his previous exploits of exposing logins and passwords makes him malicious.

Mark 85

Re: Run for it!

I'm partial to taking them out behind the shed and applying gunpowder and projectiles. Some folks I know prefer explosives. There are a bunch of videos out there.

Mark 85

Re: Hire immediately

the main reason I would not hire Charlie is that when he realised it all went bit wrong, he didn't have the guts/integrity to own up to it.

Exactly. He knew what he did and did it intentionally. If was something more of an honest mistake where he ,mistyped or didn't know he messed up, that's different.

Protip: No, the CIA will not call off a pedophilia probe into your life in exchange for Bitcoin

Mark 85

Re: Maybe this really is the CIA

Nah.. the scammers blew it. It wouldn't be the CIA but the FBI. Or maybe (paranoid hat on) it is the FBI hoping the CIA gets blamed for this?

NASA goes commercial, publishes price for trips to the ISS – and it'll be multi-millionaires only for this noAirBNB

Mark 85

Re: Zero-g Bonk fee?

Maybe that's under negotiation right now. Recoup costs by posting a video on Pornhub?

Mark 85

The question is now: "Which moon?". Go back an read his Tweet.

What's big, blue, and hands out pink slips? IBM on Thursday: Word spreads of job cuts

Mark 85

Re: "trying to get money out of its dying businesses and into emerging areas"

Looking at how IBM is performing, it would be more fitting if she chose something in the submerging market...

With some lovely screen doors of course.

There's a reason why my cat doesn't need two-factor authentication

Mark 85

Employees working in security-critical environments have been known to get chipped in the fleshy bit between thumb and forefinger, allowing them to open electronically locked doors by gesturing an Air Wank.

So contractors or employees in high turnover companies end up with many chips? Something wrong about this....

Box shifting on the Moon? Lunar payloads on Amazon Prime

Mark 85

Re: All these damn small satellites...

We know the companies that send them up won't because profit vs costs. Possibly a new job market of going around up there and picking up the junk for recycling and reuse? There's been a few movies out detailing this. They weren't documentaries though, just very bad films.

Judge slaps down Meg Whitman for accusing Autonomy boss of being a 'fraudster who committed fraud'

Mark 85

I wonder if there's been a ton of lawer coaching done in the USA that's exposing itself rather poorly in the harsh light of a different judicial system.

It's tough to coach and have the person being coached follow the coaching if their ego is beyond large. I'm thinking it's more of a "I know better than you lawyers." kind of thing.

The FCC has finally, finally approved a half-decent plan to destroy the robocall scourge... but there's a catch

Mark 85

It used to be that way here in the States with landlines. But the telcos got smart (for them) with the cells and now charge you as a receiver. They (most but not all) do the same thing with incoming spam texts as many plans have text limits (again, not all companies do this).

Apple strips clips of WWDC devs booing that $999 monitor stand from the web using copyright claims. Fear not, you can listen again here...

Mark 85

One rule for the monied, one rule for everyone else.

See title.

Crime doesn't pay? Crime doesn't do secure coding, either: Akamai bug-hunters find hijack hole in bank phishing kit

Mark 85

Re: Crime doesn't pay?

No honor among thieves also seems to be the operating mode for many politicians also.

Labs are for nerds, it's simply Kaspersky now – just hold still while we cyber-immunise you

Mark 85

Re: "geometric and mathematically exact letter forms"

That's why they get paid the big money. The more psycho-babble and BS they can shovel out, the more they can charge. Obviously the saw about the easiest person to sell to is a sales/marketing type is correct. If it looks like, smell like, tastes like BS.... don't step in it.

Controversial American bigwig in London... no, not Trump: HPE ex-CEO Meg Whitman to give Autonomy trial evidence

Mark 85

Maybe something they could have checked during due diligence?

I'm waiting (with popcorn in hand) for "due diligence" failures to come out. Autonomy may have conned them, but HP also conned themselves., willingly, I might add. For a con at any level to succeed, both the con artist and the victim are needed and the victim has to be willing.

Mark 85

They missed a few things like "mom", "prison", "pickup trucks", "alcohol", and "guns".

Musk loves his Starlink sat constellation – but astroboffins are less than dazzled by them

Mark 85

Re: resource for all humanity and for the protection of nocturnal wildlife

The majority of animals navigate by magnetism, most famously homing pigeons.

Well, the movement of the magnetic poles will really screw up their migrations and travel then.

Mark 85

Re: Far Side of the Moon

Clean up? He's probably heard of it but in the context of profit. I'm still surprised that no one has taken him to task for launching a car into space. Sheer ego. Is there any part of the universe that the profit mongers won't find a way to screw up?

Bad news. Asteroid 1999 KW4 flew by, did not hit Earth killing us all. Good news: Another one, Didymos, is on the way

Mark 85

Re: Come friendly asteroids and fall on Slough...

on reflection, the capital city of a large country who's leader is without merit.

Just about any large country will work then as a target area?

Mark 85

Re: Mitigate?

Well.. fill it with water and you have a lake. Might just work.

Mark 85

Re: A pair of asteroids just whizzed past Earth

Sort of like all the space headlines then from express.co.uk?

Devs slam Microsoft for injecting tech-support scam ads into their Windows Store apps

Mark 85

Far better advice would be 'find someone with small hands' :)

But do you seriously want a certain president to work on your car?

Mark 85

Re: "Avoid Redmond..."

No problem. I'm not in Blighty nor do I use trains as there are none other than freight where I am.

Uncle Sam wants to read your tweets, check out your Instagram, log your email addresses before you enter the Land of the Free on a visa

Mark 85

Re: Hello darkness, my old friend

they said that in their opinion my online footprint was very small for someone who worked in IT.

The appropriate answer might be: "It's because I work in IT I don't use social media. I know what a cess pool and time waster it is." Oh wait... is EL Reg comments considered social media?

Mark 85

Re: Require Social Media?

Indeed. They might even toss some of us who are citizens out.

Sidenote... I see that MySpace is on the list. Are they still around even?

Tech lobbyists turn on Trump over Mexican tariffs, then quickly try to smooth the waters

Mark 85

Re: China and IP

If you want to stop this happening in China, you need a Chinese patent. Having a US one doesn't help).

The problem is that unless you are Chinese a patent cannot be filed by non-Chinese. Generally, most countries do recognize patents from other countries. The Chinese do not.

I'll just clear down the database before break. What's the worst that could happen? It's a trial

Mark 85


If only we could re-program it to kick in prior to hitting the key. :-)

Hypothetically it does after being activated by doing the screw up first. Seems we never hear of anyone ever doing this a second time which proves the hypothesis.

DigitalOcean drowned my startup! 'We lost everything, our servers, and one year of database backups' says biz boss

Mark 85

Re: Sad

I'll toss a correction.. A DR plan with properly stored backups should exist for anyone with any important data kept on it. Not just businesses. For non-businesses a simple monthly coping the data over to a CD will work.

Pharma-testing biz Eurofins Scientific says it fell victim to 'new version' of malware

Mark 85

Re: Over the last weekend...

Not new from what I've seen over the years. Just another variation of spoofed emails, nasty links and hoping the receiver is an idiot and will open them.

One man went to mow a meadow, hoping Trump would spot giant grass snake under flightpath

Mark 85

No, not the wrong end but only half. He's both. I just really wish someone would take away his damn Twitter account and tell him to stay off the phone, ignore the polls, and do his damn job. The constant whines about how everyone is doing him wrong or getting away with things and the endless proclamations of fake news, shall we, rather tiring.

Mark 85

Re: Childish Dick Move.

Well, he got his name in the paper and one knows what they say about publicity. In this case it's probably pubic publicity.

IEEE says it may have gone about things the wrong Huawei, lifts ban after US govt clearance

Mark 85

Re: Security concerns?

Note how it seems to be US politicians making the noise, and we're hearing very little actual intelligence.

Since when has any politician in any country exhibited "intelligence"?

Mark 85

Re: Security concerns?

Well, with everyone spying on everyone else, the only option for us tech types is to build our own routers then. This whole kerfluffle just points out that no country is innocent of watching. "Under the spreading chestnut tree, I sold you and you sold me", isn't fiction anymore.

Oh, the massive sky dong? Contrails from 'standard' F-35 training, US Air Force insists

Mark 85

Re: Where's the US Army?

I don't think the Army has anything to generate a contrail... a missile or two maybe would do it.

Mark 85

Re: Standard Operating Procedure

I'm waiting for Air Force One to do one.... popcorn is ready.

Planes, fails and automobiles: Overseas callout saved by gentle thrust of server CD tray

Mark 85

Re: Last rack?

why would you carry on searching after you'd found it?

To make sure it wasn't a false positive? Weird stuff happens and best to be sure that what you were looking for when found, isn't some other problem.

Mark 85

Re: Airplane security

I don't know if they still have these (I haven't flown anywhere in about 10 years) but airports used to have those coin operated lockers. Pop in the money, fill up the locker, take the key and leave. On return, go to the locker and get your stuff.

Mark 85

Re: remote access but not able to map a drive or send a copy of the cd rom as an iso?

seems the IT company missed a trick there and could have saved a bucket in travel costs to do effectively the same job in a fraction of the time.

Err...office politics. Some PHB's believe the only way to fix anything is boots on the ground. It also gives them a scapegoat for any and all problems that occur later even on machines the tech didn't touch.