* Posts by imanidiot

4422 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Mar 2012

Is it a make-up mirror? Is it a tiny frisbee? No, it's the bonkers Cyrcle Phone, with its TWO headphone jacks

imanidiot Silver badge


Designed by marketeers completely devoid from realism living in their own universe. A circular device is not easier to hold, nor likely more intuitive to work with. More likely, they managed to score a whole heap of cheapo circular displays left over from a test run from a manufacturer and never intend to deliver more than a single batch of devices (This is actually more common than you think. It is also the reason some kickstarters fail to deliver anything, because they find out they sold 200k devices, when they only have 20k pieces of a critical component, and buying 180k additional parts is prohibitively expensive)

Love T-shirts, but can't be bothered to wash them? We've seen just the thing!

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: From what I've heard, gamers get a bit whiffy

This shirt won't change the hygiene issues of the body.

Tea tipplers are more likely to live longer, healthier lives than you triple venti pumpkin-syrup soy-milk latte-swilling fiends

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Details?

Actually, the link between soy and hormone production is tenuous at best and disputed. The effects of plasticizers on hormone levels have been linked much more clearly. How much plasticizer is going to leach out of a teabag and whether that amount will have any effect is another matter. I prefer good quality loose leaf tea over a teabag anyway since what ends up in the bags is usually the cheapest shit they can find at the time and the loose leaf is quite a lot better quality.

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Nothing new here

Most important, unlike black tea, green tea should be set with water that has come off the boil and cooled a bit. 80 to 90 degrees C is usually recommended, depending on the tea. This can require some experimentation on how long to let the water cool. Some people don't even bring the water to a boil first, personally I think they are wrong. Boiling water on green tea actually brings out the less tasteful compounds.

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Nothing new here

Really? You voluntarily consume stevia? That stuff has a very distinct and very foul aftertaste for me that makes me avoid ANYTHING that contains it. Absolutely horrid stuff.

What was Boeing through their heads? Emails show staff wouldn't put their families on a 737 Max over safety fears

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: I guess

The melt plug in the firebox only works if the top of the firebox is uncovered due to insufficient water level in the boiler. If there is sufficient water in the boiler it can still over-pressurize.

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: If the FAA can be forced to do its job

A FMECA was probably done when the system was still designed to have limited authority. When the change was made to give it full authority, likely someone called for redoing the FMECA analyses, but got overruled. I have no doubt some sort of FMECA was done, it's just when it was done that can make a huge difference. Not that this makes it any more excusable.

The problem for a whistle blower in the aviation world is not only that the organisation that they left will go after them. The aviation industry in general is quite small and "I know a guy that knows a guy". So finding another job with any relevance to your previous one will be completely impossible.

Why is a 22GB database containing 56 million US folks' personal details sitting on the open internet using a Chinese IP address? Seriously, why?

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: late capitalists

Read up on the (systematic) issues on VAG cars. Thinks like the TFSI engine, window regulators, door handles, certain buttons, etc. It's fine if people like the cars, I don't fault anyone for that, but it's known some VAG products have quality issues that can become quite expensive very fast. And because many of those parts are shared between all those brands, it affects all those brands just as much. For the first owner many of these problems are merely an invonvenience because it's all covered under waranty, but it can get expensive for second or third (etc) owners. Talk to a VAG mechanic if you don't believe me.

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: late capitalists

Knowing the average service requirements of a VAG product, that Polo probably HAS cost him a mint

Flying taxis? That'll be AFTER you've launched light sabres and anti-gravity skateboards

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: We have the technology

That's a problem that get's solved more or less on it's own if the amount of cyclists increases. Right now in cities like NY it's sometimes necessary to use the sidewalk/pavement as a cyclist because it's simply dangerous to use the road. If drivers actually get accustomed to watching for cyclists and the infrastructure changes support cycling better, things will improve in this regard. It'll never get completely solved (A**holes will be A**holes) but it CAN happen!.

The Netherlands up until the oil crisis of 1973 was very car oriented similar to how much of the world still is. It was not until after those events and the second "crisis" in 1979 that our society changed to one where owning and using a bike is the norm. Similar changes can still happen in other countries. The problem for cities like NY is that they are built with the use of a car in mind and the urban sprawl is mind boggling. People commute distances that are unheard of in the Netherlands simply because there is no housing available closer to the city. The solution to that would be spreading businesses out too, instead of concentrating them all in massive high-rise buildings in Manhattan, but it will take a while to convince the general society of that fact.

imanidiot Silver badge

The operating fluid losses resulting from sabre interactions would probably result in Red screens.

imanidiot Silver badge

We have the technology

We've had the technology to make VTOL flying vehicles for nearing a hundred years. Nobody has made it work, because it's fundamentally an unworkable solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

True congestion in for instance NY cannot be "fixed" by going 3d, there's still too little space available. Large cities COULD however take steps to actually promote things like bicycles which can greatly reduce the intra-city traffic load.

Sometimes shining a light on a nuclear problem just makes things worse

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Mice too

Clear cello-tape under the post-it works very well if they are expecting only the post-it. (Not that I've ever done that to anyone...)

Tragedy: CES squeeze forces frequent flier hotshots into economy hell

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: One wonders how many ...

I have it from a reliable source (someone working in the industry) that cabin crews know exactly who is using all the "tricks" angling for an upgrade and usually DON'T upgrade that person for it.

A Notepad nightmare leaves sysadmin with something totally unprintable

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: three decades

As ever, xkcd has an answer.

imanidiot Silver badge

What the user doesn't know

Won't hurt my career.

BOFH: The case of the Boss's hidden USB inkjet printer

imanidiot Silver badge

You'd think they would learn.

Did the boss really expect to get away with it?

Ever wonder how hackers could possibly pwn power plants? Here are 54 Siemens bugs that could explain things

imanidiot Silver badge

What works shall remain

The problem with industrial hardware is that much of it HAS to work with the 30 year old (or older) predecessor. Especially for things like PLCs this means a lot of them are bodge jobs with a lot of baggage from previous implementations that we NOW know to be insufficiently protected (But were considered good enough in the past). It's VERY hard moving away to completely new systems in any plant that already exists.

The best that can be done is proper air-gapping and a security conscious implementation of network access protocols. If getting on the network requires physical access you can provide more lines of defense in the form of (as called above) Guards, Guns and Gates. There's a reason you'd get rugby tackled in many chemical plants if you carry around a laptop within the security boundry without the proper credentials. Paranoid doesn't begin to cover it in some instances.

Brewing in spaaaaace: SpaceX sends a malting kit to the International Space Station

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Yum

Do you happen to have a link to your recipe for GF sourdough? I might unfortunately be facing a similar diet change. (Suffering from bouts of IBS, eliminated pretty much all other things I can think of)

My last attempt at GF bread baking wasn't very successful.

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Prelude to Mars

Not to forget if we go for something stronger at some point: Opportunity Spirits

imanidiot Silver badge

"Shot of the interior of the next ISS module?"

Hah, they'd WISH they had that much space inside the station.

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Rocket Lab

Compared to the nearly mach 10 it's doing at MECO, that's positively snails pace!

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Prelude to Mars

Plzen is indeed well worth a visit for many reasons. (A lot of the Czech Republic outside of Prague is actually. Prague itself is interesting but a bit of a tourist trap nowadays)

We've heard of spam filters but this is ridiculous: Pig-monkey chimeras developed in a Chinese laboratory

imanidiot Silver badge

It'll improve availability and lower cost, so it WILL improve access even for the poor. More people will have access. However, if you're living off of a few dollars a day at 3 days travel from the nearest hospital, it might not be of much help.

All other factors being equal this tech is equally beneficial to everyone. Wealth tends to scew all the other factors in favor of the rich, which is why in practice they will NOTICE the benefit of technology more.

imanidiot Silver badge

The need for transplant organs far exceeds the availability and unfortunately affect pretty much anyone regardless of income. Solving this issue benefits everyone, not just the rich! (Though it WILL benefit the rich more, since the poor are in general less likely to have access to the required health care nor the means to pay for it. That doesn't however negate the fact it will benefit everyone).

Just hope you or anyone you know/love never end up on a wait-list for a transplant organ. There's a good chance you'll be on there for the rest of a rather shortened and much more miserable life

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Is this really necessary ?

Evolution takes hundreds, thousands or millions of years to determine what should or should not survive through natural process, selection..

Humans have been selectively breeding flora and fauna for centuries now. We can alter a plant or creature significantly within a human lifetime. I'd hardly call that thousands or millions of years. It's not up to the same level as direct gene editing but humans have been fucking with nature since we first started walking upright.

(Also, this process of breeding chimeras takes more than "a couple of days" and it's quite easy to control the breeding/reproduction of animals. There's no chance of a catastrophic "humanity is screwed" type event with these particular experiments.)

imanidiot Silver badge


Tesla has a smashing weekend: Model 3 on Autopilot whacks cop cars, Elon's Cybertruck demolishes part of LA

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: I Can't Stop Myself

Banning it is not the way forward, but Tesla needs to be hit where it hurts, so any damage done while autopilot is active, whether the driver was paying attention or not, should be payed in full by Tesla plus the same amount again into a fund used for road safety improvement. This will give them an actual incentive to get it to work, and an actual incentive to make sure people don't use it when not appropriate.

Forget sharks with lasers, NASA kits out an elephant seal with a sensor-studded skullcap

imanidiot Silver badge
imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Caption seems inaccurate, based on the expression

More like, "look at me I'm a Narwhal"

Narwhals, the original Unicorn mermaid.

Apple completes $1bn amputation of Intel's 5G modem biz, Chipzilla out of mobiles for good

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: maybe fair?

I'm kind of wondering if the brouhaha Intel made about 5G modems was aimed to get Qualcomm to step down on it's server CPU ambitions. Sort of a: "Fine, you want to step into our market? Fine looking mobile applications modem market you got there. Would be a shame if something were to 'happen' to it, wouldn't it?"

Astroboffins peeved as SpaceX's Starlink sats block meteor spotting – and could make us miss a killer asteroid

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Orbital data

That's not how astronomical observations work.

imanidiot Silver badge

No, this is not a solution. And please stop spreading the idea further. The article linked above provides a clear explanation as to why. Space based astronomy can do great things, but it can't do everything that ground based telescopes can do. One cannot fully replace the other.

Go champion retires after losing to AI, Richard Nixon deepfake gives a different kind of Moon-landing speech...

imanidiot Silver badge

Nixon speech

Let's see how long it takes for the hoaxers to come out of the woodworks to claim: "See, they prerecorded even the failure speech, it was all fake".

No wonder Bezos wants to move industry into orbit: In space, no one can hear you* scream

imanidiot Silver badge

Pull the other one...

No light industry (or residential buildings) without the output of heavy industry. How the heck are you going to bring all that stuff to the surface? Millions of tons of steel and other products?

'Ethical' hackers say: It's just hacker. To be one is no longer a bad thing

imanidiot Silver badge


Are we sure these are the best people to be talking on the subject given their history?

Talking a Blue Streak: The ambitious, quiet waste of the Spadeadam Rocket Establishment

imanidiot Silver badge
Thumb Up

Interesting as always.

Irish eyes aren't smiling after govt blows €1m on mega-printer too big for parliament's doors

imanidiot Silver badge

If the model mentioned in links posted earlier is correct it's actually 2.65 meters high. Add in about 20 cm for a pallet, and 15 cm for head space and packaging and it might well require more than 3 meters headroom to be able to fit it through a door.

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Details

Makes me wonder who Komori paid off to write the tender tbh. It seems suspiciously specific for "generic" tender requirements. Almost as if it was tailored for a specific supplier and model to win.

Bose customers beg for firmware ceasefire after headphones fall victim to another crap update

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Just bought a set of QC 35 II's ...

I seem to recall it's not required for other apps. And lets just say that the T&C you have to agree to doesn't exactly make it feel like Bose minds or cares if it's mandated by Google. (You pretty much might as well allow Bose to come take your first-born child into eternal serfdome for all the things you give them permission for)

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Just bought a set of QC 35 II's ...

You willingly and knowingly installed an app that demands access to services it has no logical need to require? And demands location services be turned on for it to even run? I can only say one thing about the Bose app. Don't even think about it.

--> imho, the only proper solution to the shit that is the Bose app, the thermonuclear variety, from orbit.

It woz The Reg wot won it! Big Blue iron relics make it back to Blighty

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Too bad India Business Machine has gotten rid of anyone

"55 ain't old"

It IS a bit old though.

Bad news: 'Unblockable' web trackers emerge. Good news: Firefox with uBlock Origin can stop it. Chrome, not so much

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Come the revolution...

Which is why we don't send the telephone sanitizers

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Come the revolution...

Nah, we'll just build them a big B ark, it would be a waste of ammo.

'That roar is terrific... look at that rocket go!' It's been 52 years since first Saturn V left the pad

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: in the next few years,

Yeah, Bush made a very effective order -> Return to the Moon, with no extra budget.

And development for those missions was quite far along when the next politician came a long and axed the whole deal. Then the next guy shows up and tells them to get going again, but with different mission parameters that now make all the work they did useless.

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: in the next few years,

0.5% will be hit, giving any astronaut certain cancer.

That's not how radiation or cancer works.

"0.5% will be hit, giving a tiny increase in the cumulative lifetime risk of developing a cancer" is a much more accurate statement.

Not every cell hit by ionising radiation gets mutated. Not every cell that mutates turns into a cancer cell. Not every cell that turns into a cancer turns into a cancer that ever gets detected. Not every cancer that gets detected is a problem. The chances of the dose/exposure received during a relatively short moon mission giving a deadly amount of radiation is slim. Especially now that the sun is very quiet with little sun spot activity, there isn't all that much radiation in the Van Allen Belts. Additionally, they are BELTS, the Apollo flights all took a trajectory that took them through the belts "above" (north of the equatorial plane) the most high energy regions.

By your reckoning we also can't have geostationary satellites, because they must all past through the VABs too. And if it's enough radiation to kill a human, it would affect and kill electronics too!

imanidiot Silver badge

Re: Most fuel gone after 400 miles

The 3rd stage of the Saturn V was only ejected into a solar orbit on Apollo 8, 10 and 11 IIRC. After that they put the upper stages into a collision course with the moon, so they could measure the impact with the geophones left behind in the ALSEPs left behind by the previous missions.

Close the windows, it's coming through the walls: Copper Cthulu invades Dabbsy's living room

imanidiot Silver badge

I'll up that raise with a stack of seemingly clean saucers and 2 inexplicably dirty cups left in the sink, at 8 in the morning.

We lose money on repairs, sobs penniless Apple, even though we charge y'all a fortune

imanidiot Silver badge

The Reg is one of the few publications that does. It's also why El Reg is on Apple's shitlist and why "We reached out to Apple for a comment and will update the article when we receive a reply" is such a massive in-joke on here at this point. Because it will likely never happen anyway.

A short note to say I'm off: Vulture taps claws on Reg keyboard for last time

imanidiot Silver badge

Good luck and goodbye