* Posts by Steve Button

1193 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jun 2007

German state ditches Windows, Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice

Steve Button Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Re: It wont be technical issues which sink this

Considering the billions which are at stake, it could be a lot more than brown envelopes.

If one large organisation can make the successful transition then the rest of the world could follow suit, but as far as I'm aware no one has yet done this with desktops completely. I'm amazed that the NHS hasn't, considering their size.

If I was one of the key players in this transition I think I'd make it very clear that I've not been having any suicidal thoughts.

I mean if someone about to testify in a Boeing court case could suddenly succumb, then why not some German?

I'll take my tin-foil hat off now.

But seriously, next year *could* be the year of Linux on the desktop!?

Twitter's lawsuit against anti-hate-speech crusaders gets SLAPPed out of court

Steve Button Silver badge

Not just that but I think aerogems has some shadow accounts to like their own posts and dislike ones that they disagree with. They even accuse others of doing the same, which is what made me think that.

I think this person is very bitter about something, and can be very nasty and throw all kinds of un-based accusations at people. Also, they seem to have a lot of time on their hands. (although not enough time to actually read things outside their cosy echo chamber)

I am a real person and I have feelings, I really don't appreciate being called a racist.

At least they can't stalk me on "other platforms" any more because I've either been kicked off, or decided to leave them dormant (or just lost my password and decided to stay away anyway).

Reg forums is my last remaining complete-waste-of-time arguing with wrong people on the internet who I just must correct at all costs.

Steve Button Silver badge

Wasn't me, if that's what you are trying to imply.

Steve Button Silver badge

Every major platform. And I don't include Substack in that which is much larger than El Reg.

Steve Button Silver badge

Hi is definitely a dick, but unfortunately Twitter is the only place that you are allowed to say certain things that the US Government doesn't like. Things like saying Covid vaccines don't stop you catching it or stop you passing it on, would have got you banned from every platform. Criticising the Net Zero policy will currently get you severely limited on Google and Facebook platforms, by shadow banning or other means.

Unfortunately this means you do seem to be getting all kinds of other hate speech on Twitter/X, but I don't believe the other large platforms are free of that also.

It's strange how Elon has gone from being compared to Tony Stark in most of the tech press, to now being compared to Hitler. Strange how this has also come about just around the time that he's upset the US government.

Is it possible that you aren't thinking for yourself but you are just a useful idiot who is thinking what you have been nudged to think?

He's not Tony Stark, but he's also not anything close to Hitler. I've heard him speak a few times and he does seem pretty balanced on most things, although he does seem to throw his toys out of the pram occasionally about not getting his own way. Like every other billionaire. At least he's open about it, unlike Google and Facebook who sneakily just silence you / demote you / shadow ban you if you challenge their elitist world view.

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Careful here.

A nice little explainer here


This doesn't mean I agree with Elon trying to SLAPP them down, but it does give a little context as to what he's up against.

A very small number of people who get upset that people are saying things on the internet that they don't agree with, and try to shut down their ad revenue.

If this organisation stuck to actual "Hate" I would have no issues with them.

Steve Button Silver badge

Careful here.

The CCDH frequently "identify" examples of people claiming that transitioning away from fossil fuels will decrease people's standard of living or that renewables will need more land than fossil fuels.

So, many people on these very comment pages could find themselves being harassed for spreading "disinformation". Or more likely more famous people saying similar things, would find themselves on the wrong side of CCDH and have their advertising revenue cut off.

Hardly what I would call "Hate". More like debate, which they feel should be stifled.

CNCF boss talks 'irrational exuberance' in an AI-heavy Kubecon keynote

Steve Button Silver badge

I don't think a simple registration system warrants setting up a k8s cluster, if only 12,000 attendees. It's not a simple thing to set up, and takes quite a lot of resources before you've even started with non control plane nodes.


Why make it overly complicated when you don't have to?

Likewise if you are trying to run it on a single t3.nano instance it's probably not gonna cut the mustard.

When life gives you Lemon, sack him

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: I can't stand any of them.

Wow this has garnered some "engagement". ;-)

I'm not sure who I've offended, or perhaps I've just offended The Left by picking on Lemmon, The Right by picking on Tucker and the floating-around-every-which way by picking on Musk?

I'd really like to know which part has given such a ratio?? All seems pretty sensible from my echo chamber.

Steve Button Silver badge

I can't stand any of them.

Musk has gone off the rails many times. Although he does come across as sensible some of the time. And Twitter is STILL pretty much the only big social media place where you can say legal but inconvenient things that western governments don't like, so there's that. He still gets on my nerves though, like a spoilt man-child billionaire, who is used to people saying yes sir.

Tucker is a conspiracy theorist nutcase, like Fox News on steroids (I guess, have never actually watched Fox). Pay-per-click-bait. Occasionally he makes some good points.

Lemon was a bit of a Covid nazi, blaming the unvaccinated (like most of corporate media). CNN literally painted Rogan green using PhotoShop to make him look ill, and that was while Lemon was still there. So, they are on my list of Joke Media (along with The Guardian, The Atlantic, and many others)

So, that's an interview / car crash I definitely won't be watching thank-you-very-much.

But thanks for taking the hit for the team El Reg.

Climate change means beer made from sewer water, says North Carolina brewery

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Been done before

Yeah, good point. I was kind of going with the old saying that all the water you drink from a London tap has been through 8 people's kidneys before you drink it. Probably a lot more now, as that was decades ago. Anyway, I guess that's not the same as taking water directly from sewage treatment plants. I guess it's way way more diluted for a start. Why would anyone want that? Ewwww. I'll pass.

Strange to blame this on climate change when California is growing barn loads of alfalfa and shipping it to feed cows in Saudi Arabia (according to one of the latest Freakonomics Radio episodes). I guess they should sort that out before putting treated sewage water back into the drinking water system. Growing almonds is a problem too IIRC.

Oh and on a side note, UNTREATED sewage is allowed to flow into a stream which runs right past my house. Supposed to be for "emergency overflow use only" which is like every ten years, but it happens several times a year in the 20+ years I've lived here, and they keep doing it. Sometimes when it hasn't even rained for weeks.

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Been done before

Oh, and just to be clear all tap water is recycled sewage / drainage water. Isn't it?

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Been done before

Yes, it's been done before because almost all breweries use tap water, don't they? It's not made from mountain spring water, is it?

Trump supporters forge AI deepfakes to woo Black voters

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Except

Well yeah, this particular instance. But I was trying to make the point that it's a wider issue, and will be still going on long after trump has moved on to other things in 4 years. Just imagine, after his next presidency is over he might spend more time playing golf and shouting at clouds, and we can all start to try and forget about him. Here's hoping.

I guess in 2028 we'll have Ron Desantis looking like a midget, and Kemi Badenoch being anti semitic or something.

I wonder what fake Keir will get up to by the next-but-one election?

I'm sure people with better imaginations than myself will come up with something entertaining, shocking or hilarious... but fake.

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Not realistic images

Doesn't matter. *Most* people are going to be looking at it briefly on a mobile phone. I'm guessing most people on The Reg are using a computer right now.

Also, a lot of people are just scrolling and will only look at the image for a fraction of a second probably, but it still creates the concept in their mind.

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Except

Not everything is about Trump.

Someone could just as easily generate a fake video of Biden making a speech and sounding cogent, cognisant and wide-awake.

Or Rishi sounding passionate and not-at-all like a wet blanket.

Or Keir sounding passionate and not-at-all like a wet blanket.

The problem is that these fake images or videos will proliferate and get seen by many people, and even if they are told afterwards that they are fake, they will still have some kind of influence on people's attitudes.

It feels like the AI wars are only just beginning, and people are going to see many many fake videos of politicians getting up to all kinds of things (good or bad) which just didn't really happen.

Imagine if someone puts out a fairly convincing but slightly blurred video of Trump in a Russian hotel pissing all over a prostitute. And it happens to come out around November. You won't be able to un-see that, even if you're told it's fake.

Likewise, Biden falling over or fainting Hillary style.

These sorts of things, if done well and timed just right could swing an election by a couple of percentage points.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of this.

Dell share price jumps 16% on mention of AI server backlog

Steve Button Silver badge

Change of company direction?

That's it, I'm changing my limited company theme song and flag to feature AI enhancement.

Hopefully I'll be able to increase my daily rate from huge to obscene. (I wish).


Google to reboot Gemini image gen in a few weeks after that anti-White race row

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: re. I no longer trust Google or public health or "corporate media" to tell me the truth

I guess I could have just said, "because of bollocks like this, I just don't know who to trust any more".

Steve Button Silver badge

I think you've hit the nail on the head. I no longer trust Google or public health or "corporate media" to tell me the truth.

Questions like "Do face masks work against respiratory viruses?" or "What's the best diet for optimal health?" I feel are going to be biased towards yes of course they work you bozo, because WHO says so, and "you should go vegan because it's good for the planet and will make you super heathy" (it isn't and it won't).

Also questions like (and I know this will give me lots of downvotes) "Should I let my 17 year old son take an MRNA gene therapy? *". I HONESTLY don't know the correct answer to that question! The WHO says Yes of course. The NHS says no need. USA health says it's OK for 6 month old babies. Not just OK but mandated if you want to attend some nurseries I believe. Joe Rogan says no way. And who do I believe most? It's not the WHO.

*Yes, gene therapy is more accurate than vaccine. A vaccine was always an attenuated/dead version of some pathogen. When your mRNA is taken over to create a spike protein, that's a different thing from a vaccine, so let's call it what it is.

I stopped trusting the WHO many years ago, because they were recommending a pretty high carb diet based on junk science from the 1950s and also based on politics (eat corn) rather than health (eat more animal protein). The whole story is far more complicated than that, but it's what started me on a more sceptical path.

Google still seems to trust the WHO, rather than actual health experts like sports coaches for multi million teams or functional medicine specialists who rich people who care about their health use for heath advice. I also don't trust Bill Gates or Elon Must for health advice, insert pregnant man emoji.

I *should* be able to ask Google or Gemini a simple question about the best diet for someone my age and get back a straight answer, but I know I would not be able to trust the results.

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Not just "historical color calibrations"

It's hilarious because the ultra woke progressives don't realise they are Anakin, and are slowly turning into Darth Vader.

Obi-Wan Kenobi : You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind, until now, until now you've become the very thing you swore to destroy.

With good intentions and by trying to stamp out racism (and every kind of ism), they have literally created something which is racist against white people.

We sure are living in weird times. I've got many many other problems with Google, and I'd like to get completely out of their ecosystem, but it's really hard and is going to take years. But I can't see them becoming neutral, unbiased or "centrist" any time soon, or even admitting to themselves that they have a problem, so it's going to have to happen. I did happily use Neeva until they shut down, but that's just search.

Steve Button Silver badge

Not just "historical color calibrations"

If last week you asked it to draw a picture of a "strong black man" it gives four pictures of men who look like they have been in the gym. A lot. One of them in a wheelchair obviously.

If you ask for a picture of a "strong white man" it literally says "I am unable to do so because it could potentially reinforce harmful stereotypes about race and body image". Probably should have also said "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"

See The Naked Emperor on substack for more hilarious examples of blatant racism against white people. Also, the "picture of a ginger person" is priceless.


Firefly software snafu sends Lockheed satellite on short-lived space safari

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: ITYM...

If you deliberately put = instead of == then you deserve a thumbs up, but if it's a bug you deserve a thumbs down for trying to be clover.... dammit clever.

Now own up.

Chunks of deorbiting ESA satellite are expected to reach the ground

Steve Button Silver badge

Depends if it's 1 in 100 Billion chance of *someone* getting hit, or does that apply to every human on the planet... in which case there's about a 1 in 13 chance that someone will get hit?

City of London ditches Oracle for SAP in search of ERP enlightenment

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: What a choice!

Out of the frying pan, into the fire?

Billions lost to fraud and error during UK's pandemic spending spree

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Oops, we stole it

Er, seriously!?

What did we get for the £37 Billion (or slightly less?)

How many lives were saved, and how much does that work out per person?

If it saved 37 people's lives, that's probably not great value for money.

If it saved 37 million, it would have been worth it.

I suspect it was much much closer to the former.

Techie climbed a mountain only be told not to touch the kit on top

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: I see what you did there!!!

I don't? But I'm not firing on all cylinders today.

Could someone spell it out for me.

DPD chatbot blasts courier company, swears, and dabbles in awful poetry

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: In training, you learn for life

Agreed. Now Evri a.k.a. Hermes are a different story. They literally have massive piles of parcels they have not managed to deliver (couldn't find house / you were out / couldn't be bothered?) which they sell off!!

I know this from someone who works there. The worst.

Regarding DPD, I don't think you'll find many posts of people saying "Wow, my parcel arrived on time and the driver actually waited for me to answer the door"... because you just don't bother to post positive comment when they are literally doing their job. Having said that, I often get parcels dumped in a puddle next to my gate (yes, even DPD do this - and yes, this has really happened a few times) because they can't be bothered to walk twenty steps up to my front door.

Florida man slams 'tyranny' of central bank digital currencies in re-election bid

Steve Button Silver badge

Straw man fallacy.

I was talking about physical cash.

Steve Button Silver badge

"Do they not realize that it's not all that difficult for the government to confiscate physical currency?"

It actually IS quite difficult. You'd need to get a police warrant, find the person and then physically take the cash money away from them. And they could have money stashed all over the place.

With programmable currency, you could tell the central bank that this list of people have been on an "illegal protest" (or have just donated money to help the protest) and then shut them down from buying fuel or travelling on public transport. That would stem the protests. Do this enough times, and people will loose faith in the banking system, and the whole thing would come crashing down. It almost happened in 2008, but that was cockup not conspiracy.

This sort of thing gives FAR too much power to a government. Now imaging the very worst politician you can think of, and imagine what they would potentially do with that kind of power if they got into government. I imagine someone like Nicola Sturgeon would happily have used this to shut down anti-lockdown protests, and she's not even close to the worst politician I can imagine.

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Conspiracy

Because it literally is a conspiracy. They are planning this and they are quite open about it. "Governments and central banks are working together".

They talk about "Energy efficiency" as if that's a great benefit!? Who knew that traditional banking uses so much energy? Surely "Crypto" uses loads more, which is what CBDCs will be based on. So, solving a problem that we don't currently have.

In that video Rishi does look like a hostage reading a pre-prepared script.

I think the whole reason for pushing CBDCs is to provide an alternative to cryptocurrencies, because crypto can be fairly untraceable and probably a good way to launder money. Which is a difficult one, as you should not be hiding your money from the government to avoid tax or to do illegal things, but you *might* want to keep your money away from the government so they can't freeze your bank account.

Trudeau really dropped a bollock, because a lot of people like me no longer trust Western governments will mostly "do the right thing". I could easily imagine Starmer declaring an emergency, because some climate sceptics* who think Net Zero has got out of hand need to be stopped.

*Not deniers, just sceptics.

Steve Button Silver badge

I've just remembered I'm British, and will probably have to make a similar choice this year.

Now, do I go for the ideologically captured ones who don't know if a woman has a penis, or the ones who are constantly stabbing each other in the back? Or the even more ideologically captured? Or the other lot, who I can't remember what they do? Or perhaps the "right wing Nazis" who will control immigration?

It's not much of a choice for us either. :-(

Steve Button Silver badge

Presumably if the question was asked differently, as in "Would you personally cut back on meat, gas and electricity" then it would be a different percentage?

Rules for thee, but not for me.

Steve Button Silver badge

You've got the wrong Prez mate.

And I'm sure Biden is going to pop up on TV any minute now... "Surprise! I was just pretending to have progressive dementia all along to double bluff them Russians"

Trump is crass, vulgar and makes stuff up on the spot (and then claims he was only joking) but he's clearly got his marbles still.

I'm glad I'm not American, it's a pretty poor choice to make in November either way.

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Hmm

It looks like The Register is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Or perhaps they could put something in the article to spell out WHY I would ever want CBDCs. Particularly after what happened to truckers in Canada. If it can happen over there, it could happen here in the UK or over there in the USA. They could declare some kind of emergency, and then limit your transactions, or freeze your account completely. Just for protesting about the wrong thing, and being a nuisance. A bit like they can now, but even worse.

Seriously, no thanks.

Will AI take our jobs? That's what everyone is talking about at Davos right now

Steve Button Silver badge

I'm pretty sure that before electricity and before the industrial revolution most people worked six days a week or more on farms, probably for ten hours a day or longer.

Of course the rich have got richer, but the poor have also got richer and have far more free time and luxuries than 150 years ago.

The poorest in society nowadays live mostly in luxury compared to the lords from 200 years ago.

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: AI taking jobs

I don't think it's fair to call them "wankers". They pay "escorts" over $4,000 for that service, if they can find one as they are all booked apparently.


Probably plenty of willy-waving going on.

Tesla owners in deep freeze discover the cold, hard truth about EVs

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: re: Don't make many (preferably no) long trips.

What if I don't want to "carefully plan" my whole trip, and would like some flexibility?

What if there's already a queue in Reims (which is where I presume you actually mean), can you pre-book a slot? Could be waiting for hours.

What if it's not +1C, but closer to -20C? This is rare, but does happen in Europe (especially in the Alps)

What if there's a storm and you are stuck in traffic trying to get down the mountain in -20C?

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Sounds like Tesla drivers should always carry a can of petrol with them in Winter

It's probably a LOT safer to light a *real* fire under a diesel engine block than a EV battery though. Just saying.

You can throw a lit match into diesel, it will just go out.

Disease X fever infects Davos: WEF to plan response to whatever big pandemic is next

Steve Button Silver badge

Let's not go there! I know the man is polarising.

The thing that sticks in my mind was him suggesting people should inject themselves with disinfectant on live TV. And then later saying it was a joke.

I've never heard his comments about China. Only Chiynar.

Steve Button Silver badge

I think Trump said that. He also said about Germany being too reliant on Russian gas, and they openly laughed at him.

I know he's wrong about most things, but not everything. (now there's a comment that'll piss off both sides - he he - not that anyone is reading this thread any more, probably down to about three hangers on now).

Steve Button Silver badge

This makes me sad. I'm not sure there exists any tech publication which is not afraid to "Bite the hand".

If anyone knows of such a place, let me know. Not right wing or left wing, but somewhere in the middle perhaps?

I dropped back into SlashDot a couple of years back, and Oh Boy! That place is not what it used to be.

I still enjoy reading Andrew Orlowski in The Telegraph, who has a decent level of cynicism towards the state of technology.

Steve Button Silver badge

This sounds like conspiracy land stuff to most people, as they don't realise that Eco Health Alliance actually put in a grant application to the NIAID for exactly this type of research. It was refused as considered too dangerous, but it looks like they went ahead and did it anyway. I guess we'll never know, as the crucial database went offline right before the pandemic never to be seen again (due to "hacking") and the CCP aren't telling. We had the opportunity to interview the scientists working in Wuhan and look through their notebooks from the time, but that line in inquiry has gone cold for a long time now.

Of course all this is just a possibility, but it does look very likely. So much circumstantial evidence, it's unlikely to be purely a coincidence.

The lack of curiosity about this from the WHO is frankly baffling. Sending Peter Daszak to lead the initial investigation was like getting the fox to guard the hen house. It turns out the mysterious disappearance of all the chickens along with the blood and feathers everywhere around was simply a coincidence, and they had just died of natural causes and disappeared. The fox got fatter.

The worrying thing is that we're still doing this type of research, under lab conditions which are not stringent enough, and we could have another leak which leads to much worse outcomes.

I guess just like the 2008 financial crash, we've learned nothing and it could happen again, but worse.


Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Obligatory masks when coughing

I agree that regular handwashing is a good idea, especially before meals.


"Whilst airborne droplets from someone else's sneeze may bring infection to somebody nearby, that even after deflection upwards by a mask, these are not the major means of transmission."

I just don't buy that statement. I remember reading somewhere that fomite transmission accounted for something like 1 in 10,000 infections of Covid. It's not droplets that you need to worry about* it's aerosolised particles, which simply float around in the air. Sometimes for hours.

* Not that I see any point in worrying. It's kind of inevitable, and really seems to be unavoidable however many jabs or masks or whatever. I know I'm going to get it again some time, and I'm not going to have it hanging over me like some sword of Damocles. Much better to get plenty of sunlight and stay slim and fit, which is harder to do than putting on a mask but I think far more effective in keeping me well. Which also means I'm less likely to be ill and spreading it to other people.

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: > If you do not trust Guardian, check any health authority or known hospital web-site

Well probably anything that was stuck in between the surgeons teeth from the bacon and egg mcmuffin they had just before your surgery. Or just bits of spit. Or bogies.

If I'm having some kind of open surgery, I really would like my surgeon to wear one of those.

Just because of my limited knowledge of physics it seems kind of obvious that a mask might stop little bits of bacon falling into my body (which could well give me sepsis or some nasties) whereas it's really not going to stop very very very small bits of virus.

Even if I was super vulnerable (to viruses) I would not be asking people to mask up, because I honestly think they'll help about as much as a knitted tea cosy wrapped around your face.

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: > [masks] didn't stop the last pandemic

Does Cochrane count as "any health authority" ?


Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Obligatory masks when coughing

"There is irrefutable scientific and practical evidence that masks work."

Simply wrong. Cochrane is the best meta analysis we've got, and it found no significant benefit.

Science doesn't care about your "belief", that's the domain of religion.

When you get the very best evidence and it challenges your beliefs, you should change your belief not rubbish the science. Until some better science comes along. Which it hasn't yet.

Comparing the UK to Japan is utterly ridiculous. Better to compare England to Scotland or even better South and North Dacota who had different rules, but similar outcomes.

Anyway, my point was that no one should get fined, arrested or beaten for not wearing a mask "NOT ONLY DURING PANDEMIC"

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Obligatory masks when coughing


Seriously, you want to arrest people for coughing without wearing a mask? Even though masks aren't proven to actually work (against respiratory viruses), and most studies show very little benefit if any? Once the garbage studies have been removed, any benefit is not even statistically significant.

Also, what if you are coughing because it's cold and damp, or just a bit dusty?

Why stop at arrest, surely punishment beatings should be considered?

I mean they didn't stop the last pandemic, even though almost everyone was wearing one at some points, but why let a few facts stop your authoritarian tendancies?

COVID-19 infection surge detected in wastewater, signals potential new wave

Steve Button Silver badge

Re: Mass vaccination and everyone shopping via hazmat are not the same thing

It's the masks which are no more effective than crystals.

I think the vaccines probably had some efficacy against getting seriously ill. Although there's always the problem or Original Antigenic Fixation, where you develop antibodies against the original (Wuhan) strain, and by the time you've caught Omicron (or whatever) that can actually make your illness worse. This is a well known and recognised biological phenomena, since long before Covid. There's also the problem with having to take them every six months or less if you want to benefit from that limited efficacy. And each time you take one you are increasing your risk of "rare" side effects.

Anecdotally, I've heard about plenty of people who have got a pretty bad case even after having the vaccine.

I really don't trust Big Pharma any more. I kind of didn't trust them anyway, but since Covid I really don't trust them, having looked at the shenanigans they got up to in the past. Also, things that were hidden during the trials of the Covid vaccines, such as people in Argentina dying after a first dose and then being put into the "unvaccinated" arm, as they failed to take the 2nd dose. Perhaps it's all lies by those horrid "anti-vaxxers"? But you've got to ask what's in it for them, and what's in it for Pfizer? Follow the money.

So, I kinda feel that dissing these particular vaccines is justified. They did not deliver what was promised.

However as you imply, we'll never really know. If I get sick in the next few weeks having declined all the boosters (or not being offered) would I have been less sick if I'd had the vaccine? I'm not sure, and I don't know who to trust to tell me.

You aren't suggesting lockdown or hazmat suited deliveries, but are you now advocating for the re-introduction of mass vaccination? vaccine passports? Mandatory vaccination? In the UK you have to be 70+ or vulnerable to even be offered one, whereas in the USA it's 6 months. How can both of those things be right at the same time? Which country has got it right? Is the UK suffering way worse than the USA?

Also, how come Australia and NZ didn't come out of it with dramatically lower mortality having vaccinated most of their population BEFORE Covid hit their shores in anger?

Steve Button Silver badge

Please define "batten down"? What mitigations should we put in place if there's a large surge? Another lockdown?

Steve Button Silver badge

That's a pretty nasty comment.

Please help me to "understand how these things spread and what can be done to mitigate it." ... because I've yet to see anyone successfully mitigate it yet. Perhaps Australia and NZ delayed things by a bit. Perhaps China slowed things down, but with some pretty severe consequences.

What exactly are you suggesting that should be done, and does it have any better demonstrated outcomes than healing crystals?

I'm not a selfish person, if I thought there was something I could do to help, then I would do it. I work for three charities in my spare time, for no benefit to myself. I don't want to see people get ill or die if it can be avoided. I'm just not convinced it CAN be avoided. If we're going to try to avoid all illnesses then I guess everyone should stay at home from now on, and get our shopping delivered by someone in a hazmat suit. Would that be enough mitigation for you, or would that not go far enough?