* Posts by Crisp

2852 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jan 2012

TERROR in SPACE: ISS 'NAUTS FLEE 'gas leak' to Russian module


Re: Big Three?

I'd rather be up against a Tribble than a Xenomorph.

DANGER: Is that 'hot babe' on Skype a sextortionist?

Paris Hilton

It's funny because it's not happening to you!

Paris, because sex tape or something.

Windows 7 MARKED for DEATH by Microsoft as of NOW


Oh noes! We've only got 5 years!

And even with 5 years advance warning, it's still going to catch some people by surprise. (I'm looking at you gov.uk)

Paris terror attacks: ISPs face pressure to share MORE data with governments


What I don't get is...

How is reading my email and browser history going to stop crazy people with guns?

Are terrorists somehow firing bullets via the internet?


Re: Heavy seismic activity

We could wrap him in copper wire and replace his headstone with a magnet and solve the energy crisis in one fell stroke!

Hawking and friends: Artificial Intelligence 'must do what we want it to do'


"Our AI systems must do what we want them to do"

I'm going to go out on a limb here and make the following prediction:

AI will do what we told it to do, not what we want it to do.

IBM hastens END OF HUMANITY with teachable AI 'brain'


What exactly was the human error rate?

Enquiring minds need to know!

Burglars' delight no more: Immobilise UK secures property list


"a thorough review of records revealed no evidence of irregular usage"

That's only really meaningful if they keep thorough records.

It's 2015 and ATMs don't know when a daughterboard is breaking them


Re: Outdated stereotypes

Frankie, ya broke the unwritten law. Ya ratted on your friends. You do that, Frankie, your enemies don't respect ya. You got no friends no more. You got nobody ...

SpaceX: CATS with FRIKKIN' LASERS to blast off to space station


Re: Is the barge KA-BOOM-proof?

If you hear an Earth Shattering KA-BOOM at about 11:40, you'll have your answer.

Siri, are you afraid of Facebook's new speech recognition tech?


Re: Because Facebook must crush the world

With their, erm, social media platform. content free advertising platform.


Saudi Arabia hires 'ethical hackers' to silence smut slingers


Will the West retaliate?

By hacking Saudi sites and putting porn on them?

Sony Pictures hit by 'fightback on filesharers' DDoS claims – report


How many illegal things does Sony have to do before they are taken to court?

I'm still surprised that they got away with the rootkit thing without a single jail term being handed out.

No, I won't SNORKEL in your server room at STUPID-O'CLOCK


Re: 2) Get caught when bad decision leads to millions in lost money

One hardly ever gets caught. By the time the basement floods, they've moved on to mismanage some other project.

Bitcoin exec gets two years over illegal Silk Road funny money trading


Charlie Shrem gets jailed for helping criminals launder money

And HSBC get away with it scott free.

Space Commanders lock missiles on Elite's Frontier Devs


Trickier than docking with a space station without a docking computer?

If you can't dock your craft manually then you shouldn't be in space!

UK air traffic bods deny they 'skimped' on IT investment after server mega-fail


Now it's been officially denied...

You know it's true.

TorrentLocker ransomware pestilence plagues Europe, bags $500k


Re: you can't kill someone over standard tcp/ip...

Not easily...

Pirate Bay towed to oldpiratebay.org


Re: links to smut...

"Which we did not click on."


So exactly how smutty was the stuff you didn't click on?

Denmark BANNED from viewing UK furniture website in copyright spat


Re: Paul McCartney?

I thought it was to protect Cliff Richard.

US Navy's LASER CANNON WARSHIP: USS Ponce sent to Gulf


Geneva Convention

So it's ok to throw hunks of lead at a human, or set them on fire, or blow them up with explosives; but vaporising them with a laser is out of the question?

Car-crash IT: HUGE write-off for Universal Credit - PAC


I was watching Yes Minister last night

Glad to see that it hasn't dated in the slightest.

Govt spaffs £170k to develop the INTERNET OF SHEEP


Re: Sheep puns?

Get the flock out of here.

Mom and daughter SUE Comcast for 'smuggling' public Wi-Fi hotspot into their home


Re: If one were so inclined

It would probably be quite trivial to not only set up a box with a familiar BT or Comcast SSID that not only provided poor service, but could also be used to slurp authentication (and other) data from the connected device.

I imagine setting up a WiFi trap like that would break a law or two somewhere. Although I once heard of a guy that got so annoyed with his neighbours sneaking onto his router that he invented the upside-down-ternet

Sacre block! French publishers to sue Adblock maker – report


Adblock is an essential application

Mostly due to dodgy flash adverts that can cripple a low-end machine.



Never work with children or animals.

Guaranteeing safety is going to be a difficult job. Even for Google.



Re: Brains?

Brains.... brains? Eurghhhh,,,,, Brains.

Orion 'Mars' ship: Cosmic ray guard? Go. Parachutes? Go. Spacerock shield? Go!


Re: Anyone produced it in Kerbal yet?

I was just thinking the exact same thing.

We're all going to be screwed when the KSP team implement re-entry properly. At the moment, you can return from the Mün and slam into Kerbal at 3 Kps with a 90 degree angle and still survive.

Sinclair is back with the Spectrum Vega ... just as rubbish as the ZX


Re: Pfffttt

You're going to need a J key to LOAD games as well.

Sony Pictures struggles as staff details, salaries and films leaked


Re: "Popped the company"

In this context, it means to hit or to strike.

It's a British thing. We use the word pop for a variety of stuff.

Man asks internet for $1k for pebbles. INTERNET SAYS YES


No Scotch on the Rocks joke?

Ok, I'm going...

Wireless Power standards are like Highlanders: There can be only ONE


How does Kamil Grajski expect to be taken seriously?

He's not even wearing a t-shirt.

Feds dig up law from 1789 to demand Apple, Google decrypt smartphones, slabs


Re: Next in the product lineup, remote self-destruct.

Doesn't have to be that complicated. It just has to let the magic blue smoke out.

Social media data is riddled with 'human behaviour errors'


For completely accurate social media studies, use 4Chan.

They seem pretty on the ball.

E-cigarettes fingered as source of NASTY VIRUS


Re: We need the hard evidence...

I agree. We've going to need more evidence if we're going to get to the butt of the problem.

ESA finds FOURTH comet touchdown for Philae lander


You wait ten years for a comet touchdown...

And then four come along at once.

Randall Munroe: The root nerd talks to The Register


Randall Munroe in El Reg?

We're not worthy...

We're not worthy...

We're not worthy...

MI6 oversight report on Lee Rigby murder: US web giants offer 'safe haven for terrorism'


Re: Ban Father Ted

Down with that sort of thing!


So basically, what the ISC are saying is...

That websites that could be used for messaging ought to be reading every single message that passes through it and then reporting on the correspondents to the authorities.

That's just absurd. Has the ISC any idea how complex it is for a computer system to glean the semantics of a message? It's hard enough for humans sometimes.

The next big thing in medical science: POO TRANSPLANTS

Thumb Up

The Scrubs musical episode was right!

Everything does come down to poo!

Two driverless cars stuffed with passengers are ABOUT TO CRASH - who should take the hit?


Two cars travelling in opposite directions on a mountain road...

I'd imagine that the two cars would be aware of each other and their location. The software would know of all the places on the road where two cars could pass safely and then the software would manoeuvre the vehicles to the nearest passing place and resolve the deadlock there.

No one needs to get rammed off the road at all.

Useless 'computer engineer' Barbie fired in three-way fsck row


Blatant Misandry

Why is it the two lads doing all the work?

Webcam hacker pervs in MASS HOME INVASION


Re: "Steamed footage available through the site"

Website reports an error code of 418.

What should America turn to for web advice? That's right: GOV.UK – says ex-Obama IT guru


Re: Outer Space Act of 1986

I'm applying right now. I'll let you know how I get on.

Giant bank IT cockup of 2012 'could have brought down ENTIRE financial system'


The cause of the IT incident...

"The cause of the IT incident was the failure of the banks to have the proper controls in place to identify and manage exposure to the IT risks within their business" - The Regulator

I thought that the cause was the bank outsourcing their IT operations to people that had never seen a mainframe before.

Boffins train robots to pull apart LCD screens – without breaking them


First it's LCD displays...

Next we'll be seeing whole swarms of these things tearing apart ship hulks for scrap.

Attack of the drones: ‘Nefarious’ private use rising, says top Blighty copper


Re: How heavy ?!

Prostitution is just as illegal as being a peeping tom.

I don't know why. It just is.

Anonymous ‪hacks the Ku Klux Klan after Ferguson‬ threats


Poke the Hivemind

You might as well try kicking a Grizzly Bear in the nuts.

Mystery Russian satellite: orbital weapon? Sat gobbler? What?


Re: sattelite spying sattelite?

There's your Kickstarter pitch right there...

Has your STARFISH been DRIBBLING awful SLIME? Scientists now know WHY


"There are ten million viruses in a drop of sea water"

So more like searching for a needle in a needle stack then?