* Posts by Cari

148 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jan 2012

Hackers add exploit kit to article asking 'Is cyber crime out of control?'


They're probably working out who they can baselessly pin this on before they say anything.


Re: Well, it's kind of poetic

From what this article has described, it seems like the whole site should have been affected, as well as any others using the same service. We're a bit light on info here...


Is it at all possible The Guardian put it there themselves?

Donald Trump wants Bill Gates to 'close the Internet', Jeff Bezos to pay tax


I'll just leave this here


Seems whoever is providing Trump's talking points is working for the other side?

France mulls tighter noose around crypto


@Secret Service Intern

Don't believe me? Then explain why nearly every election is won not by appealing to the brain but by appealing to the gut.

Elections are won by appealing to the tribalism of the few and relying on their mindless team loyalty, while ignoring the majority that don't want any of the arseholes running the country.

And "local territorial dispute"? Get out. That "local territorial dispute" resulted in over 3,500 deaths.

NI, Britain, & Ireland are just one example of countries in Europe that have experienced non-Islamic (oh shit, am I allowed to call it that??) terrorism.

Idk where you're from, but we're definitely no strangers to it in Europe. Hell, in the UK we've been celebrating the foiling of one particularly famous terrorist plot for the last 410 years.

We handled it just fine without the endless scaremongering, privacy invasion, and erosion of our freedoms before 9/11. We will do just fine again once our governments, intelligence and secret services, police etc. get off their arses and do something instead of waiting for the needle to drop out of the growing haystack.


Re: Bravo France!

To be fair, their post-9/11 British neighbour has been setting a great example this last decade or so.



"you basically HAVE to live in paranoia"

If that's how you're (not) living your life right now, terrorism is the least of your problems.

We are not animals. We are human beings, and in our human communities there are people paid to be hyper aware of the big dangers around us, so the rest of us can keep the country functional and go about our business freely & without fear. They do that without sifting through a huge amount of trash data from the world's cctv cameras too. Those come after the fact, save for traffic cameras.


Oh anon :( *hugs* It's a cliché, but please do talk to someone about your current state of mind, and if they've worked for you in the past definitely start those meds again (she says, unable to find her own, lol...)

I don't know you, but your post hit me "right in the feels" as it were, and what you've posted is concerning.

You make a really good point here too, one I had yet to see even considered in the discussion on surveillance and privacy.

It isn't great being treated the same as people who do bad things, or as if you could suddenly start doing bad things, when you know you're a good person. It's lazy and careless on the part of the people who claim to be protecting us, and is counterproductive in the sense that tarring all with the same brush belittles the damage the criminals & terrorists do.

We can shrug off the obvious insult for only so long before it starts to dig away at us, because our own knowledge of our innocence and goodness can only do so much.

You are not a criminal and you don't deserve to be treated by the powers that be as if you are one, all in the name of The Greater Good.

To be perfectly honest, The Greater Good can get fucked.

IETF's older white men urged to tone it down


Re: Donkey Molester

> implying socjus gives shit about marginalised people and oppression

> appropriating a pejorative used by neuro-atypical people, against a group that tends towards neuro-atypicality

Wow. Much social justice. So progressive. Many virtues signalled.

Go home Donkey, you're drunk.


Socjus is a cancer that has metastasised in an otherwise worthwhile area of discussion. Of course diversity of thought, opinion, and experience is a good thing for any company. And it is worth making sure the environment enables that to come about by removing the restrictions that may be in place.

Socjus doesn't allow for that either though. Interacting with anyone even so much as sipping the koolaid, one will quickly notice they value only cosmetic diversity, not true diversity. Even those they claim to champion get thrown under the bus as soon as they deviate from the approved party line.

I've never seen terms like "uncle Tom", and the other more offensive one, in common use until I started observing discussions with supposedly progressive social justice advocates and the oppressed minorities and women that disagreed with them, or who politely asked sj to stop presuming to speak for them and appropriating their experiences...


Re: Important RFCs by women ?

Which would be fine if it were in fact a meritocracy. You are not going to get one in any situation where people are identifiable in relation to their work, ideas etc.


*regressive left.

No. Two sides of the same coin, which I suspect is the reason for referring to flat earthers?


Even your average "Straight White Men" get screwed over by the culture in tech companies. As much as idealists like insist that tech is a meritocracy, it really isn't.

Unless you're fortunate enough to have proven yourself initially and then rise to success on your notoriety, you will often find yourself left out in the cold. Just ask all the mid-40s+ men who've worked hard instead of arsekissing, that face the chop when these companies make redundancies.

TalkTalk hired BAE Systems' infosec bods before THAT hack


@VinceH Re: Hmmmm

Their quote suggests to me: "We were hired for our skills and knowledge, but did the bare minimum and only did exactly as our (less knowledgeable) client asked."

Unless there's more to it that hasn't been reported, that quote really doesn't reflect well on their work ethic, their commitment to computer & information security, or the quality of their customer service.


"Our role is to provide confidential advice to our client," - apparently, this doesn't appear to extend to advising their client that their "market-facing network" should be monitored too, regardless of what their client asked for initially. They were hired for their expertise after all.

Also, the implication TalkTalk hired BAE *after* the hack could easily be an assumption on the part of those reporting it (looking at the screenshot posted). The quote from TalkTalk visible in the image doesn't say or imply that BAE were just brought in. With the knowledge now that BAE already did work for TalkTalk, it doesn't read at all like that.

Obviously, TalkTalk weren't going to say anything that draws attention to the work BAE did for them previously, as the hack since makes them both look bad. But it's a quote that's not explicit enough either way, that would have allowed TalkTalk and BAE to save a little face when the average journalist has the propensity to report what they think or believe is there, rather than what actually *is* there...

Woman makes app that lets people rate and review you, Yelp-style. Now SHE'S upset people are 'reviewing' her


Re: It's not real

"I'm completely staggered they haven't thought to play the sexism / institutionalised-misogyny / patriarchy card to counter all the abuse they've been copping. "

I don't think they'll get far with that. The social justice crowd are making a lot of noise about what an awful, abuse enabling idea it is too. I know hypocrisy is their bread and butter, but this might be one of those rare moments of universal "the fuck is this shit?!", up there with Gawker outing gay (or not actually gay) people, as far as the Internet's collective conscious is concerned.

Global warming stopped in 1998? No it didn't. If you say that, you're going to prison


The ones trying to silence dissent by any means possible.


Re: More Sealioning...

You noticed the similarities too huh? It was the Beeb's "there's no debate to be had" attitude that tipped me off.


Gee, it sounds like they're really confident in their arguments and the scientific studies backing them up.

Don't want to upgrade to Windows 10? You'll download it WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT


Re: Something Missing

"what's new?" Microsoft interns are failing to hush-up the problem now that Win 10 has been released to the public, would be my guess.

Win 10 insiders have been reporting this exact issue at least at the time of release if not earlier, along with frustrations and queries about whether MS will download things regardless, how to ensure it doesn't get downloaded etc. It's okay if you missed that or were unable to find such reports with a search, because their forum is an absolute nightmare to navigate, and a search with Google just brings back articles like this one now.

I have found a thread with some more recent posts (early August) that claim to have experienced this issue (scroll down to august posts): http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-update/will-microsoft-seek-permission-before-downloading/137b2c7d-5c08-43ad-ab44-75b0ebae9357

Canadian Tech's posts in these threads indicate that yes, unwanted download of Win 10 files is a thing that is happening:




And then there is this thread from a few weeks ago:


I don't have a link since I haven't found the thread again, but one Win 10 insider reported the 3GB update being downloaded on their non-reserved machines, as well as the machine they had explicitly reserved. My dad's been a Win 10 insider since last year and has been following the problems on the official MS forum as well as others, and has told me of several instances of insider reporting the download occurring despite Win 10 not being reserved on the machine. These include "horror stories" of people on limited connections finding suddenly they've gone massively over their cap, have had to fork out money to their service provider due to that, and found this Win 10 download was the culprit.

Even if it wasn't being downloaded regardless of reservation status, there are more than enough complaints from insiders and regular users about the persistent "upgraded to Win 10" updates, that show that Microsoft is all but taking control and forcing Windows users to upgrade despite what the users want. And even if the update being downloaded because one of the previously persistent updates escaped a user's notice, this is still not on. A download of that size should not be happening without the user's explicit consent, especially if it's one that will want to install and potentially fuck up the user's system.

Hacker mag 2600 laughs off Getty Images inkspots copyright claim


Re: Be Sorry for the Victim

Feel sorry for Getty/Trunk because at no point in time when they sent several letters demanding payment, did they involve a human being in the process or consult the original photographer?


Re: Is a random ink splatter

In this instance it appears to be a texture designed for use in backgrounds for images, and was put up on DA for others to use too. It's not so much the look of the ink splatter, but the creation of it for use in digital works I guess? And with this it's obvious to see this specific texture was used for the 2600 cover and the Trunk Archive photo.


Well this is disgusting, and bloody stupid of Trunk considering the target.


@bazza - But it's not even their ink blot, they've nicked it from a deviantartist.

Windows 10 now on 75 million devices, says Microsoft


Re: Has everyone forgotten Vista hype ?

I foresee massive bonuses in MS's PR department's future. It's only taken them 3 OS releases to finally effectively counter the negative press from early adopters and testers.


Re: Biased

This is The Register, tech news for grumpy IT people, by grumpy IT people. Nothing is spared negative press when it's warranted here, even their advertisers.

If you're looking for like-minded "Win10 is the bees knees" people, try the MS forums. I should think the last of the remaining free-thinkers with valid criticisms have been chased out by now.


Ooh, who let the MS interns loose?


Re: Let me fix the title

"so like, android and iOS?"


Depending on your device's manufacturer, you might be bloody lucky to get an update to Android. And when you do, it isn't forced. I've had 4 Android devices over the years and have never had the OS update itself without my say so, let alone do everything it can to trick me into updating. Everyone I know with Android has experienced the same.


Re: pushing a free upgrade

"I suppose many of those 75M devices used the free upgrade option. "

Display models in stores will account for a decent chunk of proper win10 upgrades. 75m is a meaningless number without proper context. And a good many of that number will be people on the insider programme who may have at least two installs running on different devices or in VMs for testing purposes.

Computer Science GCSE male dominated, but geekettes are ready to rise


Re: Gender question

@Connor - With respect to the IT industry, having actual proper computing subjects being taught in schools benefits everyone with an existing interest or with the potential to be interested. How much talent has the industry missed out on due to IT in school being so dire the last two decades? It's not just girls that get turned off by it. They shouldn't be doing this to fiddle numbers and meet quotas. IT in schools in general needed to stop focusing on how to use Office and actually teach the interesting stuff.


Got to wonder what happened in the 90s and 00s there. When I was doing GCSEs, IT was a GNVQ in "How to use Office" and A-Level was that + Macromedia software.

So glad to see kids and teens will get to have courses that focus on the interesting aspects of computers now.


Re: Sexist, but joking = Sacked

He was taken wildly out of context, and was actually being self-deprecating. It's okay though, I don't think any of the media that was champing at the bit to destroy him actually followed up with apologies and corrections when the truth came to light, so it's understandable you missed that.

Intel doubles its bounty for women and ethnic minorities


Re: Hypocritical

Idk if I buy into male privilege theory and the notion of a patriarchy any more. I look at the many, many guys I know, and I just fail to see it. You're absolutely killing it in the comments here btw, just that one bit stuck out (well, that and the implication in another post that extreme feminists aren't equally as self-serving as the Men's Rights groups you mentioned).

To me the idea that all men have social power seems too simplistic and not inclusive of many other factors. One that social justice types love to ignore (usually because it's a privilege they have and benefit from immensely) is class, and another is age (take aircon temperature "sexism" as an example there, or all the men that get put out to pasture in tech long before retirement age).

I don't particularly have any feelings either way towards Intel upping its bounty (or that it has one in the first place). I just wish our education system provided a better environment for nurturing intetests in STEM subjects early on, for everyone. Large class sizes and teaching to test probably play a part there.

Sony Xperia Z4 4G Android tablet – gift of sound and vision


Have they brought back covers for the audio jack in the latest Zs?

The Z1 phone had one, but my Z2 doesn't, and neither does the Z3 from what I recall. Some users have reported the uncovered audio jack is a source of water ingress on their Z2s.

If you installed Windows 10 and like privacy, you checked the defaults, right? Oh dear


Re: I wonder....

"Can anybody else show me any worse results. I'm still waiting for a realistic example of a bad outcome that doesn't rely on paranoia of accepting all the defaults in Windows 10"

Any of those places have their DBs compromised and your financial details, along with the rest of your personal identifying info are either:

Sold to the highest bidder, who does what they wish with your ID (after emptying your bank account),

Or posted online for free to make a point (as certain hacker groups are wont to do). If you're especially lucky, some unscrupulous media outlet will make a big deal out of the whole fiasco and kindly link to the info dump, increasing its visibility.

In the short term, you may think "well all I had to do was cancel a card and change a few passwords, no harm done there."

Of course, the Internet is forever, and even if you find your info among the thousands released and change what you can, that which you can't change is archived online and privately, to be dragged up whenever anyone wants to get at you for some petty reason or another, like pissing someone off on an Internet forum.

Oh, and then there's the possibility of someone editing that info for shits and giggles. You may be one of the righteous, nothing to hide so nothing to fear, but that's not necessarily what the modified info says. Like the cases of photoshopped "revenge porn" that have caused some to lose their jobs.


@AC Re: I wonder....

"on another note, how anonymous is this post really, you all love your privacy, but if a reg hack wanted to know who posted what ... well..... I'm sure it isn't hard for them to see."

As anonymous as the information you gave when signing up. Not everyone provides their real e-mail address, name etc. When signing up to online forums.

New study into lack of women in Tech: It's not the men's fault


"...it happens a lot earier than college"

Yes! Unfortunately, for the impatient types that want the imbalance "corrected" Right Now, addressing the real cause would take too long.

Beaten blokes hate the women who frag them in online games


No, we laughed at the "study" and the "make games easier" casuals that are treating it like Gospel. We're too busy taking down Gawker media and playing games to care about this shit.

Disappointed El Reg, I expected better standards than lazily buying into a false narrative created by the rest of the media.

Google robo-car in rear-end smash – but cack-handed human blamed


Man, I hope Google checked their cars break lights are working.

Reddit meltdown: Top chat boards hidden as rebellion breaks out


Re: oh wow

It's about time, to be honest.


Oh well

KiA is still public :^)

They have a huge post collecting information on the happenings:


BBC (sort of) sorry for Grant Shapps Wikipedia smear reportage


Re: Ahhhh. The Guardian

"Surely the lefties must see that as the rank hypocrisy that it is?"

Oh gosh, you must be joking. "it's okay when we do it" afterall...


Re: Ahhhh. The Guardian

The Guardian are "legally" avoiding tax? oh please be true.

I mean, wanking on about how hard the lower classes have it, while doing sod all to actually help them is par for the course with their crowd. But to avoid paying UK taxes that contribute to the benefits pot a lot of people need and rely on, that would be icing on the cake.


Re: Not that he probably didn't do something to deserve it

"If I had his cash and influence..."

I'd be pushing to abolish the license fee and revoke the BBC's privileges. Make a new national broadcaster and actually hold them to decent standards.


Must be a day ending in 'y'

A "rogue" wiki editor abusing their privilege to spread misinformation?

The guardian colluding to smear someone on "the wrong side of history"?

The BBC lacking in basic journalistic standards, integrity, and failing to show an ounce of impartiality?

If we don't have our own JournoList scandal in the UK by the year end, I'll genuinely be surprised.

So much for rainbows, Zuck: Facebook staff still overwhelmingly male and white


Re: I have to say,

Bro, you're free to say whatever you want about yourself. But you're an arrogant prat if you presume to project that onto half the population just because you share the same pronouns.

I'm sorry you and the men you interact with are sexist jerks and you believe that those you don't interact with are also like you. I would recommend you join the freedom programme, but sadly I believe it's only for women. Women who actually have an understandable reason for fearing or disliking the entire male gender at that.


Re: Going out on a limb here...

I thought based on the title of the article and accompanying image, it would be about how lacking in diversity with respect to sexual orientation Facebook's staff is.

But instead the article seems to be appropriating a positive event for the LGBT community in order to go on, yet again, about the plight of women in the workplace. This is some tumblr grade "feminist" tat right here.


Re: A little OT perhaps

That really sucks AC. Former Game (xmas temp) employee here, and in the last 20 years I believe things have improved somewhat in that regard.

Both stores in my town had (at least 2 years ago) all male permanent staff, and none were dropped and replaced with us female temps they took on. They kept the already experienced staff (and welcomed back all temps each year that did a good job).

Side-note: they were wicked to work for, and considering it was one of those "evil male dominated workplaces", I never felt out of place or offended.


"classist" was probably more appropriate. Progressive types love to forget about class and economic privilege, because it's one of a few privileges (or lack there-of) that transcends the holy trinity of gender, race, and sexuality.


Re: Shock, surprise .. NOT!

Or maybe we are seeing interest increase because younger generations are getting to benefit from a return to a less gendered social view of tech as time goes on?

People that want equal representation want it NOW.

They don't realise that in order to effect lasting change, we need to start with the younger generations and encourage them when they express interest in something that isn't socially coded for their gender. It will be a longer process, but for those who genuinely want to increase diversity of experience in the workplace, and increase opportunities in all sectors for groups that are under-represented (including men!), it will be so very worth it.

Instead, they want to force people to conform, whether it's genuine bigots, people who just aren't affected by the same issues as others are, or people from the under-represented groups that really aren't interested in such things. This will always have the affect of breeding resentment.