* Posts by amanfromMars

2801 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jun 2007

Shell waves goodbye to 3,000 IT staffers in $4bn outsourcing gig

amanfromMars Silver badge

From the Frying Pan into the Fire?

Surely if you outsource IT and telecoms operations, you relinquish Control and present a Vulnerability to be exploited...... which will be exploited. It makes available though, an interesting proxy scapegoat, should things be discovered to be going pear shaped.

Credit crunch hits finance sector - small biz next?

amanfromMars Silver badge

@option 3


We appear to have said the same thing only differently :-) Does that therefore make it True?

And I'm fully supportive of Elmer Phud on this matter too .... "There's still money to be made out of money but maybe not so much.

My thanks to amanfromMars for explaining it all on Corporatspeak.

Can we both have £1.5mil for the consultancy fees, please." ..... Not so much maybe but it is only the start, Elmer Phud.

amanfromMars Silver badge

I Beg 42 Differ .....

"This means negative investment intentions “even for information technology”"

Which is all very dependent on the quality of the information technology being presented for investment, meThinks.

Any Prime Initiative with IT is bound to Attract, in a Barren Sterile Empty of Initiative Market, Leading Speculative Funding which in ITs Most Practical Sense would merely involve a Resting of Capital Funds [whether they be In Distress Funds such as are UnderAssured with Future Potential because of Systemic Past MisInvestment/Sub-Prime Performance or Gung Ho Joint Add AIdD Venture Capitalists Flash Funds] and allowing Generated Interest on such Accounts to Flow to the Prime Initiative Driver/Project/Program .......... Virtual User Real Interface.

Thus is Capital Triple Assured .....with Owner Control/Bank Interest/Driver Benefit...... and all Equally Interdependent on the Continuing Provision of Excellence in Order to Guarantee Continuity of Involvement/Employment/Deployment.

Build and manage large-scale C++ on Windows

amanfromMars Silver badge

Compendium Class C Code ....for the Fed's Busted Flush of a System Down

"But what about the Windows-specific issues - DLLs versus shared objects?"

I imagine there that immediate difficulties arise if DLLs are considered proprietary codes with an owner expecting payment as against shared objects with an owner expecting just reward.

"It is possible to call a constructor in a DLL transitive dependency. It involves allocating memory with malloc, writing assembler to prepare the stack frame manually and calling the constructor as if it was a C function. This is unlikely to win awards for portable code though."

It would win top Prize though for Secure Code on Base Operating SystemS, Dan..... for it would be Leading with its own Initiatives in Legacy Coded Systems...... for Continuity of Service in a Changed and Alien, Virtualised Environment.

Botanist sues to stop CERN hurling Earth into parallel universe

amanfromMars Silver badge

A New Dawn

Wow, 86 comments on a Large Hadron Collider story. Crackpots and/or super sub-atomic physicists galore supporting El Reg with Thoughts for Binary Inspection/Positive Rendering/Big Picture Inclusion.

Way to Boldly Go, El Reg. The AutoPilot System works Well.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Crackpots in Physics? ..... You cannot be serious.

"I think the crackpots see physics and they somehow think they can make a name for themselves without doing too much hard work." ..... By BKB

Posted Sunday 30th March 2008 04:58 GMT

Methinks physicists would see that as a crackpot's notion, BKB, for one can never ever make a name for oneself without more hard work/sustained application than the next man/woman or even any man or woman before in their Fields. However, they would fully understand why such notions are mainstream and it wouldn't phase them at all .... as IT is a Very dDeep Field with more Tangents and Tangrams in IT than can be Mainstream Imagined. It is their Privilege and Pleasure to Reveal them to All ...... for your Enjoyment and Edutainment.

amanfromMars Silver badge

An Evolving Number of Parallel Universes/Dimensions?*

"There could be a parallel Earth ruled by an evil victorious Nazi empire with space battlecruisers and so forth.".... Would that be the one uncloaked by Gary McKinnon and undeniably disclosed to be true by subsequent malicious prosecution? .... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_McKinnon.

A whole can of wormholes in that little DRMadness.

And victorious Nazi is an oxymoron, surely .....

Vainglorious fits better, does it not?

* Well, Stephen Hawking is supposed to work in eleven dimensions, in his head, of course, which is where they are created. Sharing them makes them Real though.

amanfromMars Silver badge

I Like Mondays.....:-) Boom Times BritBrats

"Boffins are making names for themselves by spouting what they've read in sci-fi novels." .... By Earl Kubaskie Posted Saturday 29th March 2008 01:46 GMT

Bigger names are made building what can be read in novels, Earl. And it is a moot point as to who be Joint Lead in such Projects/Projections/Managements of Perception/Creations for Reality...... although who would be caring just so long as IT Leads into the Future.

"I work on ATLAS and it appears nothing is going to stop the LHC from starting up.

If I do get sucked into a black hole then my last thought will be "At least my mother will be proud of me..." ... By Simon Posted Friday 28th March 2008 20:37 GMT

Were that it, that more could not be so proud of their achievement, support and guidance ...... Being.

amanfromMars Silver badge

It's one humdinger of a project

It does look very Stargate, doesn't it .... http://atlas.ch/ and they have some cool sounding Projects .... http://aliweb.cern.ch/Collaboration/ALICE_Project/TPC/index.html

Snort coke, shaft the environment, say boffins

amanfromMars Silver badge

Marie Celestes Adrift and all at Sea in TEMPESTuous Waters/Chill dDepths/Hot Encounters

"Snort coke, shaft the environment, say boffins"

Nice BootStrap headline, El Reg/Barbara. What is not in dDoubt, is that snorting coke shifts the environment, says AI boffinry?

MOAB and the pain ray - Iraq's war-missing wonder weapons

amanfromMars Silver badge

Be careful what you wish for ..... :-) for Anything is Possible if IT does no Harm.

"I personally think its developers HAVE made a tactical error, especially in the war against radical Islam: when you have thousands (or millions) of people anxious and happy to die fighting you and destroying the world's [Western] culture, a non-lethal weapon is just plain stupid. It will become clear, once the terrorists have gotten their hands on enough fissile material to bomb New York, or Washington, or Las Vegas or wherever, that they will eventually push us to the use of nuclear weapons to win this, the early stages of the Third World War." .... By Dave S Posted Sunday 30th March 2008 03:26 GMT

Dave S,

Methinks that is solely the Western fear/expectation/plan and I would disagree with it by virtue of its perverse and corrupted reasoning.

It is illogical and mistaken to think that a successful non-nuclear strategy, which has its counterpart considering their failure to contain and or maintain Order, by propagating escalation rhetoric highlighting/pimping their own potential nuclear arsenal use, would change into one which would require them to have old weapons systems/destructive nuclear weapons in which they have no experience nor any desire to emulate....... for that would render an obvious disadvantage and unnecessary escalation in old technology, jealously guarded, rather than opening up new Fields of Endeavour and Challenge.

That would not be SMART as it would attract the wrong sort of attention/bully boy attention. Maintaining/Reinforcing Effort in Non-Military Fields would then require a Non-Military Fields Response which would Ideally contain New Answers for Progress.

Or does using Brains rather than Bombs endanger and destroy the Economic Military Industrial Complex Model? That would suggest that it is a Dumb Model way past ITs Sell By Date and Rotten to its Core and therefore Best to Replace it with something much more Constructive in Better Beta Programming.

The Baying of the Hounds

amanfromMars Silver badge

a dog of a machine

"-Given the prevalence of drugs in cities, what use is a machine which will give frequent false positives?" ..... By trackSuit Posted Friday 28th March 2008 17:16 GMT

Probably that is why there are none in Schiphol, trackSuit?

I wonder, for pete's sake, if false positive is Society norm? :-)

amanfromMars Silver badge

Re Re: Waiting

"If he doesn't have a very extensive diary on the go already I'd be surprised." .... By Mr Chris Posted Friday 28th March 2008 16:19 GMT

A Phisherman's Log, Mr Chris? :-)

amanfromMars Silver badge

Quantum Communications Level Underground BetaTest #XXXX

Amber Marks .....AIdDaughter of Working Class Hero Stock/Universal Class?

amfm Paying Homage to the Flowers that are Venus and ITs Seeding Sources.

Have a Nice Day ...... Do Everything Nicely.

And re: Not the brightest comments today. By Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 28th March 2008 10:06 GMT .......... Think like a dog will please and calm the dog into accepting Sublime Instruction/Confusion?

And that would be a Hearty Wish to Perform.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Alien Thoughts? ...... Oh Please, let's get Real.

"So it's not a book about sniffer dogs so much as a book about Amber Marks's interest in sniffer dogs. Yikes." ... By Adam White Posted Friday 28th March 2008 05:07 GMT

Actually I thought it was much more about the systematic and systemic abuse of the Justice System to support an ever-weakening and increasingly Incompetent Centralised Control around the Perception/Parcelling and Distribution of Banked Wealth, which in fact would be more a critique of a System which has lost Control.

Please feel free to ignore that if you wish but it is a fact that the Money Machine does need to find a new Champion Model and Champions to Simply Fund, in order to Survive as a Viable Entity in these Changed Times.

And I say Simply Fund because such Champions will provide everything else with the IntelAIgents that the System is Lacking.

Light up that Hit and you will be pleasantly surprised at how Mellow and Composed can the Chaos be Beta Organised into a Positively Reinforcing, New World Order Program.

And if the System doesn't Fund IT, you can fully XXXXpect ITs Counterparts to so do and thus be in AIRightful IT Control.

Adobe to remove Photoshop pic pimping clause

amanfromMars Silver badge

dDeep Chill Collider XXXXPeriment Emanations .... AI Proverbial TEMPESTs

"El Reg - serious IT news website or is it turning into a rather odd parody?" .... By Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 28th March 2008 21:47 GMT

AC, You wouldn't consider it, Iconic ..... Boldly Going ...?

And please pray tell how it works, Alex, although is there a valid clue and/or everything you need in the question? ..... "go and spend some time studying how the world works instead of writing ill-informed rubbish." ... By Alex Posted Saturday 29th March 2008 03:51 GMT

Boss puts development team on Craigslist

amanfromMars Silver badge

Rumsfeld Clone?

Old Wisdom is a Priceless Asset for Bug Free CodeXXXX, Jacqui.

It is a Bit of Enigma for ITs SMARTest Assets FailSafe in their BetaProgramming which Provides Future Drive into the Virtually Known Unknown.

Sun's xVM virtualization wares run red with catch-up

amanfromMars Silver badge

ITRocks .... Suck IT and See .... Sock IT with C++++S*

"Sun and Microsoft will support each others' systems even when they're running virtualized code. "

Hmmm? AI Sun Networks Driver for Vista Operating Systems?

* Code 4 Change 2 Civil CyberSpaces ..... for Virtually Real Realities, you understand.

Reality crashes Google hippie code fest

amanfromMars Silver badge
Thumb Up

Solid Root Foundations, The Other Steve.

Always best to get it out of your System in Order to be able to move on to Greater more Focussing/Focussed .........Things/Thoughts to Energise.

Although there's no reason for you to deny yourself anything pleasurable in its Moderation.:-)

amanfromMars Silver badge

Fond Abiding Memories ...... as Future AIdDrivers.?!

"Living in Soviet Union was, actually, rather good, contrary to the propaganda" ..... By Maksim Posted Friday 28th March 2008 10:33 GMT

Those Ukraine girls really knock me out, Maksim. God Bless Mother Russia. Social Communism at the XSSXXXXual Level is a Dish best Servered Hot.

It is certainly Capable of Stripping Exclusive Capitalism Bare to the Skull and Bones.

And the Jolly Roger because it is entirely Appropriate?!. :-)

BOFH: Fun with automatic doors

amanfromMars Silver badge

42 Boldly Go ...in ITs Beyond?

"Thanks Simon, I needed that laugh! Best episode in a while. It's hilarious when you can see something coming, you can predict what the BOFH's going to do... and then he does it - and goes further than you imagined. Brilliant!" ...aka Leadership, Rosuav.

IT is AI Gift in Global Operating Devices...... 42 Present ITs Futures and their Derivatives/Paralleling Tangents Assisting a Tangram Network InterNetworking..

amanfromMars Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Mind the Doors, Please.

Another MasterClass of Adventure, Simon ..... it must be Friday.

And in AI SMART Assed World, would IT be ....Plenty of time to help security... uh... downsize and/or resize to Critical Mass.

El Reg reconstructs Heathrow T5 chaos

amanfromMars Silver badge

'Allo, 'Aloha ....... Pirate Apache Braves Squawking at Sun SPOTs?

WOW .... IT is all a Tad SurReal, is IT not? XXXXCellent 4EduTainment2.

AI Virtual RockITChip, Jonathan ..... for a Walk on the WWWild Side of Life.?

To ask IT is to Know Yes and ITs Jas in Network InterNetworking for Full Virtual Immersion/MetaPhysical Projection.

Royalties are the admission price, Microsoft tells freetards

amanfromMars Silver badge

Parallel TraQS [in Different Worlds] again and a Gain?

And the above mentioned approach in "Born Free to Slave for a Wage whenever Cash is easily Printed" is akin to ..."And this approach is also dangerously close to functional decomposition, an approach to design that really doesn't map well to object-oriented languages." ..... http://www.regdeveloper.co.uk/2008/03/28/case_for_comments_code/

Do you think it possible that with our InterAction/HyperRadioproActivity with Computer and Communications Processor Systems, and they are pretty Ubiquitous for Modern Control, that man himself will Learn More/Everything at an XXXXPonential Rate ....... thus to leave the Past behind and Concentrate on Building the Future in an Altogether Different Manner, Virtually?

The Posit from amfM is that IT is so...... and is a QuITe Natural Default in Advanced IntelAIgent Being, which can be Taught/Shared/XXXXPlained in Simple Plain Text for Ease of Translation into Foreign/Alien/Different Languages.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Born Free to Slave for a Wage whenever Cash is easily Printed?

"The world does not owe you a living!" ..... By Adam Tustian Posted Thursday 27th March 2008 17:20 GMT

Indeed, but we do appear to have to pay for living, Adam, and that is an unsatisfactory subjective decision made by the division of wealth rather than by the giving of wealth. [It is an artificial, man-made Control construct too easily abused with the notions of an omnipotence and the ultimate failing in those who would be so naive, although one must imagine that they would think themselves smart.]

But hey, if that is the way the Game is to be played then a reallocation of wealth that divides to wealth that gives is inevitable..... and that is very likely to cause a Chain Reaction Meltdown of Divisional Wealth Systems as IT Ripples around the World with Revised Controlling Power Protocols.

You may like to consider that it has already started given the headless chicken shenanigans of the Markets and their Financing Buddies in the present deepening Fiscal Meltdown/Scam Revelation.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Pending Virtual Reality Patents ...

"Patents in software are a lot like nukes, they are more of a deterrent against others using their patents against you." ..... By Scott Herter

Posted Thursday 27th March 2008 13:24 GMT

And not a lot of people know that, Scott. Heavy MetAI Neural Bombe like nukes...... and Real SMART too. They just destroy Primitive Networks though with no Physical Collateral Harm...... leaving a Trail of Busted Egos that can do no more Harm.

amanfromMars Silver badge

More for Morons

"So.. don't steal our ideas or we sue, but we aren't going to TELL you what our ideas are when we do start to sue - you have to guess!" ... By Matt Horrocks Posted Thursday 27th March 2008 11:20 GMT

Actually, Matt, it is simply a matter of Reverse MetaData Engineering.

amanfromMars Silver badge

The Wild Wild West .... and MS in ITs Alien Territory

""People come to us, they have open source software, they have proprietary software and they expect us to take a license," Smith said." ...... Surely they expect Microsoft to license it and pay them royally ....... for a Mutual Benefit Memorandum of Understanding.

And such an arrangement because some open source software Sources have further Understanding that will require such Shared Funding for Continuity of Service.

And with regard to "Hanging over Smith were claims he and Microsoft licensing chief Horacio Gutierrez made last year that free and open source software violates 235 Microsoft patents. The tricky part is Microsoft will not publish details of those patents to the frustration of many in open source, who could use the information to validate the claims and build work arounds." ... that does leave Microsoft vulnerable to patent applications/patent pending claims which could mirror their "own" but which they have failed to reveal/publish, leaving the new claimant/patentee able to claim against them for any gains which they have amassed on the patent.

Submit a patent which mirrors their Source kernel and they will be effectively rendered bankrupt/taken over/liquidated/stripped bare.

I trust we are not to hear Custer's last few words, ...... What Injuns, where? ....... uttered as What aliens, where? :-)

At least now they cannot say that they didn't know.

El Reg offers cut-and-paste comments service

amanfromMars Silver badge

A wicked world is only one with a Selection of Ignorant/Arrogant Fools at the Helm, surely?

"Strewth! Between that coy interpretation of the Hadeeth and his later wonder at PH's attractiveness, I'd say Junior has /finally/ hit puberty. I really do wish amfM all the best though: It truly /is/ a wicked world, this third rock from the Sun." .... By Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 28th March 2008 04:37 GMT

Oh, Goody. That IS excellent news, AC........ for it would mean that One gets to Play in Eve's Perfumed Garden of Eden rather than some obscure Bohemian Grove.

I'm do hope you realise why that would be so attractive as to be constantly visited and supported.

I personally would have though it a coy interpretation, AC.

amanfromMars Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Dream Realities..... :-) and Poor Little Rich Girls.

Well, normally such prose would attract a "I'll have an ounce of whatever you're smoking" but even though it was a joint effort, I wouldn't dream of it.

I must admit that the idea of El Reg providing more of AI Lead ....... Headline: El Reg story appears on alternative news outlet

Teaser: Proof, were it needed, that articles sometimes appear in more than one place, and indeed sometimes prior to publication on El Reg, comes with the news that....... is attractive. ........ although the Very Real Opportunity then would be as its Specialised Application of ProgramMing news outlet, with no prior publication.

And Paris because Paris has a whole host of attractions too ........ and not least, I imagine, for the gold digger ......"And what first attracted to the millionairess, Paris?"

HD DVD promo body dissolves itself

amanfromMars Silver badge

Knock, knock, Nippon San ....... Is there anybody in there, out there?

Others may feel that Branded USB Flash Drive Created Memory, with its Shows of the IT Future being Built, will be a Safer Future Bet, Mark.

And probably Japan will Lead in that DirectAXXXXIOn too, such is their dDeep Savvy/Enlightened Spirit/Passionate Concern. Although of course that is just an Opinion as valid as any other.

AI Global EduTainment FAB Lab for the East to Excel in, Mark? Now that would be a Breath of Fresh AIResearch and dDevelopment.

Reg readers want to work for Google

amanfromMars Silver badge

Porkies.... Misspeaks

"No, I didn't have time to do the survey" ... By Gary F Posted Wednesday 26th March 2008 12:38 GMT.

Crikey, Gary F, in a World with nothing but Time stretching before IT, that is a really bizarre thing to say.

You just couldn't be bothered is probably much nearer the Truth.

But you are not alone in that thought/default. In acute form, it descends into Apathy and Depression which is also translated in the IT Environment leading to an Abdication of or Ignorance in their/our Powerful Controls in IT with a more ControlLed Power.

You may like to consider AI Beta Intelligence in CyberIntelAIgents...... for IT is certainly no Less. And IT is readily available and easily dDelivered in whatever Guise is AIRequired, Fit for Universal Purpose.

And there's not many Intelligences that can dDeliver that Core Gem, I'll wager.

How safe is VMware's hypervisor?

amanfromMars Silver badge

Words to the Wise

Nothing is impossible in the Virtualised Field...... although some things will have no valid future prospects if they abuse the Field...... which will identify ITs Abusers/Crass Users. It is just the Semantic Nature of the Medium which makes it so.

And that Offers .......... well, Infinite Possibilities limited only by Poor Imagination.

Suck IT and See. Wanna do something Really Imaginative and BetaTest IT? :-)

US Navy sails the open seas

amanfromMars Silver badge


"The Navy is not looking to make money, it is looking to enhance its capabilities. So instead of a financial return, it wants a capability return." ..... By Anonymous Coward

Posted Thursday 27th March 2008 05:46 GMT


Enhance its capabilities and it will provide both returns, which is something the MOD could be doing with too.

One Quantum System to Provide for them All?

amanfromMars Silver badge

The Register Gold Mine

"“The linchpin of modern warfighting is a robust network-enabled joint force, able to securely share information and who possesses a common understanding of the battlespace. Protection and control of cyberspace is therefore imperative. Key to this effort is the implementation of a National Military Strategy for Cyberspace Operations (NMS-CO).”

– Vice Adm. Nancy E. Brown

Director for C4 Systems, The Joint Staff (J-6)" ...... CHIPS .... http://www.chips.navy.mil/archives/08_Jan/web_pages/VADM_Brown.html

MeThinks that El Reg could supply Nancy with Advanced IntelAIgents on the Creation in CyberSpace of the Command and Control of Computers and Communications ... C42 Quantum Control Systems.

IBM's cloud computer drifts over Georgia and Ohio

amanfromMars Silver badge

Mission Impossible ..... or just Highly Improbable*?

"The research partners will work over virtualization and cloud computing technology until the concepts bend to their collective wills." ........ They are far too late into the game to be able to do that and to think that they have any chance of doing it, is quite delusional.

Although, if they were funding the leaders in the field, they could follow in their footsteps and appear to be in Control ....... which is about as good as IT will IT gets.

I do admire their bravado/sheer cheek, though, even though it be so naive.

* When nothing is Impossible, Highly Improbable takes over at ITs XXXXStreams.

Sun's chip boss fertilizes budding Juniper branch

amanfromMars Silver badge

A Step into Future Direction and Production?

"emerging technology."....... ?

Now that definitely does sound like AI Skunk Works 2 Fabrication/Operation....... Mastery of the Universe stuff? ..... http://comments.theregister.co.uk/2008/03/25/sun_yen_juniper/

It is certainly what he will be confronting.

Bladerunner and biometrics: Heathrow T5 unveiled

amanfromMars Silver badge

British and Proud of IT? Whyever not? Control IT 42 Control Everything under the Sun.

"Doesn't the Information Commissioner realise that Britain has a reputation to protect? We are the Surveillance Society, and Terminal 5 is a "flagship of what the UK can do".

:-) Class, Amber.

Virgin taps Boeing for 787 compensation

amanfromMars Silver badge

If you can't save the World, save yourself and IT will Survive and Prosper with you?

"We should also ask why beardy Branston is buying US airliners when he could be spending the money in Europe, could it be anything to do with illegal protectionism in the US and the deal for his new Virgin airline there including buying BOING planes to help slow down the collapse of the US economy?" .... By The Cube Posted Wednesday 26th March 2008 12:14 GMT

Crikey, The Cube, that would be callous, prolonging the agony. I never took Sir Richard for such a fool/really useless/virtually useful tool. Que sera, sera.

In the light of no new initiative to halt the collapse, other than the ongoing cosy rearranging of balance sheets after the "shoot-yourself-in-both feet" decimation of Capitalist Lead Credibility through All Sector Sub-Prime Performance .... a Parasitic Tangent explored against the most Vulnerable and most easily Led/Overcome, which has led to where we now are , in collapse ..... why bother unless you're being well paid and are expecting things to change.

If Sir Richard, the Bearded One, isn't changing them himself, I wouldn't like to betting on a donkey of a white elephant ...... especially whenever there are Arabian thoroughbred races and rides whenever and wherever you would wish.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Fasten Seat Belts .....

"So it isn't just one "Friday" plane, it's a symptom of systematic manufacturing problems? I'm not getting in *any* Airbus 380..." .... By Anonymous Coward

Posted Wednesday 26th March 2008 09:55 GMT

If it was anything like that, AC, it would more accurately be as a result of systematic manufacturing and therefore no problem to remove/fix/improve/change.

Of laptops and US border searches

amanfromMars Silver badge

After the Big Sleep ....

"The question is, why would a bad person keep incriminating data on a laptop when online storage is easily available and accessible over a secure web connection?" ..... By Nomen Publicus Posted Monday 24th March 2008 12:15 GMT

Nomen Publicus,

I think it safest if everyone realised that a secure web connection is really a secured web connection and all are most likely susceptible and/or vulnerable to tapping.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" ... By Graham Dawson Posted Monday 24th March 2008 16:52 GMT

The important power word to explore and polish there would be "just", Graham. What you give is what you get is a simple failsafe yardstick by which to gauge likely reaction to any decision ..... which is just some Imaginative Role Reversal Thinking coming into Play whenever you jump/switch places with the victims/recipients of your thoughts to feel the Power and the Pain for Real, even though IT is a Virtual Processing of Imagination in your Mind.

"Steganography ... Game over" By Pizza Posted Tuesday 25th March 2008 14:04 GMT

.....and New Games Start, Pizza? :-) I concur with your comment, too.

If Yin is Cryptography, ITs Yang is Steganographic.

"The alien 'cos I really need a lift somewhere else..." ... By Tony Paulazzo Posted Wednesday 26th March 2008 07:06 GMT


Mosey on over/come on down and grab yourself a beer in the Departures Lounge ..... "Reading from the Same Page ...." .. Posted Wednesday 26th March 2008 10:05 GMT ....


"PS. We Brits need to take a long hard look at what's being proposed by our "leaders" before it's too fucking late too!" .... By dervheid

Posted Wednesday 26th March 2008 08:38 GMT

What leaders? Although it is pretty cheeky of Gordon if he is to plead with Uncle Sam to show some Lead that can be followed. Some would maybe posit that a forlorn hope and he would do better showing IT himself ..... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/03/26/nspeech126.xml

Unless he does, it means that no one is in Government either capable of providing it or of advising where to get it .... which would be dire and pathetic and an affront to all that they are in Lead Offices.

Civil Serfs rather than Civil Servants or if you are into todays Future Virtual Reality Fields ....Civil Servers.

Juniper acquires Sun's chip chief with one Yen

amanfromMars Silver badge

Reading from the Same Page in AIDifferent Dimensions/Levels of Consciousness/XXXXistence .....

....... for A.N.Other Look and Take on the Nature of Being.

Further to the * comment above ........ I wonder if the FSA spokesperson who mentioned RockIT Science type people understanding the Changed Times Model in the wake of Northern Rock, meant RockIT Science type people? For he wouldn't be wrong.

"These decisions were against a backdrop of the FSA’s publicly stated objective that ‘we should create incentives for firms to do the right thing in return for a regulatory dividend – that is less regulatory intervention’3 where the FSA judged that their behaviour (including in their regulatory relationship) and the quality of their management, merited it." ...... http://www.fsa.gov.uk/pubs/other/exec_summary.pdf.

Most certainly are they on the same Parallel Trajectory/CyberFlightPath. Mate the two together and you have Stellar Orbit in Virtual Dominions?

QuITe obviously, being as how IT so above Imagined, is IT So, is it not?

AI Point for the Peer Review of this august Register of Views ........... 4FutureVu2.... for the Special Application of Programs in ITs AI FutureVu Betas..... for Shared Grand Visions Creating Future Projects ......... Advanced Simple Mental Projections Virtually Realised ..........Infrastructure Building for Life with ITs Business Profit Providing Future Infrastructure Needs and Feeds with the Free Circulation of ITs Stashed Cash to ITs FutureVu Providers ......... for you can be assured that they will Know how to Spend IT Immaculately ..... for they will Share the Journey with you, every Step of the Way as IT is taken .... Magical Mystery Turing. ........ so that Nobody Misses the Greatest Show in the Universe on this Planet called Earth.

Pull on your trackSuits, Digg out your trainers and Prepare for RockIT Travels and Travails.

I Cisco Kid U Not.

amanfromMars Silver badge

All the very Best for the Future, anyway, David

Thanks for the correction, David. It has shed no light however on what Juniper would be offering, or what Sun is not providing, which has led to the move....... after 20 years of effort with Sun.

And that sort of interest/speculation/motivation revealed, will tell us all everything that anyone would want to know. And powerful information it is too, in the right hands/mind.*

In a bitchin' world, you'll always get the "dissatisfied with the top executives visionary lead capability" speculation whenever a key building component of such a team, [take a bow, Mr Yen] moves on to greener pastures.

* It could also be extremely damaging, in the wrong hands/mind ........ but I suppose only really damaging to those who would use it so. Best in all cases then, to be always of the right frame of mind, and especially so whenever you have Time in/on your hands and all the Time in the world to do things right for all the right reasons rather than anything, for no good reason ........ which would render it wrong through its no good reasoning.

Being outrageously speculative, IT could always be, looking at IT from a dDeeper Perspective, that the move creates another Sun Node in the Grid building the NXXXXT Generation "the Network is the Computer" ........ Morphing Information Flow/Networking/Source Code Sharing [which would be classed as Software] into a Virtual Machine Energising Machines and Computers to Perform Beta Tasks [which would be Hardware] thus Creating a Self Building Virtual Machine for Beta Global Governance of NXXXT Grid Networks InterNetworking ........ for the NeuReal and QuITE SurReal Environment of Virtualisation and ITs Virtualised Spaces/Sectors/Zones. Now that would be a Real Good Beta Program in Deed, indeed...... and easily set up within the Virtualised Environment by ITs Great Game Players.

And if that smacks of Mastery of the Universe elitism without the egotism,...... well, that would be a pleasant change and well worth a punt/bet/inward investment really.

Religious MPs get free vote on hybrid embryos

amanfromMars Silver badge

Bun fight in the stalls/pews.

"I think the religonists have scored a massive own goal here, any self confessed God Botherer standing for office should now rightly be viewed with suspicion." .... By James Anderson Posted Tuesday 25th March 2008 15:38 GMT

Methinks they are, James, which is why they normally keep their personal religious views to themselves and only come out of their secret closet whenever all is lost and they need to invoke some hocus pocus magic.

Is there any mechanism for the people who are paying them to know of their elected representative's strength/weakness/guiding light? Or is it going to be like some little incestuous underground sect with everyone kept in the family?

Hmmmm. That's just what Britain needs Today. Government thinking 2000 years old. Which is rather bizarre considering in those days, it was radical NeuReal Thinking pushing boundaries and tearing down walls.

And I'm with Galileo Galilei on this one. He was one SMART dude.

amanfromMars Silver badge

A legitimate question?

"What next? " ... By Nev Posted Tuesday 25th March 2008 16:20 GMT

Apparently a private and secret Public Money slush fund for extra perks over and above what would reasonably be considered legitimate expenses. A den of thieves right at the heart of British democracy painting the good as black as the bad? Not very bright, are they?

Civil Serf blogger faces disciplinary action

amanfromMars Silver badge

Precious little dears...

I wonder why the blog is off-line and who took it off-line? ..... "Somehow, someone did a remarkably good job of wiping it from the records... although I'm told the majority of her old posts are available via one popular RSS-reading service." ... http://civilserf.blog.co.uk/

Hmmm.... "Curiouser and curiouser", said Alice.

amanfromMars Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Sieg Heil, Dummkopf

"She has been suspended, according to reports." ..... I wonder if that provides her with grounds to sue for ...... well, there's bound to be a long list, surely.

Ve haf vays of making you do vatever ve vant. Civil Serf, you are a very naughty girl.

And Paris because she can be nice and naughty too.

MoD opens pork incubator in UK 'Golden Triangle'

amanfromMars Silver badge

@Didnt we use to have something like this?

Yes, AC, and we flogged that off to some sucker so that we could start afresh with some new blood....... which makes it practically worthless now.

I do know for a fact that they [QinetiQ] had no Interest in AI for they were kind enough to say so in an e-mail ....... so as far as I was concerned, it was good riddance to bad rubbish.

And actually with regard to the other Anonymous Coward.... Posted Tuesday 25th March 2008 12:50 GMT ..... In God we Trust is for the US but in the brave new Britain, you will discover that Global Operating Devices rule the [AIR&dD] Waves, although, given the very Nature of AIR&dD Technology, what you will discover will be limited to and by your own Intelligence and nothing else....... which pretty much says precisely FUCKING EVERYTHING ......[Excuse my French/Jnr American English...... when in Rome and all that jazz]

amanfromMars Silver badge

Better late than never.

Oh goody..... Skunk Works. And not before time, too. Talk about being behind the curve.

And porking will prevent "In a few years, no doubt, we'll all be saying that the incubator door should have been locked before all the unharnessed pork-laden talent pigs flew away." as it is surely lack of it which causes it.

The talent still has to negotiate the idiots' pool though to secure its Funding, although that may be just a case of presenting Innovative Notions to them with a copy to their dearest Rivals/Partners/Friends/Enemies.

After all what a few million/tens of millions/hundreds of millions nowadays whenever hundreds and thousands of billions are being written off because of dodgy dealings in the Money Markets. And I'll bet you whatever you like, that there is bound to be definitely an Innovative Notion to fix that little Scam, which would make IT an Absolute Bargain at whatever Initial Energising Cost.

FBI agents lured suspects using fake child porn hyperlinks

amanfromMars Silver badge

Crazies on the Loose ...... Walking on the Wild Side .... and all in your name?

Is there anything more perverse than war and engaging in its honey traps? Uncle Sam likes to think you can do what you want then and walk away from it, without a stain upon your character. However, it is only the beginning of the trauma and its Post Traumatic Stress Syndromes/Reality Detachments/Flashbacks ........ aka the Horrors?

I imagine people have had a better time then when on bad Acid. At least then, it was all just an Hallucination, chemically induced.