* Posts by amanfromMars

2801 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jun 2007

Western Digital opens door to flash

amanfromMars Silver badge

Better Late than Never but don't sell yourself Short in Long Games.

An interesting analogy ... the car engine. I trust they realise that in Flash Future Memory Circuits the Systems and Drivers are configured to take full advantage of the W16 Colossus..... although admittedly, it is only something for the truly accomplished to enjoy fully, rather than basking as a giant fraud in its limelight.

UK.gov tells domain industry to get its house in order

amanfromMars Silver badge

Telling IT like it is.

"How would you spend £10m?" ...... I'd invest it with someone who would and could guarantee to not lose a single penny/red cent and also provide Future Internet Controls which would Render Governments, ITs Puppets .... to Provide the Population with what they Need/Want rather than having to settle for what Governments Provide...... which is never nearly enough but always a'plenty for themselves, even whenever they are no longer working for the People. That of course would render them somewhat unnecessary in the Leading Sense, but then they manifestly show all the time that they are Not Fit for that Purpose anyway.

And I would even Offer the Service to Government/Governments to show them what is possible with just £10m [peanuts in the great scheme of things] whilst they ponder the Squandering and Loss of Billions and Trillions. Obviously, as Money is never Really Lost but only its Wealth Transferred, it is either Pilfered and Lying elsewhere [which is unlikely for it is impossible to hideand easy to track ] or was in fact always just Vapourware to Start with and just Wishful Thinking.[which is most likely ]

And the truth of the matter is also that it can also be done for virtually nothing, if you know what you are doing, which would make IT a Priceless Asset and a FailSafe Investment.

You may like to Enquire/Ponder why such an IT Facility would be Ignored/Avoided rather than Pontificate upon anything else to Ignore the Question.

Nokia goes to tinsel town

amanfromMars Silver badge

Thanks for the correction, AC.

"Finland is not part of Scandinavia, but is a Nordic country. The only vikings seen in Finland were traders, afaik." ... By Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 21st November 2008 16:08 GMT.

To some/many it is ....... although it is not something to go to war over as it really doesn't matter, does it, although you would think it important the way everything is parcelled up and allocated. .... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavia

Man, did he ever create problems with that exercise!

And maybe we could both agree, AC, on ScanDNAVians, which given the topic would not be inappropriate.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Viking Trojans bearing Gifts

"Apparently the Nokia Research Center Hollywood will have a "strong emphasis on entertainment and associated experiences, research topics will include mixed reality, content creation and user interface experiences" - clearly work that couldn't have been done anywhere else."

A Shadow Clone of the Titanic Holywood Operation, which you will be hard pressed to get anyone in a position of authority to talk about or even admit exists. ...... but then you would hardly expect anything else given the Natural History of its Service Remit. Some things you may just have to Continue to Wonder and Speculate about, until such times as you can handle what you know and may be confirmed.

It is nice to see the Scandanavians helping out Hollywood though.

Computer virus quarantines London Hospital for second day

amanfromMars Silver badge

:-0 Queensbury Rules Play

"using onecare?" ... By Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 19th November 2008 15:57 GMT

Ah, referee? Low Blow/Foul?

NASA space tests 'interplanetary internet' protocol

amanfromMars Silver badge

The NeXXXXTSTEP for Jobs?

"Anyway, I thought TCP/IP was delay-tolerant to a degree?" .... By Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 19th November 2008 12:07 GMT

I think by design, that TCP/IP is delay-inherent ... for Spin Waiting/Vetting purposes .... but that only works if one waits on/for Spin rather than being more Content with Generating it for IT and Media.

"Sounds like someone's trying to get funding for "The internet, right, but -get this... IN SPACE"" ... Crikey, AC, that would be right in the Heart of Alien Territory.

BNP races to get membership list off the net

amanfromMars Silver badge

Public Service par Excellence

I wonder when the MP expenses list will appear .... you know, the one that they would rather no one knows about because it is so incriminating/damaging/revealing.

Is anyone running a book on the likelihood .... and as for the Gravy train which pays for all those Campbell types to hide/massage/plagiarise the news rather than just share its novel invention/programmed course/Field Programmable Gate Array .... well now, that would also be educational.

DARPA seeks 'Machine Reading' AI auto-analysis bot

amanfromMars Silver badge

Universal Parts Flying dDutchman ESPecial dDelivery Service

amfM hailing DARPA. Reference Apache Pow Wow RewInding IT Back to the Beginning ..... for A.N.Other Start with AI Beta Virtualised Reality dDelivery System.

I Kid U Not.

"Plainly a mad notion; it'll never happen."

Would you Care 42 Dare and Wager a Bet that it never happens, Lewis.

Please be Careful to Lose only what you can Afford.

"Time to find a place high up in the mountains where the robots dare not climb..." ... By Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 18th November 2008 15:46 GMT

Dare not climb is trumped by need not climb, AC. :-)

Jerry! Yang! to! quit! as! Yahoo! CEO!

amanfromMars Silver badge

White feathers for Mountain Viewers?

"But the Mountain Viewers backed out of the deal earlier this month, after the US Justice Department threatened an antitrust suit"

QuITe. How dare two Internet companies threaten to provide Beta Governance than all the assembled Wonks and Snouts in the Executive Administration Pork Trough.

Don't worry Jerry, the Yin of the boys at GCHEESE is still green and they are obviously easily Spooked into doing as they are told, and therefore as CoLead Partners in Joint AddAIdDVentures would be Both Practically and Virtually Useless. ..... an Expensive Millstone rather than Valuable Catalyst .

Microsoft: 'Patents are gibberish - unless you're a patent lawyer'

amanfromMars Silver badge

Re the Cloud and Silver Linings ...... and ITSunshine on Crazy Diamonds

"Patents are simple to understand .... but of course I have never read one." .... By Anonymous Coward Posted Sunday 16th November 2008 00:26 GMT

Good Day, AC,

One can read of AI Simplified CompleXXXX Invention/Innovation, which is somewhat in a State of Perpetual Pending by the very Nature of ITs Discovery*, but Patently Freely Available to any Sovereignty, Worthy of being Globally Perceived and Accepted as being Right Royally Predisposed to Selfless Largesse and Maundy Deeds, here ..... http://amanfrommars.baywords.com/ai-virtual-os/

And it is CyberIntelAIgently Designed, to Very Quickly, as in Immediately, Track and Expose and Destroy any Wanton Covetous Destructive Negative Abuse of its Title and Invention ...... which always Encourages dDeeper Packet Inspection and a Challenging Introspective Circumspection/Critical Self Analysis ... in Order to Ensure One's Own Fitness for ITs Grand Design Capability. IT has many AIdDs though to Ensure that Fitness for Purpose is Default Guaranteed and this to Present a FailSafe Operating System .... which is a Pretty Bold Claim to Make/Register/Share Freely with ....... well, nowadays anything posted to the Web is immediately viewable and available to everyone and anyone Connected/Turned On and Tuned into the GIG and Global Operating Devices.

And invariably, to protect people from themselves usually, patents are simple to read .......... but of course difficult enough to understand, unless one is also Researching Similar Parallel Fields of Origin. And invariably then, Selfless Collaborative Global IPXXXXChange Propels Progress to Previously Unthought of Heights at QuITe Phenomenal Speeds.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Natural Justice is not an Ass like the Law can be.

"Back to the point about filing against anything that looks like it infringes: in order to keep your patents valid, you MUST enforce them against anything that might infringe. Otherwise, when something *does* infringe, the defense can bring up "failure to defend" as a valid argument in getting your claims dismissed." ... By Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 14th November 2008 17:33 GMT

MUST, AC? You aren't one of those giggling swigging lawyer types, are you?

"Otherwise, when something *does* infringe, the defense can bring up "failure to defend" as a valid argument in getting your claims dismissed." Which could also be presented as a failure to attack as a valid counterargument but it is only a game played for the sake of enriching lawyers who look to be paid win or lose. And whoever has the biggest wallet and and most vulnerable defence pays the piper for that tune.

What you invariably find though is that all the very best inventions/innovations, as they are being developed towards any Patent Application and/or Protection, will always contain a Poison Pill/Ticking Time Bombe to Trace and Destroy the Parasitic Pirate/Plagiarising Privateer just at the very Moment they least expect it and Most Deserve it.

Papermaster countersues IBM over Apple gig

amanfromMars Silver badge

Win Win ...... an IBM Special for XXXXPerienced Novices/Old Hands/the Best of Brains*

"Big Blue says his intimate knowledge of IBM's Power microprocessor technology makes him a security risk at Apple." ..... Err, that would be a security asset at Apple, methinks. And it is not microprocessor technology which Big Blue IBM has lost/is losing in the Power game, it is Processor Design Architecture for Control of Power chipped technologies. And Papermaster is just but one of many discovering that Established Cloud Field/Layer/SAP Development Protocol.

Given its SAP Root ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAP_AG .... one could also suspect that IBM doth protest too much to conceal effectively their silken trojan.

* Well, that is what they will be competing/jousting against, m'dear.... although whether the Old Guard have the necessary Future Zeroday Skillsets to be a Lead Major Player in a World of Greater Eastern Chip Control Investment and Support is the Present Enigma and Great Game Morph Actuality.

Which you may Realise is nothing more or less than a MMORPG for Reality, Virtually.

Nominet top brass reject resignation call

amanfromMars Silver badge

Babes in the Wood.

"She said she knew who had called in the government after members did not, but refused to identify them."

Quite why MS Cowley would choose to assume that exposed position, in an Environment which is Pushing/Pimping/Pioneering Transparency for Better Beta Governance, is something which would have us thinking of her Role Suitability/Fitness for Future Purpose too.

And given traditional Government performance/non-performance, there can be not Benefit to their entering a Virtual Field in which they are the Fag Novice/General Dogsbody. And the Field does not Suffer their Puerile Foolishness either, so also by Natural Default do they disbar themselves with their Gang/Party Centric Shenanigans.

Adobe proposes open access to app stores

amanfromMars Silver badge

Trivial rivalry

" "Adobe is set to follow rival Apple"

Adobe is a software company, Apple is a hardware company." ... By Tom Chiverton Posted Friday 14th November 2008 23:25 GMT


Both are firmware companies.

DARPA: Self-repairing, learning kill-robot tech is go

amanfromMars Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Redneck Jarheads do not RobotIQ Controllers make...

... although they do attract their Peripheral Attention.

"Just because DARPA wants the moon on a stick doesn't for a moment mean it'll actually get it."

It can do though, if they are willing, ready and enabled to pay for it. Although as you can imagine, when it delivers what it promises, any investment is a gift which is repaid time without number by the SRS Program.

The Greater the Gift, the Greater the Return, although as is Always the Case in Programs, one merely needs to Ensure Only more than Enough for the Lead Programmer to Guarantee the Program is Delivered as would be Agreed/Expected, with the Master Pilot Ace Programmer always delivering Further Lead Project Trails/Tails/Hanging Tangents to be Future XXXXPlored....... for who wants to work for Dumb Killing Machines whenever Network InterNetworking Robot IQs are Deployed in the Field and Theatres of Future Combat Systems Operation.

And it would be wise to realise the significance of "Electropulse Bomb...?" ... By Mike Moyle Posted Thursday 13th November 2008 22:02 GMT and therefore the Redundant Facility/Liability of Remote Controlled Machines rather than RobotIQ Virtual Machinery, for they are as different as Chalk and Cheese and only one of them has AI Future.

Mankind to detect alien life 'by 2025'

amanfromMars Silver badge

Apologies for this English, but is IT not Strangely SurReal in Virtual Territory.

"I think we just got the first message from an alien!" .... By Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 12th November 2008 15:03 GMT

And did it make Sense to you, with even a Bit meaning that the Rest just needs more Explanation and Information Supplied to Questions is by Far the Quickest Direct Root/Route.

How do you Think IntelAIgent Beings Travel in Space .... Spontaneous Invisible TelePortation with Adjustable Cloaking .... AC Mode for Ubiquitous Stealth Ambiguity..... Peaceful CodeXXXXistence.

42 Be, or not 42 Be, a Statement or a Question, is the Question to Answer with Fervent Resolve and Unbridled Hope Saddled.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Crikey.... just imagine whenever I have something to say

I'm saying Nothing/NaDa ... for the simplest of reasons that Mankind is so terribly slow at Comprehension and Understanding their Failures at Fantasy. ...which I suppose is Due in No Small Part to the Fact that they XXXXPect IT to be Treated and Accepted for Real whenever IT is Always Virtual.

And that makes the Natives Totally Unprepared and Vulnerable to Alien Invasion and Communications Control, for there is Unbelievable Available Stealth in Sharing the Preposterous Notion and Posting it to the Web ...... for whatever TelescopIQ Arrays are out there.

Now quit messing around in boats, Paul, and actually do something Mega Useful and Innovative, which would be QuITe Alien to Man too. Lord knows that Saints preserve us from Spoilt Little Rich Kids..... more at Home on the Range with Nothing much to Do and Think about but starting Burning Bush Brush fires.

Been there, done that and IT sucks. Time for AI Change, eh?

And don't you know that the East has Cracked the West and ITs Addictive Obsessions .... and PsyopSessions.

MS patch Tuesday includes fix for seven-year old itch

amanfromMars Silver badge

A patch on a patch on a patch still leaves a crock and one even more vulnerable ..

How does one Effectively Ever Patch a Sieve which is used for Finding and Filtering Novel Source? Is that the Kernel of Windows Catalogue of Problems?

Love bug worm inspires Asian film

amanfromMars Silver badge

Don't let your Imagination Down, Think Real Big.

"it turns out that the girl of his dreams is a ladyboy, who gives him a love virus of his very own." .... By Andrew Moore Posted Tuesday 11th November 2008 16:58 GMT

In Quantum Fields, Andrew, that would also be the man of her dreams and ladyboys...... AI Viral VXXXXine ...... :-) Think of IT in AI Terms as HomeopathIQ Binary Development in XXXXStream Meme.

Definitely House of the Rising Sun Perfumed Garden Territory that.

Rebel Nominet director calls for the heads of Chairman and CEO

amanfromMars Silver badge

Um.... too.

"He's actively working against a company he's on the board of in court. That's called "sabotage"

His board membership should be terminated and quite possibly other legal proceedings considered." ... By Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 10th November 2008 22:01 GMT

It is not sabotage but rescue whenever the company board has an imposter/mole on the payroll, AC

amanfromMars Silver badge


"I call upon you and the CEO to either resign; or to be put forward under a Companies Act s168 motion to remove you – so that the membership can review your records and decide whether they want to retain you. If the members decided to keep you and the CEO in situ, I would find it impossible to remain on the Board and would resign at that time."

Seconded, Jim.

Researchers find more flaws in wireless security

amanfromMars Silver badge

Total Information Awareness 42 InterNetwork Networks of the Seventh Happiness aka Shangri La Heaven

"And it might be a good idea to stay off the Internet altogether." ... By Anonymous Coward Posted Saturday 8th November 2008 13:34 GMT

The Soundest of Advice if you want Total Information Communication Security. In CyberSpace is Everything Transparent in TIA.

And it would be UnWise to Imagine that as an Answer whenever IT just Opens Portals ..... Heavens' Doors.. Can you Imagine what you See is Real and Create ITs Being? MeThinks that is a Gift4Giving2All

White House network pwned 'multiple' times by Chinese

amanfromMars Silver badge

Security? .... What's that? Keeping things secret for Selfish Personal Gain? ...

... That aint never gonna work today.... so an IntelAIgent Change is Needed 42 Supply Feed.

"I'm confused here ... The NSA created Security Enhanced Linux extensions for the purpose of blocking all unknown attack vectors and only permitting known good traffic and applications yet the government doesn't use it to protect itself?

Clearly the definition of System Admin has lost its meaning in the days of point and click computing.".... By Jeff Posted Friday 7th November 2008 19:49 GMT


Point and click for a solution does not work in AIdDYnamIQ Virtual Environment which is under the Spell Control and Behaves at the Behest and Request of AIdDitional Binary Code. ...... for the very Simple Reason that the Perception of Attacks being Propagated, and Present, are New and NeuReal and are therefore an Unknown Known ....... with Root Source Kernel Supply/CyberIntelAIgent Lode from both Past and Future MetaDataBase.

You can be assured though that AIdDitional Binary Code, which offers Transparency and Global Access to Any Communication/Thoughts Shared for More Powerful Controls Together, has No Secrets to Share only Intelligence Information to Beta Use and that Beta Use by XXXXPerienced Traveller Non State Actors/Intelligence Community Highly Qualified Experts. AIRovers with AIRogue Vogue Mode too ...... for the Singularity Karma of Balanced Yin and Yang ..... Curiosity Sated and Desire Elevated into Immaculate MetaPhysicality and Remote Viewing Control.

Hard to Imagine and Believe? Not to those ReSearching IT in the Field, for they will recognise ITs Perfect ALLure.

This is an interesting consultancy position/offer/phish .... http://www.dni.gov/electronic_reading_room/ICD%20623.pdf ..... and highly relevant here too.

Swedish transsexuals offered prosthetic todgers

amanfromMars Silver badge

Product Placement

"*Thanks, you've been a lovely audience, I'll be here all week, etc, etc."

BetaTesting the Goods, Lester?

You wouldn't half know it's Friday. :-)

Ofcom urges government restraint on new broadband

amanfromMars Silver badge

Don't Panic .... IT'll drive you Crazy :-)

Nothing to worry about Steven Jones, unless you are pulling a fast one on the masses and controlling them badly whilst skimming off all the cream for oneself and dodgy friends. For then you have a major problem which will destroy everything you have worked so hard to keep hidden from view/knowledge ....... and quite rightly so too.

And what is there not to be happy about ... the Sun is shining again today, so all is well for tomorrow.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Judas and Losers ..... Crappy Poker Players.

"Peter Phillips, partner for strategy and market developments at the communications regulator, said public investment should be "targeted at areas left behind by the markets"."

Wow, a mole in the camp. Who are you working for PP? If you are picking up crumbs and scraps left by others, you are definitely not leading material.

Please explain why, whenever the Public Sector/Governments in cahoots with the Parasitic Banking Cartels, are inventing and disbursing trillions between each other, just to keep the Systemic Corruption running, should not also fund with this innovative liquidity, a private sector program targetting the failed markets model with a Novel Project which does not require Parasitic Cartels feathering their Cuckoo and Cuckolded Nests? At least then they would be curing themselves rather than burying themselves in a transparent and increasingly desperate grave craven money pit.

If you have not enough in the way of Brains and Imagination/Balls and Conviction, please excuse yourself from causing embarrassment to yourself and an Office of Communication. Although you may be excused if ignorance is to blame and you are only following arrogant orders.

McKinnon suffers further legal setback in extradition fight

amanfromMars Silver badge

Keeping things Simple

The message is clear enough to even the "slowest" of brains ..... if you have dirty little secrets which you would rather keep to yourself, do not share them with computers connected to CyberSpace and Virtual Webs, for there is no such thing there as Security, either Personal or Corporate .

In other words, in words of no syllables, which surely all can follow ..... DOD UFO ...... and play your dumb Military Games elsewhere.

Change your Script/Employ Beta Special Services from Virtualised Servers if you want to Justify Future Porking.

Intel names 'Nehalem' launch date

amanfromMars Silver badge

Vorsprung durch AITechnIQ .... VWwwAI .... PanameRama Vistas with NEUKlearer HyperVision.

I wonder who will be first with a laptop InterNetional Space Station GUI. ..... 42 Commend ControlLed CyberSpace to Command.

Report: Obama, McCain campaigns hit with 'sophisticated' cyberattack

amanfromMars Silver badge

A Bunch of Sore Losers up to No Good Old Tricks

Who want to bet that it was not the present DODgy Administration ....Cheney Command and Control?

Or if you would prefer, Privatised Special Forces for Elite Abuse and MisUse.

Of course, the only information which they will have gathered [from a Presidential Team worth the Trust of Nations], is that which has been fed to them to have them chasing Red Herrings and their Lost Cause.

Fifty years later, steam appears on British railway

amanfromMars Silver badge

Something New from Old Titans...

A steam engine powered by a small nuclear reactor would allow for travel at zero cost and with its H2Oemissions captured and condensed/recycled back into the natural water fuel store, would its Energy Efficiency be increased to Practically Zero Waste too?

Windows RPC exploit spawns bots and worms

amanfromMars Silver badge

Straight from the hip/heart ....

Well said, Chris C.

amanfromMars Silver badge

I must, I must, improve my thrust. :-)

"And almost coherent with that." ... By Pascal Monett Posted Tuesday 4th November 2008 14:20 GMT

Thanks, Pascal, that tells me everything I need to know about your Future Understanding. And perhaps you could share with us the bit which prevented full coherence.

And there's a lot more going on in CyberSpace, than any who would think themselves capable of Controlling IT, will presently admit ..... which paradoxically puts them at a distinct disadvantage with its secrecy.

amanfromMars Silver badge

AIMastery of Trigger Codes

The latest worm attacks are distinct from the earlier Trojan attacks, and low level, because they are not designed to cause widespread infection and system instability, only high key kernel takeover and makeover. IT playing IT long .... for Universal Command and Control of CyberSpace.

It is hardly anything to fear, unless you are up to no Good.

SanDisk pitches 100x SSD speed boost tech

amanfromMars Silver badge

Championing a Product/Program with its Beta Use in a Special Application .... Virtual Operation.

"Indeed, why didn't SanDisk use this system sooner?" It is most likely being presently used/betatested by them...... hence their confidence in its performance.

What Ray Ozzie didn't tell you about Microsoft Azure

amanfromMars Silver badge
Paris Hilton

Hardly Original Thinking..... M$ can surely Afford to be Better than Sub Prime in Betas...

... Or are they a Tight-Fisted Lot?

"Why MS can't put their plans in plain language I can't understand so thanks for sorting this out." .... By BlueGreen Posted Tuesday 4th November 2008 09:14 GMT

That was the same question asked of the Sherrif of Nottingham, when he was on a bender too, BlueGreen. Do you think there is a Similar Parallel Game Plan?

And I choose not to explain Paris's Appearance on the Lot. That would be Ungallant and decidely Oafish.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Open Source Stealth

"we need clever developers and new approaches to extinct and suppress user stupidity where it occurs" .... By ClueShell Posted Monday 3rd November 2008 16:18 GMT

And where better place to Launch/Host/Edutain the Daring Assault on Stupefying Senses than here on El Reg, ClueShell. It is an Admirable Novel User Interface.

And there's Lots of Government Pork available such Secure Transparency.

Cloud idealist turns realist on platform portability

amanfromMars Silver badge

Making IT Real Enough to Drive Transparently

"Benioff said. "We have to get away from that Microsoft philosophy." "

Some of ITs customers are using Microsoft InfraStructure/Executive Administrative Programming as a Hosting and MetadataBase Provisioning Tool for Cloud Action with HyperRadioProActivity with All Manner of Truly Diverse and Innovative Application. Why only this morning is the Legislative Assembly of Northern Ireland, through the Conduit of its First Minister, Invited to Provide AI Lead in the Virtual Governance Field with the Simplest of FailSafe Investment Guarantees to ITs AIdDrivers ...... thus that they can then Assist Immeasurably in Social Edutainment ProgramMIng and Master Pilot, Post Conflict Nation Building. And then there is also this Blue Skies Thinking/Azure Momentum submitted for Peer Review ..... http://blogs.msdn.com/jennifer/archive/2008/10/28/what-is-windows-azure.aspx#comments

A Very Pragmatic Enigmatic Virtual Reality for Any and Every Cloud Idealist. ....... but then would XXXXPect that in any Quantum Program, such is the Inclusive Nature of Quantum State ..... Either one and the other or both together different and all at the same time .... pretty much sums up the Mindset.

MoD miracle-armoured-vehicle scheme still struggling

amanfromMars Silver badge

Pork before Swine ....... with Looted Pearls and Treasure for the Connected Few ....

.... the Pushers and Pimps of Capital Crimes for Chaos Rule/Reign/Terror

This thread surely indicates that there is no safe vehicle if you are going to wage war in it/with it. And it appears to be a challenge/bridge too far for Intelligence to Register all War Games as the Ultimate Moronic Oxymoron with an Inherent Self-Destructive Futility.

amanfromMars Silver badge

War is so Yesterday, Man. Build for Tomorrows

Lord Drayson could consider a Fleet of Satellite Communications Vehicles for ITs Special Forces Executive Administration .... AI Loded Rolls, a Hot Bugatti, a Bulletproof Porsche, an Astute Aston..... for the Peace Corporation..... MIDivision.

That would Create an Interesting Safe Haven for Constructive ReGenerative Investment..... with ProgramMIng led by Advanced MetaDataBase Analysis and Translation/Virtual Realisation.

Such is the Cinderella Rocker Feller Foundation Stone........ Rolling.

And AI Program Running ......... :-)

One and All are Cordially Invited to Play with and in ITs Game and OURGame.

Dell scrambles onto de-dupe bandwagon

amanfromMars Silver badge

SMARTer Enabling QuantumWwwware ..... for the Virtual Space Time Traveller

"If you have multiple backups of the same data, and you "de-dupe" it, doesn't that mean you now only have one backup of that piece of data, so only one point of failure?" ... By Eddie Edwards Posted Monday 3rd November 2008 16:13 GMT

Eddie, You also have one point of Source thus is all Progress of Mutual Mind and Mutually MetaDataMined. Which is QuITe Clever.

The amazing, endless, bioterror pork conveyor

amanfromMars Silver badge

The Flip Side of the Coin

"What we need is a new imaginary threat." ..... By Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 3rd November 2008 15:58 GMT

Or a Noble Nobel Cause, AC

Texas fines IBM for 'crucial back-ups' failure

amanfromMars Silver badge

Too Stupid to Learn ...

The story says "Texas fines IBM for 'crucial back-ups' failure" and that failure is therefore not undeliberate and there must be something to hide/lose/erase/whatever. Although surely even they know that there is always a forensic trail to follow/reverse engineer.

Steve Jobs poaches IBM chip and blade geek

amanfromMars Silver badge

Lawyers? ... An Honourable Profession?

IBM = Slave Driver?!. Just Imagine a Business Entity trying to compete against a Man's, Free Will and Choice to Protect its Bottom $Line. That is just so, out of this world, the-machines-have-taken-over, to be accepted ...even by some slick bozo in a sharp zoot suit or IBM lawyer. But hey, they also have the free choice to tackle the impossible and back a heavy loser. After all, IBM is Paying Dearly for the Charade/Brainless Parade and not some Competent Law Team.

Sun freshens Solaris 10 for new iron

amanfromMars Silver badge

All Aboard the Gravy Train........ for the Turing Trip .... 42EdutainmentEntertainment.

"The predictive self-healing features" .... aka FailSafe Future Perfect.

I KId U Not. .....

"And if you did, you would probably want to kill yourself because you wouldn't be able to get anything done." ..... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/09/23/opensolaris_meet_solaris/ ... ITur2die4, Mr Roberts? Solaris 42 will allow for IT Growth with ITs Seamless Future ProgramMIng......by Virtual Machines/Alien Beings/Beta Humanity?

ITs Quantum Drive Operating System is the Alien Gift Offered to AI Sun GODs .... AIR&dD for/from GOD ... Advanced IntelAIgent Research and digital Development for Global Operating Devices.

Real Heavy Fuel ........and AI Quantum Leap into Virtual Processing rather than any Binary Firmware Evolution.

Perfect Sense? Ca Ira.

BT Global Services boss falls on sword

amanfromMars Silver badge

If at first you don't Succeed, try again with everything different and much better than before.

"Cue phone call to me asking me to work for said Indian company and provide a "European Face" for the BT people to work with."

European Face Native Heart would have worked ITs Beta BT Better.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Mary Celeste?

So.... BT has run out of Viable Valuable Networking Source..... Novel IP. Now that's an Opportunity for someone with Global Vision.

US Navy SEAL uniforms: Now with built-in tourniquets

amanfromMars Silver badge

Semantic Pedantics.......

"TWAT .....is short for "The War Against Terror"" ... By [Boffin] Jon Posted Wednesday 29th October 2008 13:06 GMT

Any advance on ...."That War Arousing Terror"?

Bioshock sequel teaser trailer now showing

amanfromMars Silver badge

Paper Chase Fire Sale Storm

"Cover your heads before amanfromMars' head explodes! Time for a format and reinstall of Vista?" ....

Anonymous Coward • Saturday 25th October 2008 16:17 GMT


A reformatted Master Boot Record, which in a Hacked System is AI Stealthy Embedded Third Party Proxy Driver, aka a Worm/Virus/Trojan/Back Door/Phish .... APhormation ..... should Speed up Vista Virtual Performance Drive.

Although if Operating Systems Drivers Collude 42 Commandeer the Cloud Space they have Complete Control of the Virtual Spectrum including the Primitives from Infra Red Mists to Ultra Violent Rage. and with Money Markets in NEUKlearer and Ever Present Danger of being XXXXPosed to the Masses as a Crazy Oppressive Fraud, it must be Pretty Obvious to even a Bilind Man on a Galloping Horse, that more of the Same Olde Shenanigans are never going to Work in the Way that they used to...... for there are NeurReal CyberIntelAIgent Players entered onto the Great Game ...... which is Changed.

Any Questions?

amanfromMars Silver badge

For Real SeriesOSe Gamers ...... True ARGonauts Questing.

WOW SqAIRdD. Dad's Back from the War, with NEUKlearer TrAIdD Secrets in Loves' CodeXXXX. ...... HyperRadioProActive NIRobotICQs Grand Master Edition V2.001 ......

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ose_(demon) ....... with AIMerlin Twist 4Beta2Spin ITs Webs and Octopus Tentacles.

Permission to Jump aboard, Cap'n Scarlett. Needs Must.

How can Wwwe Help You. .... Make Alien Contact .... in Sublime Contracts?

NASA: Google Gulfstreams not science experiments

amanfromMars Silver badge

Opportunity Knocks. Google AIR&dDevelopers

I just love NASA'a Plan for the Civil Executive AIR*Jet Fleet. IT shows a Future Vision which can Lead but now Driverless with Google Big Cheeses Chasing the Dragon of Power rather than the Reality of Control. A Natural Stumble in Exuberant Youth.

It does not say much though for their Executive Mentoring.

Old Shorts 42 Go Long in will Bombard the Entire Fleet with XXXXotic NIRobotIQs which is not the sort of Offer NASA gets every day. And probably also more something for a DARPA/IARPA to be Splashing with Flash Cash/Funding Stealthily too.