* Posts by handleoclast

1287 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jan 2012


Manchester pulls £750 public crucifixion offer

IT Angle

The church is upset...

...that other people want to make money out of the crucifiction (spelling is deliberate - it was a fiction). Even worse, they want to make money out of it to give to the poor and needy.

Let's be clear here. The church is selling afterlife insurance. And it gives a money-back guarantee. If you die and there's no afterlife then all you have to do is ask for your money back and they'll return it.

Incidentally, for those who want to make Sunday special: stone your priest to death. He gets paid to deliver those church services, so he's working on a Sunday. You know it makes sense.

Jailed biz coach accused of $17.5m HPE fraud writes to fans saying 'join me'


Obviously trying the Saunders gambit

You know the one. It goes "I'm totally doolally with no hope of a cure. Please let me out of prison so I can die of insanity some place a little more pleasant." To be followed, if it succeeds, by a miraculous recovery.

I wonder if the system will be stupid enough to be fooled again.

WWW daddy Sir Tim Berners-Lee stands up for end-to-end crypto


So why isn't Amber Rudd demanding a ban on cars?

She's only banning encrypted cars.

Your mileage may vary.


Email this to your MP

Your MP may not have a good grasp of the technical issues. So (after watching it yourself to be sure what it is) email your MP this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPBH1eW28mo

It's a simple, non-confrontational explanation of why weak crypto/backdoors is a really bad idea from a technical perspective. Most commentards here already understand these things, but their MP may not (especially if your MP is Amber Rudd).

Don't think to yourself that it will never happen. Unless your MP understands why this is such a stupid idea, it WILL happen.

Drive-by Wi-Fi i-Thing attack, oh my!


>I guess everyone is guilty. Except those who use ADA...

Those who use ADA may not be guilty of anything, but they're punished anyway.

They're punished by having to use ADA.

Wi-Fi sex toy with built-in camera fails penetration test


Internet of shit?

Surely it only qualifies for "internet of shit" if it is used anally.

Trump sets sights on net neutrality


Re: I'd equate Trump to Hitler but...

I think there's a more significant difference.

There is no record that Trump has ever had a pet cat or dog. Hitler loved dogs.

Psychopaths, as kids, often start out by torturing animals because they have no empathy for animals or people (and if you're a psychopathic kid it's easier to start with animals). Hitler at least had empathy for some living beings other than himself. Or was smart enough to fake it.

BTW, Trump wants to relax/remove FDA regulation of both pet food and people food. Before anybody asks, the US Food and Drug Administration DOES regulate pet food (for now).

I've just realized the scary, scary path my thoughts are taking. Months ago I decided Nixon was better than Trump (at least Nixon created the EPA, rather than trying to demolish it). Weeks ago I decided Dubya was better than Trump (it took 9 months before the full extent of Dubya's incompetence became known). And now I've just pointed out one respect in which Hitler was better than Trump. Who next? Attila the hun?

Wet, wild Mars stripped off by hot young star, left barren and red faced


Someone told him about the possibilities of a golfing resort?

Yeah, to be called Mars-a-lago.

Creators Update gives Windows 10 a bit of an Edge, but some old annoyances remain



Ads in fucking file fucking explorer?!?!?!?!

I get ads in android apps from the play store. A lot of the better apps that have ads also have a "pro" version or a "donate" option to get rid of the ads. This is intuitive, ethical, and sane. Free software may have annoying ads, pay for the software and you get rid of the annoying ads. My choice to uninstall, tolerate the ads, or pay some money. But file explorer isn't really optional, it's a necessary component of the OS (however infrequently you use it).

So Microsoft make you pay for their (mostly shitty) software and then fling ads at you? Unless you pay extra? Let's call it what it is. It's fucking RANSOMWARE. The usability of your computer is compromised unless you fork over dosh.

Thank fuck I don't have to use this shiteware.

New plastic banknote plans now upsetting environmental campaigners


A mix of pork and beef tallow

This is a combination with proven efficacy, dating back to 1856. It was used to grease the Minié balls fired by the then new Enfield P-53 rifles and worked perfectly with absolutely no drawbacks.

Well, it had one tiny drawback. It provoked the Sepoy Mutiny, eventually leading to Indian independence, but that was not considered a drawback in India, only in Britain.

Just think. India might still be an imperial possession of only we'd greased the bullets with palm oil. Or 5-pound notes.

DevOps hype? Sometimes a pizza really is just a pizza



I don't know if it was a typo (the "u" and "i" keys are adjacent) or a deliberate neologism, but I think "unfographic" is a brilliant description of shitty infographics that actually tell you fuck all.

A new one for the lexicon.

Alabama joins anti-web-smut crusade with mandatory opt-out filters


It's not a bug, it's a feature

This legislation, if passed, will drastically reduce the availability of internet access in Alabama. And that's a feature, not a bug.

Internet access means that your average undereducated Alabaman may stumble across websites causing him/her to question many things: Are Republican politicians corrupt, greedy bastards who steal from the poor to give to the rich? Is Donald Trump sane? Was it a good idea to marry my sister? Are black people really inferior? Is there really a God?

Jack Williams' career, and the careers of many politicians and Talibangelicals, depends upon people NOT questioning those things. So he wants to put Alabamans in a bubble and justifies it by saying he's protecting them.

Boffins give 'D.TRUMP' an AI injection


“Inbreeding leads to harmful mutations” is a lay understanding of genetics.

Nope. That is wrong. It's a lay MISunderstanding of genetics.

Smoking can lead to harmful mutations. Radioactivity can lead to harmful mutations. Some chemicals can lead to harmful mutations. Inbreeding CANNOT lead to harmful mutations because inbreeding CANNOT cause harmful mutations to arise, it can only cause them to be expressed.

Inbreeding increases the likelihood of recessive mutations in an individual's grandparent becoming homozygotic in the individual. Those mutations may be harmless (or even beneficial) when heterozygotic but harmful when homozygotic.

OTOH, those mutations may be beneficial, in which case inbreeding can be good. Which is why breeders use it when trying to develop or fix new traits. You may have to cull the vast majority of the offspring, but it can be worth it.. Whether or not inbreeding is used depends upon the goal: producing more individuals for immediate use or creating new varieties.


Samsung plans Galaxy Note 7 fire sale


Re: Environmentally friendly disposal

"Which country, untainted by the publicity of phones going nuclear, is going to get them... Kazakhstan?!"

At the right price, there are people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc. who would love these phones. As trigger mechanisms for IEDs they offer the possibility of detonation by timer, remote control, and movement. Plus, if the detonator cap is defective, the battery can be made to explode.

Douglas Coupland: The average IQ is now 103 and the present is melting into the future


Coupland seems to have perfected the art of minimal work. I made the mistake of buying one of his books (it was second-hand, so not a big loss). A not very plausible plot with not very plausible characters padded out with crap like several pages of pi and similar dumps of stuff to skip over. Those could have been cut down by, for example, replacing several pages of pi with "Fred Boring printed out several pages of pi and gave it to Jane Tokenwoman to read" rather than inflicting it on us. But hey, it means he can "write" a book with half the actual work.

If he gets any further up his own arsehole he could end up being nominated for a Booker.

Why do GUIs jump around like a demented terrier while starting up? Am I on my own?


And the other annoyances...

Modern web pages on mobiles with delayed/JIT loading. Such as on esquire.com. You're scrolling through the text when suddenly it jumps to make way for an advert that's just started loading. So you have to scroll back to where you were, and because the advert is now off-screen it collapses, causing another text jump. Grrrrrrr.

What I find more annoying is Windows dialogue boxes that insist on monotasking. You've navigated through a load of configuration menus/submenus/subsubsubsubsubsubsubmenus to get to the one you want. Only to find you need some more information from somewhere else in order to figure out which option to select. On any sane operating system this dialogue box multitasks, not only with other applications but with the application it is a dialogue box of. So on any sane OS you can look through other aspect of the app, or use google, to find out what you need to know and continue configuring. On Windows you have to abandon all progress (by repeatedly cancelling your way up the menu tree) until you can dig out the info you needed, write it down (no point jotting it in Notepad because you won't be able to get at Notepad when you need it), painfully go back through all those dialogue menus, and do what you need to do.

What the fuck could be more stupid than that? Oh yeah, in order to stop your computer running, click on the START menu.

That 'Trump lawyers threaten teen over kitten website' yarn is Fakey Fakey McFake Fakeface


Re: Poor, white, unemployed, uneducated Southerners

Of course they've been voting Republican for generations despite knowing how badly Republicans treat them and despite knowing that Democrats would treat them better. The thing is, they know that Republicans treat blacks even worse and they know that not only would Democrats treat them better but (and this is the important bit) the Democrats would treat blacks equally.

It's OK to be treated like shit as long as blacks get treated even worse. Because that disparity really is all they care about.

Samsung's Bixby totally isn't a Siri ripoff because look – it'll go in phones, TVs, fridges, air con...

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It was often said of ATLAS (Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems, a US military invention for testing avionic systems) that its most useful command is "LEAVE ATLAS" to permit a jump to something written in a more usable and useful language.

I expect the most longed-for command on Bixby will be "Bixby, FUCK OFF FOREVER!" Sadly, I doubt it will be implemented. So you'll have to go through many fiddly, non-obvious menus to get rid of it most of the time, although it will insist on sneaking back in some circumstances (if the google voice thingy on my android phone is anything to go by).

Plans to force ISPs to filter content branded 'disproportionate'

Big Brother

Like a chainsaw, the Internet is not a toy for unsupervised use by children.

I do not want my ability to see LEGAL material curtailed in order to make life easier for inadequate parents who want to be able to plonk their children in front of a computer as an alternative to plonking them in front of a TV.

Mars isn't the garbage wasteworld you think it is: Swirling polar ice cap photographed


What colour is Uranus?

The same colour as Mars.

I have no idea what made me think of that. Apart from the fact that those pics remind me of the appearance of the toilet the morning after a vindaloo when I do a really runny shit.

Facebook's dabblings in TV suggest Zuck isn't actually a genius after all


Somebody EVER thought Zuck was a genius?

This article stands with others along the lines of "Does gravity make you fall?" "Is water wet?" and "Is Trump insane?"

Farcebook is a pile of poo. The UI sucks big time. Want to read the most recent comments on a post when there are a lot of comments? Chronological order seems like a good way, until you realize it puts the newest posts at the bottom, not the top where you want them.

It's a pile of shit catering to narcissists. It took off because some people are so self-obsessed they'll put up with a really shitty interface as long as they can post their banal, trite, masturbatory crapfest.

Zuck isn't a genius, he was just lucky that the pile of shitty garbage he put together was slightly more popular than similar piles of shitty garbage that were around at the time and that positive feedback kicked in. Without Zuck we might have had something a lot better.

Mud sticks: Microsoft, Windows 10 and reputational damage


Don't you insult Welsh farmers in that manner. Do it this way...

If a Welsh farmer and his wife move to England, are they legally still brother and sister?

Is your Windows 10, 8 PC falling off the 'net? Microsoft doesn't care


Re: Reboot pray repeat

The word you are looking for is "schadenfreude." It's a German word meaning "The pleasure that one experiences when one realizes that a different language is inferior to one's own because that other language does not have a word for something that one's own language does have." Thus the German's experience schadenfreude when they find out that English didn't have a word meaning schadenfreude until it was borrowed from German.


Re: Reboot pray repeat

When you write "Not a Microsoft hater - they did maintain their OS's for many years with a single one off payment from ourselves," I suspect you're talking of XP. But XP is a special case. When XP was introduced the internet was still growing exponentially, obviating the need for a 3-year replacement cycle to give Microsoft a revenue stream. The bug-fixes you were getting for free were paid for by all the newbies buying a computer for the first time just to get on the interwebs.

Internet growth stopped being exponential so XP had to be replaced by Vista (a dog-egg sandwich) in order to generate revenue. If Vista hadn't been such a disaster it would have been 3 years before a replacement appeared, but Win 7 had to be brought out in a hurry. When the revenue stream from Win 7 started to decline, in came Win 8 (a double-decker dog-egg sandwich made with mouldy bread), and that would have lasted 3 years if it hadn't been such a disaster.

Now MS have decided that they will charge for the bugfixes. Technically and economically that's actually sound reasoning and fair to consumers, although most ordinary people won't think so. So there'll be a rebellion of people declining to rent what they've already paid for (as they will see it). So MS will ham-handedly put a time-bomb into things so that if you stop paying for updates then Windows stops working except for the purpose of paying for updates again (at which point it will start working again). Then people will get mightily pissed off.

Bring on the dancing penguins.

Deep inside Nantero's non-volatile carbon nanotube RAM tech

Paris Hilton

Re: Bunch of CNTs

I noticed that abbreviation. In the same paragraph it also mentioned "hair." I ended up thinking about CNT hairs for the rest of the article. Once an idea like that wedges between your teeth, it's hard to remove.

Cue the City University of Newcastle upon Tyne jokes. And the Northern Ireland Police Service jokes.

Oi, #tubby! You are what you Tweet, boffins find


Betcha the religious fundies eat unhealthy foods

Praise the Lard!

Armouring up online: Duncan Campbell's chief techie talks crypto with El Reg

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Truecrypt is a threat

The problem with truecrypt is, and has been for at least 6 years (when I first took a look at it) that it supports hidden volumes. Sounds wonderful. If you're doing something very bad, you use a hidden volume. With just the ordinary pw you see the ordinary volume. Use a second pw and you see the hidden volume (if there is one). Wonderful! Except...

As the documentation says, your adversary cannot prove that you're using a hidden volume, even if you are. What the documentation doesn't say is that you cannot prove that you're not using a hidden volume even if you're not. Throw in the law regarding handing over the encryption keys and you can go to prison for life.

The police can require you to hand over your encryption keys. Fair enough, you give them the key to the ordinary volume. Then they ask for the key to the hidden volume. Which you don't have because you're not a bad guy so you're not using one. But the bad guys say that too, so the police insist. You repeat that you're not using one so you can't hand over the key. Six months (or 3 months, or whatever) in prison. Upon release they ask you for the key to the hidden volume. You repeat that you weren't using one. Back to prison you go, with no way of breaking out of the loop.

All that was bad enough, but at least you could cover yourself by using a hidden volume even if you weren't doing anything dodgy enough to need one. The docs did NOT warn you to do that, no did occasional appeals by various people in the forums to document it achieve anything. A couple of years ago I checked again - still no warning that you MUST use a hidden volume to be safe. Plus now there's a patch, not supported by the developers but advertised on the site to have hidden volumes inside hidden volumes to any arbitrary depth. At that point no sane person would ever use truecrypt because plod will insist you have the patched version on a thumb drive and however many depths of key you give them they will insist there is one more.

I repeat, for the hard-of-thinking, use truecrypt and you are at risk of spending a lifetime in prison.

El Reg Redesign - leave your comment here.


Re: Your redesign stinks, sorry, but it does

I have to agree with just about every criticism I've seen.

Failure of middle-click to throw to a new tab is absolutely indefensible. They had to deliberately disable it, whether that was the desired end or just an accidental by-product of some useless crap "modern" web design effect they wanted.

But, I have to say, middle-click is working for me (Exploder 11/Win 7 - not my usual choice but it's what I happen to have in front of me right now). Maybe they have already fixed this or maybe it's whatever browser you're using.

If it still isn't working for you, you could try control-left-click, which on some versions of some browsers is equivalent to a middle click.

Phones for the elderly: Testers wanted for senior service


Asterisk sucks

Unlike others, I'm not going to offer an opinion on the merit of the idea itself. I've been wrong enough times in the past (twitter? srsly?) that my opinion about the merits of the idea is probably wrong. Well, it would probably be wrong if I thought about the idea long enough to form an opinion in the first place.

What I will say is that asterisk is Krap with a special K. Yeah, it works most of the time but the innards are a horrible mess meaning that every so often it has an epileptic fit. Asterisk WILL lose calls. Try freeswitch instead. Don't bother trying to run either of them in a VM no matter what the docs (and testimonials) say - you'll get stuttering even when the host machine is at minimal load.

Other than that, go for it. Maybe you'll make a lot of money, maybe you'll lose a lot of money. But asterisk guarantees you'll have problems, so don't do that.


Re: "normal old people won't need it."

"For me and many like me the smartphone is just another tool to let me continue my work and enjoyment of life. I know there are others of my age and younger that, through no fault of their own, find technology incomprehensible or unusable. Those are the ones that this proposal should be aiming at, not just everyone that is classed as old - many of us resent that classification."

You're right. Simon shou;d have targeted his proposal at the stupid/ignorant, not the old. Statistically the older amongst us do tend to be less technical but it's far from 100% correlation. The stupid (of all ages), however, are legion. I'm not talking about an inability to hack the linux kernel as a definition of stupidity, I'm talking about an inability to understand basic technology. Of my seven neighbours in my little cul-de-sac, only one of them knows how to reset a breaker in their consumer unit. Only one. Their ages range from 40 to 70 and it's the oldest who knows how to reset her breakers.

Forget the word 'cyberwar' says Marcus Ranum


It's war

The guy is a twat.

One primary aspect of warfare is that it causes damage. If played according to the rules then that damage affects only the military of the other side. If played not according to the rules (as happened in every war that has ever occurred) then it affects civilians too.

It's warfare. Doesn't matter whether it fucks up the SCADA of electricity generators or fucks up bank accounts, it's warfare. Here's a big fucking clue: whether you demolish essential infrastructure with a cruise missile or a virus, the effects are the same.

Fedora cooks up new Linux for Raspberry Pi

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Re: @Rampant Spaniel

"vi for ubiquitousness."

Ummm, ubiquity, I think. Either way, I agree.

Once upon a time I used VAX/VMS. I customized EDT (the original, not the broken TPU emulation) within an inch of its life. Which left me with problems when I had to use somebody else's login to show them what to do, because none of my clever tricks worked (worse, some of the keystrokes I'd defined they'd defined differently with hilarious results).

Which is why I no longer try to customize editors. Why I avoid emacs like the plague (I know I'd customize it to hell and back and I can't afford that luxury). Raw vi. Well, maybe not the raw vi cygwin gives you if you don't touch .vimrc, but otherwise unadorned vi. It's a crappy editor, but it's a KNOWN CONSTANT crappy editor.

It works the same on all the systems I deal with. CentOS. Ubuntu. Cygwin on various flavours of Window$. Even the bastardized flavour of Debian on ReadyNAS. If I ever have to deal with some other flavour of *nix I'm confident that vi will be the same. Just as tedious and unpleasant and unproductive to use, but consistently so.

Lego X-wing fighter touches down in New York's Times Square

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Lego nipples?

You have just created an entry in the lexicon of all that is great.

Russian geologist claims finding chunks of Tunguska Event invader


No Raman spectroscopy

No Ramen noodle spectroscopy either, which would have revealed these as artifacts of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Quid-a-day nosh challenge hack enters the final furlong


No disrespect

MNMU deserves great respect for setting up the challenge. You deserve respect (but not of the great kind because £1/day was only a little under what I spent on food when unemployed recently) for taking up the challenge.

But as my recent unemployment reminds me, the food needs to be cooked and cooking takes energy and energy costs money (or labour costs scavenging for fuel). So, in the UK, that £1/day is not a sustainable, realistic figure. I hope the Tories don't get wind of the challenge or they'll be insisting that the unemployed, disabled and elderly all survive on that little.

Dinosaurs were super mums, nest find proves


Cold blooded?

"They may have been cold-blooded"?

More likely not.

The sole surviving branch of the dinosaurs (birds) is warm-blooded.

One of the three types of scales on birds' legs can be induced (by chemical treatment of the embryo) to turn into feathers (down feathers, not flight feathers).

Fossils of several dinosaur species have been found to have feathers (flight feathers in archaeopterix, down feathers in others).

Down feathers provide insulation. Important in WARM-blooded animals.

So probably warm-blooded.

Of course, you did say "may," but in context that reads as "Despite being cold-blooded..."

Now I shall go outside to watch the dinosaurs.

Satnav mishap misery cure promised at confab


Let your satnav do the walking...

The most likely explanation for vehicles ending up on undriveable paths and having to be airlifted out of there by helicopter is not mapping errors but due to the nut behind the wheel.

Most satnavs offer a choice of fastest route, shortest route and WALKING route. Guess which choice results in vehicles trapped on goat tracks...
