* Posts by Captain DaFt

3821 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2007

May the excessive force be with you: Chap cuffed after Star Trek v Star Wars row turns bloody

Captain DaFt

Re: No contest

> "My vote for best goes to Bab5."

> And mine goes to Battlestar Galactica.

Pfft! Firefly was best.

BOFH: That's right. Turn it off. Turn it on

Captain DaFt

Re: "it doesn't work"

"And no funky working lightsabers. Sometimes, reality sucks."

It's not an issued item.

To become a full fledged Sith (or Jedi) you're supposed to build your own lightsaber from scratch.

Google ships WannaCrypt for Android, disguised as Samba app

Captain DaFt


Too accustomed to this type of tech fuck-up by companies that ought to know better to even muster the energy for a face palm.

One day, we'll look back on this type of thing and laugh.

It'll be the kind of laugh that rises in pitch and intensity until someone rushes in with a hypo of tranquilizer, but it'll be a laugh.

Microsoft boasted it had rebuilt Skype 'from the ground up'. Instead, it should have buried it

Captain DaFt

I see what happened

"El Reg reached out to Microsoft for comment. No word so far."

You tried using Skype, didn't you? ☺

Brit teen accused of running malware factory and helpdesk for crims

Captain DaFt

@ Sanctimonious Prick

Pro tip:

Refrain from eating and drinking while reading El Reg comments.

Samsung stalls Bixby launch because it am English not so good

Captain DaFt

- "make insert pci correct" was my favourite.-

Mine was: "Warning! Low battery may cause errotic(sic) function"

Captain DaFt

Re: Hilp!

"My buttery is goating too hot. It mite catch fur!"

Eye sea watch ewe dither. ☺

One thought equivalent to less than a single proton in mass

Captain DaFt

Re: Confused units

"Perhaps someone in this thread has had their mind twisted enough to tell me why a raven is like a writing desk?"

Oh, that's simple: The notes that they're normally noted for are not musical notes.

Extreme trainspotting on Britain's highest (and windiest) railway

Captain DaFt

Re: post from someone from Texas

"highest point in Texas"

Some would argue (mostly from Arkansas) That the highest point in Texas is the sign that says, "You are now leaving Texas".

FWIW, I've been to Texas, and still can't understand how someplace so far south can get so freakin' cold in the winter!

Constant work makes the kilo walk the Planck

Captain DaFt

Re: Confused

"and if NASA's various mishaps are anything to go by, they still seem a bit schizophrenic about it."

Well, the Kasson Act officially adopted the metric system into the US in 1866, but I'm afraid they've been a bit of a negligent parent.

Captain DaFt

Re: Confused

"If this is inappropriate, then a new base unit should be declared that equals 1,000 grams "

Why not do it like they did the ton?

1 ton = 2000 pounds, a very convenient measure for shipping.

So 1 Tonne = 1000 kilograms was adopted, near enough to fit in the average intellect.

So why not Pounde* = 500 grams?

*Poundde just looks silly. ☺

Fresh cotton underpants fix series of mysterious mainframe crashes

Captain DaFt

Re: Don't give me no static ...

Wintergreen lifesavers are best. The wintergreen oil in them really lights up!

NASA tells Curiosity: Quit showing off, no 'wheelies' please

Captain DaFt

Re: Maybe we don't need too many humans in space yet...

"and then we did nothing much ever since"

Every time I contemplate that humans are currently limited to Earth (ISS at a mere 400Km high still counts as 'on Earth' to me), but (semi)intelligent machines are exploring every nook of the solar system, and beyond, the X-files theme starts playing in my head.

Captain DaFt

Curiosity: "No wheelies? No spin outs? Poo! I never get to have any fun!"

*Calculates, aims, and fires laser at Houston*

NASA: "And stop doing that!"

Azure blues: Active Directory Connect has password reset vuln

Captain DaFt


America throws down gauntlet: Accept extra security checks or don't carry laptops on flights

Captain DaFt

Re: Last I read...

"In addition, at what point do you say that, to all intents and purposes, the feckers have won?"

October 26, 2001, when the USA PATRIOT Act of Congress was signed into law by President George W. Bush.

Hot news! Combustible Galaxy Note 7 to return as 'Galaxy Note FE'

Captain DaFt

I'll be nice for once ☺

It obviously stands for 'Flame Extinguished'!

The 'DUP' joins El Reg’s illustrious online standards converter

Captain DaFt

Re: Welll . . .

If you're a British taxpayer, looks like you've just been!

What? What? Which? Former broadband minister Ed Vaizey dismisses report

Captain DaFt

Re: Believing BT bollocks

"These figures result in population densities of about 17,000 per sq mile and 52 per sq mile respectively.

At which location is it (a) easier, and (b) economic, to provide high - speed broadband to individual customers?"

Depends. Which one is the company being reluctant to do?

If Urban: Negotiating right of ways and permissions is prohibitively expensive and time consuming. We should be nearing completion sometime in the next decade. It's far easier to install in the rural areas, where there is more public right of way and fewer permissions needed.

Ir Rural: It is cost prohibitive due to sparse population to reach every household in a timely manner. We should be nearing completion sometime in the next decade. This would be far easier in Urban areas, where population density is higher.

Blighty's first aircraft carrier in six years is set to take to the seas

Captain DaFt

Re: "although wikipedia states"

"IIRC you are not supposed to use Wikipedia as a source, but to go to the citations."

And it doesn't hurt to check that the citations don't just end up referencing Wikipedia!

Captain DaFt

-Definition of nm

1 nanometer

2 nautical mile

Source: Merriam-Webster-

So that was the mix-up that doomed that Mars mission!

Researchers solve screen glare nightmare with 'moth-eye' antireflective film

Captain DaFt

Yes, Jiun-Haw Lee has revealed that he is Captain Obvious!

He will soon find himself at the mercy of The Obfuscation Overlord!

Despite high-profile hires, Apple's TV plans are doomed

Captain DaFt

Re: "There's more premium original content than consumers can even watch."

"If it's always been the case, broadly speaking, that only 3% of TV was worth watching,"

From my perspective, you're being very, very generous.

For my entire lifetime, I can count the number of must see shows on one hand, and still have a finger left over*, and probably another dozen shows, at best, that were worth wasting time on.

*And those were animation, AKA cartoons.

It's funny how so called 'Children's shows' actually aim at a higher mental level than crime dramas, sit-coms, 'reality' shows,and and other so called 'Adult fare.**

**You were expecting a joke about which finger, weren't you?

Microsoft recommends you ignore Microsoft-recommended update

Captain DaFt

Re: A new meaning to

Really? Wile E. Coyote's only ever been a danger to himself.

I would have thought this Fustercluck more along the wiles of Larry, Moe, and Curly.

BOFH: Putting the commitment into committee

Captain DaFt

Re: A Question of style

"For some reason everyone lost interest after that."

Simple, easy and functional; anathema for a modern 'Usability Designer'! ☺

Ex-NASA bod on Gwyneth Paltrow site's 'healing' stickers: 'Wow. What a load of BS'

Captain DaFt

Re: Maybe if Gwyneth started selling carbon-fiber movie tickets...

Nah, the theatre would need to pass out copious amounts of "High level spirits" to have that effect.

Florida Man to be fined $1.25 per robocall... all 96 million of them

Captain DaFt

Re: Punishment

What did the sharks do to you that you'd want to punish them this way?

Heaps of Windows 10 internal builds, private source code leak online

Captain DaFt

So how'd they get it?

32 TB is a freakin' lot of data to down load, to say the least.

And nobody at MS saw a thing? Really?

So, stored "securely" on an Azure cloud?

Internal git left open to world + dog?

Somebody hung at the favorite MS watering hole with a crate of harddrives going "Psst, buddy, wanna make some big bucks quick?"

Mind boggled that someone pulled this off!

Cheeky IT rival parks 'we're hiring' van outside 'vote Tory' firm Storm Technologies

Captain DaFt

Re: How would Storm know?

"they could always try asking me :D"

Well, stateside, there's a reason there's not many exit polls:

"According to our latest exit poll numbers, Fuckoff has a 27% lead over Pissoff, with Gotohell trailing."

Walmart tells developers to stay away from AWS

Captain DaFt

Re: There are alternatives

"You have alternatives and your choices are getting richer every day."

Is that another dig at Oracle's pricing? And you work for them? Brave!

Google, Mozilla both say they sped up the web today. One by blocking ads. One with ads

Captain DaFt

Re: Hmm

"Looking even further ahead, build some kind of ad server into the phone, which downloads targetted ads in advance when plugged into the mains and using wifi, and delivers them effortlessly during the day when you are on battery and a mobile connection."

There's a word for that.

If I discover any device in my possession doing that, it will immediately become very tiny bits of ex-device!

Microsoft admits to disabling third-party antivirus code if Win 10 doesn't like it

Captain DaFt

Re: Sod it

"time to dust off my old Amiga"

Ugh, if you think Microsoft is a pain to deal with, try dealing with the half dozen or so* competing companies that allegedly support Amiga Software/hardware these days. It's enough to drive you to doing computing on clay tablets with cuneiform!

*The number is always changing due to lawsuits, bankruptcies, buy outs, and just plain disappearing with with your money.

Captain DaFt

Re: Microsoft: from vindictive to cack-handed...

"The Ballmer era gave us Windows XP and Windows 7"

Plus Windows ME and Vista, Linux FUD and the Business Software Alliance goon squad.

Buuuut, we were always at war with Oceania, right? ☺

Captain DaFt

Re: "It is amazing that companies still use Windows,"

"But Amber Rudd said there isn't a magic money tree?"

If you had one, would you admit it?

Tesco Online IT meltdown: Fails to deliver thousands of grocery orders

Captain DaFt

"I detect a sixth sense...."

As in: "I see unfed people"?

Samsung's 'Magician' for SSDs can let crims run evil code

Captain DaFt

Re: Stupid is as stupid does

"It boggles my grey matter that companies of this size are still making silly security mistakes."

It's my observation that the bigger the company, the more they adhere to the mantra: "Do it cheap, deliver it yesterday, fix it someday." that tends to produce results like this.

Intel: Joule's burned, Edison switched off, and Galileo – Galileo is no more

Captain DaFt

Hardly unexpected

looking at the specs for the discontinued tat, it almost seems like Intel thought they could conquer the small board market by releasing bigger, more powerful boards in a market wanting small, power sipping ones.

Elon Musk reveals Mars colony rocket capable of bringing pizza joints to the red planet

Captain DaFt

Re: Only 1 million?

"Hmm, I don't know. Can we handle a war with mightily pissed off Martians?"

So you're saying that fossilized bacteria will reanimate and crash evolve into interplanetary warriors if we send Trump to Mars?

Geez, he's bad, but not quite that bad... I hope!

Captain DaFt

Re: Not optimal ...

"You never have to clean solar panels on the lunar surface, because there's nothing to blow the dust on them."

You sure about that?

Brit uni blabs students' confidential information to 298 undergrads

Captain DaFt

-that when I reply "Two days, including testing, once I've finished this epic piece of coding I'll get straight onto it for you." I get "I could do that in Excel in, like, an hour".-

"Then why are you pestering me for it, then?"

Insert coin: Atari retro console is coming back

Captain DaFt

"Atari confirmed on Friday that the reborn biz will indeed produce its own games console, understood to be built out of PC tech."

It might work if...

They slap a decently spec'd PC game computer in a nostalgia based case, include mame software and games and retro controllers.

Plays the latest games for PC, plus all (eh, most) the old Atari stuff. Could be a hit, if they're lucky.

Sure, you could do it yourself, but to a lot of gamers out there, this would tick a lot of boxes if done right.

Look who's joined the anti-encryption posse: Germany, come on down

Captain DaFt

Re: New forms of "encryption" introduced EVERY DAY

"The bad guys will assume that you are reading the mail, and work something else out."

Well, I'm no evil genius, and here's what I came up with off the top of my head:

Use emojis as code characters and send messages in Mayan script.*

At least that way, those annoying little pictograms would actually be useful! ☺

*Seriously, give that page a read. Those Mayans really knew how to obfuscate their text!

Captain DaFt

Re: Hahahahah

"when (not if) they lose control of that backdoor."

That when will be a very short time.

No need to look for exploits when you know there's a door built in, just look for that!

Banking websites are 'littered with trackers' ogling your credit risk

Captain DaFt

Re: I think we need to know...

"I'm sure there are men out there getting ads for pregnancy testing kits."

Back when I got lots of spam, Breast enhancement spam ran neck and neck with \/iagra spam.

I guess my lack of personal info on the web caused them to hedge their bets. ☺

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Microsoft's 'Ms Pac-Man beating AI' is more Automatic Idiot

Captain DaFt

Re: I don't see problem with hard-coded knowldge

No problem.

But the babies will go through life expanding their knowledge beyond their original instincts.

This 'AI' is like the maze robot that's just hardwired to turn 90 degrees left when it encounters a wall. It navigates the maze, but learns nothing.

Disney mulls Mickey Mouse magic material to thwart pirates' 3D scans

Captain DaFt

Think misdirection about the real purpose of the additive.

I don't think it's real purpose is to stop the counterfeiting, but a quick way to spot the non distorting counterfeits.

Marissa! Mayer! out! as! Yahoo!-Verizon! closes!

Captain DaFt

"The 2000 or so staff who are about to be "Resource Actioned", won't consider Mayer's reign to have been "inspiring", at all."

Oh, I'm sure she's inspired them to create a few oaths/curses/epithets of their own for her.

It came from space! Two-headed flatworm stuns scientists

Captain DaFt

Isn't there an old saying?

That goes something like:

"Two heads are better for worm."?

Pizza proffer punctures privacy protection, prompts pals' perfidy

Captain DaFt

Re: Everyone is missing the important issue here...

worse: "Pineapple!?!? I keeell you!"