* Posts by Captain DaFt

3821 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2007

Sunday Times fires off copyright complaint at Snowden story critics

Captain DaFt

Oh dear

Ignoring everything else, now the West is claiming that China and Russia can crack encryption with ease that Western spooks are leaning on their governments to ban because they themselves can't (so they claim) crack it?

Right, and I'm the Kwisatz Haderach.

(Now accepting bids from California for rain services)

Japanese female fish in sperm-producing strangeness

Captain DaFt


If a male Medaka tells a female Medaka to "Go fuck yourself!", is he liable for child support if she does?

Unlucky, Palmer: Facebook's going to BAN Oculus pr0n apps

Captain DaFt

Re: Business Model

"So, step 1: Kill the business model. Step 2: File for Chapter 7 bankruptcy? "

Um, if other similar scenarios are followed:

Step one: Kill business model

Step two: Release poorly thought out version of product

Step three: Kill product, citing "lack of demand"

Step four: Use patent portfolio to sue all successful maker of similar/not so similar products (AKA: Profit!)

'Right to be forgotten' applies WORLDWIDE, thunders Parisian court

Captain DaFt

"If you don't like the information, sue to have the information removed. It will then automatically vanish from all search engines."

Better yet, use the information as lyrics to a crappy song, sell it to Sony Music, and their lawyers will ensure no one will ever hear of it again.

Linus Torvalds asks kernel devs to take a break so he can too

Captain DaFt

Re: @ H4rm0ny

Windows 8.2?

DON’T add me to your social network, I have NO IDEA who you are

Captain DaFt

Re: Oh yes!

"My "fuck off and die" button was just going to be a red cross, but now I'm feeling creative...

What icon, exactly, best expresses this sentiment?"

You'll never get it past your boss, but how about a skull and crossbones icon?

Dossiers on US spies, military snatched in 'SECOND govt data leak'

Captain DaFt

Oh dear

Looks like they were to busy breaking into other's houses to remember to lock their own back door!

Moon blocks Uranus for stargazers Down Under

Captain DaFt

Truly, truly terrible.

"but Uranus will still be open to inspection."

Keep up the (good?) work El Reg!

(I'd give you a thumbs up, but... <ahem>)

US Congress oils up, jumps over ropes into DNS wrestling match

Captain DaFt

Re: Thought so

“Domain Openness Through Continued Oversight Matters Act of 2015”

DOTCOMA? Sounds prescient.

Top Eurocop: People are OK with us snooping on their phone calls

Captain DaFt

Re: At what point will the public feel safe?

"Then what happens when the next 7/7 or 9/11 happens on their watch and the public start yelling where the hell where you?!"

And if they were honest they'd answer:

"At my post, monitoring every thing you do, because if I didn't, things like this would happen."

Using leather in 'leccy cars is 'unTesla', rages vegan shareholder

Captain DaFt

Re: @sabroni providing the world's population with the protein it needs to survive.

"For the record I was raised out in rural derbyshire and lived close enough to farms to know what a mess an animal makes when you cut it open. That sort of visceral knowledge either turns you veggie or completely inures you to the whole thing. Fortunately for my tastebuds I soon came to the conclusion that piggies are at their best when they're sliced and smoked."

Have you ever noticed that most vegans and vegetarians tend to be city dwellers? It must be the disconnect from nature that produces such an aseptic mind set.

Captain DaFt

Re: providing the world's population with the protein it needs to survive.

"It would certainly be nice to have the choice as a vegetarian of a high-end car without leather seats being obligatory."

Because obviously, as a vegetarian, you're appalled at utilising an animal (yourself, walking) as a mode of transportation. eh?

Captain DaFt

Re: providing the world's population with the protein it needs to survive.

"I prefer tofu"

Bury him, he's already dead.

Captain DaFt

Re: providing the world's population with the protein it needs to survive.

"Meat isn't the most efficient way of utilising land to produce protein for humans. Even given the need to eat multiple vegetable protein sources in one meal to get a balance doesn't make meat more efficient."

Depends on the meat and available resources.

In poor areas, it's much more efficient to raise chickens, that thrive on insects, food scraps and plants we find inedible, than it is to try to maintain numerous crops to provide equivalent protein, along with the subsistence crops needed for bare survival.

Plus chickens are durable than crops during droughts, floods, and other disasters.

Similar arguments can be made for sheep, goats, and swine, depending on the area, and its resources.

It's when massive factory farming comes in that the efficiency gets skewed.

Online identity woes can only be solved through the medium of GIF

Captain DaFt

"Standardised National Identity Format Unification"

Oh, so close! How about:

"Standardised National Affimation Format Unification"?

I feel it more adequately conveys the end result of such a program.

A 16 Petaflop Cray: The key to fantastic summer barbecues

Captain DaFt

Re: Can anyone clarify?

"there is a 30% chance of rain in Atlanta today". At that very instant, it was throwing it down in buckets outside the terminal.

So, what does "there is a 30% probability of rain today" actually *mean*?"

It meant exactly what you observed.

Casual observations over the years show that, if you're in the southern US, anything less than a 60% chance may be safely ignored, unless it's 30%. Then it's guaranteed to be pissing down in buckets.

I suspect it's a little inside joke of the Weather Bureau.

Adobe to hire security auditor to prevent repeat of password SNAFU

Captain DaFt

Well, cool.

So a company that's worth billions has finally condescended to spend a few grand to look for security holes two years after a publicly embarrassing breach. Color me me impressed.

Caveat: The above post may contain traces of sarcasm.

Is that a graphics driver on your shop's register – or a RAM-slurping bank card thief?

Captain DaFt

No back doors here

It seems to me that all the security talk of 'back doors' in modern software may be misleading.

How the heck can you have a back door if there isn't a wall to support it?

'Back door'? More like unfenced 'back yard'.

'Stolen' art found on nearby shelf. Police keep looking anyway

Captain DaFt

"a system in which her predecessors voraciously acquired collections for the library, but didn’t keep records to accompany them."

And now we know what the head of the NSA did at his previous job.

Chips can kill: Official

Captain DaFt

"I'm still here, overweight, half dead, blind and bald but still quite capable of downing half a bottle of whiskey before a KFC breakfast bucket and still having time for a fag before going jogging ..."

Whoa, now that's just irresponsible! You can seriously damage yourself with too much jogging! Just ask Jim Fixx... wait, no, he died jogging, didn't he?

(Silly bugger, trying to outrun the Grim Reaper.)

Captain DaFt

Re: Eat healthily,

"But have a better quality of life before you die, I think that is the point."

Ah yes, those extra five to ten years crapping all over my senile self in a nursing home, definitely something to practice self denial for!

Captain DaFt

Re: Eat healthily,

Just consult this handy chart:


Or, if you're in a hurry, my abridged version:

Are you alive?

Yes: You’re going to die.

No: You’re lying, and you’re still going to die.

Captain DaFt

Re: I believe the bacon...

"I'm not sure that going without all the supposedly unhealthy stuff really *does* make you live longer. It just *seems* longer ..."

"I once gave up drinking martinis for a day, it was the longest two years of my life!" - Jackie Gleason

Caterham 270S: The automotive equivalent of crack

Captain DaFt

Re: 30k for a bare bones car?

"Don't get me wrong, that's a very cool car, but the price is ridiculous."

Ahem: "The difference between men and boys is the price of their toys." - unknown

And this is very much a man's toy.

ISIS command post obliterated after 'moron' jihadi snaps a selfie, says US Air Force

Captain DaFt

Re: Official Title

I'd go for accuracy, Murderous gits seems about right.

Captain DaFt

Re: Why do we tell them this?

"Keep quiet and let them figure out how we are taking out their C&C."

Or better yet, let it leak who clued them in, but not how.

Isn't that how intelligence agencies are supposed to work? Spread fear and mistrust among the baddies, not crow about how you did it to World + dog?

Looks like 'American Intelligence' ain't!

UK NHS IT supplier CSC coughs up $190m fine, three execs in the dock

Captain DaFt

Whoopee! Clean slate, business as usual!

"the company has agreed to the payout on the condition it doesn't have to admit any wrongdoing."

And then it's free to boast 'cleared of any wrong doing' while negotiating its next contract. A nice way to keep 'clean' hands when dealing with companies that can't or won't do business with corps that have a black mark on their record.

At the very least, letting them use the 'doesn't have to admit any wrongdoing' clause should at least double the fine.

Microsoft spunks $500m to reinvent the wheel. Why?

Captain DaFt

I object in the strongest possible terms!

"Microsoft re-inventing the wheel, but making it square"

Balderdash! These days Microsoft is way too agile and innovative to do such tom foolery!

They made it triangular, with one less bump! So There!

Doom, Mario, Pac-Man level up to video gaming's Hall of Fame

Captain DaFt

Re: Other games omitted were The Oregon Trail....

Well, it was going be considered, but the submitter died of anthrax.

Attack of the IT monuments men: Museum wants your kit

Captain DaFt

"i have an old IT manager that suffers from memory leaks that I'd be happy to donate."

I'm sure if you get together with enough Reg readers, you'll be able to bundle those in units of twelve, then flog'em off at a dime a dozen.

Passions run high in EU parliament debate over air passengers' privacy

Captain DaFt

Re: It won't take long

I take it you never go near any large bodies of water for fear of being shot and killed by a swimming dog carrying a loaded gun in its mouth, too? It's a higher risk than dying from a terrorist attack.

As long as the World's governments keep dancing to the terrorists' fiddle, the terrorists have won.

There is only one way to effectively fight terrorism.

HP is 80 per cent closer to breaking up. Now, about the IT estate...

Captain DaFt

Re: I can just here the arguments in the board room now

"Exec 1: You can take this product

exec 2: Piss off im not taking responsibility for that piece of crap, you take it.

exec 1: no way.

Rinse and repeat 75,000 times."

If it's like meetings I've been privy too, it'll be more along the lines of:

"OK, we'll table this discussion until another time."

Next meeting:

"Is everyone here?"

"No, Jim couldn't make it, family emergency."

"OK, first order of business; Jim gets appointed head of the department to handle 'product'. All in favor?"


"All opposed?"

"... "

"The motion is carried. Sheryl, send Jim's office a notice congratulating him on his promotion."

(Based on a true event. 'Jim' resigned as soon as he found out."

Virgin Galactic will get into space 'within 18 months to two years'

Captain DaFt

Re: Unless you go round at least once ...

"... you haven't been to 'space'. Fact."

Nope. Fact: You're in space right now, on a planet.

Now getting offworld is relatively easy, staying there is harder.

That said, I think these guys: http://copenhagensuborbitals.com/ are likely to get a paying passenger into 'space' before VG does.

(And it looks like it'll be a romper fudger ride!)

WikiLeaks offers $100k for copies of the Trans-Pacific Partnership – big biz's secret govt pact

Captain DaFt

Don't worry citizen.

These secret laws are for your own good, and no need to worry if you're an honest law abiding citizen.

Just surrender quietly when told you're under arrest.

(Yes, yes, I know it's just a trade agreement and not some super secret criminal laws... yet.)

Science teacher jammed his school kids' phones, gets week suspension

Captain DaFt

Oh, however did we survive?

Back before the late '90s or so, no cellphones in class, and yet we're here today, alive and mostly well.

Seems the simplest solution would be a complete ban on cellphones in school, but the helicopter parents would undergo a freakout of major proportions to such a solution, wouldn't they?

KFC takes legal axe to eight-legged mutant chicken claims

Captain DaFt

Re: You can apply for Nobel prizes?

"Fantastic talking point here in the village, and then chicken legs for all."

But, you'd have to catch it first!

What a Zuckin' drag! 'Frisco queens protest outside Facebook HQ over 'real names' policy

Captain DaFt

Re: I've recently set up on Ello

Meh, Go old school and get back to basics:


Roll your own: https://github.com/tildeclub/tilde.club

Network negotiations nix 2015 Apple TV streaming

Captain DaFt

Re: Challenge

"finding anything exciting to do with an idiot-box ..."

An environmentally unfriendly suggestion: defenestration!

Captain DaFt

Considering that Apple is just sitting on more cash than the whole entertainment industry is worth, why don't they just make their own content?

Oh, wait, look what happened to Sony when they tried. Nevermind!

Woman dumps ultra-rare $200,000 Apple 1 computer in the trash

Captain DaFt

Re: The tricky bits

If you want to make one, here's how:


Funny thing, according to Woz, the original Apple was based off plans and schematics he'd been passing around for months:


"The designs were passed out freely with no copyright notice so that others could build a useful computer at low cost. Others even had hand-built versions of this computer before Steve Jobs even knew it existed."

So... 'replica Apples' have been around longer than original Apples.

Tossed all your snaps into the new Google Photos? You read the terms, right? ... RIGHT?

Captain DaFt

Re: re: update

"Google Photos will not use images or videos uploaded onto Google Photos commercially for any promotional purposes, unless we ask for the user's explicit permission."

"If they won't ever use the uploads for promotions, why are the T&C's written that way?"

Just prepping the way for the quietly released terms and conditions change to 'you may opt out from our using your photos by signing in and filling out our 12 page questionnaire (to improve your web experience), then unchecking the, "yes, you don't have my permission to not use my photos" block.'.

MIT's robo-cheetah leaps walls in a cyborg hunt for Sarah Connor

Captain DaFt

NASA, pay attention:

Do not send one to Mars!


Google spins up 'FREE, unlimited' cloud photo storage 4 years before ad giant nixes it

Captain DaFt

Re: Nonplussed

"Nah, I just DuckDuckGo'ed it..... (there's got to be a better slang term for DDG searches...)"

Uh... "Just Duck it"? :) That's the reason I used the generic 'google'. It's more or less the de facto term for search these days.

Captain DaFt

Re: Nonplussed

just <ahem> Google 'google graveyard' and you'll find tons of stuff like this:


Free Windows 10 upgrades from Microsoft will FLATTEN PC sales

Captain DaFt

Re: Tea Bags For All Brews?

"Would many people notice Media Center [sic] vanishing?"

Way too many, I assure you.

There's a tribe of Windows users out there, that although they'll happily click on and install whatever uninvited email link that shows up in their inbox; they will vehemently resist any software recommendation from friends with the cry, "I only trust Windows!"

Even Ripley can't believe how obtuse otherwise normal people can be when it comes to computers.

Don't PANIC but ... UNSTOPPABLE robots IMMUNE to injury built by boffins

Captain DaFt

Then the robot won't shut up griping

If it's the diodes down its left side.

Mozilla: We don't give a damn about cheap smartphones

Captain DaFt

"If MS struggles to get apps with 3% market share how much harder is it going to be when you've got just more than 0%."

Simples. Offer something nobody else does, like a massive battery, multiple sim cards, and rugged build:


Why are all the visual special effects studios going bust?

Captain DaFt

Re: there's plenty of people willing to see ads

"Also note precisely why a particular genre of show is known as the soap opera."

Uh, because they were the only genre not totally swamped with cigarette ads at the time?

(Ladies didn't smoke back in the 50's, according to Madison Avenue.)

Captain DaFt

Re: there's plenty of people willing to see ads

"They have DECADES of experience to back up their work."

And yet they just keep cramming the same loud annoying ads in everywhere they can find or intrude, decade after decade, with no discernible improvement on them.

Are they just that stupid? Insane? Don't give a fuck as long as they get paid?