* Posts by Captain DaFt

3821 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2007

Slack adds 'All Unreads' view

Captain DaFt

Throw us non-hipsters a bone

A few words explaining what Slack is wouldn't be too much trouble, would it?

Here I was wondering whether Slackware was updating, or WTF, when did the the Church of the Subgenius digitise Slack?

Eh, DDG to the rescue.

Google GPS grab felt like a feature, was actually a bug

Captain DaFt

Re: We identified a bug affecting a small number of users

Yes, it's always "a small number" isn't it? Even if it's a corp's entire user base of over a billion, it's still "a small number" compared to astronomical terms, isn't it?

Captain DaFt

Re: Netguard is your friend

"Shhh! Google will banish it as an inappropriate application if they get to hear of this..."

There's always F-droid: https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=eu.faircode.netguard

The Internet of Things isn't just for Bluetooth toothbrushes, y'know

Captain DaFt

Re: “The Web of Things was coined in 2007 by a couple of researchers and myself,”

"It's 'a couple researchers and me' or ' I and a couple researchers coined...'"

Rebuttal: "Me genius that make web of things thing. Not need know good words grammar."

Hacker and chums jailed over gold bullion hack, track 'n' grab scam

Captain DaFt

Re: Ca fait mal

"Protip: If you haven't any morals and want to make money at computer crime, look for a successful business model and copy it. Ransomware seems to work well."

Nah, nah, go for banking. Then when you royally fuck up and get caught out, the Government'll pay you to keep doing it!

'What this video game needs is actual footage of real gruesome deaths'

Captain DaFt

Here's an idea, PETA, write your own damn game

Good idea.

They could base it on their "animal shelters", and show exactly how fast they gas animals in their care.


More like: PETA: People Exterminating Terrified Animals

Delete Google Maps? Go ahead, says Google, we'll still track you

Captain DaFt

I just couldn't resist!

"A saboteur, eh?"

Wooden shoe like to know?

>dives out window<

Captain DaFt

"What's an 'app' ?"

It's 'Happy' with it's head and tail cut off.

Captain DaFt

Re: Do no evil

"Anyone still remember that one?"

It's still Google's motto. They've just added a bit to it:

"Do no evil, we're watching you!"

Captain DaFt

Well, if not wanting to be tracked 24/7, or not having every facet of my life sent to Shady Corp. and sifted through to better "monetize" me for their profit, and shared with every suspicious, dodgy government agency out there, makes me a luddite, well, I'll just fetch my wooden clogs.

Ad flog Plus: Adblock Plus now an advertising network, takes cash to broker web banners

Captain DaFt

"If the ads are genuinely non-intrusive and no malware gets through, then maybe."

And when (not if) malware gets through, this could bite them in the arse, since it makes AB+ the target to sue.

Is there paper in the printer? Yes and it's so neatly wrapped!

Captain DaFt

Re: No lazy stereotyping?

"Not a lot, mind - all it takes is just a little bit more than your PHB knows."


A. The monitor has an on/off switch, and is not the computer.

B. The big box under it, or under the desk, has an on/off switch, and is not a hard drive.

C. These two need to have a cable connecting them, plus each needs to be plugged into a power outlet, and both need to be switched on for proper operation.

D. If the computer is not connected to the network, either by WiFi or a cable, Facebook and linkedIn will not be available.

E. The wireless mouse and keyboard both need to be on if you want to use the computer.

a.Yes, they both have off/on switches.

b. They both also need batteries.

If the PHB uses a laptop, substitute these for A through C above:

A. It didn't update to Win10 again, did it?

B. Is it on?

Yes, that's different from standby or hibernating.

Yes, it will hibernate by itself if you leave it alone long enough.

C. When was the last time it was plugged in to recharge?

The above covers about 90% of the problems the PHB has encountered.

"Is our internet provider up?, and, "were they paid last month?" handles about another 9.9%

Did I leave anything out? ☺

Google hover-drones to drop burritos on campus

Captain DaFt

Re: Keeping food warm in the air

"But next time I'd go to the food truck and get one much more quickly."

Yeah, and that could be even more convenient!

Didn't one of Trump's supporters promise us that, if Hillary was elected, there'd be a taco truck on every corner?*

They usually sell burritos too!

*Why, yes, he did!

Save us, Jack Dorsey!

Captain DaFt

"concerns about Russian "social cyberattacks" that would use sock puppet accounts to spread misinformation in the run-up to the presidential balloting."

Concerns about Russia!? Can they even squeeze any misinformation in between what the current Republican and Democratic parties are doing?

Microsoft wearable makes lazy lardies pay to play on the couch

Captain DaFt

OK, so a bracelet that automatically deducts money from your account to donate to charity...

Brought to you by a company with a major board member and stockholder that coincidentally runs a major charity.

Geez, wonder who picks who gets the money?

Yeah, I sound cynical as Hell, but this is MS we're talking about here.

Apple: Crisis? What innovation crisis? BTW, you like our toothbrush?

Captain DaFt

Re: iPhone7 - pay more, get less

"By the way, when is the iPhone 8 coming out. I want one. NOW!"

Details about the iPhone 8 are already leaking*.

*"Leaking", as in "taking the piss".☺

Kaspersky to 1337 haxors: take down our power grid. We dare you

Captain DaFt


Pah! Real men play Jarts™!

A virtual beer to anyone that gets the obscure reference.

Star Trek's Enterprise turns 50 and still no sign of a warp drive. Sigh

Captain DaFt

Re: It is all wishful thinking

"Yeah, it looks like we pretty much know how the universe works at the lowest levels."

Hubris much?

The same thing was said in Victorian times, the Renaissance, and in Ancient Greece, Egypt and Sumeria.

Yet we still keep saying, "This is odd...", and finding something novel to us.

Captain DaFt

Re: How old would those naysayers be?

"Context: If said gentleman says to go up against the laws of nature, he is probably a crank."

Further context: The "laws of nature" are made by men to describe how they interpret nature. If something violates those laws, it's Man's law that was violated, not Nature's.

Captain DaFt

"you cannot accelerate anything in normal space-time faster than the speed of light."

Well, technically you can't accelerate matter to the speed of light, but there's nothing in the maths that says you can't go faster.

For practical purpose, it amounts to the same thing for now, but if some bright spark figures out how to jump/tunnel/warp/dodge past that barrier, then the next challenge would be, "How the feck do I slow down, now?"

Printers now the least-secure things on the internet

Captain DaFt

" but if somebody sold me a 'fridge that had a capability to connect to the Internet, I wouldn't connect it to the Internet. Nor to any network."

But what do you do if it "helpfully" auto logs on to any available WiFi connection it can detect?

You might have yours locked down, but Fred across the street will be wondering who keeps sending him those "Need more cheese and beer" messages.

A nice long pub crawl is good for your health, if you stay on your feet

Captain DaFt

My intent

Is to enjoy life as best I can while I'm still here.

I'll eat what I want, drink what I want, and Fuck You, I'll smoke what I want!"*

And although it may not happen, one of the few items on my bucket list is to be asked, "To what do you owe your longevity?"

To which I'll either reply, "I've been dreading that question all my life!", or, "To the fact I haven't died yet!"

*Oh yeah, and to quote Woody Allen: "Sex is not the answer, sex is the question. "Yes!" is the answer.

Excel abuse hits new heights as dev uses VBA to code spreadsheet messaging app

Captain DaFt

Yes, but...

Can they use it to emulate Logo?

St Jude sues short-selling MedSec over pacemaker 'hack' report

Captain DaFt

Well, you didn't exactly have to be the Amazing Kreskin to see this one coming.

Pains us to run an Apple article without the words 'fined', 'guilty' or 'on fire' in it, but here we are

Captain DaFt

Oh dear

"Pains us to run an Apple article without the words 'fined', 'guilty' or 'on fire' in it, but here we are"

Um, would "worst" do? This study has been on sites all over the web for two days now.

(Just trying to help! ☺)

'Smart belt' loosens purses

Captain DaFt

Re: Perfect present for the missus....

You must have a very comfy sofa!

Inside our three-month effort to attend Apple's iPhone 7 launch party

Captain DaFt

Re: Here's a novel idea

Better idea.

<Angel Face> Simply state that Apple has gone quiet and quote their response when contacted by El Reg.

Then fill out the article with a "Best of Apple" reprint, selected from the ones mentioned in article.

Close article by wishing Apple the best, and hoping that they have some announcements to share in the future.</Angel Face>

Meet Deliveroo's ‘bold and impactful’ new logo. No, really

Captain DaFt

Pardon me for not using 'tips and corrections'

But that is one huge typo in the opening paragraph.

"Fresh ripples of excitement reach us from the world of rebranding,"

Shouldn't that be, "Fresh ripples of excrement reach us from the world of rebranding,"?

Carry on.

Retired Philae lander slouches on Comet 67P

Captain DaFt

Re: Where's the Trickle Down?

-I looked "everywhere" and after a few months finally bought a new one. The next day I found my lost camera......-

Known in paranormal circles as, "a sacrifice to The Lord of Hidden Objects, AKA Picabu*."

*Not to be confused with a Pokemon of similar name.

Captain DaFt

"It's good thing then that there was no AI for voice comms."

No need for AI, a simple line of code along the lines of, -If situation="TITSUP" play "wilhelmscream.wav"-, should suffice.

Google plots cop detection for auto autos

Captain DaFt

Re: Oh good grief

"I would really like to see the stuff they reject (if any), because that must be pretty dire not to pass."

Worse than you think. A microsoft employee once slipped a patent for an apple tree into the patents MS sent to the USPO. It was granted.

(Latter withdrawn, only after the Public Patent Foundation publicised it.)

HDMI hooks up with USB-C in cables that reverse, one way

Captain DaFt

"I wonder what they will call it, supercalifragilistic speed USB?"

Ludicrous speed USB. The cables will be plaid.

Brexit must not break the cloud, Japan tells UK and EU

Captain DaFt

I was gobsmacked to discover that Amanfrommars Writes for them!

(Slightly NSFW)

ABBA-solutely crapulous! Swedish router-maker won't patch gaping hole

Captain DaFt

As a Muppet fan...

I'm disappointed the sub heading wasn't:

"Swedish Router Börk Börk Börked!"

Intel bags FAA pass to fly 100-strong drone armadas over US soil

Captain DaFt

Re: Hmm...

El Reg has a stateside office.

So apply for FAA's Rule 107 exemption to launch LOHAN as an ad for El Reg, and... Profit?

Helpful airport robots

Captain DaFt

Re: Pronounced...?

OK, I watched the video.

What I saw was was a very over long and complicated version of the old "You Are Here" stationary maps that dot most Malls and Airports.

(Plus the little annoyances look like they were designed specifically to be kicked right under the chest plate for maximum distance.)

Watch SpaceX's rocket dramatically detonate, destroying a $200m Facebook satellite

Captain DaFt

Re: cant see much

"It was obviously an ISIS sniper trained in rocketry by North Korea and smuggled near the facility by the molepeople firing a prototype rifle provided by aliens!"

I knew it! That's exactly the sort of claim a lizard person would make to cover his tracks!

[Dons Q metal cap to reinforce the aluminium one]

Crashing PC sales don't stop HP Inc releasing two new ones

Captain DaFt

Re: As long as

Just ship'em with no OS, or FreeDos if they insist on something, and let me install WIN7, Linux, BSD, Basic OS, Haiku, whatever the hell I feel like.

Just sell me damn computer, I'll supply my own headaches, thank you very much!

Fake Twitter accounts, coup plots ... Wacky Hyperloop One lawsuit turns it up to 11

Captain DaFt

So, do I have this right?

Subject A has a bucket of Fairy Dust™, that he promises to sprinkle over investors and multiply their riches.

Subject B thinks this is a great scam, but rather that get his own bucket of Fairy Dust™, starts squabbling that he should have Subject A's, because... PROFIT!

Lawyers start sharpening their knives and ordering new yachts.

FBI Director wants 'adult conversation' about backdooring encryption

Captain DaFt

Re: Dear FBI

"How about setting up a "safe area" for the dear FBI Director wherein he can navel-gaze in peace and pursue the self-indulgent logic of "anything goes, because I'm the good guy"?"

Well, there are already many state sponsored sanitariums set up for just such a purpose, but alas, they are woefully underfunded. So the psychiatric profession is not a diligent as it should be.

Maybe if we diverted some of the spook funding to them instead?

AT&T trash talks Google over Fiber fiasco: Leave ISP stuff to the experts

Captain DaFt

Re: AT&T hasn't even tried

This one's more to the point: https://youtu.be/CHgUN_95UAw

Li-Fi with my little eye … a vulnerability

Captain DaFt

Re: Is this really an issue ?

"Climbing up to the ceiling to replace a light is not inconspicuous,"

Someone dressed like a janitor comes in, says he needs to do PM(preventive maintenance) on the light fixtures.

Do you do more than give an annoyed grunt and carry on what you're doing?

Pump-priming the new ampere: NIST works to count electrons in silicon

Captain DaFt

"How broken can it actually be if it's been around since 1946 in its current form?"

Well for everyday uses, like commercial electronics and bog standard electrical engineering, it works just fine.

It's when the physicists get down to nano and particle physics experiments, the current system is a bit too loose for accuracy.

Microsoft Outlook.com redecoration delay rumors: THE TRUTH

Captain DaFt

"This just further tells me that MS's left hand hasn't a clue what the right hand is doing"

It's really just a matter of determining whether it's aiming for the left foot or the right foot this time.

SpaceX Dragon capsule lands in Pacific carrying 12 moustronauts

Captain DaFt

Re: Deja Vu

"On 13 December 1958, a Jupiter IRBM, AM-13, was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, with a United States Navy-trained South American squirrel monkey named Gordo on board. ... The nose cone sank 1,302 nautical miles (2,411 km) downrange from Cape Canaveral and was not recovered."

Hence the origin of seamonkeys?

Having offended everyone else in the world, Linus Torvalds calls own lawyers a 'nasty festering disease'

Captain DaFt

Re: So?

"except Linux is much more successful than Unix."

And the reason? Because all the Unix vendors were perpetually engaged at throwing sueballs at one another. By the time it was sorted out (and probably the reason it was), Linux had taken its place in most of the market.

Point scored for Linus there.

Captain DaFt

Linus Torvalds is abrasive

And in other news, water is wet.


A. When he's abrasive, there's usually a damned good reason.

B. I'd rather have someone vent at me, then tell me how to fix it when I'm wrong, than smile in my face and stab me in the back without giving me a clue.

So, although I'd probably end up calling him a cunt twice a week, I wouldn't mind working for him, because I'd always know exactly where I stand.

Tech fails miserably in Forbes' most innovative companies

Captain DaFt

Of course these are the kind of companies that a person who takes Forbes seriously would select as "innovative".

To them, "innovative" means, "I can profit from investing in it!"

Google 'Solitaire' ... Just do it

Captain DaFt

Did you try "elgooG"?

New booze guidelines: We'd rather you didn't enjoy yourselves

Captain DaFt

Oh dear, dear...

Instead of wasting endless funds, er, funding these studies designed to scare people into living a life worth living, why don't they just link to already existent papers?

Like Here,

and here.

Thank you, and I'll only ask 10% of the savings to the Government budget, if that's convenient. :)