* Posts by Captain DaFt

3821 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2007

BOFH: The Idiot-ware Project and the Meaningless Acronym

Captain DaFt

Re: C. An anal-gazing "Look-to-the-future" exercise,

When someone's head is up their arse...

Police raid India call centre, detain 500 in fraud probe

Captain DaFt

Re: 500 seats...

"Also, how scared are US citizens of the tax man to pay up like this?"


Even Death is no guarantee they won't come after you.

‘You can’t opt out of IoT’: Our future is the Rise of the Sensor Machines

Captain DaFt

Re: Resistance is right!

"They'll probably also set up the machines so killing the antennas kills the device AND voids the warranty"

Nah, they'll just copy the software on the cloud model.

If it can't phone home regularly, it'll refuse to function.

Imagine this message on every item in your home:

"Signal unavailable - please check your internet connection and try again. Your <device> will not function without a proper internet connection. Signal unavailable - please check your internet connection and try again. Your <device> will not function without a proper internet connection. Signal unavailable - please check your internet connection and try again. Your <device> will not function without a proper internet connection."

That's what the IOT's boot stomping a human face looks like.

TalkTalk gets record £400k slap-slap from Brit watchdog

Captain DaFt

Re: TalkTalk street hawkers

You really need to learn how to short out what little brains the hawkers have.

-Him "Do you have broadband sir?"-

Me: "Well that's damned personal from a complete stranger! Just because a someone's a bit overweight doesn't give you the right to harass them!" <stalk off indignantly>

Google's hardware extravaganza: Ad giant takes on Sonos, Roku, Linksys, Amazon, Oculus... you name it

Captain DaFt

Re: Definitely future-proofed this time

"All I saw was urinal cakes. Can you really piss on these?"

At Alphabet Google, urinal cakes piss on you, with ads.

UK will build new nuclear bomb subs, says Defence Secretary

Captain DaFt

Re: Vanguard, Victorious, Vigilant and Vengeance

How about naming them realistically?

The Rampant, Contract, Costs, and Overrun?

WikiLeaks claims 'significant' US election info release ... is yet to come

Captain DaFt


Hm... interesting correlation between that chart and the one on this site.

Bear in mind, correlation doesn't equal causation.

Apple to automatically cram macOS Sierra into Macs – 'cos that worked well for Windows 10

Captain DaFt

Re: Wow!

Probably worked along the lines of:

"Hello Apple? I'm Shaun Nichols from the <cough cough Hack> news site and wonder if you could confirm..."

How to steal the mind of an AI: Machine-learning models vulnerable to reverse engineering

Captain DaFt

Re: Unless...

"you study the AI by using an AI."

Yo Dog! I heard you like AI, so I put my AI in your AI!

(Now they call themselves Skynet!)

Crypto guru Matt Green asks courts for DMCA force field so he can safely write a textbook

Captain DaFt

Welcome to the land of the free!

Where you now need the Government's blessing to write a textbook without fear of persecution!

User couldn't open documents or turn on PC, still asked for reference as IT expert

Captain DaFt

Re: Bad references

"No - if you're asking from a colleague or a "mentor". Since the chap wasn't working for the Uni anymore he's free to tell the truth."

Reminds me of the anecdote about a professor that hated to give bad references.

His reference for the totally useless?

"If you can get this person to work for you, you will be extremely fortunate."

Panasonic wants you to wear Li-Ion batteries. The ones that explode

Captain DaFt

Re: Safety

"And what about if you snap it in half and then put it in a washing machine?"

No need to snap it in half. Most of those 'safe' parameters will be exceeded by most washing machines.

Safety tip: Wash 'smart garments' separately in a laundromat far from your home.

BOFH: There are no wrong answers, just wrong questions. Mmm, really wrong ones

Captain DaFt

Re: 2B) or not.

-Them: "good news; you're not an axe murderer".-

"Yes, I've always preferred a crowbar."

Rosetta spacecraft set for smash landing

Captain DaFt

"walking pace impact"

Judging from videos of iDiots walking into sign and lamp posts, that had to sting!

One-way Martian ticket: Pick passengers for Musk's first Mars pioneer squad

Captain DaFt

To be fair, she did launch herself into it, like a bug into a windscreen.

Captain DaFt

"If we're voting to send Trump and Piers Morgan, I also vote that we don't send spacesuits."

Too chancy, they might survive. Can't we send them to the Sun instead?

City of Detroit's IT boss took payola from tech suppliers, now faces jail

Captain DaFt

Re: It's the way of the world

- My first thought was, "Is that all he got?" -

Well considering he "was also given a free trip to North Carolina"*, I figure the judge felt he'd already been partially punished.

*Can't help thinking that they threatened to send him again and leave him if he hadn't signed the deal.

Narcissist Heidi Powell wants her dot-com and she wants it now, now, NOW!

Captain DaFt

Re: Re: "do you know who I am?"

My favorite joke in that genre was the student who continued writing his last exam answer after "pencils down".

The professor refused to take his paper because of it, causing the student to retort, "Do you know who I am?"

The professor replied that he neither knew nor cared who he was, to which the student replied, "Great!", shoved his exam into the middle of the pile, and left.

That's cold: This is how our boss told us our jobs are at risk, staffers claim

Captain DaFt

"Are they so cash strapped they couldn't just SMS everyone?"

Well this: “new three-year growth plan”, seems to indicate the company isn't even sure it'll be around long enough for the standard "Five year plan".

Senator! calls! for! SEC! probe! to! be! inserted! into! Yahoo!

Captain DaFt

Re: Can! We! Please! Give! The! Exclamation! Marks! A! Rest!

No!, we! like! them!

Note!: "!", not "!"

Unlucky Luckey: Oculus developers invoke anti-douchebag clause, halt games for VR goggles

Captain DaFt

Re: Americans, again not realising there's a world outside them

"I've been thinking of it more as "Nixon vs. Hitler"..."

Nah, the Nightmare Vs. the Liar... You pick which is which.

As an aside; Anyone for a "Vote Cthulhu, the lesser of three evils!" campaign?

Security man Krebs' website DDoS was powered by hacked Internet of Things botnet

Captain DaFt

Re: What's an IOT device owner to do?

"I think we should start referring to them as idIOT devices."

Insecurely Designed Internet Of Things

There ya go!

R2D2 delivery robots to scurry through the streets of San Francisco

Captain DaFt

Re: hemi-demi-semi colon

The poor fellow. You shouldn't make him the butt of your jokes.

Lean in and pivot: Even Steve Jobs didn't work alone, startup boy

Captain DaFt

So, um...

Did Steve (¡Bong!) Bong change his name to Damon Hart-Davis, or wut?

Uni student cuffed for 'hacking professor's PC to change his grades'

Captain DaFt

Re: Really??

"Guess he wasn't as good as he thought he was."

If he was a smart as he thought he was, he wouldn't needed to have altered the grades in the first place, would he?

Sad reality: It's cheaper to get hacked than build strong IT defenses

Captain DaFt


"When a system of this scale gets compromised, it should be the sysadmin, not just the "hacker" who gets held accountable by the state."

You mean the the guy (or team), that's repeatedly brought up the issue with superiors, only to be brushed aside with "No, that's not in the budget.", or, "No, we see no problem here."? That guy?

Better: The authorities should lock down the system and interview the sysadmin as a witness, as soon as a breach is reported.

If it's the sysadmin's fault, then hold him/her/them accountable.

If not, follow the trail of "No!" upstream until the source is found, then hold that part(ies) as accountable as the hacker.

Captain DaFt

Re: Solution?

" fine the companies that are hacked."

You want immediate action? Howls of agony and outrage? Actual results?

As well as fining the company, freeze 10% of each of the shareholder's stock for two years, or until the problem is fixed.

Most companies would be secure before the next quarter.

(And a lot of politicians would find lose campaign funds next election, so win/win!)

Captain DaFt

Re: Sadly very true

"Company officers actually have a legal duty to operate the company in a financially responsible manner."

Indeed they do.

But this is like a bank deciding: "The clients money is insured anyway, so why build an expensive vault? Just store the cash in cardboard boxes in the back room."

Bank saves millions, but would you call it "financially responsible"?

Game over: IANA power-grab block pulled from Congress funding bill

Captain DaFt

Re: I heard Cruz

"I heard Cruz last Friday at a Tea Party rally in Kingwood, Texas. He insisted that we would turn the Internet over to international terrorists and thugs over his dead body."

Unfortunately, just another promise he has no intention of keeping.

Half! a! billion! Yahoo! email! accounts! raided! by! 'state! hackers!'

Captain DaFt

Re: What is this I don't even

Hackers strongly believed to be state-sponsored

"What does that even mean!"

My take:

Some kid, living in estate housing, bored, with access to a computer.

My God, I've got nothing on! Microsoft's $200m Wunderlist is down

Captain DaFt

Re: Good old analog?

"There are so many sensible reasons millions of people use Todo/Tasklist software."

Really? Many? I can only think of one, but it is a corker.

The phone is right there, in my pocket. Whip it out, tap notepad*, make the note, job done.

*that's "notepad", not Notepad™. Also, it doesn't sync, use the web, or anything "cutting edge". It just let's me make notes, on my phone, Which I always have with me.

WTF ... makes mobile phone batteries explode?

Captain DaFt

"Reportedly they were "squeezing" the batteries to try to fit more capacity in the same volume, and that was done incorrectly in some cases which either put the + and - too close together, or the layer between them was damaged."

Or... They could have made the phones slightly thicker, and enabled them to use a more powerful, unsqueezed battery in the first place.

But that's crazy talk, innit?

Behold the fruit of your techie utopia: A $43 San Francisco fog-infused martini

Captain DaFt

Re: Fog-infused martini is quite good

"the fanny beer was cheaper earlier, but they've stuck it up since....."

Oh... Just... BOOOOO!

(Have an upvote!) ☺

Microsoft deletes Windows 10 nagware from Windows 7 and 8

Captain DaFt

Re: Windows Update is unbelievably shit

"If it wasn't a dark art it was certainly an Adventure."

Jumping through hoops, avoiding hidden pitfalls, only to be told, "the update you're looking for is in another KB$Number".

Is Nadella secretly a frustrated plumber?

New Gnome emerges blinking into the sunlight

Captain DaFt

Re: Old dog

"As far as I am concerned smart phones and touch sensitive sceens are not Wow! New! but 'How can we make computers smaller and cheaper and still have some utility in them'"

Touch sensitive screens on phones are actually all about, "How can we cut out the costs of designing resilient, usable keyboards, and make it sound sexy?"

Captain DaFt

Re: It's still smartphone-GUI-on-a-workstation.

"GNOME 3 is incredibly efficient, fast, beautiful and ergonomic."

OK, granted. Now if someone would just write a decent desktop user interface for it, it'd be perfect!

Victoria Police warn of malware-laden USB sticks in letterboxes

Captain DaFt

Re: If something is free...

"Or we grew too many courgettes and we're giving away the surplus, Mr. Glass-half-empty!"

Please... NO!

We're just ending the yearly nightmare season here; where if you leave an unattended vehicle unlocked, you're liable to find it full of tomatoes and zucchini when you return!

Greybeards beware: Hair dye for blokes outfit Just For Men served trojan

Captain DaFt

Re: Fancy that!

Amen! You go to the store, buy product, use product... what part of that requires logging into a passworded site?

What service could they provide, aside from maybe a support group?

"Hi, my name is Ken, and I dye my hair."

"Well DUH! We all do here!"

HPE sells off 'non-core' software assets

Captain DaFt


"HPE announced it was selling off a load of non-core software assets"

And once they've stripped this joint to the bone, they'll just throw the bone to the dogs.

High fives and bonuses all around, and off other companies to lather, rinse, repeat.

Does anyone in the upper ranks actually run a company any more, or is it all just "asset monetizing" until the company is gone?

Lethal 4-hour-erection-causing spiders spill out of bunch of ASDA bananas

Captain DaFt

Re: Bah,

"bananas are radioactive !!"

Meh, just low yield potassium. Now Brazil nuts, on the other hand, can be 33% more radioactive than normal background, due to radium stored in the nut's fat.

Not stopped me from eating them though, they're tasty!

Apple seeks patent for paper bag - you read that right, a paper bag

Captain DaFt

Re: Maybe...

"Next on my list: Submit patent application for wheel."

Get in line.

Quote:"According to a November [2005] Washington

Post profile of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the agency

has, since 1790, granted about 30,000 patents to people who have

submitted unique designs to improve upon, if not reinvent, wheels."

Captain DaFt

Re: I wonder

"what former patent office clerk Albert Einstein would make of this."

Well, this kind of idiocy isn't new, just better publicised these days.

I'm sure that one day, pondering over the latest stack of approved patents that he had to file, he had a epiphany:

"If this kind of idiotic tripe is being approved by normal people, I must be a genius!"

Then he promptly formulated general relativity and left to teach at University.

Captain DaFt

Re: Is white paper green?

"How green is bleached paper?"

Ah, You caught the trick there.

The 60% post consumer (Pfft! "recycled" ain't good enough anymore?) brown paper is very green.

The process of bleaching it pure white, with all the waste products generated that have to be processed... not so much.

Buuut, they just don't mention that part, and everybody's happy!

We live in a world where a 'Hamdog' burger hybrid is patented

Captain DaFt

Re: Hamdogs-

Eh, prior art from the noughties.

Google buys startup biz, slurps up its NLP brains

Captain DaFt

Re: Can it handle slang?

Yeah, I'd really hate to see this situation in real life:


Pluto's emitting X-rays, and NASA doesn't quite know how

Captain DaFt

Re: There was nothing in my horoscope about this this morning.

Well I'm an Ophiuchus*, and believe that no horoscope that leaves out signs can ever pretend to be accurate!**

*Yes, it's really a horoscope sign. It was left out to avoid 'unlucky 13', and to keep the signs from changing months year to year.

**Nah, I don't actually believe any of that mumbo-jumbo.

Captain DaFt

Re: There was nothing in my horoscope about this this morning.

"And while we're on the subject, I think they made a mistake with 'dwarf planet', midget planet surely!"

I whole-heartedly agree!

Not a single one of the so called "Dwarf Planets" has a trace of anything resembling a beard! ☺

Captain DaFt

Re: 1 word. Triboelectrification.

Makes me wonder... just how Triboelectric is frozen solid nitrogen, or ice at those low temps?

We've already seen that Pluto has active glaciers of nitrogen with mountain sized lumps of water ice 'floating' on them.

Maybe colliding water ice chunks or stress fractures in the solid nitrogen might be generating the X-rays?

Emacs and Vim both release first new updates in years

Captain DaFt

So neither...

is quite ready as a stand alone OS yet? ☺

Maybe next version.

You call it 'hacking.' I call it 'investigation'

Captain DaFt

My ID setup with the bank is simple

If they need to contact me, they send me a letter.*

I show up, show my driver's license and bank card.

Then we discuss things face to face.

I see no need to change things.

*Yes, snail mail.