* Posts by Teiwaz

4136 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Oct 2011

Musk: Come ride my Big F**king Rocket to Mars


Re: (Don't mention) Moonbase Alpha

Andersons ex got all the rights to the much longer running Space 1999

Personally, having seen both, I prefer UFO.

US yanks staff from Cuban embassy over sonic death ray fears


Re: I'd bet my monies on...

My money is on the Atreides...

Well, the David Lynch version anyway - just a more easily quantifiable 'secret weapon' than the nebulous political one in the book, which, however made a lot more sense.

Angst in her pants: Alleged US govt leaker Reality Winner stashed docs in her pantyhose


Re: 10 Years? Fck!

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I gave my word (which matters to me more than a signature on a piece of paper).

You are about several centuries old fashioned - your government no longer values the word of it's citizens.

They like hard evidence; a signature, a DNA sample, your first molar for the bureau of identification....

Bless their hearts: Democrats want $40bn to spruce up America's bumpkin broadband


Truth is a three-edged sword

So the article covers both legs of the bifurcated US political mentality - but where's the truth...?

Essentially invisible: Android big-daddy Andy Rubin's hypetastic mobe 'flops in first month'


bear necessities

At this point in life, I've come to accept that any time a company touts something as 'an essential' - I know I don't need it...

3D selfies? What could possibly go wrong?


Except that of the billions of people in the world, the ones who look most like me are the ones likely to visit the same houses as me at Christmas time...

So are you Santa then? Or are you saying you just look like Santa?

Microsoft gives all staff a marked-up 'Employee Edition' of Satya Nadella's new book


Wobbly table?

Nerf that - my insomnia's been playing up something rotten these last few weeks, this sounds like a cure!

What? Are you intending to bludgeon yourself unconscious with it?

For gods sake just don't attempt to actually read it......


Important question overlooked

Does the book have a checkbox at the back for 'Accept terms and conditions' ?

TalkTalk once told GCHQ: Cyberattack? We'd act fast – to get sport streams back up


Re: Did we award our Directors lots of Money?

Did we award our Directors lots of Money?

So... What the fuck is your problem?

The Directors probably awarded themselves lots of Money?

UK Home Office re-bans cheap call gateways because 'terrorism'


"This direction is necessary to ensure that those charged with keeping families and communities safe have access to relevant and accurate information when they need it and when they have the appropriate authorisations in order to do their job."

So people who are single and live in the middle of nowhere are on their own then?

Correction, such people are the classic 'lone wolf' types are probably a danger anyway.

Microsoft: We've made a coding language for a quantum computer that may or may not exist


Re: Good old Microsoft

Microsoft had pioneered the concept of 'vaporware'. After all these years nothing has changed.

They've outdone themselves this time quantum vaporware

Between talking up software that don't exist to talking up software everyone else wishes didn't exist.

Limp Weiner to get 21 months in the hole


Re: Full of it?

Some of that is true, but not the part about the media being on the right. That's a laughable

This would be the mythical 'liberal media league'?

I find it hard to reconcile that with the likes of the newspaper industry in the UK which, during the 80's thrived on scandal and getting the 'freshest' page 3 models because 'that's what sold papers', and a couple of decades later fed the pedo paranoia (and any other ) because 'that's what sells papers'.

Nothing left (or really right) abut that lot, just (self)centre...

Shock! Hackers for medieval caliphate are terrible coders


Re: Although, in the final analysis ...

With the various data breaches, outages, and numpty security cockups it's arguable that "the West" is doing a better job of hurting itself than ISIS or whoever could dream of.

What's that now? They've bought shares in Talk Talk?


"Hear the one about the jihadi who went to see a pantomime? He pledged allegiance to Allahdin."

Oh no he didn't...

Oh yes he did...

Repeat as desired...

Maybe, but think of the fate of poor Puss, stoned to death the moment she comes on stage and before she manages to say her first line....

Want to keep in contact with friends and family without having to sell your personal data?


Re: Really?

The only thing such would-be witty comments show is the depth of the commentards' ignorance.

To be fair... Those of us not yet lucky enough to have survived into our 70's (many won't) are probably still thinking of 'our' grandparents.......


Re: It really needs to be sold globally.

The advantage is it's granny proof.

'Granny proof' is that the same or similar to 'water proof'.

Does it say to how many (feet?) it's proof to, or just mild splashes (of tea, I assume).

For Facebook, ignorance is the business model: Social net is shocked – SHOCKED – that people behave badly


implausible deniability

Maybe too difficult to police what the multi-herd of milk-cows post in their self-contained paddocks - hardly on who they are actually doing real business with.

Facebook U-turn: React, other libraries freed from unloved patent license


Re: Result

Glad to see that commonsense has won out here.

Commonsense? They are running scared - If every other project stops using stuff they 'own', they don't get others working on their stuff for free.

They can eat the cake, but they can't 'have' the cake. Too many groups worried they'll turn around and 'have' them too.

Researchers claim ISPs are 'complicit' in latest FinSpy snooping rounds


Re: Cmon, have guts

Worse than China? Saudi Arabia? North Korea? Really?

Worse, because those in government in the 'Free World' should know better - and they hold their citizens to a higher standard (supposedly) so they should reciprocate.

GNOME Foundation backs 'freedom-oriented' smartphone


As long as it isn't saddled with systemd

if it's Gnome of course it be Systemd.

UK Prime Minister calls on internet big beasts to 'auto-takedown' terror pages within 2 HOURS


Re: Why not fuck off and sort out Brexit instead

Prime Sinister*

Quite good - only really gets childish if it's overused, otherwise it's a humorous.

I am reminded of Colin Baker as Doctor Who on trial on Galifrey, when he intentionally fudges the prosecutors title (Valyard) (barnyard, scrapyard...).

I'd vary it, (Prime Misery, Prime Monkey...)

Equifax's disastrous Struts patching blunder: THOUSANDS of other orgs did it too


Re: Shower

Accountability is dead and buried 50 feet under these days.

I'd hardly expect the western powers to be concern with it's citizens private data, breached data likely hoovered up to add to the 'haystack'.

got away with lying to a Parliamentary Committee about it.

No need for them to punish someone who unwittingly aided the data fetish, committees and hearings are just pointless acts to be carried out in order to look like something is being done, and the government wasn't in enough danger for a scapegoating to be necessary.

Behold, says robo-mall-cop maker: Our crime-busting dune buggy packed with spy gear


Re: Why oh why

Can't it look like a proper DALEK!

You haven't seen Fiats 'city' cars then....?


Re: Hang on... automated AI vehicles?

What's next? The Knightscope Industries Two Thousand? The Knightscope Automated Roving Robot?

I saw where you are going....

Hell, why not. 'Smart' cars are in.

...Actually sod the 'Smart', just give me a 'Cylon eye' for the front of my car.

...We'd only end up with Cortana or Siri trying to do an americans concept of an English accent, failing to be droll (and probably ending up screaming racist abuse - thanks Microsoft).


Re: It's all becoming very "Deus Ex"

f you're wondering what the hell I've been smoking, you've obviously not seen Runaway (1984)

I slept through it seen it, and I'm still wondering whether you are on drugs....


Re: Bothering the homeless...

Or does wealth inequality require harsher measures in your world?

I could imagine robots programmed to follow them (the 1%) around in droves looking for a handout.

...Damn, there (programmers) go putting another hardworking group out of work, and this time it's beggars

Come to think of it, most celebs are pretty used to being followed around and harassed by tabloids anyway...

Chap tames Slack by piping it into Emacs


Re: This looks cool but...

...I can't try it out. I'm stuck in Vim and can't figure out how to quit.

...That's a joke right........?

Samsung's Galaxy Note 8 is hot, but not much more than the S8+


handwriting is dying out...

The best of both worlds. I only got into computers because my handwriting is terrible...

Same here, (left handed for a start) - although, a couple of years at college with ex-industry lecturers who could talk off the top of their heads for 3 straight hours means my handwriting at least has character even if it's still illegible rather than like a relative coming up a few years later (when photocopies were cheaper) whose handwriting looks like an eight year olds.

Programming in the Middle Ages: Docker makes a lovely pair of trousers


I didn't recognise some of the names on the lists

...And... I'm pretty sure it's not advancing years (despite now needing varifocals).

Must be some reference to popular culture that was too popular for me...mind you, I'd have recognised Al Mc Cogan, despite not exactly knowing who (she) was, thanks to a Monty Python sketch (the professional logician https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZqs36C5sgM ).

DRM now a formal Web recommendation after protest vote fails


Re: Time matters

Anyone who believes that the industries will stop with baked-in video encryption is sorely mistaken

Probably way past time we 'forked' the internet anyway - it's become increasingly a shopping /TV channel with filled with propaganda and looney mainstream fringe junk myths, lies and idiocy instead of useful information of benefit to humanity.

Oh, and bring back Technocracy.

What do you call an all-in-one PC that isn't? 'Upgradeable', says HP


Re: Or buy an Intel NUC.

why would I want to spend that much on an Intel NUC?

We all know 'Linux will pretty much run on any ancient old kit...

There's expensive pretty (i.e. HP's new shiney) , then there's moderately priced make-do for those who would like the tidy, but can't justify the price....

What you are suggesting is recycling yer' MA's drawers...

Linux 4.14 'getting very core new functionality' says Linus Torvalds


Will 2017 be the year of Linux on the desktop?

1999 was year of 'Linux on the Desktop for my desktop, I've been content since.


Re: Pointing people at the right forum reduces cobwebs

Look, if no one asks idiotic questions on forums for those less idiotic to answer, then there won't be anything for search engines to find

Problem is, the more idiotic questions posted, the more idiotic questions and answers you have to sift through to find more detailed, useful answers to more complex questions.

The net is getting harder to sift through for all the mindless junk as it is.

Windows 10 Creators Update will add app-level privacy controls


Re: Take a Stand...

That means all my games..Until then it's just a toy OS.

Oh, the irony....

Cops' use of biometric images 'gone far beyond custody purposes'


However, concerns have previously been raised that the automatic deletion of images of unconvicted individuals would be too costly, due to the complexity of police IT systems.

Well that's clearly a bollocks excuse - They're quite prepared to demand maths be rewritten to match what they want when they ant breakable unbreakable encryption, or the entire countries http requests be saved and made searchable. but the Police IT is too complex to clear out the records of the unconvicted every so often....???

US government sued by 11 pissed-off travellers over computer searches


Re: America is in decline! Go elsewhere

Problem is, it feels like everywhere is in decline.

It's partly what drives the paranoia behind the border intimidation - and of course governmental response to a changing world political climate naturally just exacerbates the situation.

I get the feeling we'll be getting nostalgic for the mostly stable 'high' civilisation of the cold war soon.

Apple's 'shoddy' Beats headphones get slammed in lawsuit


Re: "a design defect that causes the battery life to diminish"

Um, not defending Apple by any stretch, but I do believe that battery life tends to diminish with or without design defects.

Your average apple customer doesn't know that - I imagine $200 vs $50 and the advertising claims durability and long life (along with the usual unspoken apple lifestyle promises) - you expect the battery life to be three times longer.

It's the Samuel Vimes 'boot's issue - and someones noticed the expensive boots are cardboard, not hard wearing leather.

Apples over-hyped claims have come back to bite them.

UK's new Data Protection Bill will be 'liberal' not 'libertarian', says digi minister


Re: Seems a little confused

He seems to be confusing data protection with the protection of property rights or just merging them all together because they also use the word 'protection'.

So maybe we're going to have to issue some DMCA take-down equivalent to prevent the likes of Facebook, social media and quasi-governmental agencies from playing footsie with our personal information.

I'm betting this will end up just reinforcing the castle walls for those that already have them, and the villagers will be left with the usual shoddy lean-tos at the foot of the raised drawbridge, as usual.


Re: RE: Sovereignty

In this context "sovereignty" means...

Property of the crown, and outside the EU we'll be subjects, not citizens.

I'd be honestly surprised if there's anything 'liberal' about anything they decide to enact.

'Don't Google Google, Googling Google is wrong', says Google


Re: Hmm..

Have you DuckDuckGo'd anything recently?

I'm fairly certain anyone using that should rightfully expect law enforcement (sans anything better or less effort to add to crimefighting statistics) to pop round to investigate possible cruelty to domesticated fowl.

Or at the very least, drug use...


Re: What about "leverage" as a verb?

Oh yes, I was waiting for this to happen. Someone let the pedants loose (OK, I should have said "lose" to rile them a bit more).

You must be new here. This is El Reg, the pedant Safari Park. Keep your windows closed (or preferably shut down). Stray from the path and they'll devour you in packs.

North Korea attacks Bitcoin bods to swell its war chest says FireEye


Sell sell sell.

Bitcoin holders, I strongly advise you to sell now because if NK is acquiring Bitcoins then there will be forces out there.....

How will people pay to get/not get their data released when the next wave of ransomware/locker attacks popular Os's/windows in a year/few months?

Five ways Apple can fix the iPhone, but won't


Re: Smaller - tougher? - display please

Why we can't see a return to flip & slider phones is beyond me.

Probably 'cause of some market research tells them the design won't sell, or won't sell in region or set of regions.

Problem is, you never really know for sure if the choice isn't 'on the ballot sheet' people 'can't vote for it' market sampling isn't proof.

However they may be right. I've certainly never heard the non-tech phone buying crowd I'm familiar with bemoaning the lack of old designs. They just accept what's available as the nature of the world around them.


Re: Bollocks.

Audi drivers have seized the...from BMW drivers a few years back.

Funnily enough, most the bullish careless drivers I know (with speeding ticket history halfway up the

sleeve) have switched from BMW to Audis in the last few years....

'The Story of EBW 343 ' by 'Wrong Way' Norris


Re: Windows Phone Type Tiles

Cortania - Ah that must be the 'latin' version. "I'm-a lisitening, amore."


Re: Headphone Jack Please

Pleeze help mee. Who eez thees Headphone Jack who you all talk of?

Headphone Jack - The notorious double-hook handed 16th Century Pirate and Buccaneer? You've not heard of?

Known for torturing prisoners by jabbing his hook hands in their ears and pulling out their brains.

Massive iPhone X leak trashes Apple's 10th anniversary circus

Paris Hilton

Re: Is "iPhone X" the actual name?

Re: Is "iPhone X" the actual name?

Wait for the iPhone XXX

Complete with tired old pizza delivery schtick and as fresh and natural as late 80's silicon enhancement....

almost there a decade early...

44m UK consumers on Equifax's books. How many pwned? Blighty eagerly awaits spex on the breach


3) An album by Jean Michell Jarre

That's 'Equinoxe' or 'Équinoxe'

Daily Stormer binned by yet another registrar, due to business risks


Re: Quick note from easyDNS

In this case, they are clearly taking note of experiences of hosting company Z, whom X went around saying agreed with their views because they did business.

They gave effectively said that they stand behind everyone else they host

No, X, claimed their previous hosting company stood behind them - I'm not surprised any company that wants to be neutral declines them at this point.


Re: It beings.

usually by a very narrow and vocal group of far left / Marxist / Social Justice types.

Yeah, 'cause they are obviously the only types that want to ban things they don't agree with, and everyone else, including the right just want free speech, open dialog and fluffy bunnies...</sarcasm-indicator>

While I kind of agree with most your sentiments, that little addendum clearly screams right wing nut-job.

And your posting history confirms it.