* Posts by Marshalltown

744 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2011

The only GOOD DRONE is a DEAD DRONE. Y'hear me, scumbags?!


Re: Paint balls vs CCTV

Technically, federal laws make it illegal to violate local (state) laws regarding selling or purchasing guns, e.g.:





So, it is the local standards that actually trump decisions.

Some other points to consider are shotgun range, the drone operator says his drone was above 200 feet but eye witnesses contradicted that. The judge went with the witnesses. It is possible that both testimonies are accurate. The drone uses GPS to estimate altitude not radar or anything more accurate, so the "altitude" in the data record would be above the geoid surface, not necessarily above the ground. The shotgun owner apparently took the drone down with one shot. I can't find any mention of shot guage, but a 200-foot plus shot, which is what the drone operator is arguing the shooter made would be impressive skill or remarkable luck.

Also, more extensive accounts indicate that the drone had hovered over the same yard six times during the preceding year and that a sixteen-year-old woman was sunbathing in the yard. So, unless there is some remarkably interesting arhcitecture, why was Boggsie running his drone there repeatedly? The shooter says that the drone was harassing the yard. Maybe it was.


Re: Presentation / Ronnie

Not to mention that Ronny baby is hold a hunting rifle in an airplane and that at least some present think it is or could be loaded.

Post-pub schnellnosh neckfiller: Currywurst


Re: The problem with most *wursts is

Hmmmh, you must have been sausage from the packaged sausage aisle from a supermarket and missed the label that read "Hot Dogs." There are some truly excellent sausages made in the US ... chorizo, linguisca, polish, New Orleans style hot, ... It can be like be like trying to find a good chicken-fried steak, but with some real American exploratory zeal, you can find some very good "pig-in-a-tube," even in the US.

Top boffin Freeman Dyson on climate change, interstellar travel, fusion, and more


Re: Emeritus

Try this.


The issue has been a concern for years. The entire "falsifiability" question in science hinges on when you decide an hypothesis (a model) is shown to be false. The early *proponents* - proponents mark you, not critics - of these climate models proposed a span of 15 years. A steady divergence over 15 years would thus constitute a failure of the model(s). The ensemble mean of the various models have ALWAYS been higher than empirical data, despite consistent adjustments that push modern temps upward and historical (pre-WWII) data downward. In case you don't understand that, it means the adjustments themselves are known to have imposed a trend on data that lacked it. There is good agreement over the history of the US CRN (not HCN) and adjustment of modern temperatures so presumably adjustments to modern data are justifiable. The same cannot be shown for adjustments to historical data. Next time do your own research.


Re: Emeritus

Speaking of not keeping up, where have you been?


Re: Scientists - Dyson 'sphere'

Niven's ring-world proposal is inherently unstable. It makes an interesting story. I'm not convinced that Dyson's sphere is any better.

THIS is MASSIVE! Less-Masslessness neutrino boffins bag Physics Nobel


Re: Makes particle physics sound like climate science - not at all

To match the pattern in U.S. climate science, the Standard Model would have been verified. By adjusting the the data, they would have shown that there really was no mass. No, this was science as it should be done.

So, what's happening with LOHAN? Sweet FAA, that's what


Re: Well, crap

This a novel worth reading:


It will seem eerily familiar to LOHAN followers.

Mars water discovery is a liberal-muslim plot, cry moist conspiracy theorists


Re: Ow!

The flowing Martian water thing has been evident for over a decade. Arthur C Clarke actually used the idea in a Venus Prime story before the lineations were known. I suspect that unless the "announcement" is made soonish, they will wait until the first human landings before "discovering" that huge areas of Mars are covered in dust-mantled glaciers. Those circular karsts have to be due to something other than limestone being dissolved by ground water. Sublimating ice (methane or water) is the next best explanation. Mars is adiabatically dry and cold because of the elevated southern hemisphere and polar regions. Look for the giant alien reactor there.

Photoshop for 40 quid: Affinity Photo pushes pixels further than most


Re: Let me know when it works on computers.

"Well just keep paying your £8 to Adobe, then. It's not the worst thing that one can imagine."

Hmm, let me think, beer or Adobe, beer of Adobe, beer or Adobe ... Well, yes it is the worst thing I can imagine.

Sysadmin ignores 25 THOUSAND patches, among other sins


Re: On occasion (Aqua Marina)

There are a lot of folks who would have taken a look and decided a fire axe might help.

BOFH: Why, I LOVE work courses. Please tell me more, o wise one!


Re: BANG!!

Julius Caesar died in March on 'ides.'

Brassiere belays boob-bound bullet, begetting bruised breastbone


Re: Life-saving, really?

The strike was from a "rebound" - ricochet in the US -so, no, it didn't have much energy left. If you follow the screwy news, the armadillos in the southeast US and Texas have been shooting back too. One fellow bounced a round off an armadillo, through a fence and into his mother-in-law. That's the kind of hurt that keeps on giving and giving and giving. "No honey! No, I really was shooting at an armadillo. I'ld never mistake your mom for an armadillo. No honey, I could never have said something like that! You must have misheard!"

Clueless do-gooders make Africa's conflict mineral mines even more dangerous


Re: Bandit theory

"Bloated (bandit) govermentents are a symptom, not a cause, of that wealth."

Not that simple, though correct in essence, I think. Wealth is no more or less than energy flow. Accumulating (not working, not in use) wealth is an indication of an inefficiency. That leads to social inequalities that in the end result in events like the French and Russian revolutions (the American Revolution was unusual in being a proactive action). Redistributive entities (and they appear way before bureaucratic governments) operate - mostly badly - to get pooled wealth moving, working. The inefficiency of these entities is critical because it destroys wealth, which is in fact a key element in the process that no one, especially not the wealthy or the poor, really wants to think about. But, the Second Law can't be denied, suspended or revoked. Most economists seem to think they are independent of physics. But an economy is nothing but ecology with specifically human elements included.

US authorities round up ILLEGAL DINOSAURS for repatriation


Re: Logic - logic - logic and a little history

Think of it this way. Yes indeed, the BM definitely damaged the marbles, but they are still better shape than they would have been. Just like arguing that artifacts be "returned" to political entities that didn't exist when the artifacts were removed, ignorance of the history of conservation and museology is no excuse for holding the past to current standards. We can wish they "knew then" what we "know now," but we cannot make it so. That was then, this is now, and there is absolutely no evidence that human race is any more morally superior now than it was in the past.


Re: In this case

Silly and pointless argument. The assertion of "ownership" in most of these cases is based upon political views and not a few items returned would almost immediately vanish into a black market. The "artifacts" - and BTW dinosaur fossils are not artifacts or artefacts - could be returned, yes. But to whom would you return them? The current government of the country that presently controls the geography from which they derived? ISIS would appreciate that. The Elgin Marbles - hmmm, Greece, where they came from, or Turkey, the polity which controlled the chunk of geography at the time? Do we make an exception since Turkey is now a democracy and not the Ottoman Empire? How about we ask Athens to secede from Greece so that we can return the Marbles to the city state from which they came? After all, when the Elgin Marbles were carved there was no political entity called "Greece." The "return" arguments are a perfect example of the real meaning of "politically correct."

The sole purpose served in these types of arguments is the process of "current politics," and the feeling of "moral righteousness" by the advocates. And, "punishing" many of those 18th and 19th c "collectors" ignores the reality that they often acted to preserve items that would otherwise be irretrievably lost. The Egyptian government of the 19th century for instance was staunchly Muslim. It had no use for ancient ruins, or ancient statuary as anything but building materials, any more than the governments of Egypt earlier had any use for the Library of Alexandria for anything but a source of fuel or the Taliban had use for the Buddhist images of Bamiyan.

How much of one year's Californian energy use would wipe out the drought?



California is characterized by local agencies (county and city) that contract with California Water Project for a share of north state water. Monumental amounts are shipped south to the LA basin for the benefit of the Southron's lawns and pools. Jerry baby's current bright idea is to run tunnels under the Sacramento-San Joaquin delta - at a cost opf billions - to move water from the Sacramento to the south without having to worry about saline incursions during drought conditions.

The current administration doesn't want to think about desalination. Nor does it want to tell the regions that use the most water, moved the longest distances, that they should pay for it. State projects are expensed across the entire state tax base. Desalination plants would be local and have to be paid for locally.

Scorchio! This June was the sixty-sixth hottest on record


Re: You have to admit that Lewis had very few places to choose

Look at ice problems in eastern Hudson Bay as well. Also the southern hemisphere has been breaking cold records. It isn't nearly as hard to find counter examples. The problem is homogenizing the global data. You wind up with a meaningless blanc mange of so called data. The methods of adjustment are "documented" but the methodology is not, or is very carefully munged until it is unreadable.


Re: I absolutely disagree with straight manipulation of historical data


Now there is a trustworthy source. The data is aggregated by government agencies. The sources should be government sites, not the primary web page of the Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming.


Re: Notice anything?

"So, a met station is relocated up a hill. ..."

That would be fine, IF the relocated stations were actually relocated. There are a large number of stations in the US where the "relocation" is nothing more than a change in the rounding of the latitude and longitude figures, or a shift between NAD27 and WGS84 datums for GPS coordinates that was treated by automated software as a change in location. There are some notorious examples in the US and in Australia. Worse though is that in some of those cases, superior data records are weighted downward and misused.


Re: "...the middle of the Pacific ocean..."

They are, and if you check Hudson Bay, there is a resupply problem taking place along the eastern shores where ice has been reluctant to leave. So much so that summer climate research plans (the irony) for Canadian ice breakers has been cancelled while they break ice instead, and that is happening now.


Re: @ Dan 55

"...If this article were to plant doubts in peoples' minds, it would have to...

Compare the old and new NOAA datasets with historical UK temperature reading data..."

NOAA data changes are compared pretty regularly in the sceptic blogs. The complaint of of sceptics is that the changes persist in cooling the past and warming the present, which is true. The raw data really doesn't show much in the way of trends.

And, how would one go about "measuring accuracy"? They change the data and they have not published any standard against which accuracy can be objectively measured. So how would one know what "adjustment" is better? There is certainly no empirical basis that can be employed to "adjust" historical data from before about 1950.

The fact is that the adjustments are made according to theory, which says the planet "must" be warming because of increases in CO2. There is certainly no need to "homogenize" data except to draw pretty pictures. Any trend in global weather over time should show up in each local data set over time. So regardless of the thermometer quality or time of observation, each thermometer should reflect its own microcosmic response to any global change.

That man told me to stuff a ROLE up my USER ENTRY!


Ah yes - access permissions

Many moons ago, my employer at the time, engaged in an entirely unrelated business, decided to become an internet service provider as well. It had already fallen to another fellow and I to wire the office for a peer-to-peer system so that files could be moved around in Windows98 without resorting to sneakernet. We had one computer that we used as a print server, and every one in the office, aside from the lady up front who ran the document publishing system when she wasn't playing solitaire, used it for printing. And, when we weren't handling the occasional hell desk call, were actually supposed to be writing - and printing - scientific reports with math and everything.

However, the ISP side of the business hired an operator with delusions of BOFH-hood. Our office network was wired directly into the ISP side via the print server for some obscure reason. We had nothing to with that part of the wiring job. Young Would-be, the operator decided that the firewall between the office and the ISP was to be the print server and blocked our use of the server for printing. When we objected he said we didn't have the permissions necessary - because he wasn't going to grant them. So - it was an NT system - every time he left, we would take a little floppy out with a DOS program on it that "read" NT files. Using it always left the NT file system unstable, but once we rebooted it we could print. When young Would-be returned, he would immediately discover that he was unable to access the "firewall" any more and complain bitterly to the owner. The owner would then confront us. We would then hand him the reports we had printed and that he had to read before leaving for home --- which would have been available by noon had we had access to the print server. Ultimately, young Would-be was let go, and a saner version hired who was happy to workout a modus vivendi.

4 new twists that push the hacker attack on millions of US govt workers into WTF land


Re: The stupid thing is...

The really stupid thing is that all that information was available through a single entry point. Is there information on what OS the OPM was using on its systems?


Re: And the idiots in Congress responses have been...

"...They're all being blackmailed by the Chinese and forced to say them!"

Nah, they're in congress. First, congress folk are not, sadly, "Federal employees," else we could fire them. Second, they are in Congress which means that 'stupid' - or minimally "as ignorant as a summer day is long in Alaska" - was part of the job description.

Scientists love MacBooks (true) – but what about you?


Cost - cost -cost

Linux software is extraordinarily inexpensive compared to Windows or Mac. Some of us send along the occasional donation, but world-class software like R or GRASS is otherwise free. The comparable commercial software is brutally expensive and your typical grad student or even undergrad can afford it more than even a seat license or a "student" version of SPSS or Stata and don't even think about ArcGIS . They are fine programs but the cost leaves you without ramen and beer for a week or a month or even the rest of the semester.


You could argue that it isn't Windows that is hated (though you would frequently be wrong) so much as software like Microsoft Office, which is an ungodly nightmare (but so is Open Office on Linux). My experience is that Windows simply has problems weekly while Linux has problems - yearly at best. That latter seems to be changing as we see programmers appearing in Linux bailiwick who "need" to restart Linux following an update. Apparently not experience Linux/Unix programmers.

Bill Nye's bonkers LightSail spaceship unfurls solar sails at last


Re: Changing direction...

Nope. If you build a system where sails can be trimmed, you could tack across or even into the "wind."

By the Rivers of Babylon, where the Antikythera Mechanism laid down


Re: Been in the museum where they have this object

Dodgy, if you really knew about Libertarian views you would be aware that they are neither right nor left, but instead reside on the extreme anti-statist, anti-authoritarian of the authoritarian spectrum. The right and left both tend to authoritarianism. Left wants you to talk nice, "share" and generally keep your head down. The right wants you talk right, pay your taxes, and generally keep your head down. The only real difference between the left and right is that the right are really concerned about other peoples bed rooms. If you follow American political scandals, the rightwingers run to embarassing, ocassionally criminal (vis the recent indictment of a former Speaker of the House) sexual situations while the left leans to excessively sharing your taxes in biased fashion (embezzlement, bribery, etc.). It's pretty clear Clinton was a Republican plant.

Hardcore creationist finds 60-million-year-old fossils in backyard ... 'No, it hasn’t changed my mind about the Bible'



I was almost lynched in a comparative religion class making this same suggestion. Someone blurted, "are you saying God is a forger?" I replied, "only if you believe in a 'Young Earth'". People started o shout. Turned out most of the class was fundies expecting to get their confirmation bias stroked.

Feds: Bloke 'HACKED PLANE controls' – from his PASSENGER seat


Re: If you have nothing to hide...

Not much argument about the FBI credibility rating, but . . . Apparently, the dude actually claimed all this to the Feebs, so, they actually had no choice. He is reported to have quite literally claimed to have committed an act which would have endangered everyone on the flight. His tweets don't deny either. They seem to simply claim the FBI conflated FIVE YEARS of activity into a shorter period. I've no idea whether the acts claimed are possible or not, and I doubt the FBI do either. But they can't legally ignore the claim. They are required to take the claim seriously. In fact, assuming that the fellow really did make such a claim, and that it is in fact impossible, he'll still spend time in a cell for wasting their time with a hoax.

Lies, damn lies and election polls: Why GE2015 pundits fluffed the numbers so badly


Re: "shy tory"

In the US there was at one time a very strong tendency to tell pollsters to get lost. My dad used to remark when asked for a political view that "there's a reason for secret ballots." His rule was that one should never discuss politics or income in polite company.

Eco-loons hack Thirty Meter Telescope website to help the 'natives'


Volcano God???

You better keep away from Hawaii, otherwise property values could suffer. The deity of vulcanism in Hawaii is Pele, a goddess. She brings an entirely new meaning to "hot" as applied to the concept of "female."

BOFH: Explain? All we need is this kay-sh with DDR3 Cortexiphan ...


Re: Kaysh

"kæʃ which is English" - is also American regionally (as spelled out in IPA). I'm not at all sure where in the US you would hear "keɪʃ", possibly in the central Midwest. There is a good deal of regional variation in pronunciation.


Re: Kaysh

"Cāche is not a mispronunciation, it's the new correct pronunciation! Compare AD-ver-TISE-ment, pre-FERR-able. Do anything wrong enough times, and it becomes right ....."

Ah yes, GBS, "two nations separated by a common language."

Trade body, universities row over US patent troll act proposals


Re: wait wat @YAAC and Gary Cheapiro

A good many of the complaining unies are not public and are not funded through taxes.


Re: wait wat

"- No. When Universities own patents, that's because they did the bloody research. Big difference between them and patent trolls..."

Universities are fictive entities. They don't do creative work. At best they help fund it. So, no there is a "difference" between universities and patent trolls, but not a "big" one.


Re: Inventor based system

Another idea would be to simply ban the sale of patents or copyrights outright. The originator can license reproduction or use, but cannot sell or exclusively license a patent. Corporations funding original work become partially credited with a minority right in patents and copyrights but cannot claim any IP exclusively, because a corporation (a fictive entity) cannot do creative work, since they are fictions. The members of the team creating a patentable development are credited evenly and any licensing fees must be shared between all developing members with any funding entity receving a share of less than - say - 30% of the license fee. Claims by third parties without a documented development role of either creative or funding character are voided. Thus inventors and funders do get a share in any creative work and can never lose their rights, patent trolls are out of business and with an appropriate term limit for both patents and copyrights, creative work is also encouraged.

SPY FRY: Smart meters EXPLODE in Californian power surge



" 'Receptacle' is Americanese for electrical wall sockets. ..."

I don't where that fellow is really from, but "receptacle" is not "Americanese" in California. We call them "outlet" or "socket" if we're being formal and confound them with "the plug" on the end of the electrical cord in daily use - "put the plug in the plug" is occasionally heard. I don't recall ever hearing anyone - except my Canadian grandparents - call a wall socket a "receptacle." The US is big enough that there are regional usages, but still, "Americanese"?

Sony tells hacked gamer to pay for crooks' abuse of PlayStation account

Thumb Down

"So Sony haven't taken anything from you... ???"

They have denied you access to "services" that they agree you DID pay for - since you don't have a copy of your games in your own hot little hands they are storing your specific copy for you, and for which you have agreed tom pay them. Since they DID agree to that, and both you and they agree that you DID pay for those, blocking your account is essentially theft. Neither they nor you are disputing whether you had an account, just a specific purchase. If you consider a utility comparison, which in many ways is what on-line gaming is similar to, suppose you have a gas heater and gas stove (and for whatever luddite reason you chose) you don't have electricity laid in. Your itemized bill one month includes charges for electricity you could not possibly have used.

You contact the utility and they tell you, "well all you say is true, but you still owe us for the electricity. Until you pay us, we are turning off your gas service as well as your electricity."

You respond, "but I don't use electricity. Just gas. Go ahead and turn the electricity off, leave the gas alone."

They, "sorry, until you pay for the electricity, no gas."

That is not capitalism, that is robbery.

Nuclear waste spill: How a pro-organic push sparked $240m blunder


Re: Why not organic kitty litter?

"...If one is covering cat litter with radioactive waste, then, probably, the ecological aspects are less relevant...."

Ah, that would actually be "different" ecological aspects BECOME relevant.

GitHub jammed by injected JavaScript, servers whacked by DDoS


Re: Losing face

"Do you really consider your government an open one who works for the well being of all its citizens ?"

Not hardly. However, ours apparently suffers less from feelings of insecurity or at the very least, hides them better.

Scientists splice mammoth genes into unsuspecting elephant


Re: Animal made from ancient degraded DNA released into the wild

" 'one sequoia generation'

whats that roughly....3,500 years?"

Considerably less. Sequoias are like guinea pigs and can reproduce long before they mature.

Ford: Our latest car gizmo will CHOKE OFF your FUEL if you're speeding


Well there's a relief

At least it can be temporarily overridden. I've been in about three accidents over the course 4 decades of driving and none were due to excess speed. I've dodge a good many potential accidents by hitting the accelerator instead of the brake though. More importantly, it is far less likely to result in a bashed in rear bumper when the person behind you misses your brake lights.

On the lighter side, this would put a whole new - ah - skid(?) on high speed car chases.

IS 'hackers' urge US-based jihadis: 'Wipe yourselves out trying to kill 0.00005 of US forces'


Re: Actually I think el-reg have the point entirely.

"... agreed. I would think Responsible news media would ignore this crap completely. ..."

Which would then leave the story to the Irresponsible media, as it were. There are only so many ways to treat this kind of thing. Terrorists by and large have only one point, and that is located in the bull's eye on the top of their pointy little skulls. They are miserable people who wish to spread their misery and to display for all their monumental ignorance of the history of their own civilization's past. Laughing at them might aggravate them, but what are they going to do, scare us?

Western science, mathematics and chemistry as we know it would not exist without the contributions of medieval Muslim scholars. The reality is that the "past" they hark back to was not ruled by what they think of as Sharia at present. It was instead quite enlightened. Europe was the backwater dominated by religious fanatics. So, these "Muslim" terrorists really want to be more like medieval Christians than like medieval Muslims. How embarrassing is that?

Beer because, for the terrorist, there never is a Miller time. Gitmo awaits.

Nesting falcons interrupt £200m Vodafone 4G mast upgrades


Re: dual purpose

It has been dual purpose ever since the falcons nested there. The problem is changing out antennae to upgrade the hardware. You climb the tower and if the birds fly away, you have "disturbed" them, which violates the law, meaning jail and or a fine for bird bothering. If they get pissed and go after you, you want a good safety net, or a parachute, and health insurance, and since they were pissed at you, you have disturbed them, again violating the law, meaning jail or a fine, after you get out of the hospital.

BOFH: Mmm, gotta love me some fresh BYOD dog roll


Re: Ah, Newcastle Brown

The variety sold in the US has gone downhill to the point that it is nearly indistinguishable in a blind taste test from Budweiser or some of the other fizzy crud passed off as beer by the big brewers.

Post-pub nosh neckfiller: 1.5 MILLION SCOVILLE masala omelette


Re: Sympathy...

Heh, the oil DOES help, until later.

ACLU files new lawsuits in hunt for police 'Stingray' mobe-trackers


Re: ACLU = AssCLowns Unlimited

Lots of folks say this until they need the ACLU behind them. The concept of civil liberty is something lots of folks don't get. They don't seem to understand that the fact that YOU claim a liberty means that YOU are supporting the same rights for others. If you don't admit to that, you are nothing better than a would-be tyrant, since the implicit reasoning is a form of "what's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine as well." You don't have to agree with someone to insist they have the same liberty as you. In fact, if you really want security, then allowing the nut jobs, fundamentalists, and would be oligarchs talking openly provides you with the best early warning system there is. It is one reason that forbidding "hate speech" is stupid. Let a person open their mouth in public and they are publicly known as a jerk. Tell them their right to expression is limited and all they do is hide it where it is more difficult to trace and attribute.

One of the profound misunderstandings that even many law enforcement officers labor under is the idea that they exist to "prevent" crime. They don't. They exist to bring rule breakers to justice. Because of that they often feel entitled to ignore the very rules thy are supposed to be enforcing.

LOHAN test flight: Results in from Oz jury


Re: Units

Mmmmh, no. US units and Imperial units are not the same. An Imperial gallon is about 1/5 larger than a US gallon for instance. Then there is the Iiternational Mile which is .0006 of a foot shorter than the US Statute mile, and (according to Glover's Pocket Reference) the nautical mile and the British mile are the same length, and about 0.15 US Statute miles longer than a US Statute mile. Of course a US fluid ounce is slightly larger than the British fluid ounce. But that potential conversion problem sounds like a good idea. Unit conversion, it is never pretty.