* Posts by Jamie Jones

4306 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jun 2007

Apple tries to have VirnetX VPN patent ruling overturned again, US Supremes say no... again

Jamie Jones Silver badge
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Re: Added value

Is it the £100 Quest Cubot? I got one of those a couple of months ago, and it's far more impressive than I expected (I wanted a waterproof phone that worked, the rest was a nice bonus)

'An issue of survival': Why Mozilla welcomes EU attempts to regulate the internet giants

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: @Jamie Jones

As I said, "many of us think the US is too lax on them"

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: @Jamie Jones

Fair enough. At least you're up front in your opinion.

I don't agree that the EU is applying regulations to slow development. The same regulations apply to non-US companies too, and Facebook and Google would continue to be successful even if there was "global GDPR" - just as EU companies weren't dominant pre GDPR.

The main thing is that the EU is considering the citizen; the US the corporations. I suppose some may think that means the EU is unfair on corporations, but many of us would simply say the US is too lax on them.

To your example, if the EU was just trying to penalise America, then these AI "restrictions" would be a bit of an own goal, no?

Maybe, just maybe, they have been worried -- rightly or wrongly -- by the horror stories (again, relating to personal liberty and privacy)

And do you not care for the search history caching because of the following 3: a) You're not in the US, b) You're able to use a VPN if need be c) You don't regularly search for feet fetishes in your local area? (*) Would you feel the same way if 2 out of 3 of those weren't true?

(*) If you do actually search for foot-fetishes in your local area, apologies, it was just an example, I'm not judging you! :-)

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: @Jamie Jones

Hmmm. What? EU rules don't restrict you using your data for what you want, they restrict what others can do with your data without your permission.

I really hope you're not saying that "our data is better in the US because there, everyone else is free to do what the hell they like with it."

There's that story only this week on US ISPs claiming that restricting their ability to sell your web searches is against their freedom of speech... You agree?

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: @Jamie Jones

I don't understand your question!

Jamie Jones Silver badge

If you're in the UK, you won't have to worry about GDPR for much longer!

Google is already moving UK data to the USA thanks to Brexit.

The recent Cloud Act in the US, however, is expected to make it easier for British authorities to obtain data from US companies. Britain and the US are also on track to negotiate a broader trade agreement.

Beyond that, the US has among the weakest privacy protections of any major economy, with no broad law despite years of advocacy by consumer protection groups.

Google has amassed one of the largest stores of information about people and uses the data to tailor services and sell advertising.

Google could also have had British accounts answer to a British subsidiary, but has opted not to do so.


Duped into running bogus virus scans at Office Depot? Dry your eyes with a small check from $35m settlement

Jamie Jones Silver badge
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Thanks! That's a great explanation.

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Whilst it's nice that for a change all the money isn't going to the lawyers, how can it be justified that those ripped off $300 only get $64 back? It's not as if the company has gone bust..

Or is it simply a case that they'd have to file a separate complaint? If so, well, I would have thought the FTC should have made sure all customers were properly reimbersed .. And Office Depot should have at least tried to reduce the bad PR.

Apple drops a bomb on long-life HTTPS certificates: Safari to snub new security certs valid for more than 13 months

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: I understand

Fair enough.

You're right, we can't assume everyones requirements can fit into the usage-model presented.

Still, no-one said that setting up your secret base under an old extinct volcano would be easy! Anyway, how are the world-domination plans going? Do I still get Europe, as agreed?

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: I understand

It is also beneficial for automated renewals if it breaks sooner rather than later, because if your renewal script is broken then finding out sooner is far better than finding out after 12 months when everyone involved has either moved on or forgotten about the project.

Off topic, but when I started my last job, every few months or so, some weird cron script would run unexpectedly, and usually mess something up (or not be noticed), and no-one would have any idea what it was about.

It turned out, the staff had always been taught "If putting in a one off cron job, don't just set the hour and minute start time, because it will run again the next day if you don't have a chance to cancel it in time. Also, set the day of month and month of year fields so that you have plenty of time to revert the change".

Of course, the thing you describe inevitably happened regularly.

I soon got that changed.

Jamie Jones Silver badge
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Re: I understand

Thanks.. I don't even recall which version it's running... Maybe I should check sometime!

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: I understand

I too can see the good behind this, but I'm concerned that this is basically being forced on everyone due to Apples whim.

Same with google. Whatever either decides to do, others are forced to follow. Couldn't they at least pretend to get it to go through a standardisation process like Google does?

As for lets-encrypt - I set it up for someone almost a year ago, and haven't had to get involved since. The renewals are automated.

Hey, Brits. Your Google data is leaving the EU before you are: Hoard to be shipped from Ireland to US next month

Jamie Jones Silver badge


Dear "jaffa99" (I presume that's your real legal name?),

Please post your phone number so we can have a chat. Better still, your address - I will send you a postcard!

Incidentally, what are your bank account details again?

Chrome deploys deep-linking tech in latest browser build despite privacy concerns

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: See replies below

It's not security that the problem, it's privacy. If you email a link with embedded Scroll To, the full URL goes through the internet to the server, thereby announcing to said server the true sub-content that you are specifically interested in.

No it doesn't. The browser never sends anything past the "#" to the server. It has no need to anyway - the same page is pulled in regardless of where the users "cursor" is placed, just the same as with traditional anchors.

If a browser does send anything after the "#", it's buggered!

Check the links I've already posted.

Jamie Jones Silver badge

No problem!

There is more information on the format and syntax here: https://github.com/bokand/ScrollToTextFragment

Jamie Jones Silver badge

"Consider a situation where I can view DNS traffic (e.g. company network), and I send a link to the company health portal, with #:~:text=cancer," he wrote. "On certain page layouts, I might be able [to] tell if the employee has cancer by looking for lower-on-the-page resources being requested."

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

1) DNS traffic has nothing to do with it.

2) If he really means "URLs", then, there is no issue, as the anchor text is never sent as part of the URL (it's dealt with internally)

3) If his scenario was possible, it would be possible with or without this new feature.

Jamie Jones Silver badge

No. Anchor text is never part of the URL that travels over the network.

The supposed security issues are timing attacks: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YHcl1-vE_ZnZ0kL2almeikAj2gkwCq8_5xwIae7PVik/edit#heading=h.uoiwg23pt0tx

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: Errrr.....

It is just in the browser. The supposed security issue are related to timing attacks coupled with JS, but I personally think if that's a thing, this new linking ability is the wrong place to fix it.


Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: It's there to allow Google to send more specific search results.


1) Google etc. will already know what you've searched for.

2) The anchor text is dealt with internally on the browser, and is not part of the request that goes over the network.

Now Internet Society told to halt controversial .org sale… by its own advisory council: 'You misread the community mindset around dot-org'

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: The bloody obvious

Ah.. I see what you're saying.. Well, hopefully those changes happen. It would be a shame if everything goes to ruin.

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: The bloody obvious

> I am not alone in planning to leave ISOC if this transaction goes through.

Why does the success of the transaction matter? Their intent has been shown. If it doesn't go through, it's simply going to be due to the baclkash, or regulation.

Instagram influencer fools followers into thinking Ikea photoshoot was Bali holiday

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: Good grief!

Yes,Absolutely no integrity. They'll just endorse whatever they can get for free, or they get paid for. I don't know how anyone could take them seriously.

Remember the "influencer" who tried to get free accomodation in an Irish hotel, and got called out for it?


Google Chrome to block file downloads – from .exe to .txt – over HTTP by default this year. And we're OK with this

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: Question

So in other words, if I have no control of the site I'm linking to, I'll have to serve *my* site under http?

Backfiring barnacles, google!

Jeff Bezos: I will depose King Trump

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: To be honest ...

Some republicans have been more vocal against trump than the democrats! --> https://youtu.be/ULuC1dsqddY

Oh ****... Sudo has a 'make anyone root' bug that needs to be patched – if you're unlucky enough to enable pwfeedback

Jamie Jones Silver badge

What is somewhat

sudo It's somewhat amusing to

sudo see people who

sudo bang on about the

sudo insecurities of "su"

sudo but the procede to run

sudo just above every command

sudo preceded by sudo.

EU tells UK: Cut the BS, sign here, and you can have access to Galileo sat's secure service

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: Ha

You're kidding, right?

A US "deal" would be the final nail in our coffin.

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: foot, shot.


The unelected GNSS/EU was a dictatorship that forced us to do everything its evil socialist fascist globalist nationalist leaders wanted. At no point did we have any say, which is why we've taken our sovereignty back!

What do you mean we are less sovereign under Boris's plans than we were when we were in the EU?


Besides, you can't change my mind. I don't even know what soverignty means. But we got it back, so that's good. It's the will of the people after all. We got brexit done.


At last, the fix no one asked for: Portable home directories merged into systemd

Jamie Jones Silver badge
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Re: The way forward

Yeahbut ... the fanbois on /. have never been known as the movers & shakers of the Linux world, now have they? Or any other world, for that matter. Legends in their own minds they are.

Yes, fair point. I did make it sound more prevalent than it actually was.

Flash was always an accident waiting to happen. Some may have lusted after it on their platform of choice, but not anybody with clues.

Horrible software, yes, but often needed back then for a lot of web sites. *shudder* Remember those sites that had all their navigation links in a flash or java applet? ! arrrgh!

"someone commenting on some forum" is rather vague.

Why would non-windows-or-linux users have cared enough about either to actually remember fanboi comments some 20 years later?

Yes, it was vague, because it was so long ago!

Back then, I used to maintain the FreeBSD port of the linux flash plugin, and as such, used to track updates and chase issues on the macromedia linux-flash forums.... Also, I've got good memory :-)


Jamie Jones Silver badge
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Re: The way forward

Well, that may explain it, then. I never bothered to read about Windows-only software. I will suggest, though, that the Linux people who did this are a serious minority and not at all representative of the attitude of the Linux community in general. We are talking about /. after all.

True, you're right there. slashdot is like mumsnet for geeks!

I shouldn't have impled it was more common than it was

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: The way forward

You couldn't escape it on slashdot about 20 years ago. Everytime someone commented on some great new software (that was on Windows only) there would be a huge bunch of replies bitching that "the software should be portable". "You should be able to run it on your OS of choice", and "you shouldn't use windows just because some stupid company refuses to support all platforms".

I remember with flash. Linux folks used to keep moaning that flash should be portable, it should be open-source, etc.etc. then when Macromedia released a --binary-- version of flash for Linux, they went quiet.

On more than one occasion, I posted about the viability of flash on FreeBSD (this was before the emulation worked) only to get replies like "If you want to run flash, there's nothing stopping you installing Linux".

The same attitude was used on other people, and regarding other software. - I even recall someone commenting on some forum how to port some linux program to windows, and he got shouted down for "encouraging MS crap", and there is no need to port it, he just needs to use Linux.

It was more noticable if you weren't a windows or linux user, but it was commonplace.

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: My pet theory for this shites existance is that...

...the lead developer is seeking to make his mark on history and he doesn't give a dam' who else gets sacrificed along the way.

Is he related to Farage or Johnson?

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: The way forward

When MS was more dominant, Linux users regularly moaned that software should be portable.

However, from very early on, it was obvious that "portable" meant "runs on Linux" - Stuff written on Linux generally doesn't give a crap about portability.

Jamie Jones Silver badge
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Yes. As also seen with the ALSA/OSS mess

There are already Chinese components in your pocket – so why fret about 5G gear?

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: Manufacturing

The odd "ping" with a few bytes of added payload...

Fake RST packets with added payloads...

But the best, because you don't have to specify a specifc remote server: Hiding data in spurious dns requests!

You spoke, we didn't listen: Ubiquiti says UniFi routers will beam performance data back to mothership automatically

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: Not OK

A much better idea. The other solutions posted here rely on their dns name / ip addresses not changing between updates.

It’s not true no one wants .uk domains – just look at all these Bulgarians who signed up to nab expired addresses

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: And when that golden goose stops laying ...

As long as you say you enjoy "activities with sheep", you'll pass no problem!

Jamie Jones Silver badge
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Re: And when that golden goose stops laying ...

It was "The Guardian" link I mean to post (I hit the Times paywall too.. Googling for a link, then copy/pasting the wrong one!)

Yes, I was also angry at the strong valley support for leaving, especially with all the EU help for the old mining communities.

And London has always skimped on us.

I'm in Gower, which voted remain (just!) . These were some of the payments from the EU just for the swansea area:

EU Investment around Swansea

£72M/year for Farmers

EU Support for Farming

In 2017, the EU invested £72,089,747 to support 5,408 farmers around Swansea.

£22M for Research

EU Support for Research

The EU has invested £22,288,064 to support 87 research projects around Swansea.

£410K for Culture

EU Support for Culture, Creativity and the Arts

The EU has invested £406,074 to support creative projects with partners around Swansea.

£24M for Young People

EU Support through Erasmus+

The EU has invested £24,367,103 to support 190 education, training, youth and sport projects with partners around Swansea.

£290M for Growth and Jobs

EU Support for Employment and the Economy

The EU has invested £290,732,578 to support 51 projects to create jobs around Swansea.

https://www.myeu.uk/ contains details of all EU projects, searchable by area / postcode / interactive map.

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: And when that golden goose stops laying ...

You forgot Wales!

- The Welsh voted to remain, English residents swung it https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/wealthy-english-blow-ins-swung-welsh-brexit-vote-r3qkpmnn3.

- Also, the Welsh Assembly rejected the withdrawal bill - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-51181641.

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: And when that golden goose stops laying ...

Awww, the youth of today!

(I'm sure I'm not the only one here who used to have a .gb email address! [ it mapped to the x400 system we had where I worked some time last centuary ] )


Boris celebrates taking back control of Brexit Britain's immigration – with unlimited immigration program

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: Good, good.

The big problem is that people are more likely to vote for a change. In other words, those who are happy with the ways things are are less likely to vote to keep them the same.

It's a tricky subject.

(Though it's ironic the number of times I've heard brexitters say that Scotland voted to remain in the UK, when the percentage of the vote was the same (52% leave, 48% remain))

The UK government set a minimum threshold on the Scotish referendum. They didn't on the brexit referendum because it was clearly put into law as an advisory referendum.


Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: Immigration

"This is an interesting problem I have pointed out plenty times. I have friends from the EU and they are happy they can come over and get office jobs etc. The same rights do not extend to my friends from the rest of the world. Most of my friends have come here on student visa then managed to stay but one of my friends particularly would be here tomorrow if she had the rights of my EU friends."

That sucks for her, I agree, and I don't disagree with any of your comment, but the EU said nothing about our non-EU immigration policy. The solution (that is still needed) is to reform the non-EU immigration rules. There's nothing in the governments bold new plan that couldn't have been done without restricting our freedom of movement.

"That is very true. Our gov (see Blair particularly) sold us down the river and left to him we would have the Euro too! The people get a say and we vote leave even with the opt outs we had. The buck now stops with our gov (they cant blame the EU) and the incentive to sell us down the river has been removed."

Well, while Blair wanted to join the Euro, it depended on the "five economic tests" being passed, and as only one ever was, he didn't persue it, so it's unfair to say we'd have the Euro if Blair had his way.

Still, I agree with the rest of your comment.. But I bet you the government (whatever government of the day) will still try to blame the EU! :-)

Many of us are watching closely to make sure the government don't sell us down the river to America!

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: I can't wait

Yep, crying like a little bitch is just my way of release - it's something I follow closely, and have been active in.

As an opposite-example, we'll be affected by the choice of future Labour leader. As I'm not a Labour party member, I've got no say in the selection process, and as such, I'm not bitching about the candidates / process, because I'm not following the news on it at all. When someone is chosen, then I'll get to it again!

More importantly..... WInter?? I literally had my aircon on last night, it was so hot ( [Old] South Wales). I was out and about in town today wearing shorts, T-shirt, and sandals. Seriously!

Worlds gone mad, I tell you! But anyway, cheers! You have a good one too!

Jamie (Ex EU-Citizen)

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: I can't wait


You forgot "Stay, cry like a little bitch, and work to change the system to make life better for everyone"

All work and no play makes ...etc.

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: Immigration

Mixed messages? Control of our own borders to allow the people we want here vs every man and his dog from the promised land?

Don't come out with Daily Mail bollocks like that. You know exactly that the majority of immigants have been non-EU, and thus nothing to do with Brexit, and you know that we could have evicted EU cirizens that weren't pulling their weight, but our governments chose not to.

You know the truth. You know we know the truth. You know that you're not talking to a brain-dead bunch of racists in some scummy pub somewhere. You're therefore trolling. Stop it. You're better than that. (I even upvoted you earlier! :) )

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Re: I can't wait

If that's not sarcasm, that's nice of you to say so, but i'm struggling to see it.

However well things go, we'll still be held back by a self-induced disablity.

Even the Brexitters mantra now is "we can make it not as bad as it could be". The land of eternal riches is now too far fetched even for them.

Google promises next week's cookie-crumbling Chrome 80 will only cause 'a very modest amount of breakage'

Jamie Jones Silver badge
Thumb Up

Re: What am I missing here?

Ahhh, so if I'm Joe-Nicey, and I run a website with adverts I hope are legitimate, I can ensure third party ad-companies I use don't play fast-and-loose with the GDPR...

Thanks, I didn't think of that!

Jamie Jones Silver badge

What am I missing here?

So, they've added the requirement for a certain header. All Joe-Nasty needs to do is set that header in their html, and "normal" service will be resumed?

Apart from making people jump through google-hoops, what does this achieve?

Not call, dude: UK govt says guaranteed surcharge-free EU roaming will end after Brexit transition period. Brits left at the mercy of networks

Jamie Jones Silver badge

Silly them. Otherwise, get an EU SIM for use abroad, just as we used to do.

Thanks for your helpful advice on "Not making brexit as bad as it would otherwise be" - a much less catchy - but more honest - catchphrase than "Project Fear", which I'm sure you just used ironically...

BT: UK.gov ruling on Huawei will cost us half a billion pounds over next 5 years

Jamie Jones Silver badge


So, does this 35% restriction mean that Huawei is "35% safe", or are they shoe-horning in other trade restrictions that barely seem to have been noticed, and would have caused far more uproar if it wasn't for the security theatre?

After all, Trumps real issue has been about trade not security - what if the UK and Trump planned this all along? "How to restrict the use of Huawei stuff to a third without anyone calling foul"?

I was far less cynical when I first heard the announcement earlier this week... Now I'm back to being a grumpy old git.