* Posts by Blank Reg

1091 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jun 2011

Half of developers still at screens even during breaks

Blank Reg

"Actually talking with fellow humans did not make the top five"

That's likely because most people aren't worth talking to

Twitter buyout: Larry Ellison bursts into Elon's office, slaps $1b down on the desk

Blank Reg

Re: Larry

of course not every investment works out. But I've seen too many stupid ideas and obvious scams such as Theranos get funding while worthwhile projects get ignored. I've met with enough VCs to know that most aren't qualified to judge whether technical claims are feasible, yet they are the ones handing out the cash.

Blank Reg

Re: Customer support

Just one more bubble to add to the pile of the crypto, nft, stock market and housing bubbles. The one we really need to burst is the stupidity bubble as it's the cause of most of the other bubbles

Blank Reg

Re: "be less strict in content moderation"

If filtering out blatant, harmful lies and hateful speech is blocking you from expressing your ideological world-view then the problem isn't with the moderators.

Blank Reg

Re: Larry

Smart investor? He invested in Theranos. I had been working with some biosensor researchers around the time Theranos came on the scene and it seemed like BS from the start. It sounded far too good to be true, and we all know how that turned out

Blank Reg

Re: Whose money?

Tesla stock likely will tank at some point. They sell poorly designed, poorly built cars with shifty software. it's highly unlikely that it will ever grow to outsell the 10 biggest car manufacturers combined, and that's what would need to happen to justify the current valuation. We already see plenty of other electric cars that are better than Telsas in every way, and they will only get better.

Blank Reg

Re: Dickheads?

And also a con man. this whole thing seems to be another way ro sell more Tesla shares while it is still over valued by about 100x without causing it to tank too much.

First he held a Twitter poll to sell shares to distract from the real reason he wanted to sell. Now he sells shares to buy twitter, But then digs up more investors after the fact so that he can hang on to his money and let others waste theirs.

US judge dismisses Republican efforts to block release of Salesforce emails

Blank Reg

Re: There is a lesson here...

But the Space Force might be able to get to it. Luckily you could always have one of the Jewish space lasers "accidentally" zap your satellite

Blank Reg

Re: One option

From the basement of a pizza place with no basement

Don't hate on cryptomining, hate the power stations, say Bitcoin super-fans

Blank Reg

You're ignoring the massive resources that go in to making all the gear used in mining, and the buildings housing all that gear.

Oracle offers migration path for Solaris 10 apps

Blank Reg

Re: With a small tweak

That shouldn't be a surprise really given their primary markets were telecom and finance, both markets that bleed cash for every second of downtime.

Elon Musk flogs $8.4bn of Tesla shares amid Twitter offer drama

Blank Reg

Re: 60% chance of failure

There is another possible outcome. Tesla drops by another 87% to get down to a reasonable valuation. Then his collateral for the purchase isn't nearly enough to cover the loan and the banks take over Twitter.

MIT's thin plastic speakers fall flat. And that's by design

Blank Reg

Re: PET indeed

they only go down to 100hz, so it can't cancel out a lot of the low end noise that you hear on a plane

US Army may be about to 'waste' up to $22b on Microsoft HoloLens

Blank Reg

Re: It's not wasted

right now the best use of this money would be to provide Ukraine with anything they need to push the Russians out, and that includes pushing them out of Crimea. If they end up in a substantially worse position than before the war then we may finally be rid of that Putin asshole

Crooks steal NFTs worth '$3m' in Bored Ape Yacht Club heist

Blank Reg

it seems that the average intelligence on this planet has plummeted in the last decade or so.

Elon Musk set to buy Twitter in $44b deal, promises stuff

Blank Reg

Re: "Authenticate all humans"?

I don't think he's smart enough to be a supervillian, maybe just your generic run of the mill villian

Blank Reg

Re: Popcorn time

Given his many stupid decisions in the past, we can likely expect more of the same once he has his hand on Twitter.

Putin reaches for nuclear option: Zuckerberg banned

Blank Reg

Re: Might as well add me.

I don't recall the visa requirements, but going to the local Russian consulate was like time traveling 50 years into the past. I don't think it had been redecorated since the 70s. The staff were so slow and it was obvious that they couldn't care less about their job or getting things done in a timely manner.

Getting a visa for China on the other hand was simple and fast.

British motorists will be allowed to watch TV in self-driving vehicles

Blank Reg

Re: Clippy behind the wheel

We're a long way off from AI being able to deal with the many more subtle aspects of driving that we do without even thinking about it. You can often tell in an instant whether that driver next to you is a timid driver afraid of everything or a complete asshole who is going to cut in front if you at the first opportunity. Drivers also communicate nonverbally with each other all the time, and not just with the middle finger, AI can't do that

Billionaires see wealth double during pandemic as tech bros lead the charge

Blank Reg

Mackenzie Scott (Bezos' ex) seems to be doing a good job with her share of Amazon

Blank Reg

No, the vast majority if their "wealth" is not in circulation, it doesn't even exist, not until they sell their shares and spend the money.

Blank Reg

Many now use a very simple tax dodge of having little or no income. Instead they just borrow against the valuation of their overpriced shares and live off of that. With interest rates at stupidly low levels for so long it costs them very little in interest.

DARPA says US hypersonic missile is ready for real world

Blank Reg

Re: Missile Gap

hitting a hard dense object at mach 5 is likely to put a big hole in their missle, you just somehow need to be able to get enough of them in the way to ensure a collision

Web3 'contains the seeds of a dystopian nightmare' says analyst firm

Blank Reg

Re: Good report

Surely a sign that the end is nigh

Dems propose privacy-respecting digital dollar

Blank Reg

I wouldn't even go that far. A wallet has far fewer failure modes than any electronic device.

Blank Reg

The technology already exists as stored value cards. Years ago I even implemented a version that ran on feature phones using Java ME. peer to peer transactions with no middleman. It's fine for low value transactions, but how much are you willing to risk storing on such a device?

HP finance manager went on $5m personal spending spree with company card

Blank Reg

not necessarily, some used vehicles are selling for more than a new one because the wait for a new one can be many months long

Sealed, confidential IBM files in age-discrimination case now public to all

Blank Reg

Re: Experience

"They view new ideas with too much skepticism rather than taking a balanced view and giving new ideas and approaches a fair shot."

The problem is that so many of these "new" ideas are just a repackaging of something we've already abandoned in the past, but it seems new to those that are new to the field.

Oxidation-proof copper could replace gold, meaning cheaper chips, says prof

Blank Reg

Re: Effect on copper prices

sure it would still be tiny versus the price of gold, but a 10x increase in the price of copper would have a huge impacts on the cost of electronics, electric motors, generators etc.

Blank Reg

Re: Some hope for humanity?

Right now one well targeted death could bring the deaths due to war number down

Half of bosses out of touch with reality, study shows

Blank Reg

Re: Bollocks statistics

Exactly, my WFH day sometimes starts as early as 4am and ends as late as midnight. That doesn't mean I've put in a 20 hour day, On such days I might very well have stopped working by 9 am and picked up again sometime later in the day

Blank Reg

Re: And the other half will follow...

Being a year one Gen X I'm almost a boomer, but I've been working from home since the last Millenium and have no intention to ever change that

Any company that hasn't worked out how to handle remote employees by now probably shouldn't still be in business.

Salesforce sued in attempt to block release of Capitol riot info

Blank Reg

Re: Buttery males

The republicans basically advertise all their misdeeds through such projection. Pretty much any time they accuse someone without any facts to back them up it's because they themselves are doing the same thing.

That's why so many are adamant that elections are rigged. They always try to rig elections so the concept of a politician running for office and not trying to rig an election just never crosses their feeble little corrupt minds

Blank Reg

Re: Buttery males

Or by having Daddy pay off the right people to make the problem go away

Ukraine invasion: We should consider internet sanctions, says ICANN ex-CEO

Blank Reg

Re: It's over

There should be nothing controversial in saying fascists/nazis/war is bad. if those are controversial to you then you are the problem.

Blank Reg

Re: It's over

what you call "woke" i call trying not to be an asshole. For some that is apparently too great of a challenge

Sony Interactive Entertainment pulls PlayStation from Russia

Blank Reg

Re: War ... huh ... what is it good for?

When the people repeatedly put an asshole in charge then they eventually suffer the consequences

Russia mulls making software piracy legal and patent licensing compulsory

Blank Reg

Re: It's cloudy out there

I believe somewhere in Russia they are still making vacuum tubes so they have the option to go really old school with their home grown computers

Blank Reg

Re: Yay!

Putin getting his ass kicked by the Ukrainians and the sanctions could act as a deterrent to any move by China against Taiwan.

Sure we would feel the pain of sanctions much more than we do the Russian sanctions, but that shouldn't deter us if the need arises.

Russia acknowledges sanctions could hurt its tech companies

Blank Reg

Re: So....

As many of the planes are leased from manufacturers outside of Russia, and the Russian airlines will no longer be able to pay for the leases then you can expect those planes to be seized as soon as they land almost anywhere outside of Russia and their few remaining allies

Internet backbone Cogent cuts Russia connectivity

Blank Reg

Re: Don’t forget Pooh Bear in all of this

China very much likes having the world as its customer, not having a world would really put a damper on economic growth.

Blank Reg

Re: Difficult choice to make

The difference is that North Koreans have led a crap existence for so long that they don't know how good it could be. Russians know what life could be like and they won't like having their standard of living plummet to something like the old Soviet days, or worse.

Blank Reg

Re: Difficult choice to make

If the sanctions keep turning former billionaire oligarchs into millionaires, or hopefully, but unlikely thousandaires, then one of them will find the easiest solution is to be rid of Putin for good.

Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla agree on something: Make web dev lives easier

Blank Reg

Re: Keep It Simple, Stupid.

All the web developer bootcamp graduates can't be helping matters. They seem to learn how to do web development and nothing else, no background in basic computer science principles.

Maybe that's why so many don't realize that Javascript is a steaming pile of crap or that the entirety of the web development ecosystem is an abomination. It's a house of cards built on quicksand.

BitConnect boss accused of $2.4bn crypto-Ponzi fraud has disappeared

Blank Reg

Re: Sounds legitimate

Unless you're short selling, then the sky is the limit

Ukraine asks ICANN to delete all Russian domains

Blank Reg

They can lie all they want, but most people who aren't already brain dead will question why Russia "liberating" a country would result in skyrocketing prices, a crashing economy and empty store shelves.

Blank Reg

One of the goals of the sanctions is to make the ordinary Russian citizens (and the oligarchs) realize that continuing to support this kleptocracy is probably not in their best interests.

I had been in favour of cutting them off from the internet entirely, but I have a different idea now. Any connection coming out of Russia will be redirected to a Russian language news site giving them the actual facts of what is going on

Apple seeks patent for 'innovation' resembling the ZX Spectrum, C64 and rPi 400

Blank Reg

Re: Size of a real keyboard?

If you don't allow Apple to patent already existing ideas then they wouldn't get to file many patents at all.

Russia is the advanced persistent threat that just triggered. Ready?

Blank Reg

The UN could encourage further domestic trouble for Putin by declaring that any region of Russia that wishes to break away will be immediately recognized as a legitimate independent country., unless they would rather join some other country.

Why should Putin be the only one that can unilaterally decide what land belongs to which country?

Ukraine seeks volunteers to defend networks as Russian troops menace Kyiv

Blank Reg

Re: Google Docs form

Having worked with Russians for over a decade I can tell you not one of them supports this. All their facebook profiles are now flying the Ukrainian flag

I expect any supporters of this invasion are likely old people feeling nostalgic for the old USSR