* Posts by Constitution First

2 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jun 2011

Earth may be headed into a mini Ice Age within a decade

Constitution First

Excellent post, but with these additions...

The only missing component is, motivation.

Ask yourself, why are this environMENTALLY religious fanatics making such outrageous accusations and even more insane "solutions"?

Money, Power, Control.

And by control, I mean Societal Control; control of what people eat, what they drive, where they live, what they do for labor, how and how much energy they are allowed to use.

The stakes are much, much higher than you're being allowed to read in the Malfeasant Media. When you control the peoples energy, and you control the world and all it's wealth my friend.

Constitution First

The Sun drives both the weather and life.

You ideological dog's tail is wagging your ideological dog.

The Sun is the driver of weather and life, CO2 is a trace gas contributing to, but not the chief component of, heat retention.

If you can't understand the Sun is the driver of weather and the giver of life, than it is rather pointless to discuss this issue with you.