* Posts by User McUser

703 publicly visible posts • joined 6 May 2011


Open Rights Group revives 'unavailable for legal reasons' HTTP error code plan

User McUser

Additional new errors

42 - Question unavailable (still calculating.)

007 - File has been designated "For Your Eyes Only."

22 - Request denied; you clearly requested it.

747 - Resource is in holding pattern. Please retry your request later.

88 - Resource unavailable due to time travel. Please retry your request sooner.

420 - Server reports "Munchies" (file has been eaten, even tried multi.)

666 - Resource busy being tortured. Please retry in: ∞ years.

Week's Headlines?

User McUser

Week's Headlines?

WTF happened to the "Week's Headlines" page?

It used to be just text headlines, grouped by day of publishing, and showed ALL the articles from the last 7 days, not just whatever weird subset it's showing now.

Rabble rabble rabble!

DON'T PANIC: Amazon's Chromecast late-ship email was a blunder

User McUser

Re: It's cool beans

"The attraction is not what you seem to think it is."

OK I'll bite, what is the attraction for you then?

"[...] so it isn't like you are going to talk anybody out of buying it before everybody knows how amazing it is."

Ummm, I wasn't trying to. I don't begrudge other people for buying a Chromecast nor do I wish to prevent them from doing so if they want, I just don't personally understand the attraction.

User McUser

At least it's cheap?

Chromecast seems like the latest thing people don't understand but desperately want for reasons they can't articulate. Usually this is Apple's line, but Google can play that game too apparently.

Myself, I don't see the attraction. But then again I've had an HTPC for about 8 years, so getting Internet things (web pages, streaming video, etc) on my TV isn't much of a novelty.

PEAK iPAD: Slab looking a bit peaky, needs big biz to take more tablets

User McUser

Re: Lack of Office a negative ?

"If you've used 2012 Office [...]"

Then you're either from a parallel reality or using knock-off software.

Chrome, Firefox blab your passwords in a just few clicks: Shrug, wary or kill?

User McUser

This is why...

the first setting I turn off on a new browser install is "remember passwords" and why I won't log in to anything on a friend's browser outside of that browser's porn mode.

A password is a secret, and if two people know something, then it isn't a secret any longer. Especially when the second person is your web browser.

Obligatory related XKCD link: http://www.xkcd.com/1200/

Super-SVELTE BLUSH-PINK planet goes too far with star

User McUser

"Probably because not everyone knows what 'au' means."

Right, because God forbid anyone have to *learn* anything.

User McUser

Unit of Measure

"30 times further out than the Earth"

Why not just say "30 au" and be done with it?

US feds: 'Let's make streaming copyrighted content a FELONY'

User McUser

The Task Force [calls] for Congress to enact legislation

Whew, I was worried for a minute there...

Mobe networks hacked phones to fix SIM hijack flaw, says bug-finder

User McUser

So if the flaw is fixed...

Then why not release the details of the exploit?

Microsoft cuts Surface Pro price by $100

User McUser

People seem to like them once they buy them

I know several people (who know absolutely nothing about computers) that bought a Surface Pro. They really seem to like them a lot as I have only heard positive comments.

It's only the IT folk I know (me included) that belittle and malign the devices.

Buy a household 3D printer, it'll pay for itself in months!

User McUser

Re: What a lot of rubbish.

"the terminator from T2 couldn't form complex shapes and machines [...] but the one in T3 could."

*pushes glasses up* Actually, T3's "T-X" is a hybrid of a Series 900 chassis surrounded with the mimetic-polyalloy of the T-1000. The advanced weapons are built into the base chassis and the polyalloy allows it to imitate human appearance for infiltration. (See also: http://terminator.wikia.com/wiki/Series_T-X)

Facebook: 'Don't worry, your posts are SECURE with us'

User McUser

"how to upgrade users to secure connections 'in flight' if they happened to navigate to a Facebook page from an insecure link."

RedirectMatch (.*)$ https://facebook.com$1

Boy, that sure was hard...

How did Microsoft get to be a $1.2bn phone player? Hint: NOT Windows Phone

User McUser
Thumb Up

"But not a phone, apparently."

Actually, you're correct. I never owned a cell phone prior to getting a friend's used iPhone in 2009 and I make less than 10 minutes worth of voice calls a month. I would get data-only service if I could.

User McUser

"it's just a handful of apps that customers really want and are eager to use."

I agree. All I ever wanted from a smartphone is an Internet connection with Web, Email, and SSH apps. The rest is either fluff or nice to have, but not required.

You're 30 years old and your PIN is '1983'. DAMMIT, biz mobe user

User McUser

"Healthcare leads all industries, enforcing passwords on 97 per cent of their devices. The public sector comes a close second, requiring an alphanumeric or complex passcode on 18 per cent of their devices."

This must be some new definition of "a close second" that I was not aware of.

NSA security award winner calls for hearings into agency's conduct

User McUser

Oh They Are, Are They?

"Companies [...] collect large amounts of data [...] but such commercial systems are opt-in"

Odd, I don't recall ever giving corporations permission to collect my data...

Mozilla ponders blinkers for your browser

User McUser

Re: No

"Did I miss something?"

Yes you did. FF23 removes this setting for some reason or another.


Seems like a dick move to me, but there are plenty of add-ons to overcome it.

User McUser

Re: No

"Like there is for JavaScript?"

Ker-blam: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/quickjs/

For pity's sake: DON'T MOVE to the COUNTRY if you want to live

User McUser

Re: For pity's sake: DON'T MOVE to the USA if you want to live

This seems apropos: http://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=3020


User McUser

Re: No Lightening Then???

It has rained many a time on Earth without the presence of lightning; same as well for snow fall.

Also, "lightening" is making something less dark or reducing its weight. Lightning is that which Mighty Zeus lets forth from the heavens and/or YHWH uses to smite the wicked. (Or so I am told.)

Laser-wielding boffins develop ETERNAL MEMORY from quartz

User McUser

Re: Storage Crystals

Any imperfections in the recording are likely a result of the explosion that destroyed Vreenak's shuttle craft.

Dell warns stockholders that Icahn's plan would 'hamstring' company

User McUser

I hope Carl fails

I *really* don't want to have to start buying HP desktops at work...

AT&T's adds 'Next' plan to allow phone, tablet trade-ins after one year

User McUser

"Basically, this move puts AT&T into the same sort of class as those rent-to-own stores and payday loan companies."

So you're saying it's a move *up* for AT&T...

Malware-flingers do it back-to-front : scaM snaps, spans Macs

User McUser

I thought it was pretty obvious...

When the computer backwards-asks you if want to run a program, click the "No" button.

Forget Snowden: What have we learned about the NSA?

User McUser

Misleading Article Title

For an article titled "Forget Snowden: What have we learned about the NSA?" there sure was a whole lot of text talking about his activities and statements. The word "Snowden" appears 22 times in the article, but "NSA" only 14 times.

Still enjoyed the article, I'm just saying...

'Clippy' coup felled by Microsoft twitterati

User McUser

I am pretty sure that what you see in that photo is a costume given its apparent size and arm holes.

And that horrifies me beyond words.

Snowden: US and Israel did create Stuxnet attack code

User McUser

Re: "most trusted services in the world if they actually desire to do so."

"9/11/01 was thirteen years ago."

My good sir, if you subtract 2001 from 2013 I believe you'll find that the answer is 12.

Apple: Ta for blowing £££s on apps, fanbois. Now we've set them FREE

User McUser

Re: I like it when some non-name-blogger calls me an idiot ...

I knew what he meant, but I was being a little pedantic and a lot sarcastic in my reply. However, El Reg doesn't have an icon for that...

User McUser

Re: I like it when some non-name-blogger calls me an idiot ...

His name is Jasper Hamill, it's right up there in the slug line... Also I'm pretty sure that El Reg moderates articles, though they probably prefer to call it "Editorial Control" or something suitably newsy.

Where is the indignant eye-roll icon?

Apple's new data center to be solar powered, 100% green

User McUser

I disagree...

Night not withstanding, they get an awful lot of sunlight over there.


Yahoo! announces last hurrah of ancient AltaVista search

User McUser

Re: Performance

Mainly? Publishing breathless, gossipy headlines (like "Dog finds Bizarre Object in Colon?" or "There's A Monster at the End of this Article!") designed to cajole/trick you into clicking on the article and drive ad revenues.

Other than that, Email, Web search, postponing Google's anti-trust suit, and giving Bing users something to be smug about.

FTC tells Google and pals: Not labelling ads properly is 'deceptive'

User McUser

Re: Doesn't everybody do this already?

"There could and perhaps should be a Firefox plug-in to change the FFF7EC to something a bit more contrasty to the white FFFFFF."

There is such an add-on, it's called "Color That Site!"


I found it to be a little confusing to use at first but after a short while I was able to shift the Yahoo! advertising div layer background color from #FAFAFF to something much darker and more obvious.

BBC-featured call centre slapped with hefty fine for unwanted calls

User McUser

Re: Just so you know....

> NES Property Investments Limited

Do you have thier number? I've been thinking of getting a summer home in Hyrule or the Mushroom Kingdom...

First look: iOS 7 for iPad

User McUser


Clearly you remember Geocities differently than I do...

US Supremes: Human genes can't be patented

User McUser

Re: cDNA

Text to speech already exists, so prior art would invalidate your speaking machine patent. Similarly, speech to text also already exists so ditto on that.

Reading a work aloud is considered a "performance" of the work. A recording of said performance could be copyrighted separately from the original work, even if the original work is in the Public Domain. (This is how Disney owns the copyright on a number of works that are derived entirely from Public Domain fairy tales.) Should the original source material NOT be Public Domain then unless you obtained the performance rights, your derived work would violate copyright.

A better analogy might be carving a baseball bat out of a log. Nature made the tree branch the log came from, but you made the baseball bat by carving away the wood you didn't want. Arguably a baseball bat would be patentable if you were the first to come up with the idea.

It's also important to note that cDNA is merely patent *eligible* which means (in theory) that it still needs to be novel and useful before a patent is awarded. (I know, I know, US Patent office, etc... You can all stop sniggering now.)

Apple unveils hints of Monday's new-product announcements

User McUser

"not being able to see at a glance what the weather's like outside my door"

Try opening it...

Gourmet chemists sniff out ultimate cheese on toast

User McUser

Re: @Johnny G

Ah, indeed. I don't believe there is an American equivalent dish to that.

I'm sure plenty of people eat such a thing, but as far as I know there's no special name for it.

User McUser

@Johnny G

"I think in America they call it 'Cheese toast', "

I have never heard that name used, though it could be a regional name, such as the various names for sandwiches on baguette-style bread (Sub, Grinder, Hoagie, and so-forth.)

Assuming "Cheese on Toast" (which sounds like it could be a little hamlet somewhere) is a literal description of the sandwich, we call this a "Grilled Cheese." Generally such a sandwich is "traditionally" made from white bread, buttered on the outside, one or two slices of cheese in the middle (most commonly American or Cheddar), and then heated on a griddle until properly colored (golden brown) and the cheese nicely melted. Often served with tomato soup.

If you stick a hamburger patty and grilled onions in there it's called a "Patty Melt."

BBC boffins ponder abstruse Ikea-style way of transmitting telly

User McUser

Exciting New Product Placement Opportunities

Yes, now you can cram more adverts into every minute of broadcast TV and change them all again and again without having to re-record anything.

We'll swap the generic "cola" can in the first scene for a brand-name, replace the main character's sedan for the new sportier model (complete with glamor shots), and why not also change the location where the characters went on vacation to somewhere that needs a tourism boost?

Cameron eyes 'non legislative options' for more spook snoop powers

User McUser

Re: @User McUser (again)

Not being thick, no... Your point is absolutely correct that they don't know with 100% certainty who is actually talking on the line without eves-dropping on the call. But if a call came from my phone and went to the phone of a murder victim on the night they were murdered, getting the LUDs narrows the scope of who was on either end of that call from everyone with a phone down to a couple dozen people. I'm not exactly sure how this information could be abused, though I am keen to hear suggestions.

My point was that we've had a system that does this in the US for ages (at least since the late 70s that I'm aware) and so far the police haven't yet carted us all off to jail. Maybe the proposed non-legislation in this case *isn't* comparable to the US rule, in which case I will gladly STFU. But from the description I read it seems like exactly the same thing (note that I am inferring/assuming that there will be judicial oversight on the matter.)

User McUser

Re: @User McUser

If you're that concerned about it, I suggest not lending your phone to anyone ever.

User McUser

Re: "when it was made, who made it and when they made it."

"how exactly does plod propose to know _who_ made the call, without listening to the conversation?"

Because the phone company knows. Here in the US it's called a LUD (Line Usage Data) and it lists what phone called what other phone and for how long the call lasted. The police routinely subpoena this information as part of an investigation.

Motorola shows off tattoo and swallowable password hardware

User McUser

"The average user has to sign-on 39 times a day, and it takes them 2.3 seconds a time to do it each time"

Wow, it's a wonder we get anything else done, what with spending a whole 89.7 seconds logging into things each day. Hopefully someone will come up with a highly profitable way to solve this non-problem, perhaps something that stops working after two weeks so you have to constantly buy a new one?</sarcasm>

Where's the indignant eye-roll icon?

Motorola to kick off comeback with US-made Moto X

User McUser

"we have no access to Android code"

Why not?

Here's a hint:

repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest

repo sync

World's richest hobo (Apple) has worked 'tax-free' in Ireland since '80s

User McUser

Re: $15.4 Million per Irishman

Oh, Ahem... Well carry on then.

User McUser

$15.4 Million per Irishman

By my math, $74 Billion divided amongst the 4.8 million residents of Ireland is approximately $15.4 million each.

Now I'm not a tax lawyer (or any kind of lawyer), but I don't see how Apple can possibly claim that *none* of this revenue was from any other country in the world. And even if that's not illegal, it's certainly unethical (eg: lying).

BTW, for comparison, Ireland's GDP is $191.5 Billion.

FLABBER-JASTED: It's 'jif', NOT '.gif', says man who should know

User McUser

The correct pronunciation is "P N G"

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