* Posts by lglethal

3900 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2007

Women reboot gender discrimination lawsuit against Google

lglethal Silver badge

By the way, re-reading my comment it came across far more agressive then planned. Sorry about that!

I know its usually not that simple, but making sure you have clear boundaries helps wonders I find. Though it helps that i have no managerial ambitions and am moving down the "expert" path instead (where your expected to be a cranky old bastard!). If i wanted to go into management, my method would be a harder sell... :)

lglethal Silver badge

Well maybe you should learn some negotiation skills. "Sorry, boss but I'm not paid at a level to do that." Is a line I've said before, pissed off quite a few bosses doing it, but they dont do it more then a couple of times before they learn that I'm not doing there job for them. And when appraisal time comes around, with HR in the room, and if your lucky your bosses boss as well, "Well considering how you wanted me to do managerial work for you, outside of the scope of my contract, I guess that means you think I'm ready for a promotion to a higher level?" or something similar puts your boss in the position of being unable to say that you were not a high performer...

The healing hands of customer support get an acronym: Do YOU have 'tallah-toe-big'?

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Simplify

MAGIC - hmm... Mechanical Aversion to Gits In Cardigans? Massive Ability to Galvanise Insolent Computers?

OK not my best work...

Nebula spotted with more super-sized bodies than a gym on Jan 2nd

lglethal Silver badge


"Do you mean to imply that you can't see a black hole collision coming because you can't see those black holes themselves?"

"Well, the thing about a black hole - its main distinguishing feature - is it's black. And the thing about space, the colour of space, your basic space colour, is it's black. So how are you supposed to see them?"

Meltdown, Spectre: The password theft bugs at the heart of Intel CPUs

lglethal Silver badge
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Re: Can you clarify?

Cheers guys! :)

lglethal Silver badge

Can you clarify?

Can you clarify what you mean by all out-of-order execution Intel processors?

I havent heard that terminology before. Are we talking i3/i5/i7 processors? Or just older processors?

Fetch calls Uber's bluff: See you in court, bros!

lglethal Silver badge

Re: 'Beauty' contest for courts?

<cue appropriate music>

America - Fuck Yeah!

Proposed Brit law to ban b**tards brandishing bots to bulk-buy tickets

lglethal Silver badge

Another suggestion - names of attendee has to be on the ticket (or at least the purchaser of a group of tickets). ID's checked at venue. If your ID doesnt match the name on your ticket or that person isnt in the group then no entry for you sir. Name changes are possible (e.g. purchaser gets ill), but require you to go through an approval process at least 24 hours in advance. Only one name change possible (so if someone has bought a whole bunch of tickets, they cant tout them to individuals only to a group). And no doubt there would be a fee involved in this.

Probably wouldnt completely wipe out touting, but would go a long way towards it... And requiring a name and ID to be associated with each purchase would certainly make some of the touts think twice...

Big shock: $700 Internet-of-Things door lock not a success

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Might be true. Large US Corps do have a history of sh**ty behavior to startups/lone inventors

Or if a firm comes to you saying "we'll buy you but only if you dont obtain more funding in the meantime", doesnt insert there own requirement, that if sale doesnt occur, thew would-be-buying firm will pay $X million dollars as compensation.

It seems someone smelt a giant bonus but switched off their brain in the meantime...

Cohesity loses its cohesion: Now chief beancounter unglues self from upstart

lglethal Silver badge

Sales Engineering - piss off!

Sorry but as an actual engineer, i object to anyone having a title head of sales engineering. Sales is not Engineering, you're a bloody merchant - stop degrading the title Engineer by affixing it to everything!

<End Rant>

Astroboffins say our Solar System could have – wait, stop, what... the US govt found UFOs?

lglethal Silver badge
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Cheers tfb, I thought something must have been off in my calcs! I rounded down to 1E20 because from the pictures it looked like the bubbles they talk about forming solar systems in happened about 2/3 distance from the star so maybe 100 ly away doesnt sound unreasonable...

Still using cgs on galactic scales is just daft! ;)

lglethal Silver badge

OK I read the associated article, and having looked at the images (which for some reason list dimensions in cm!) although there a little blurry so maybe im looking at them wrong (i think its saying 1,44E20 cm on the bottom scale), but it would seem to imply that our solar system was in the order of 10000 light years away from this massive star. That seems a hell of a long way away to have an effect on our proto solar system. I mean thats 10% of the way to the galactic core.

Maybe the scale is logarithmic? I like the idea, and its a good way to explain the discrpancy but something seems off in their numbers. And why in hell would you operate in cm when your talking dimensions in space! Thats just daft!

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Alien UFO's are Real - True / False...

If i remember correctly the UK had a program like this running for decades. Ostensibly not for UFO research but to keep an eye out for German/Russian/whoever the latest boogeyman for the government was aircraft doing research flights over the UK.

The number of reported sightings of unidentified phenomenon dropped off a cliff after the advent and proliferation of camera phones, as now people would film what they saw and, after sobering up the next morning, realise it was a plane, a bird, or just a really cool looking cloud. Nothing to report here...

That's always been the thing with conspiracy theorists despite the proliferation of camera phones and the advent of Youtube, which lets face it is more likely to be the first port of call for any actual footage rather than the local government or plod. Nothing has appeared that shows Alien existence. I think we can take that as writ that at least since camera phones have been around, we most certainly havent had any "visitors".

Long Island Iced Tea Corp renamed itself to Long Blockchain – and its shares went bananas

lglethal Silver badge

A non-alcoholic Long Island Ice Tea?

Isnt that an Oxymoron?

Also wouldnt that just be a coke with lemon?

Danger! High voltage: German customs bods burn half-tonne of weed in power station

lglethal Silver badge

For Americans

How about "Supersize"?

Republican tax bill ready to rescue hard-up tech giants, struggling rich

lglethal Silver badge

Re: "Again I tell you..."

>Trump is obviously doing a great job there. :rolleyes:

Attempting to pin that on Trump...

I was only following your comment Coward - let me Quote it below again:

At least Trump has the spine you are clearly lacking.

So Trump is the reason that the US is safer than Europe according to you. Even though the data proves that's NOT the case. My rolleyes was at the irony of your comment. Sorry i should have known better than to assume an American might understand irony... nevermind.

lglethal Silver badge

Re: "Again I tell you..."

Europe in unable to protect its own citizens

Just for the record there:

Murder rate US - 4.88 per 100,000

Murder rate Europe - 3,0 per 100,000

(source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate).

Trump is obviously doing a great job there. :rolleyes:

lglethal Silver badge

"Tax the hell out of a person so they become dependent on government handouts."

Do you really believe that's how it works in the rest of the world? Wow thats one crazy point of view.

As a uni Student without rich parents I got money (a handout if you like) from the government to help me attend University. After I finished uni i went to work and paid my taxes to cover what i got and to help others in the same position. And I'm fine with that.

I've been unemployed for short periods between Jobs, and received government assistance during those periods. I certainly dont resent paying taxes in order to give other people that same safety net. I also have no problem paying high taxes so that i can attend a doctor whenever I feel ill, and know that if there is something wrong, they will send me to a specialist or organise surgery and I can go ahead without needing to worry about exorbitant medical costs. Hell i got surgery on my shoulder last year and didnt have to pay a cent. I'm also happy that my taxes pay for other people to also have the same care.

I pay approximately 40% of my wages in taxes (and I am nowhere near a high earner). Sure if we had an american style system i could get more money in my pocket, but we live in a Society. And Society is, and should be, judged on how it looks after the weakest among us. If a bit more in my pocket means others are forced to the wall, then thanks but no thanks...

lglethal Silver badge

What was only menitoned very briefly in passing, but probably needs a stronger look at, was that the savings to tax on businesses are permanent, where the tax savings for personal are time limited (until 2025). i.e. after 8 years your taxes will bounce right back up. Coincidently directly after Trump - if he won a second term - would exit the White House. So the following president has to deal with an unhappy electorate as their taxes bounce back to current levels (or probably higher).

Additionally taxes for the lower and middle calass begin to rise from 2021 (so after the next presidential election) - specifically those earning less than 30k/year will be taxed more by 2021, by 2023 those earning 40k/year will be paying more tax then currently and by 2027 everyone on any income will be paying more tax then currently. So you are getting a short tax Holiday before it all comes crashing down.

There is a pretty detailed write up here:


Anyway, enjoy your short term tax cuts Americans, I will happily pay higher levels of tax then any of you to ensure I live in a country with a working medical system and a good social saftey net...

Hacks, bribes and bugs: Uber accused of illegal snooping on rivals

lglethal Silver badge

Re: What bag?

NDA's do not protect against illegal activity. If you do keep quiet about illegal activity, you're an accessory. Saying you couldnt say anything because of an NDA will get you laughed out of court...

lglethal Silver badge

Re: What bag?

"Just to point out, the kinds of activities being alleged against Uber here are not really anything special. Many other ethically challenged large businesses operate similarly.

The difference is that most don't have the information become public."

Lets just be clear here AC, I hope your not saying "Someone else is doing it, so it's ok for Über do have done it!"

If Über did These things, and they are illegal then they should absolutely get taken to the cleaners for it, and People (including Management) should get prison time. If you have Information that other firms are doing the same, then YOU should be talking to the Police.

Saying "shit happens" and giving a firm a free pass because other firms potentially might be doing the same thing is utter bollocks...

Cloud-building alien space rays altered Earth's climate – boffins

lglethal Silver badge

Science is awesome...

I know I end up repeating myself on these science articles, but wow Science is awesome. Who would have thought, that the explosion of a supernova halfway across the galaxy, would have an effect (through those cosmic rays) on our planet and it's cloud formation.

Awesome! Beer for those boffins -->

Ey-up, mardy Rochdale council has dropped plans for ban on swearing. Thank f$ck!

lglethal Silver badge

Little laws created by little people

Anti-social parking? I assume that means parking illegally? Isnt that what you have parking inspectors for? Oh wait, you cut them from the last Budget didnt you? Hmmm... Well I'm sure the Police wont mind being parking inspectors as well. What they want paying for doing that too? And they cost more then a parking inspector? hmmm lets just pass some more laws that doesnt cost any Money does it?

Twitter's not dreaming of a white supremacist Xmas: Accounts nuked

lglethal Silver badge
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Re: Their ideo of racism is probably different from yours...

I will defend your right to have a different opinion and say it even if i disagree with it.

A very fine sentiment and one I agree with in principle, but no Law forces you to share your megaphone at Speakers Corner with that Person who's opinion you disagree with. And thats all twitter is - A Megaphone on Speakers corner. By taking away that megaphone, you are not stopping that Person from shouting out their views even if they can no longer reach the same number of people. You are not violating their rights to freedom of speech. They can still create a Website and espouse there views there. They can create their own twitter like App if they're dedicated or go and use one of the dozen of other alternatives that exist to Twitter. And they do exist. They may not have the reach of twitter, but they are there and they are options.

Twitter feel their brand and their ability to make money is being harmed, so they are entitled to take their megaphone away and only let the people they want to use it. That's Twitter's choice, they spent the money to develop the program, they can do with it what they want. If their choices, make the platform undesirable, People will vote with their feet - remember myspace? Second life? geocities?

Twitter have made the call that extremists who call for violence or celebrate violence have no place on their megaphone, it's their call to make. Free speech is not impinged here, just the belief among those who spout support for violence that they have a god given right to spew their bile from whatever Megaphone they wish. Hopefully, this might cure them of this Notion. but i doubt it.

Barclays bank bod in the cooler for aiding Dridex money launderers

lglethal Silver badge

It doesnt say much for Barclays account oversight that he was able to maintain some 200 accounts for over 2 years solely for the purposes of this.

I wonder if they ever found out, or if this guy getting caught was purely down to the two malware guys getting caught....

Signing up for the RAF? Don't bother – you've been Capita'd

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Quoted on the BBC

aww.... For a moment there I thought you were saying the comments thread was being quoted on the Beeb... Oh well our commentard infamy will have to wait for another day...

lglethal Silver badge

It's all part of the plan...

Well the MOD needs to reduce costs, so reducing head count is required. Since sacking people would be a bad political headline, do it from the other end - just dont hire new people. But how to do that without risking a backlash - Easy! Hire Crapita, let them destroy the recruiting system, and let them continue to run the now non-functioning System for the next 5 years and boom, your head count is reduced and all the blame falls on Crapita!

All part of the plan...

Kentucky lawmaker pushes smut filter law (update: maybe not)

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Seriously?

"What he wants banned is *you* looking at it, not him."

Of course there will need to be a Special exemption from the Ban for politicians. For "Research Purposes" you understand....

lglethal Silver badge

Great Idea!!!

I've got a great idea! How about all politicans have to put their entire net worth into a government bond when they are elected. If they get to the end of their term without being involved in a scandal of some sort, they get their money back, if not it goes to the government. I can see our taxes dropping by the minute...

Or i suppose we can go the Sir Terry route and just chuck all politicians in prison the moment they are elected, since we already know they're criminals - why wait for the criminality to be proven?

Trump to NASA: Fly me (or some other guys) to the Moon

lglethal Silver badge

Just curious...

So does this demand for NASA to get America back to the Moon and Mars come with additional funding to actually finance it? Nope? Didnt think so. It's just paper shuffling until the next election, when the next President will change the priorities again...

'DJI Mavic' drone seen menacing London City airliner after takeoff

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Meh, the risk to planes from drone strikes is overblown. El Reg already told us so.

You can happily talk about the reduced risk of a drone causing a fatal aircraft crash, but i have to ask why you would accept the need for their to be a risk in the first place? There are rules and regulations against flying drones around airports. If people followed those rules, there would be no danger to aircraft and no chance of people dying from a crash. Why accept a risk, when it all it takes is common sense of not flying a drone near an aircraft. And why defend the people who do fly the drones near an aircraft and take the risk - with other people's lives - that a collision might cause a crash. There is no societal benefit from flying a drone near an aircraft - a few pretty pictures does not outweigh the right of the people on the aircraft to fly safely. So there really is no excuse for flying a drone near an aircraft.

Coventry: Once a 'Ghost Town', soon to be UK City of Culture

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Sunderland

No. That's just what happened to the assessors when they went to visit...

lglethal Silver badge

Milton Keynes - a candidate for a city of culture????

Milton Keynes? Really? Milton Keynes? Considered for a City of Culture? Milton Keynes? That place just North of London? We're not talking about one somewhere else in the Country are we?

Sorry, but what????

Shazam! Apple chucks £300m at Brit what's-that-song app – report

lglethal Silver badge

The financial world is crazy...

OK two things:

1) How on Earth do you make Money identifying Songs for People? More to the Point how do you make 40million doing that???

2) If it is really making 40 Million a year, 300 Million seems a pretty low price (8,5 years ROI assuming no increase profits). But considering that this Company is actually making Money how on earth are the likes of Snapchat, and Uber which have never made so much as a Cent valued higher?

The financial world is crazy...

FCC backtracks on helping with neutrality fraud investigation

lglethal Silver badge

If you believe there are fake comments left by pro-neutrality campaigners then you should be pushing for the FCC to be giving the access to the comments to the New York Attorney General. Fake comments from either side should be punished.

The fact of that matter that is the only way for the FCC decision's to be able to be based upon the comment process, is if the comment process can be considered clean and fair. At the moment, with both sides claiming the other filled it with fake comments/stolen ID's, the whole process needs to be investigated. Refusing to allow that investigation to proceed, certainly leads to claims of corruption and dodgy dealings happening in the background....

lglethal Silver badge

You missed an obvious headline...

"Federal Communication Commision fails to communicate"

Or perhaps "FCC - Fails (to) Communicate Completely"

Ahh the irony of a communiation commision not being able to communicate properly.. Ahh but we all know it gets away from it in America since most Americans think Irony is like Coppery only made from Iron...

Japanese quadcopter makes overworked employees clock out

lglethal Silver badge

Ahh Japan, where a simple solution of a boss ordering everyone to go home or a server lockout is never the correct answer. You must have something high tech, something robotic, preferrably flying and with just a slight hint of crazy (playing auld lang sang?! WTF! ) for your solution.

For those wondering, the culture in Japan is very much you dont work less than your boss. So you cant leave until at least an hour after your boss and you should be there at least an hour before your boss. If that means your working an 18 hour day because your boss cant be seen to be working less than his boss and his boss cant be seen working less than his boss (etc etc), then you put up with it. Absolutely insane, but that is the japanese way. At least they are trying to tackle this culture now, and though this is something of a crazy solution, if it shines a spotlight on it, all for the better!

Facebook, Twitter, Google cleared in Dallas shooting lawsuit

lglethal Silver badge

No Problem jmch. Unfortunately, it's pretty much impossible to answer your question. The fees required to be paid are very different in different countries, and even can vary hugely between states and court levels. To take the US case, taking something to a federal court is much more expensive then a local court.

In the UK, under a certain Claim amount the fees are fixed, so probably dont cover everything, but are designed to allow everyone to be able to access justice, not just the rich.

But on a high level case like this one, I would guess the fees would be relatively high and probably would cover the actual costs...

lglethal Silver badge

Any chance you can explain exactly what the "with prejudice" means for those of us who arent Yanks? :)

I know it means that the case must have been pretty much worthless from the start, but what's the actual take away from that phrase? No chance of the case result being appealed? All fees for both sides being dumped on the plaintiffs? The lawyers for the plaintiffs getting their licences withdrawn for being ambulance chasing maggots (ok im dreaming i know... the lawyers never get any payback)?

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Welcome to the US

Sorry but where is the tax payer money here? Did you read the same article as me? This was a private action (the families of the slain officers) against a couple of companies (Google, Facebook, twitter, etc). No government involvement at all.

Sure there was a judge there and it took place in a courthouse, but when you bring a private action you pay fees for that, so no tax payer money was involved in any way.

Perhaps you would like to try reading the article again... Fail Icon for your reading comprehension...

Tech giants at war: Google pulls plug on YouTube in Amazon kit

lglethal Silver badge

Re: Love the Hendrix reference

"At this point it's a close odds toss up whether the 'high suicide rate' at xmas isn't more related to the constant repeat of the shortlist of current 'in fashion' xmas pop absolutely every shop is playing."

Having worked in a department store one Christmas where they played the "Mariah Carey's Christmas Carols" album on repeat for the entire month of December - i can certainly attest to the effect of this Inhumane Treatment (and I suspect breach of the geneva convention) on workers sanity's. Admittedly, I was closer to going homicidal rather than suicidal, but I'd hardly consider that being in my right mind.... (and thankfully I dont live in the US where fulfilling those homicidal tendencies would have been significantly easier to accomplish!)

Once again, UK doesn't rule out buying F-35A fighter jets

lglethal Silver badge

Its the maintenance costs of having just F-35's compared to having F-35's, Tornados, Typhoons, Sea Harriers, Super Hornets (as some commmentards have suggested), and whatever else would get thrown in. A single set of spares, and tooling is a LOT cheaper than 5 different sets each needing very specific tooling, maintenance Training and spares.

Thats what i meant by maintenance cost savings.

Plus unless I'm mistaken, the non-competitively outsourced work you mention is for Major Overhaul not standard level maintenance.

lglethal Silver badge

I'll be honest, I'm not really following the authors logic on this one. I would imagine that the aircraft on a carrier stay on a carrier throughout a deployment (Barring failure related replacements). So when talking about carrier related deployments - squadrons refers to the Manpower rather than the aircraft themselves.

4 squadrons of manpower sounds about right - 1 on board, 1 in Training, 1 on leave and 1 on ramp up. But for the aircraft I cant see you needing more more than 3 - 1 set of the carrier, 1 in maintenance/overhaul, and 1 for Training (probably used by the ramp-up Crew as well).

In Addition, for the Training crew, you can probably achieve the majority of the necessary training in standards F-35A's, the only parts that are different are landing/take-off, but all of your in flight training would be identical. Considering the F-35A is significantly cheaper (to buy and to run) then using them as the majority of your trainers makes considerable sense.

Also, considering the continual squeeze on the MOD's Budget buying F-35A's as your land based squadrons (in combo with the F-35B's as your naval variant) is going to make your maintenance costs significantly lighter - when you only have F-35's as fighters then you can standardise your equipment nicely. Similar to how most Airlines tend to stick with either all Airbus or all Boeing aircraft. it allows your maintenance costs to be cut significantly.

Finally, it sounds like the author is mistaking the RAF with the Fleet Air Arm. The RAF is the land based fleet and you would expect them to upgrade the Tornados to F-35's. The Fleet Air Arm which belongs to the RN controls the aircraft on the carriers, is subservient to the Navy, not to the Air Force. If the Air force is buying F-35A's that doesnt have any effect on what the Navy are purchasing (unless the Air Force purchase is funded by taking money from the Navy). So it really is two separate Topics here...

SEC's cyber-cops cyber-file cyber-first cyber-fraud cyber-charges

lglethal Silver badge

Idiots and their gold will soon be parted...

Anyone daft enough to believe that they are going to make 10x their Input back after 30 days on ANY Investment probably deserves to lose their cash.

Good that the SEC is going after these dodgy buggers, but pretty much every one of their investors should be force to do a mandatory course on common frigging sense. Maybe administered by the clue bat (a piece of 6x4 with the words "I will not be a gullible idiot!" stamped into it)...

Foil snack food bags make a decent Faraday cage, judge finds

lglethal Silver badge

Colella is now an Uber driver.

Seems like he's finally found a good fit for a Company - neither one of them likes playing by the rules, both of them do whatever they can to get around the rules, they both prefer going to Court/Tribunals instead of facing up to what they did, and then both get a good smack down from said Court/Tribunal when it all comes out in the wash..

Maybe we're looking at Uber's next CEO. He's certainly got the work ethics right...

Google Chrome vows to carpet bomb meddling Windows antivirus tools

lglethal Silver badge

Re: I don't blame them

Really? My first Action is always to run my AV and look for Malware.

Cant remember the last time I had a f%&k up caused by AV. Sometime back in the 90's i think... but then again I dont use Chrome or Symantec so maybe that makes me less prone to these failures...

lglethal Silver badge

For Google it IS an error. They expect you to NEVER close Chrome. I mean how else are they going to advertise to you?

Hey girl, what's that behind your Windows task bar? Looks like a hidden crypto-miner...

lglethal Silver badge
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I will give it a try! Cheers!

lglethal Silver badge

Unfortunately, I have noticed the speed gain in 57. Maybe its not huge but the fact that it is noticable at all says quite a lot. So I'm reluctant to go back to old Firefox.

As such, I am pretty much looking for something else other than NoScript as I'm not overly confident that they will be able to turn it back into a user friendly interface. The old "trusted/untrusted/default to untrusted/temporarily allow" combination was intuitive and easy. I taught my mother to use it in 5 minutes with ease (and it has sense saved me a ton of malware call-outs!). But this new Version - where trusted doesnt really mean trusted it means trusted to do certain things and maybe only on https or maybe not, and untrusted does not necessarily mean untrusted and Default can mean something else entirely. My mother is not going to understand why she should (for example) allow scripts, but not fetchs. I'm all for giving advanced users and those who want fine grained controls to have them in the advanced Options, but forcing that on every day users. gahh...

Sorry end rant... ;)

lglethal Silver badge

Anyone got a replacement for NoScript? The new Version for Firefox 57 is atrocious and totally user unfriendly. Until they get it back to the ease of use of the old one, I need to find something else...