* Posts by andy_spoo

4 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Oct 2010

Loki, LC3 and Pandora: The great Sinclair might-have-beens


More History of UK missed opportunities.

Made me both happy to reminisce and sad to think that another UK opportunity missed. If the government had a little bit more faith and a bit more fore-sight it should have given Sinclair money to get more engineers in and made the products of our dreams. It could have been the UK Apple type industry and brought the country billions worth of revenue.

But because it isn't a bank and the country only thinks in the short-term, all was boomed.

Really sad IMO.


Re: Brennan

Wifi, in the 80's?? Didn't exist.

Microsoft reveals Xbox One, the console that can read your heartbeat



Seriously, it's ugly as hell and it's massive!! Who the hell wants that in there room. I just want to play games. My phone and TV does all this other junk. And making a feature of Skype...my TV does that already (come to that, so does my phone).

No real game play shown. Sony got that right. And as mentioned by others, it's lower on the specs than Sonys. And I hate sport, so most of what was shown was pretty boring.

Microsoft sends in the tanks against Motorola, Android


Air to be patented next

I've just patented air. Yes it's MY invention (no....not just an idea). You breath in this gas and it runs organic systems by supplying them with energy.

So either STOP BREATHING or pay up.

It's not just business it's bloody ridiculous. MS is stifling competition and preventing free speech/communication. If you know what email is (not MS's invention) then you know that at some point you'll need to sync it. Americas patent laws are a joke, And who keeps getting the back-handers for passing them.