* Posts by Bernard M. Orwell

1177 publicly visible posts • joined 12 May 2010

User loses half of a CD-ROM in his boss's PC

Bernard M. Orwell

"Where there's a workman, there IS a way. They are extremely strong in the Force. And not the light side, either"

So long as they bring gaffa tape, as it is the Force incarnate. It has a dark side, a light side and binds the universe together.

We are 'heroes,' says police chief whose force frisked a photographer

Bernard M. Orwell

Time for an experiment.

I'm going to head into town and take some pictures. Some of churches. Some of mosques. Some of police and police stations.

Wonder how it'll go? I'll report back, if I can.

Welsh Linux Mint terror nerd jailed for 8 years

Bernard M. Orwell

"The original Landrovers (steering wheel in the middle) were promoted with pictures of them pulling harrows and small ploughs"

Utter filth! You go and wash your mouth out right now, young man!

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Being Welsh

Only ignorant Englishmen say "Boyo".

Us Welsh say "butt" instead, which is clearly better.

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Suicide tractor?

"I've happened to be trapped in a newsagents in Carmathen looking at such a combination of wank mags and tractor mags, while the local tractor rally has had their annual drive-through the town."

If the magazines are of any indication, I think you attended during the correct annual festival....

UK.gov throws hissy fit after Twitter chokes off snoop firm's access

Bernard M. Orwell

Amber Rudd

Every time I see that name, I can't help but want to grab a piece of rabbit fur to see what happens.

Geek points given for getting the gaming reference. Nerd points given for the science reference.

Wonder if her parents were geeks or nerds....?

UK drops in World Press Freedom Index following surveillance and anti-espionage threats

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: If you go back to 2009...

Accrington Stanley? Who are they?

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Is this Fake News?

"They're just all upset that there's no plan to grant them special status"

Like the special status the MPs creating this diabolical PoS have granted themselves?

US surveillance court declined less than 2 per cent of applications

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Dave 15 The land of the ....?

Well hi MB! Wondered where you'd got to.

I seem to recall having this debate about FISA with you a good while back.

You were wrong then and you're still wrong now. You can keep spitting nonsense in a trump-like manner or, for a change, you can admit that you're wrong about FISA's good intentions and sensible practices and quietly depart.

Will the MOAB (Mother Of all AdBlockers) finally kill advertising?

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: People DO hate adverts

"Add a sprinkling of glitter inside the envelope."

Also splendid, but did you know that there's no weight limit to those pre-paid business-class reply envelopes? Also, that the owner of the reply envelope gets charged by weight?

I recommend breeze blocks.

And all the junkmail that doesn't include a reply envelope.

Computer games to become medal sport at Asian Games

Bernard M. Orwell


For the doubters, a question - is Chess a sport?

the IoC officially recognizes it as such and there have been many famous international players and contests in history. Word is that chess may be accepted as an Olympic sport in 2020 too.

What's the distinction between chess and a suitable team tactics game (such as DOTA2) in this regard? Both challenge mental agility, strategic wit and often reaction times, but a decent MOBA also tests team communications which is an essential element in many sports.

Since when should we measure the worth of athletes *purely* on the basis of physical competency? Surely we can measure mental/communicative competency in the modern age too?

On a related and amusing historical note, did you know that the Olympics used to give prizes for things such as pottery and knitting?

Stop asking people for their passwords, rights warriors yell at US Homeland Security

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: @ Bernard M. Orwell

Aye, it would appear that although two wrongs don't make a right, many wrongs make a far right.

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: We desperately need a Trump icon.

"an eye squinting out of his navel"

Illuminati confirmed!

Bernard M. Orwell

"This didn't start under Trump. It's been going on under Obama for the better part of a decade."

Oh, that makes it all right then!


Bernard M. Orwell

"I hope all countries follow the US policy and impose it on Americans."

Depending on your source, only somewhere between 3% and 30% of American citizens hold passports. Ergo, it probably wouldn't impinge on the average US citizen in any way.


Silicon Valley tech CEO admits beating software engineer wife, offered just 13 days in the clink

Bernard M. Orwell


"On another tape, her three-year-old daughter is asked pleading for Gattani to stop hitting her mother."

I hope he gets his clock well and truly punched. Soon. Nasty little oik.

Boss swore by 'For Dummies' book about an OS his org didn't run

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: But the real issue is

"I hope we'll all remember the sacrifice that Jebus made, dying on the cross, so we can have a long weekend."

I choose to celebrate Eostre as it was called for centuries before the christonogs hijacked it for jebus and friends. I noted the turn of the weather from winter to spring at roughly the right time, and thus rebirth of the world after Hel releases it from her grip. Eggs and bunnies are symbols of such, after all.

And chocolate is just nice. Although that was something that the Christians brought to the deal, so its not all bad...

..Though the chocolate crucifix wasn't a big seller...


Troll it your way: Burger King ad tries to hijack Google Home gadgets

Bernard M. Orwell


Let the disgusting corporates go to town on each other; they fully deserve it.

*gets popcorn*

Customer satisfaction is our highest priority… OK, maybe second-highest… or third...

Bernard M. Orwell

In the main....

I agree with you about customer service "priority"; ie, there is no priority given to customer service, but...can I just say...

"the moment I walked in from the street, my data connection switched automatically from 4G to the café's Wi-Fi"

Rly? One of two things is true: Either you habitually connect to open Wifi wherever you go (Hint: bad plan), or you've used their Wifi previously, knowing how bad it is (Also hint: Also bad plan).

Either way....really?!

Put down your coffee and admire the sheer amount of data Windows 10 Creators Update will slurp from your PC

Bernard M. Orwell


"We just wish we could completely turn it all off in Windows and avoid being treated like Redmond's guinea pigs. "

I've used an app called ShutUp10 so far, and that seems to nail a lot of leaks down, but I'm not sure how it will deal with this new update.

Still, might be new to some of you.


Manchester pulls £750 public crucifixion offer

Bernard M. Orwell

"How much to give birth at Christmas in a manger?"

Not sure yet. Give the tories a few more years with the NHS and we'll know for sure.

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: No nails required

The "research" is done regularly every year in the Phillipines.

Warning: This attached video is not for the faint of heart, or those given to sanity.


Bloke is paid to scour hashtags for threats, spots civil rights boss's tweets, gets fired, sues

Bernard M. Orwell

"investigation of backgrounds of anti-government individuals and their activities"

America. Land of the Free.

Except for the thought police.

UK digital minister Matt Hancock praises 'crucial role' of encryption

Bernard M. Orwell

"No - the pool was fairly wide"

But very, very shallow.

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Left hand, right hand

No, no people, there is no disparity in the messages that Rudd and Hancock have put out! It's very simple!

Government providers and partners must be certified and show that they take encryption very seriously so that the gov. can trust them to keep their data safe.

WhatsApp, however, isn't used by the gov. only by the general publ....sorry...terrists, therefore WhatsApp must *not* be encrypted at all so that they can keep everyone safe.

See? it all makes perfect sense and is BAU: one rule for them, one rule for us.

Ever visited a land now under Islamic State rule? And you want to see America? Hand over that Facebook, Twitter, pal

Bernard M. Orwell


Is there a single, verifiable incident of an actual ISIS operative, or cell, entering either the UK or the US using verifiable identification, whilst carrying explosives in their shoes or a 100ml bottle of water, carrying their plans on an encrypted laptop and communicating with each other, and their international masters, using facebook messenger, twitter or WhatsApp?

No? Has there even been an internal incident in either of those countries matching that criteria?

No? Not anytime since 2001? You mean, there have been zero verifiable incidents in the US and the incidents in the UK were all internal, lone-wolf homegrown, copycat nut-cases, radicalised by others whilst in the country?

Explain to me again why the guv attention is on encryption, the internet, border control, body scanners in airports, communicatons interception, silly security theatre rules, more surveillance of the public, armed police.....etc. etc. etc.

Then, when you're done explaining that to me, tell me how all of that failed to stop a bloke with a knife.

Security services and government.

Full. Of. Shit.

UK Home Sec: Give us a snoop-around for WhatApp encryption. Don't worry, we won't go into the cloud

Bernard M. Orwell


"This leads me to think that they probably had the "metadata" (i.e. they were doing real time scanning of the whatsapp network to see who is messaging who), but are unable to decipher the messages themselves."

You know, I'm fairly certain that when this mass-monitoring gig first hit the broader news, we were assured by all sorts of gov and TLA types that they only wanted the meta-data and weren't interested, or authorised, to access the actualy *content* of our communications.

Whatever happened to that undertaking?

Decapitating Rockall: How a 1970s Navy expedition blasted the top off the Atlantic islet

Bernard M. Orwell

"It's 90 miles closer to Donegal than it is to Britain."

It didn't work for Argentina and the Falklands, it's not gonna work for you.

Plans to force ISPs to filter content branded 'disproportionate'

Bernard M. Orwell

Give me the switch.

This may surprise people who read my occasional posts, but I'm not wholly against filtering. What I am against is STATE CONTROLLED filtering.

By all means make it a law that ISPs should make filtering software available to all their users for free. By all means even have that filter set to "on" by default. But give the account owner the right, and facility, to easily switch it off, or on again, as they see fit.

Surely this approach would suit everyone? It might even get some of the less tech savvy parents more engaged with the tech?

I think the filters should be categorised as well; after all, whose morality are we going to use to decide what sites are filtered or not? Americas, where tits are forbidden but mass gun-murder-kill is perfectly fine. Gotta be honest, I'd rather my daughter saw a few tits than people being eviscerated on the Walking Dead, and I'd rather she saw that than became a fan of the twisted, gender defining nonsense of most modern music channels! Hoes, Money, Guns, are all good in the US, but a boobie isn't.

I want the power to decide, for myself, what my children can or can't see, or even what I don't want in my internet experience.

Give me that switch, and I'm a happy camper with the filtering plan. Fail to give me that switch and think you can make my moral decisions for me and then we have a problem.

Oxford Uni boffins say internet filters probably won't protect teens

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Anon for reasons - Basically to avoid the SJW'ers

"If you're going to do it, do it with pride."

I put on my wizards hat and robe!

Mars orbiter FLOORS IT to avoid hitting MOON

Bernard M. Orwell

Near miss?

"...it came within two kilometres of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter..."

Given how big space is, that's pretty damned close!

Passport and binary tree code, please: CompSci quizzes at US border just business as usual

Bernard M. Orwell

"2. "Write what the sign on the Statue of Liberty says""

I'm surprised they haven't covered that up in embarrassment yet.

Revealed: UK councils shrug at privacy worries, strap on body cams

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Monitoring

"Play the plastics lottery.. is this plastic accepted by council for recycling or should it go as general waste?"

plastics are one thing, but I had my recycling bags left on the pavement and a fine issued because I had put the *wrong type of CARDBOARD* in one. Apparently, they don't like it if you shred cardboard for them.

Gov wants to make the UK the 'safest place in the world to go online'

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Karen Bradley CV

20 years an IT professional here, currently a civil servant (in IT) and now studying PPE. Decided that its time to get stuck in.

Wish me luck?

'Hey, Homeland Security. Don't you dare demand Twitter, Facebook passwords at the border'

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Disturbing

"Name _ONE_ country where non-citizens have the SAME rights as citizens."

Well, skipping over your broad-brush terminology of "non-citizen" and using the US Merriam-Webster definitions of "Citizen" and "Noncitizen", I can indeed provide an example of a country where, by law and on paper, non-citizens of various types (refugees, asylum seekers, migrant workers etc.) have the same inalienable rights as "citizens".

It's called the United States of America.

Even ignoring the legal definition, let me quote you some very, very famous pieces of text. You may even know them.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

If you want America to "Be Great" again, try repeating these words to yourself until you understand them. When you do, repeat them to others.

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: A nuisance, an imposition but not the end of the world

"Or.. hand over the stuff they want. Once past security, change the frikkin' passwords.

Actually, just don't do social media or have dummy accounts."

Yeah, make sure you change your name by deed poll too if it sounds too furrin for the yankees.

UK Snoopers' Charter gagging order drafted for London Internet Exchange directors

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: STASI Dead and Buried? Err...No!

"Yours truly was born in a communist country and old enough to remember it."

Was the Stasi the same thing as the NKVD? Either way, a more interesting comparison would be with the UKs newly created NCA, no?

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Cheers Tory voters - United kingdom = worst kingdom

"So it's a question of Labour tyranny, or Tory Tyranny ?"

It's a *government* tyranny.

It doesn't matter who you vote for, they always win.

OK, it's time to talk mass spying again: America's Section 702 powers are up for renewal

Bernard M. Orwell

"That prompted a letter [PDF] from over 30 civil rights organizations asking again for a clear statement of the number of US citizens affected. There still hasn't been a response."

It's all of them, isn't it?

The Register's guide to protecting your data when visiting the US

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Not right, but not that strange either

"Not sure even the UK would stop and search a UK citizen"

mmhm... I see...


Magic Leap sued for sex discrimination … by woman it hired to stamp out sex discrimination

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: "Wizards Wanted"

"Probably what US need is mothers and father teaching their son what *respect* means."

But they already are taught that - Demand it from everyone, give it to no one. Thats the American way!

Grumpy Trump trumped, now he's got the hump: Muslim ban beaten back by appeals court

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: It turns out that, in the US of A ...

"I look forward to a bright future. Do any of you?"

Dunno. Is it orange?

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Such a loser...

"porcine faecal matter"

Combined with all the wit and self awareness of a poorly educated bucket of slugs. Orange slugs.

More tech companies join anti-Trump battle, but why did some pay for his inauguration?

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: This is surprising because?

"I am a US Tech Worker and I've never been charging as much as I am now.."

I recently posted, in another thread, my opinion on people who equate profit, especially at the expense of workers and others, with success. I think the maxim I suggested applies here.

Profit is not the sole measure of worth, yankee.

Sports Direct hacked last year, and still hasn't told its staff of data breach

Bernard M. Orwell

"Do you believe this man could be UK's 22nd richest man if he was nice, fair and respectful of others?"

Tommorow I may be poor. Tommorow I may be rich.

Either way, he will always be a prick, regardless. Getting rich at the cost of the suffering of others makes you a prick and no amount of money will ever change that.

Profit is not the greatest achievement in life.

UK.gov hiring folk to watch smutty vids? All hail our blind censors...

Bernard M. Orwell

"Facebook and Twitter?"

Reddit too?

If we take all the pr0n off the net, we'll be left with two websites. One will show kitten memes and the other one will be called "bringbackthepr0n.com".

Stupid guvment.

Trump decides Breitbart chair Bannon knows more about natsec than actual professionals

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: It will be yet another war soon

"treat all these articles for what they are... joke material"

Goes nicely with the joke president.

Don't worry, America: Elon Musk says he'll have a word with Trump

Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Musk 'n' Trump

"Whatever garbage he does manage to spill will be cleaned up by his replacement in short order."

Mike Pence? I wouldn't count on him being a better choice...


Bernard M. Orwell

Re: Alternative Facts

"the best outcome would be some national database that tracks where you vote so you can't vote in two different places"

Woah there! Can you think what a corrupt state with a reactionary leader would do with a list of who voted where and for whom?

Thank heavens that could never happen in the USA.
