* Posts by Sir Runcible Spoon

5770 publicly visible posts • joined 29 May 2007

US cyber-army's cyber-warriors 'cyber-humiliated by cyber-civvies in cyber-games'

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Not much of a surprise there then

Basic training in any armed force is based on stripping out the personality and implanting a compulsion to follow orders to the point where people would rather run at a gun-toting enemy than risk censure from their own side.

I reckon this process kind of stultifies creative thinking to a large degree.

On the hind leg, pot-smoking nerdites let loose and given free reign to humiliate the government's best are going to be well motivated and probably discarding more ideas than the army guys are even going to have.

White Hats splat Black Hat chats: Talks on home alarm flaws and Russian spy tools axed

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Talk amongst youselves

"Not to mention the 'write' command, or if the target machine has X running:"

X-Wars :)

The trick was to infiltrate as many surreptitious background tasks to slow your opponents machine down before they noticed and started running tasks on your display. Santa claus, cockroaches, ants, stars, shiny 3d edges to background windows etc.

The trouble was it escalated pretty much like real wars do in terms of weaponry and eventually everyone had scripts that could detect the tasks being run and ran a barrage of counter-tasks against the source address.

The war was finally ended when someone *cough* spoofed the manager's IP address which triggered the target's nuclear-task script to completely obliterate the managers desktop environment.

Up until that point the manager didn't know this war was even going on - it was very funny to see his reaction to all those 'eyes' and clocks and cockroaches suddenly appearing on his screen. Happy days. If you tried that now you wouldn't only be sacked you'd be imprisoned without trial as a terrorist.

And yes, this final tactic was inspired by Terminator :)

BAD VIBES: High-speed video camera records your voice from trash

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Laser eavesdropping

The cone of silence is the schnizz.

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Mary had a little lamb?

Ah, good old-fashioned nursery rhymes from my childhood - lovely.

Mary had a little lamb, she couldn't stop it gruntin'.

She took it up the garden path and kicked it's little **** in.

Mary had a bicycle and she rode it on the grass*,

Every time the wheel went round a spoke when up her arse.

Now when Mary rides her bike, she rides it back to front.

'Coz <you can work this line out for yourself>

*grass as in 'parse', not as in 'mass'

Sir Runcible Spoon

You sound a funny colour today.

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Scared sh*tless

I think that people were supposed to root for the humans against the machine in the the film Eagle Eye, yet when you look at it the machine was actually trying to defend people from being subjugated by powerful people who were violating the constitution left right and centre.


Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: @Bloakery1

+1 for the Macroscope reference, I loved that book - lots of nifty ideas, especially the 'traveller'.

If you like Piers Anthony I highly recommend his incarnation series.

Google pulls Gaza games from Play store

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: In other news

Although Google has removed these 'games' for glorifying violence, I presume they have no problem with actually anyone conducting aforementioned violence and so still offer their web services to the state of Israel?

UK WhatsApp duo convicted of possessing extreme porn

Sir Runcible Spoon

"Who sent them the images?"

Perhaps his name was Addison?

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: unsolicited

A copper was fined £6000 for DISTRIBUTING these kinds of images via WhatsApp.


"The images were found on his phone during the investigation into the Plebgate affair involving former government chief whip Andrew Mitchell and DPG officers at the gates of Downing Street, the court heard. No further action was taken against Addison over that matter."

No criminal record then to prevent him from working in the police, yet these two guys will have this conviction dragged up every time they do anything.

NASA tests crazytech flying saucer thruster, could reach Mars in days

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Is it just me...

welcome to Steampunk

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Biefield-Brown Effect

From my limited understand of things, I think you my be in error, Sir.

The Biefield-Brown effect utilises considerably more energy input than I believe was used in this experiement.. "ranging from a few kilovolts and up to megavolt levels" in order to achive some form of ionisation.

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Dark Matter

I've often had the thought that since mass is a function of energy (isn't everything?) that sub-atomic activity could be create mass on a tiny scale, yet taken over a large enough volume of space it could potentially account for some of the Univserse's missing mass.

Although why there are areas of varying density I'm sure I have no idea, it's all bit exotic to me.

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: looks like VASIMR but sounds different

"To the photon itself, it never exists."

I think, therefore I exist (and am not a photon) ?

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: "no need to get into high dudgeon"

Is anyone else reading "Null Testicles" in this article or is it just me?

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Crazy Eddie

"Crazy Eddy"

Is that the same one who lives in the space time continuum?

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Thrust is no mystery - siz eo fthrust is.

I think I read that the test was performed with an atmospheric pressure, but they are clever bods so one would assume they have ruled out the obvious like heated air being expelled to produce the force measured.

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: It's not rocket scie...oh.

If it's not rocket science, then it's quantum science, obviously much easier to grasp for the layman :)

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: The reason why this is published

Ok, how about 'reactionmassless' drive then?

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Captain Future's enemy had one of those.

"The last time I thought about it, it seemed evident to me that the force towards the "front" would exactly equal the force towards the "back"."

Because that's quite obviously why a balloon will zip around the room when you let go after blowing it up and not sealing it.

I theorize that the chamber itself is acting as a balloon whereby small amounts of energy released at the quantum level from 'stuff' popping in and out of existence are being held temporarily in the chamber, building pressure. The opening at one end allows the energy to escape and generate a small amount of thrust.

The addition of microwaves to increase the internal energy pressure of the chamber could then explain the increased thrust that was seen.

You never know do you? I much prefer 'hmm, that's odd' to 'Eureka'.

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Even accounting...

It's time they built an orbital launcher that is designed to be cannibalized for construction of power sources in orbit.

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: LENR works!

"Sorry for the lateness of my post - it's due to the transmission delays between you on Earth and my lair on Mars."

You really need to update to one of my sub-etha transceivers, I'll ship one over to you once I get my hands on one of these drive upgrades, just need to pop over to Lave and Diso for some, err, shopping :)

BANGKOK-BLOCKED: Thailand's dictators 'ban dictator sim Tropico 5'

Sir Runcible Spoon


So, all things being equal, can we expect games featuring mass surveillance and propaganda to be banned in the USA and UK then?

Also +10 for the cock-block headline, is there some kind of red-top headline award you can win?

Lawyer for alleged Silk Road kingpin wants all evidence thrown out

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Verdict decided then

"Is it obvious enough that this is sarcastic?"

Which bit? The last paragraph or your entire post?

Evidence during FOI disputes can be provided in SECRET

Sir Runcible Spoon


"However, the Commissioner reversed his position "having seen some material disclosed to him""

Mr Commissioner, how old would you say these girls are in these photo's of you?

"Case dismissed".

GCHQ names the Hogwarts for Hackers

Sir Runcible Spoon


They could do something immediately to rectify the shortfall by allowing security consultants to submit themselves for security clearance rather than having to be sponsored by a list-x company.

If you stop working for aforementioned list-x company, your SC will expire unless you get another job with SC clearance requirements.

As soon as you get off the merry-go-round and your clearance expires, it's next to impossible to get back on it as agencies are always stipulating that you already *have* SC clearance (regardless of what they say about being prepared to go through the process - it takes around 12 weeks iirc).

Also, will they be vetting the students before they take this course, or just do it afterwards if they apply for a position? Coz if they fail the clearance they will just take their skills to someone a bit less choosy who will probably have deeper pockets.

BOFH: The Great Backup BACKDOWN

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Welcome to Urfscked. Population: you

5TB for 700 people? wtf?

I have a 4TB NAS that I've had since 2008 and 3TB usb drive just hanging out the back of the telly ffs.

Some businesses are really tight with the wrong budgets obviously.

Multipath TCP speeds up the internet so much that security breaks

Sir Runcible Spoon
Big Brother

Oh good, a proper expert.

If this is something that can be implemented at the application level, could you see this becoming a useful part of the TOR node/client code?

Robot cars to hit Blighty in 2015

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Will your car kill you to save another?

That makes really interesting reading, thanks.

However, humans can actually make those kind of decisions too. I was once in a car accident (stupid overtake in the rain) and started fishtailing. Ahead of me a car came round the bend and rather than involve someone else in my folly I decided to drive the car off the road into a ditch.

In retrospect this probably saved my life as well as theirs, but it wasn't part of my thought processes at the time since I pretty much thought I was dead anyway and just didn't want to take anyone with me.

However, to program such behavior (or similar) in autonomous vehicles is going to be fraught with perils.

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Here's a thought.

Right up to the point where the central control system re-directs all the cars ahead to form a road-block

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: I want both @Mike Smith

I stumbled upon the secret of Swindon's magic roundabout on first use.

Pick your exit, keep an eye out to the right hand side for car-missiles and GO GO GO!

Thirteen Astonishing True Facts You Never Knew About SCREWS

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: To be continued?

I have some special ones on the shed which don't go in for two-ply - they go straight in with no pilot hole.

Nurse! I think I have a screw loose!

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: My day screwed

Whatever happened to the Judean Peoples' Screwfix?

Sir Runcible Spoon

The simple answer is usually the obvious one

They don't transport themselves via a vortex anywhere - that's just daft.

They _do_ however make themselves invisible to the naked eye, re-appearing only when they come into contact with human blood.

Adam Afriyie MP: Smart meters are NOT so smart

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Good article, Smart meters overhyped

Instead of replacing all the meters, how much would it cost to fit a solar panel to every residence?

I'm sure this would have a bigger impact on reducing the energy load than fitting a meter designed to manage low levels of power when all the Nuclear stations start going off-line.

Indian techies-in-training face down MAN-EATING LEOPARD - and WIN

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Why wasn't there a sign on the door

You wouldn't have been able to see the sign anyway if the lights were out.

LOHAN's stirring motto: Ad Astra Tabernamque

Sir Runcible Spoon
IT Angle

Re: Freezing Gassy Alchohol

I wish I had gotten pics of it, just like I wish I'd gotten a pic of my old dog's 'sparkle-shit'.

She sneaked into the bathroom and ate a bar of lush soap (non-foaming thank God) - one of those bars shaped like a scarab beetle and full of sparkle dust.

I was on dog-shit patrol in the garden and it was a sunny day when I saw what, in retrospect, was a work of art. A wonderfully formed string of dog-poo that was shimmering in the sunlight like some kind of Damien-Hurst beating Turner prize. Oh how I wish I had frozen that and put it in to an exhibition - I reckon it would win hands down! :D So although you can't polish a turd, it turns out you can at least make it shine!

Sir Runcible Spoon

Freezing Gassy Alchohol

I put a bottle of Champagne in the freezer once to cool it down quickly but then forgot about it.

When we opened the freezer door we were amazed to see the bottle had exploded, but had not fallen apart, so there were bits of glass on the end of tendrils of frozen champagne, a snapshot of the explosion if you will.

It was beautiful and well worth the financial loss involved.

Australia floats website blocks and ISP liability to stop copyright thieves

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: RealFred

" Don't try to turn this into a party bashing discussion when its obviously not."

It sounds very much like a politician's idea* of a good thing. I don't give a left-handed turd which 'party' they come from, anyone who tries to put this kind of thinking into law is not on the side of the people, quite the opposite.

*as provided by their lobbyist de jour.

NSA man: 'Tell me about your Turkish connections'

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Conversation loop

The experience has apparently affected your 'f' key as well.

Google to feed machines with evidence of human physical weaknesses – and that's a good thing

Sir Runcible Spoon

Makes them more efficient I suppose

"I have detailed files."

DAYS from end of life as we know it: Boffins tell of solar storm near-miss

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: a near miss

'tis but a flesh wound.

Sir Runcible Spoon
Paris Hilton

Taking out meteors

I've always wondered about that line that's always trotted out in the movies about shooting an asteroid/meteor would just leave us facing a *lot* of deadly missiles rather than just one.

I would have thought (with my admittedly O Level physics knowledge) that increasing the surface area of an incoming object by shattering it would be a good thing - more surface area would mean more of it burning up as it hits the atmosphere.

I understand that it would mean that there would be more impacts over a wider area, but in terms of the Earth, again I think this would be better than one big impact surely?

Researcher sat on critical IE bugs for THREE YEARS

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Stale bread and butter...

perhaps there is a parallel reward system that encourages delay?

Turing biopic with Cumberbatch, Knightley to premiere at London Film Festival

Sir Runcible Spoon


Has anyone made a decent film about Tesla yet?

MPs to sue UK.gov over 'ridiculous' emergency data snooping law

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: You get a better serving at the PolitFranchise!

Yeah, and don't forget that the ISP's could have deployed their WMDW's (weapons of mass data wipe's) in under 45 minutes.

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Erroneous Cowherd Contempt

So _you_ were consulted on this were you? Or perhaps it was part of a manifesto pledge being championed by the person you voted for perhaps?

The only arrogance I see here is in your assertion that because _you_ are happy with it, and all the MP's voted for it, that the MP's who voted for it somehow believe you are not in a minority.

I would like to posit that the MP's did what they were fucking told by the party whips and absolutely fuck all to do with what they thought their constituents' views on the subject were.

Climate: 'An excuse for tax hikes', scientists 'don't know what they're talking about'

Sir Runcible Spoon

" "the climate change we are currently seeing" is both a natural phenomenon which happens from time to time and largely caused by humans."

That doesn't necessarily contradict itself. Human behavior is a natural phenomenon after all.

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: when

The government is going to increase our taxes, this seems to be completely beyond dispute.

Reg Latin scholars scrap over LOHAN's stirring motto

Sir Runcible Spoon


" "Ad astra tabernamque": to the stars and the pub."

How very El Reg - what's the Latin for 'a shoe-in'?