* Posts by themessiahbyhandel

4 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Apr 2010

Should you own your own data?

Big Brother

Don't be evil

Every time I hear Google's "Don't be evil", I think of the Martians in the film Mars Attacks shouting "We come in peace!" as they engage in wholesale slaughter. An absurd correlation to an absurd movie, but "Don't be evil" is an absurd slogan for a company.

Facebook is at least as pernicious as it evolved from a couple dozen universities to the monstrosity it is today. People fail to realise that Google's and Facebook's customers are the advertisers, and the users are in fact the product they sell.

Buzzed Gmail outs Googly ties of Obama's deputy CTO


"good for America"

Malcolm, are you being ironic about misinformation on the web? Not one of your historical facts is correct. "The Secretary of Defense During WW2 also happened to be the head of GM, he created America's Highway system. Yes it was good for GM but it was also good for America."

First, there was no Secretary of Defense in World War II. Second, the head of GM, Charles Wilson, during the later period of WWII became the SecDef at the end of the Korean War (he was the source of the "good for GM..." quote.) Third, the chief force behind America's highways was Pres Eisenhower because of his obervations about the Autobahn's ability to move matériel and personnel for war mobilisation.

That said, it was Eisenhower who warned of the Military-Industrial Complex a few years after firing Wilson, just before his successor nominated former Ford chief Robert McNamara to run the Pentagon.

US weather meisters buy mini Cray


The be-all and end-all of AGW posts.

What does weather prediction have to do with global warming?

Nothing that I can tell.

Here goes anyway:

This crazy <INSERT LOCAL WEATHER ANOMALY THAT ISN'T REALLY ANOMALOUS> is definitive proof of Anthropogenic Global Warming.

And the reverse:

AGW is a complete crock as evidenced by this crazy <INSERT LOCAL WEATHER ANOMALY THAT ISN'T REALLY ANOMALOUS>.

Frisco fanboi frenzy on 'iPad Day'


That part of Texas?

Yeah, metropolitan Dallas is a barren wasteland in which Apples can't grow...

It is populated with gobshites, but there is are Apple stores there. In fact, there's one in Frisco.
