* Posts by Triggerfish

2452 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Feb 2010

Why I love my Chromebook: Reason 1, it's a Linux desktop


Re: Windows machines lifespan

But how well are the same unskilled masses going to do when they try and install something on Linux and find it just doesnt quite work unless you d x, y, z?

Luxury smartphone brand returns with $41,500 device


From the official teaser video that alludes to the famous ad 1984, a young man finally breaks the fruit phone's supremacy. VERTU is implying that a new order has formed as a digital revolution based on WEB 3.0 is about to break out.

Written by people who should suffer the same fate as the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetic Corporation

Hong Kong hopes to trawl the world for tech talent to build IT city


Re: Hong Kong Autonomous Region

Doh I thought you said country TBH :D


Re: Hong Kong Autonomous Region

Its about 7.5m population and covers 78.89 kmsq, it's not even a large city by Chinese standards

Liz Truss ousted as UK prime minister, outlived by online lettuce


Re: Obvious solution

Every time we get rid of one I think a stake through the heart just to make sure is in order.

China dumps dud chips on Russia, Moscow media moans


Re: A feint?

I believe the maxim, the enemy of my enemy is the enemy nothing more nothing less applies.

CEO told to die in a car crash after firing engineers who had two full-time jobs


Re: Sniffed them out?

There's brown nosing, and there is saying this person is really shit at their jobs why are we paying them?They are different things.


Re: Judge on results, not appearances

Sound like I do some similar stuff to you, and it's the same thing it's hard to get a hard metric, but generally I am considered useful even if there is no way to really put a number to it for meetings.


Re: Judge on results, not appearances

True, but as devils advocate (I'm actually sorta on the fence TBH) then there is the thought of this.

If they want to work two jobs I'll pay them the rate, but they are now a contractor so they can offer their work out. Insurance, benefits, paid time off are now longer a problem.

If they are that good they are doing there work in half the time, maybe I should give them enough tasks to justify paying a full time wage.

Maybe I should get rid of some staff because there's obviously more staff than capacity.

Lenovo reveals rollable laptop and smartphone screens


Re: Who buys these things?

I don't get it either. It's neat, it's cutting edge R&D,

Remember when a mobile phone was basically a military style field radio?

Manufacturers could be forced to include repair instructions


I feel software bloat and upgrades are an issue. I have some old smartphone the electronics are good but they are painfully slow.

My laptop did however come with upgradeable RAM and HD slots and that has added a few good years on to it.

So saying there are some improvements also some of the newer phone cameras especially the higher end there is a lot of difference. Not enough to warrant a yearly cycle though.

Starlink, shot by both sides in Ukrainian fracas, lives to fight on


Re: Now Elon's on the Nazi Kill List...

These peeps are reporting it?


Canonical displays controversial 'ad' in shell update prog


Re: You say that, but

For sure, if you don't believe adverts don't work, then have a think on how your boss suddenly got the idea to install x,y,z which you wouldn't touch with a ten foot barge pole.

They might not work on cynical bastard IT people, you aren't the target its the people who pay you.

Financial watchdogs want to know what traders are talking about on WhatsApp


Re: LOL!

Cost of doing business.

Uber, Lyft stock decimated as US aims to classify gig workers as staff


Man everyone thinks an app can do anything nowadays, they should have resorted to old fashioned bribery and corruption.

Foldable smartphones crawl to one percent of global market share


Re: The modern flip-phone

Content consumption.

Certainly in South East Asia phones for content consumption are way more common than laptops and TV, most places provide power to charge and free WiFi, lots of homes are small and people live outside them as much as possible, esp teens and young adults.

Not sure what it is like on the European side of the world, or Americas, but wouldn't surprise me if the reasons are similar.

Girls Who Code books 'banned' in some US classrooms


Re: One day they will look at their daughters killed by the Moral Police...

What centruy was you aiming to revert to?


Re: The last sentence of the article has it.

Drama farmers all around.

There's extremes on both sides TBH and the internet gives them a platform to shout loudly and orgainse. Both these extremes are not helping anyone solve the actual problems.


Re: The last sentence of the article has it.

The right version is more "Say whatever you want, just don't try to indoctrinate my children into your political beliefs at school, or give them pornography".

Or say have an abortion, or be gay, or too black, or...

PC component scavenging queue jumper pulled into line with a screensaver


A long while ago when working at a helldesk, all the different desk supervisors would bugger off at five and support would be left till the 9pm finish (which was very quiet since the places we supported closed at 7). All the supervisors also got the newer pc's, with extra RAM and even a seperate graphics accelrator card.

All us support bods had was screwdrivers, four quiet hrs, and a deep love of playing networked quake 2 against the office across the car park...

Excel's comedy of errors needs a new script, not new scripting


Re: Excel is like any other tool

It is a extremely useful tool, but as the poster says it becomes the hammer and every data storage problem becomes a nail.


I think it should be harder for a big company to fail at this, but many SME sized companies the IT dept is somewhat generalist. And this is aso a problem becauwhats so different between that and theyse you encouter just process issues and getting it off the ground.

If say you are lucky and have someone who can create a db anda decent frontend, you need a PM to ease the scope creep, juggle stakeholders covey what they want to the techs in, you need stakeholders who dont really know what they want and likely don't get between what is being propsed and their excel 'database', you need to be able to explain the extra development and running costs gaints this.

User issues have a short distance to c-suite and a lot of their work has the similar short distance, thats added things to manage.

You have users that are sticky as hell to the old system (I once got roped into a fucked erp install (1st job off of helpdek of all things...) and the most fucked thing about it was all the users where point blank refusing to use it and still running all the ordering etc from the old excel, macroed, pivot tables 'now shadown' ERP system they had been using for years. (Admittedly the install wasnt confidence inspiring either),

For me excel is a problem and some of that problem is lack of understanding. Better training on even basics of data integrity and spreadsheet construction so on would go a long way, everyone is supposed to just know spreadsheets when they come in and they get a lot more complicated than word in daily use.

IInstead of everyone teaching I had some spreadsheet mokneys who know the trick and work them closely with the IT dept.

IT dept needs to get access to a decnt PM to work with the stakeholdes, it still may not be faster but theres way more conisderations sometimes also. But at least a project moves along (theorectically).

Cloudflare stops services to 'revolting' hate site


Re: This is how it starts

I only came across the name mentioned on reddit recently, but someone described it as the hate of 8 chan in concentrated form.

Basically they look for people (lolcows) and try and encourage them to melt down by targeting and harassing them, while having the disclaimer 'we just watch them honest'.


Doing a quick bit of reading on them out of curiosity, frankly they sound like the people you wouldn't miss if they say died of Cheetos induced heart attack.

I'm sorry to introduce you to the word lolcow BTW.

Nadine Dorries promotes 'Brexit rewards' of proposed UK data protection law


Pretty shitty reward for all the fuss and cost all in all.


Its not even that GDPR had teeth, it was backed by a large amount of potential consumers to lose, and it was harder to bribe every member of the EU parliament. Google, FB and the ilke will romp all over whatever we do.

Tesla Full Self-Driving 'fails' to notice child-sized objects in testing


Re: You're supposed to keep your hands on the wheel and be able to take over at any time.

I was just about to same the same, pretty sure I read of one major crash where the aircraft went it's yours now all of a sudden and in the ensuing confusion as they tried to get their bearings on the situation it was all to late. If that's happening with a proper trained crew then us normal folks are probably not going to do better.


Re: Comparison

Musk is Tesla marketing, he is one of the more powerful social media influencers out there.

China's 7nm chip surprise reveals more than Beijing might like


Re: Ours

There should be some sort of 'shoehorn politics' award, where someone just finds some reason no matter how tenuous to bring up their own personal politics.

Nancy Pelosi ties Chinese cyber-attacks to need for Taiwan visit


Re: China's just testing the waters

Oh I wondered as well when they said that, after all the Quing dysnaty )Opium Was) ended before that, But apparently Moa is credited with helping end the opium problem.



Re: China's just testing the waters

Yeah pretty much any place that became a power, didn't do it by being nice all the time.


Re: China's just testing the waters

Oh give you that he helped eradicate the opium problem, increased literacy etc. But there's quite a bit of bad attributed to him and the cadres that followed him also. A lot of peasants died also. It's almost like both of them were more complex than the soundbite.

All I was trying to say was if you are pointing out that the founders of Taiwan now were bad, and that apparently the end result was a slavers paradise. While also thinking that Mao was unaccountably brilliant, and the end result of the CCP is a party of freedom of speech and thought, with a right to protest without tanks rolling over you etc.

I think that's a weird thing to compare and imply.


Re: China's just testing the waters

If that is a response to me, I was literally just comparing the two leaders and the end result. If your going to point out the rebel who went to Taiwan was a bastards (which fair enough sounds a bit of one with things like the white terror, most countries who have done well have plenty dirty pasts, not excusing this), then look at the end result democracy (instead of white slavery as claimed by the poster).

Then it's worth comparing what China ended up with Mao, the great leap forward (several million peasants probably didn't enjoy that bit of how it was done from what I understand), suppression and the like also, with the end result of a less democratic government.

Just seemed a bit weird to say the democracy would have ended up a slavers paradise (which AFAIK it isn't unless I am missing something current in the news), while ignoring the reality of China's CCP.


Re: China's just testing the waters

Instead China got Mao and ended up with the CCP. Not sure it was a better outcome tbh.

Star Trek's Nichelle Nichols closes hailing frequencies


Re: UK Born in 1966

George Takei is still going and staying feisty also.

Surprise! The metaverse is going to suck for privacy


Re: I think this gives too much credit to metaverse

One thing to think of regarding hotels and shops IMO, is that seemingly rival brands may be ultimately owned or part owned by one company. I can think of a few who own a good dozen rights in some way with various hotel brands and whole bunch of retail together.

Now if your EULA at the end says I am giving my data to company x which is the parent company...


Re: Cognitive Acuity ?

People are individuals, but if you have a large enough group of people over time you can discern patterns that show grouping by type also.

It's just sample size really, there are lots of big data companies in smart environment tech and a lot of retail stores count as smart environments nowadays.

I saw a demo oh three four years back, That would track a person by what they were buying and looking at then send a message to a sale person voice message keying them with their likely interests. All done in the cloud with ML, including the mesaaging.


Re: Cognitive Acuity ?

I think pulse rate if the device is close enough to the eye is doable. But eh give a good marketing team five minutes and pretty sure they can come up with a way to sell why it should monitor your heart rate or be linked to a wrist device. Gaming for exmaple.


Re: Cognitive Acuity ?

There's been digital display boards with built in cameras for years doing things similar.

Gaze tracking, pupil response, emotional response, (important to advert makers) now that's hard to crack with a camera that's at a distance.

When they do gaze tracking with test groups they have to do some of it with headsets....

Edit shot comment too soon someone has already mentioned in a demo they showed gaze tracking.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Now 100,000kg smaller


Re: Where does it all come from?

Yeah I have had the biscuit thing.

Some places are starting to, compared with a few years back there certainly seems less plastic. More...(hipster isn't the right word and hippy isn't either) fashionable.. These places are starting to use non plastics but it's such a small percentage. It's going to take a good generational shift or two IMO. Not lots of environmental news, especially if it effects industry.

Half the people in the cities it seems are from the country side, go out to their home towns and its like a free survival course on what you can eat etc in the local forest. They have a very practical view of what the environment is there for. It's like us lot a few years back I guess we got rich food wise, resource wise enough to have time to care about this shit.

Some of the bigger concerns are probably some of the biggest culprits at for example at some point economy of scale says its cheaper to go disposable plastic and stop washing glasses, and some of the street food can be very environmentally wrapped in banana leaves say, you still get it packed in a plastic bag though.

Plastic recycling tend to happen this way for example, you chuck all your rubbish together in a bag, then someone comes along at night who really needs the cash digs through your rubbish and sells it on to someone.

There's lots of new stuff and old ways of doing things, they're all developing countries in that area at varying stages. A rural area in Thailand or Vietnam might have 4g while people go out and hunt food with traditional wooden crossbows or muskets and then sling it on the back of a Honda. Plastic is useful as hell, but the disposal of it, and the sheer usage without education of what happens the next year is not sunk in yet in any meaningful way.


Re: hype

A lot of small sea life, baby sea life will use it as shelter they sort of do this thing naturally anyway with other floating wreckage, trees etc. But its only temporary anyway the wreckage sinks and sometimes there's no cover and pelagic species get a meal (some will follow floating wreckage).

Right now if they are using plastic for cover, then its also a hunting ground for larger species and its also getting in the food chain.

So the loss of cover IMO is probably not as bad as taking it out, getting the plastic out of the food chain, letting the Oceans get cleaner long term is probably the better option. You see all this sort of crap get stuck to reefs etc as well and as much as there are issues with bleaching, netting and stuff like that over a reef can trap a whole area of sea life and just kill it fish, inverts the lot, corals underneath as well.


Re: Where does it all come from?

Here's how it sort of works, at least in Thailand and Vietnam.

You go to a shop, I buy something from the fridge, may come in its own container and be fine, it goes in a small plastic bag, i buy some stuff lose it doesn't need to go in a plastic bag, it goes in a small plastic bag, eventually this collection of things in small plastic bag goes in a carrier bag...

Or you go and get coffee, half the places don't want to clean glasses, so you get your coffee at the shop it comes in a plastic cup.

Straws come with everything.

There's just so much plastic being casually used there, if you are not that careful you end up with so much plastic waste in a week that it is more than what you might generate in the UK being careful in a month.

It's an education thing as much as anything, but so many places plastic bags, straws, and the like are just done automatically its just not easy to get around.

Tropical island paradise ponders tax-free 'Digital Nomad Visa'


Re: Recipe for resentment?

Following a digital nomad forum, I get the impression quite a few would be happy to pay some taxes in return for a better visa status.

Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio: Too edgy for comfort?


Re: 1.8kg is heavy?

Weight as a laptop is fine, weight when trying to use it as a tablet its unwieldy.

Tim Hortons collected location data constantly, without consent, report finds


Re: Tim Hortons

*They plot your route and use it to increase advertising in high traffic areas.

Actually some of the latest systems will look into your demographics, what purchases you may have made, run it past stores that they think are in your demographic pattern and allow them to target the advert directly as you come near to the advertising board.

Also I have seen a demo of a set up that would look at what you were shopping (this was in a DIY store), and infer what you might want to buy next (looked at worktops, looked at taps, now off to the sinks - maybe you are doing a kitchen remodel) and then route a salesperson keyed with this information to you.


Re: Tim Hortons

They will use it for last mile analytics.

Where is the customer coming from?

How did they get here?

All this sort of stuff is actually useful data to retailers and urban planners.

The ethics of how they are collected is sometimes questionable.

France levels up local video game slang with list of French terms to replace foreign words


English tends to be fulfilling that role to some degree.

The problem with trying to achieve true commonality IMO is you have to have a homogeneous culture to understand all the naunces and references. There are sayings in some languages that just don't make sense even if translated, and slang throws things right out.

Amazon investors nuke proposed ethics overhaul and say yes to $212m CEO pay


Re: And next week

Why is it, in a free society not acceptable to have an organisation that protects workers rights?

The actual laws on their powers could be agreed upon by a court of law and championed by democratically elected people on both sides of the coin.

Putin reaches for nuclear option: Zuckerberg banned


Re: Might as well add me.

Parts of SEA as well, Thailand and Vietnam get a few Russian tourists. Although there was something like 6K of them stuck in Phuket a few weeks back.

Microsoft brings Cloud PCs and local desktops together in Windows 365


Re: New, new, new!

Doesn't show much faith in their teams and yammer offerings IMO.

Why Nvidia sees a future in software and services: Recurring revenue


Re: turn on car features, such as driver assistance, through subscription services.

The cyberpunk future we dreamed of turns out to be people running Russian Black ICE against their coffee machines and cars just to use the bloody things.