* Posts by Barbara in Austin

13 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jan 2010

Curiouser and curiouser: Aussie gov censors the censorship news

Barbara in Austin

The whole truth...

...and nothing but the truth that we (the guv) determine to be fit to be the "truth" so help us open source--well not really open...-- some supreme deity completely of the fabrication of said 'guv' who is utterly reliable and truthful---sic guv.

A beer because in order to think like an OZ one must do like an OZ and get soaked.

'Promiscuous slapper fruitfly sluts prevent mass extinctions'

Barbara in Austin
Big Brother

Deoderant Conspiracy

It's the "aluminum illuminati" at work....

Barbara in Austin

Royal B.O....

"Poorly understood negotiations between the rival aristocrats and the worker mobs are apparently carried on via the traditional ant communication medium of B.O."

As I suspected!!!

Deodorants block the human ability to communicate!

I smell corporate conspiracy...

Large Hadron Collider in multi-magnet quench hiccup

Barbara in Austin
Big Brother

'round and 'round the mullberry bush...

"Such brutal treatment is expected to force tortured hadrons to cough up many of the universe's secrets. In particular, visitors from other dimensions (albeit extremely small and shortlived ones) may be on the cards"

Poor little protons... what's next? Water boarding?

NASA pegs Noughties as hottest decade on record

Barbara in Austin

Yet another Holy Grail of Fear

The weather has always captivated the human curiosity about what the future may bring; and despite all the "mis-predicitions" that have taken place "since modern temperature measurements began being recorded in 1880"; one has to wonder, "Why the fuck would anyone believe a weatherman?"

I mean, REALLY.

Lets look at the HOLES in our electromagnetic field, not weaknesses, HOLES.

Maybe if NASA had a "smaller carbon footprint", we wouldn't be in this situation.

Why Bono is wrong about filesharing

Barbara in Austin

THE DAY THE MUZAK DIED...and I'll be singing...

Bye bye Miss American Pie, drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry, them GOOD OLE BOYS were drinking whiskey and rye, singing 'That'll be the day that I die..."

I hope Metallica sales tanked forever.


U2 hasn't done anything worth stealing /or listening to in decades.


P2P give industries (whether they be technical or musical) valuable information that they could instantly use to their benefit, namely real time market research. Companies pay huge amounts of money to determine buying habits and trends and they could have turned the Metallica/Napster occasion and made billions of dollars by charging a minimal amount for web quality downloads.

The muzak industry obsoletes technology time and time again only to make each of us re-purchase muzak we already own in the "new and improved" format. B*ll*cks!

As I said in another post on another subject,... SILENCE IS GOLDEN...


Report calls for mandatory shared back office

Barbara in Austin

Back office..

Would that be Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts??

Google leaves censorship to China's experts

Barbara in Austin

screw google...


Brit firm aims to make airport perv scans obsolete

Barbara in Austin
Big Brother

Care for a walk?

Buy local, be local, stay local... care for a walk, dear? We'll have to avoid street corners, too many cameras...; are those shoes??

Let us all abandon clothing and enjoy "true freedom"... and drink our bottles of "suspicious liquid" whilst enjoying the sun... that is a sun, isn't it??

Euro astro biz: It's time for solar panels in Spaaace

Barbara in Austin
Paris Hilton

Energy and Elevators

When they build the elevator to space, just string up a nice high voltage line right next to it (with pretty christmas lights on it); we can tan as we ascend...

Speedo Aquabeat

Barbara in Austin
Paris Hilton

MUZAK MUZAK Everywhere

Again, I laugh.

This article took me so far down memory lane that I gasped just a little when I thought of how much cash I burned "just to listen to muzak"...

It began with ASTRALTUNES. The first "portable" cassette deck for personal listening and skiing. Astraltunes was essentially, a car tape deck ensconced in foam and harnessed to the front of one's chest. It was huge... and hugely popular... hence Sony emerges with the Walkman.

There were all kinds of personal players in between and one extraordinary device called "Aqua Tunes" which was essentially, a ziplock bag for your Walkman and waterproof earplugs. Never did seal right, but that doesn't mean I threw it away... in fact, it's right over...there!

Then the mp3 player phenomena... I bought one with an amazing 250 MB memory. Wow.

Now my Blackberry plays everything better than anything ever did before vinyl was eliminated... but you know what?? .... I CRAVE SILENCE.

SILENCE IS GOLDEN ... was no doubt, spoken by a musician.

UN issues call for international privacy agreement

Barbara in Austin

Permission to Speak...

WTF?? Can everyone please take a giant "Go Back to Yesterday" pill and stop these idiots from collecting (we do so love to collect..) personal data?? do we really need laws to counter laws that counter intelligence (that is so widely coveted!)

Umm... it wasn't so long ago that people needed passports to travel from country to country (unless you are an unstable Nigerian with exploding underwear..) and Europe said "No! We don't want to produce 'our papers' at each border, we want to live and move freely --like the Unidted States"... so border crossings were abandoned in 1980... were there ANY fewer "terrorist" activities in Israel back then?? Nope, pretty much status quo on terror.

Turn off those fucknTelevisions and start massaging your temples--- time to jump start thinking-- again!

FBI faked terror alerts to get phone records

Barbara in Austin
Black Helicopters


Funny how evolution is equated to "technology"... that really makes me laugh!

Time to toss the cell phones away and go back to smoke signals.. easy to read, a real bitch to write... but think of all the money we'll *save* (government) by having all our communications out in the open! ...plus it's time to rev up the engines on the old global warming bandwagon-- how better than mass burnings??

I dug out my old abacus to use instead of excel... wow! These columns make so much more sense!!

PS: Hey El Reg!! When a person signs up for this balleyhoobulletinboardbashing, El Reg asks "How many employees" and answer number one says: "Less than 10"... LESS?? What be this "less than 10" person?? OH!! You must mean FEWER!!!

...pet peeves need stroking when encountered...