* Posts by Anonymous South African Coward

3211 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jan 2010

Blackout Bug: Boeing 737 cockpit screens go blank if pilots land on specific runways

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: Vintage Aircraft clubs looking better by the day

Better do that wood and fabric course soon

And see if you can improve on the first flight at Kitty Hawk.

Latest patent brouhaha: Sonos wheels out Doomsday device in bid to block Google Home sales.... The Register

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

The other main driver is an increasingly willingness by lawmakers to look at the predatory actions of tech giants, as well as a growing sense that the gathering and sale of private data needs limits.

Errr... that ship has sailed long ago. Now it's world+dog that collects data on world+dog...

Beset by lawsuits over poor security protections, Ring rolls out 'privacy dashboard' for its creepy surveillance cams, immediately takes heat

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

And it doesn't alert owners to multiple logins from across the country or world – a tell-tale sign of an account compromise – nor limit the rate at which miscreants can attempt to guess account passwords. It does not direct people to use multi-factor authentication, nor does it require strong passwords, and nor does it reject username-password combinations known to be stolen from other websites. It basically fails to prevent netizens from falling foul of brute-force attacks and credential stuffing, and subsequent security device hijackings, by miscreants on the other side of the internet.

That is a basic security feature most people tend to overlook or ignore.

Pair charged with murder, manslaughter after IBM Aspera boffin killed in New Year's Eve laptop theft struggle

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: !!

Hast thou forgotten thine trollface icon?

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

If ne'er-do-wells decide to steal your laptop/fondleslab, don't try to be a hero and chase after them. Let them go.

Your device can be replaced, data can be restored from backup and life can go on. But your life cannot be replaced.

A Notepad nightmare leaves sysadmin with something totally unprintable

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Back in the day when computer mice had balls - and M$ decided to have a go at joining the fun with their own mice.

Opened PCTools, hex edit mouse.com and replaced "Microsoft Mouse" with "Machosoft Moose" wherever I found it. Saved the file, and copied the edited mouse.com (which was still working) to other DOS computers.

Sadly nobody picked it up :(

It's always DNS, especially when you're on holiday with nothing but a phone on GPRS

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

It's not DNS

There's no way it's DNS

It was DNS

BOFH: The case of the Boss's hidden USB inkjet printer

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

I will not be surprised if the BOFH uploaded his own customized ROM and drivers to said printer, in order to enable him to see what others printed, and to make some "modifications" to some print jobs in the queue.

Beware the three-finger-salute, or 'How I Got The Keys To The Kingdom'

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

My golden rule - if you change something somewhere on a critical box, reboot the box and see if it resume working operation. (Some critical changes/fixes cannot be done remotely, and require you to be present physically).

If it does not, fix it before somebody complain.

If you want to be a real bastard, do some changes to a running config on a router, delete the saved config, and walk away. Chances are it'll be rebooted, losing all of its configuration. Muhuhaha.

UK's Virgin Media celebrates the end of 2019 with a good, old fashioned TITSUP*

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

At one point even the service status page fell over, further enraging users.

Did Simon had a hand in that?

BOFH: 'Twas the night before Christmas, and the ransomware struck

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: One implausibility..

I'm back on the 6th.

Like any good BOFH I still got a couple days' leave left over. Maybe a bit of careful planning and a visit to some boondocksy place is needed...

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Excellent pressie from Simon.

Thank you! This will be another classic.

Here, hope you like a beer sans laxatives...

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: How dare they hide something from him!

Job is closed with a totally unsymptathic email saying we can't help, that they shouldn't use passwords on spreadsheets like that...

Happened to me as well. Some Project Mangler password protected a critical spreadsheet.

Two weeks later he asked me for help with the password. Told him that no, I can't.

He's still stuck with that spreadshit.

This isn't Boeing very well... Faulty timer knackers Starliner cargo capsule on its way to International Space Station

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Maybe the guy who set the clock thought the clock was set for 12hr time when it used 24hr time.

So instead of 15:00 the person responsilble entered 03:00? (Or whatever the time was).

That sort of thing happened to myself. I have two cars. The one car used a 12 hr digital clock, and the other car used a 24 hr digital clock. I had removed the battery from the car with the 24hr clock (for doing maintenance) and then I put the battery back, I adjusted the time to 4:45 instead of 16:45. The next day SWAMBO asked me why the car is in a different timezone. Had a good laugh about that one :)

Why is the printer spouting nonsense... and who on earth tried to wire this plug?

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Been taught the basics of 'leccy by journeymen sparkies, and is glad for that.

Those skills I've used as the occasion calls for it, but whenever a bigjob comes along, I leave it for the sparkies to deal with.

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: The user replied: "The same electrician who changed that plug rewired my house last week!"

Aw snap

These are the droids you're looking for: Softbank launches Japan cafe staffed by bots

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

This reminds me of William Shatner's Tekwar series (the books).

Of course the inevitable meatbag uprising will happen, but by then the T-800 may be reality.

Valuable personal info leaks from Facebook – not Zuck selling it, unencrypted hard drives of staff data stolen

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

The report also notes that the worker was not authorized to have the drive in their car, and has been disciplined.

Time after time I've seen that people just leave their preciouses in plain sight, thinking "they'll be gone just a few minutes" or "there's security folks at the entrance to the carp ark*", or "nothing will happen, too many people around".

Then, when they get back, their preciouses' gone.

Never happened to me, I lock my stuff in my car's trunk. And I do it whenever I set out from work or home, so there's nothing to tempt any ne'er-do-wells looking for a quick payday at somebody else's expense.

It is not safe out there anymore.

If somebody can make a laptop that'll produce thick, stinking smoke when switched on, I'll leave that in plain sight as bait.

HPE to Mike Lynch: You told either El Reg or High Court the right version of why former Autonomy execs won't testify

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

If you tell lies, you have to remember what you said, as the smallest detail will most definitely trip you up.

Telling the truth does not require you to remember what you've said. (Although you will need to remember what happened, and tell it like it was).

You cannae break the laws of physics, cap'n... Boffins call BS on 'impossible' black hole, fear readings were botched

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Send the USS Cygnus out to investigate?

BOFH: I'd like introduce you to a groovy little web log I call 'That's Boss'

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

cockney rhyming slang

Which can then be shortened to "turding"

And cockneyed to "Richarding".

123-Reg is at it again: Registrar charges chap for domains he didn’t order – and didn't want

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

A "convenient" mistake - in the hope that nobody checks their CC statements closely enough... and long enough to make some extra income...

Den Automation raised millions to 'reinvent' the light switch. Now it's lights out for startup

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: Idiocy of Turds

So going to steal that going forward

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Good. Less Idiocy of Turds devices floating around. Makes the world a safer place.

You can forget about that Black Friday deal: Brit banks crap out just in time for pay day

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Black Friday

Black Friday is the biggest load of bollocks ever thought out.

This year's (Bl)cack Friday fell after payday, which make me wonder how many people will be financially strained in the first two/three weeks of December. And how many will have to apply for financial rescue or whatever in January. Just glad we're not in that boat.

SWAMBO took the kids to the ice rink yesterday, and wanted to get a new pillow (for myself), but left it as the shops was quite packed, and some shops really try to rip you off.

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge


What? TSB actually managed to weather the storm?

What sorcery is this?

RuneScape bloke was wrongly sacked after reading veep's salary details on office printer

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: Personal Usage

I did offer to show them how the 'print lock' function on the main printer worked, but somehow it didn't meet their needs, which at the time I thought were more based around not having to walk 10m across the office, but now I understand might have been more based around making sure no one saw their attempts to claim dinner with their mistress, as expenses.

And the one downvote was from somebody with a mistress....

That's Microsoft price: Now you can enjoy a BSOD from the comfort of your driving seat

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

failure to read a critical file located on a HDD bad sector?

We've found it... the last shred of human decency in an IT director – all for a poxy Unix engineer

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

There's bosses and there's leaders.

One's to leave the company for, the other one's to go through fire for.

Coat = Pub o' clock!

Why can't passport biometrics see through my cunning disguise?

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Maybe I look like Jihadi McJihadface.


One for Dabbsy ---->

Beware the trainee with time on his hands and an Acorn manual on his desk

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: ITeC

Ahhh, wordstar... this reminded me of the Dosfish. (I don't know who the original author was, but thanks to whoever wrote it...)

Long ago, in the days when all disks flopped in the breeze and the

writing of words was on a star, the Blue Giant dug for the people the

Pea Sea. But he needed a creature who could sail the waters, and would

need for support but few rams.

So the Gateskeeper, who was said to be both micro and soft, fashioned a

Dosfish, who was small and spry, and could swim the narrow sixteen-bit

channel. But the Dosfish was not bright, and could be taught but few

tricks. His alphabet had no A's, B's, or Q's, but a mere 640 K's, and

the size of his file cabinet was limited by his own fat.

At first the people loved the Dosfish, for he was the only one who

could swim the Pea Sea. But the people soon grew tired of commanding

his line, and complained that he could neither be dragged or dropped.

"Forsooth," they cried, "the Dosfish can do only one job at a time, and

of names he knows only eight and three." And many of them left the Pea

Sea for good, and went off in search of the Magic Apple.

Although many went, far more stayed, because admittance to the Pea Sea

was cheap. So the Gateskeeper studied the Magic Apple, and rested awile

in the Parc of the Xer Ox. And he made a Window that could ride on the

Dosfish, and do its thinking for it. But the Window was slow, and it

would break when the Dosfish got confused. So most people contented

themselves with the Dosfish.

Now it came to pass that the Blue Giant came upon the Gateskeeper, and

spoke thus: "Come, let us make of ourselves something greater than the

Dosfish." The Blue Giant seemed like a humbug, so they called the new

creature Oz II.

Now Oz II was smarter than the Dosfish, as most things are. It could

drag and drop, and could keep files without becoming fat. But the

people cared for it not. So the Blue Giant and the Gateskeeper promised

another Oz II, to be called Oz II Too, that could swim fast in the new,

32-bit wide Pea Sea.

Then lo, a strange miracle occurred. Although the Window that rode on

the Dosfish was slow, it was pretty, and the third window was the

prettiest of all. And the people began to like the third window, and to

use it. So the Gateskeeper turned to the Blue Giant and said "Fie on

thee, for I need thee not. Keep thy Oz II Too, and I shall make of my

Window an Entity that will not need the Dosfish, and will swim in the

32-bit Pea Sea."

Years passed, and the workshops of the Gateskeeper and the Blue Giant

were many times overrun by insects. And the people went on using their

Dosfish with a Window; even though the Dosfish would from time to time

become confused and die, it could always be revived with three fingers.

Then there came a day when the Blue Giant let forth his Oz II Too onto

the world. The Oz II Too was indeed mighty, and awesome, and required a

great ram, and the world was changed not a whit. For the people said "It

is indeed great, but we see little application for it." And they were

doubtful, because the Blue Giant had met with the Magic Apple, and

together they were fashioning a Taligent, and the Taligent was made of

objects, and was most pink.

Now the Gateskeeper had grown ambitious, and as he had been ambitious

before he grew, he was now more ambitious still. So he protected his

Window Entity with great security, and made its net work both in serving

and with peers. And the Entity would swim, not in the Pea Sea, but also

in the Oceans of Great Risk. "Yea," the Gateskeeper declared, "though my

Entity will require a greater ram than Oz II Too, it will be more

powerful than a world of Eunuchs.

And so the gateskeeper prepared to unleash his Entity to the world, in

all but two cities. For he promised that a greater Window, a greater

Entity, and even a greater Dosfish would appear one day in Chicago and

Cairo, and it too would be built of objects.

Now the Eunuchs who lived in the Oceans of Great Risk, and who scorned

the Pea Sea, began to look upon their world with fear. For the Pea Sea

had grown and great ships were sailing in it, the Entity was about to

invade their Ocenas, and it was rumored that files would be named in

letters greater than eight. And the Eunuchs looked upon the Pea Sea, and

many of them thought to emigrate.

Within the Oceans of Great Risk were many Sun Worshippers, and they had

wanted to excel, and make their words perfect, and do their jobs as easy

as one-two-three. And what's more, many of them no longer wanted to pay

for the Risk. So the Sun Lord went to the Pea Sea, and got himself


And taking the next step was he of the NextStep, who had given up

building his boxes of black. And he proclaimed loudly that he could

help anyone make wondrous soft wares, then admitted meekly that only

those who know him could use those wares, and he was made of objects,

and required the biggest ram of all.

And the people looked out upon the Pea Sea, and they were sore amazed.

And sore confused. And sore sore. And that is why, to this day, Ozes,

Entities, and Eunuchs battle on the shores of the Pea Sea, but the

people still travel on the simple Dosfish.

Read more: http://www.joketribe.com/96/January/DosFish.html#ixzz66HNm8Nml

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: Oh, the joys

The inner BOFH approves.

Have one.

BOFH: Trying to go after IT's budget again?

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: ... and then chop down, pulp and make into paper ...

Vile does not describe the smell of the Sappi plant near Nylspruit. It is beyond horrible.

Whenever I had to go to Nelspruit (or that direction) I would take the Schemanskloof road.

I assume that Foul Ole Ron's smell will just scoff and laugh at that stink.

PROTIP : A pollen filter does not block that vile, disgusting and horrible smell from entering your car.

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Thanks for the corrextion, got magnesium and thermite mixed up. My bad.

Your idea have merit, a magnesium-thermite combination with an accelerant to ignite the thermite and a water-based fire extinguisher should give off spectacular results.


Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

I'll replace the Boss's recycle bin with one made out of magnesium, his fire extringuisher with a petrol one and skedaddle out of there.

That code that could never run? Well, guess what. Now Windows thinks it's Batman

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

upvoted for the sudo insults.

Muhuhahaha. >clickety<>click<

Totally Sardonic Bank: Well, it must be, to have a TITSUP* the same week as THAT report

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

TSB - setting the bar for poor performance.

Bon sang! French hospital contracts 6,000 PC-locking ransomware infection

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

May those ransomware scum land up in a hospital with ransomwared PC's.

Bonus points if the ransomware is their own, and they terminated their own lives because of that.

'Big Bang': Great for creating the universe, but not as an approach to IT migration, TSB told

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

And things will get worse. Not only for TSB, but for the whole world, because of beancounters.

TSB = This Small Bang

Royal Bank of Scotland IT contractor ban sparks murmurs of legal action

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge


...have reportedly already told contractors that they will only employ them as on-payroll workers

Sneaky Beancountery move, to cut some expenditures.

Physicists are rather giddy after creating a rare type of laser using laughing gas

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Easy to discover if gas is leaking out - if somebody starts laughing, you'll know it's leaking gas somewhere.

Finding the leak should be a laughing matter.

What a boar! Wild pigs snort and snuffle €20k worth of marching powder stashed in Tuscan forest

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: Wild Boar..

Hard to kill is an understatement...

Ask Duke Nukem to accompany you the next time. He's dealt with pig-cops before, so he'll know how to deal with an enraged oinker*.

*Now, there's oinkers living in the forest, and there's oinkers (South African) clamouring for more gravy from the taxpayer. Don't confuse these two oinkers.

But both kinds of oinkers are very difficult to kill off.

Feds indict 14 over alleged scheme to get Apple to replace fake iPhones with real ones

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Because they use cheap-as-shit components which doesn't last as long as the expensive counterparts?

Can't you hear me knocking? But I installed a smart knocker

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

I'm starting to detest IoTat all the more

The silence of the racks is deafening, production gear has gone dark – so which wire do we cut?

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

UPS plugged into itself

We received two RTC UPS'es (3kVa) which we need to set up with new equipment that was going to be shipped out to a remote site.

One UPS beeped to indicate that it was unplugged from the power, then a click and then silence as equipment stopped working.

Some doofus plugged the UPS back into itself, causing it to trip.

A quick Gibbs slap to the back of the head of the offender, a >clickety<>click< and an unplugging later everything was fine.

Astroboffins baffled as Curiosity rover takes larger gasps of oxygen in Martian summers

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Maybe John Carter do exist, and he's busy getting Mars ready for habitation

One man's mistake, missing backups and complete reboot: The tale of Europe's Galileo satellites going dark

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: Chortling sound coming over the ocean

Plus a poorly tested backup method, and no rollback or fallback plan.

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: if there are any questions

Hi Bert

Why was the system built as a complex system, and not as a simple system?

Just curious to hear.

Keep up the good work.

Ex from Hell gets six years for online stalking, revenge pics campaign against two women

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

What is the angle regarding the protected PC?

Just what is a protected PC exactly? Reading between the lines I can think it must be a governmental PC of some sorts.

To avoid that Titanic feeling, boffins create an unsinkable hydrophobic metal with laser power

Anonymous South African Coward Bronze badge

Re: Cunning plan

Maybe they can bake this into the next Austin Powers movie.... Dr Evil threatens to floats all the navies of the worlds' submarines unless he's paid 4000 bitcoin (or something like that)


A BOFH-type will find great uses for said laser... lining the insides of the Boss's coffee mug (for example)....