* Posts by Pascal

346 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Dec 2009


HPE wants British ex-CFO to testify in UK Autonomy lawsuit before Uncle Sam sentences him


Re: Ponzi Scheme

Gee that's an easy one to solve, just need eternal economic growth. Also sprinkle a nice dose of inflation on top to devalue the debt. Voilà! Problem solved, debt gets paid off by pocket change. Can I be President now?

Crash, bang, wallop: What a power-down. But what hit the kill switch?


Re: Not Unique...

Building codes changed a bit over the year, magnetic lock doors here now can't work like that anymore.

You can get the usual ID mechanism (card reader or biometric or whatever on the side of the door) for normal access, but emergency access has to be the "normal door way" i.e. turn the handle / press the release bar in the middle of the door, except secure doors are allowed to have a timer of up to (15 seconds I think) with an audio warning before the emergency release happens / alarms are triggered.


Re: Not Unique...

For a time, yeah. Early turbo switches changed the clock speed of the whole system, as isa bus was synched to cpu.

Blockchain is bullsh!t, prove me wrong meets 'chain gang fans at tech confab


Re: Sorry

The problem exists: "What can we use Blockchain for?"


Re: I've yet to hear of an actual, real application of blockchain

Especially if there's Synergy between the blockchain and the AI.

Use an 8-char Windows NTLM password? Don't. Every single one can be cracked in under 2.5hrs


Re: Still used?

If you're using a "recent" (as in, 2008+) AD and only allow Kerberos, according to an old Technet article the passwords are stored like this:

"AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96, AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96 - Used for Kerberos authentication since Windows Server 2008. Salted with user logon name and hashed 4096 times using HMAC-SHA1."


Re: The Usual Response...

I still don't like them either but typical password managers now encrypt passwords on your end before storing them and your one master password that you need to remember is used to encrypt the key.

Fake broadband ISP support scammers accidentally cough up IP address to Deadpool in card phish gone wrong


Re: reporting the account and the IP address to Twitter and the Met Police

Yeah for a while we played with honeypots against various scams like those "president of our company sends urgent email to accounting needing a bank transfer done" messages, collecting communication traces and ip addresses, and reported the first couple of those to the proper authorities. It quickly became clear that nobody gave a rat's ass about it when we were never asked any follow-up questions and any of our own follow-up questions never got any real replies.

France wants in on the No Huawei Club while Canuck infosec bloke pretty insistent on ban


Re: Huawei isn't any different than any other corporations.....

That phrasing is a hell of a culture clash tho.

It still comes down to firing people to increase profit, but there would be an interesting uproar if a westerner company called it "getting rid of mediocre people".

Stalk my pals on social media and you'll know that the next words out of my mouth will be banana hammock


Funny, a few weeks ago there was this radio show host that was going full-on conspiracy theorist about this -- stating that targeted ads kept coming up for him in a way that made him certain Google was listening to his conversations through his Android phone.

I guess both are just as likely!
