* Posts by Someone Else

3617 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Dec 2009

Departing MI5 chief: Break chat app crypto for us, kthxbai

Someone Else Silver badge

The head of the domestic spy agency, Sir Andrew Parker, demanded that companies such as Facebook compromise the security of their messaging products so spies could read off the contents of messages at will.

Well, there may well be something to this. If Facebook is found to have breakable encryption, then likely fewer and fewer netizens will be tempted to drink the Kool-Aid use the "platform" for ... well, anything. This could conceivably starve the Beast of sufficient oxygen, resulting in its collapsing from its own largess.


What am I on about? No -- even that lofty and worthy goal is not worth the risk of allowing any government back-door access to encryption on any platform.

It was a nice dream while it lasted....

London's top cop dismisses 'highly inaccurate or ill informed' facial-recognition critics, possibly ironically

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: How do we combat this?

Just waiting for the statues of the "leader" to start appearing as well as the mandatory portraits in public places

Already well on the way...notice how many phallic reproductions say "TRUMP" on them?

Someone Else Silver badge

@ AC -- Re: Were the Met Police so 'highly accurate and well-informed' in the past?

From the song:

Business as usual in Police Room 619

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Were the Met Police so 'highly accurate and well-informed' in the past?

A (s)limey liar?

/me ducks and runs for cover....

FCC forced by court to ask the public (again) if they think tearing up net neutrality was a really good idea or not

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: more than ignorance

That you, Joe?

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: more than ignorance

That's not ignorance - that's something that someone at the very least should have lost their jobs over they learned from the folks in St. Petersburg.

There. FTFY. (Although you were not wrong in your initial posting.)

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Net Neutrality is to Free Open Internet as PATRIOT Act is to Patriotism

OK Skeeter.

How about next time you at least feign an attempt to rant tangentially on topic?

Beer, because you're soaking in it...

Breaking bad... browser use: New Mexico accuses Google of illegally slurping kids' private data via G Suite

Someone Else Silver badge

If only there were other families or companies who could help.

Well there's Mike Bloomberg, and Tom Steyer. But they seem somewhat preoccupied at the moment with self-aggrandizement.

Someone Else Silver badge

"It's not what you say, it's what you DON'T say...

"We do not use personal information from users in primary and secondary schools to target ads [...]" [Emphasis added]

"But we do use personal information from users in primary and secondary schools to ____________."

One can imagine how an outfit like Google might fill in that blank.

Geez, I need more underscores!

Researchers trick Tesla into massively breaking the speed limit by sticking a 2-inch piece of electrical tape on a sign

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: as for the Delorean


Try the veal...

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Is this a joke

First of all in what reality or part of the world is there a 35mph speed limit because ive never seen one and ive been driving for 20 years.

Welcome to America, mate!

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Sigh.

I actually did see a State Trooper pull over a git who couldn't make the minimum of 40MPH in the inside lane on one of our glorious Chicago-area "express"-ways. The downside was that he also pulled me over for "illegal signalling"1, as I was furiously flashing my hi-beans at said git, trying to get the dim-bulb to move the eff over.... <deep breath....> I managed to escape with just a warning.

1You know, like they do in civilized countries in Europe to politely nudge someone who is going too slowly over to an outer lane...

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Sigh.

I'm yet to encounter a road without hazards.

Including other drivers...

One man is standing up to Donald Trump's ban on US chip tech going to Huawei. That man... is Donald Trump

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Racketing?

It is either:

1) A misspelling of the word 'racketeering', or

2) The noise the Douchebag-in-Chief makes when he is talking, or working the Twitter machine.

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Clueless he is.

I suspect senility.

Consider Adderall addiction (the pResident's drug of choice). Or perhaps, senility brought on by years of Adderall abuse.

Auf wiedersehen, pet: UK Deutsche Bank contractors plan to leave rather than take 25% pay cut for IR35 – report

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: "the bank will only work with contractors [..] of its outsourcer, Resource Solutions"

This whole thing is seriously starting to look like an orchestrated plan to diminish costs on the back of a specific category of workers who can do nothing about it.

Acutally,that sounds like a plan that Donald Dump Trump might come up with1. How would BoJo2 possibly know what Trum...oh, wait....

1Well, Trump isn't smart enough to come up with any kind of a plan on his own that has more than 1 step in it, so to be fair, such a plan would have to come from one of his minions, like Steve Miller or the like.

2Love the moniker!

Chrome 81 beta hooks browser up to Web NFC, augmented-reality features

Someone Else Silver badge

@Elledan -- Re: The web is way too safe! We need more danger!

Sorry I can only give you 1 thumbs-up. So have a virtual pint on me.

Oracle staff say Larry Ellison's fundraiser for Trump is against 'company ethics' – Oracle, ethics... what dimension have we fallen into?

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Company Vs Personal

Meaning that the US political system is essentially a plutocracy and most US citizens seem happy with this

Downvoted because of the "most US citizens seem happy with this" assertion, which is complete and utter bullshit. Most 1-percenters are happy with this, most proto-fascists are happy with this, most MAGATs are happy with this (so long as Cheetolini continues to suck money from the aforementioned two groups), but most US citizens most certainly aren't.

Someone Else Silver badge

It's the anti-stool

Trump, Oracle, ethics. You can pick any two...and they can't simultaneously exist in this universe.

No matter what, the stool falls over...

Call us immediately if your child uses Kali Linux, squawks West Mids Police

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Yikes

What have I become?!!!


Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Let's hope West Midlands Police learns something useful

I started out doing machine code and assembly (it simply doesn't get lower level than that) [...]

Well, there's always micro-coding bit-slices....

Aw, look. The UK is still trying really hard to be the 'safest place to be online in the world'

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Censorship

This is basically government-controlled censorship.

Shhhh, you numpty! Say it too loud, and Donald the Dipshit will hear, and then he'll want it, and then everything will get all dicked up. The only reason we don't have it already is that he's to dumb to know what the word "censorship" actually means.

Not to mention that he can't spell it....

Crypto AG backdooring rumours were true, say German and Swiss news orgs after explosive docs leaked

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Spies gonna spy

Aren't we supposed to be the 'good guys'?

Yes. But then Trump and Boris happened.

Yes, I know that there were serious questions about our good-guy-itude prior to those two ass-hats. But then they happened, and all such questions were answered....

Astroboffins agog after spotting the first repeating fast radio burst that pings every 16 days from another galaxy

Someone Else Silver badge

@Michael H.F. Wilkinson -- Re: Decoded signal....

Look what you went and made me did!------->

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Aliens? Or something more prosaic? We're hoping for aliens

Don't think I've ever seen a Playmobil alien. Pictures, or it nev... oh, wait........

Is Chrome really secretly stalking you across Google sites using per-install ID numbers? We reveal the truth

Someone Else Silver badge

@ Psmo -- Re: Randomly change what's sent back ?

A little too parochial, I wot.

You're not going to save the world from global laziness and/or stupidity (cf. Donald Trump). But it makes a difference to me, at least, and those other commentards of a like bent, to protect themselves (and associated loved ones, family members, close friends, people with curiosity or a willingness to listen, etc.) from the likes of Google.

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: 3/4 OT, or my brief encounter with chrome

Grand total: 3 days wasted spent, but pristine hard drive(s)

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Ad flinger makes browser, ad flinger needs to track you

WHY anyone uses Chrome is completely beyond my comprehension [...]

Perhaps because your company's IT dept says so?

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Ad flinger makes browser, ad flinger needs to track you

[...] (b) make the law makers wake up and stomp on them.

Well, there is Liz Warren...

/me ducks and runs for cover....

What a terrible result from this year's Super Bowl. Can you believe it? Awful. Yes, we're talking about the tech ads

Someone Else Silver badge
Thumb Up

How, indeed.

How did we live before Alexa? Extremely OK is the answer.

Any other questions?

Need 32-bit Linux to run past 2038? When version 5.6 of the kernel pops, you're in for a treat

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Braincases

Shame on da bodayouse!

Someone Else Silver badge

Here in the Chicago area, t_times are hard to come by when the courses are covered with snow....

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Can someone...

Perhaps a more relevant question is to ask why did Linux adopt the Unix convention and epoch start date..

Another perhaps more relevant question might be, why did Linux go with a signed number of seconds since "the beginning of the epoch"? (As noted in the article, this only pushes out the problem for somewhat less than a century, but what possible use is "negative time", anyway -- to the best of my knowledge, using a negative time_t to represent times earlier than the beginning of the epoch is not supported.)

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Can someone...

It will finally have a problem at 2:48:05.47am on July 31st 31086, and although it would be nice to think there might be a VAX still running then I think it's unlikely.

Oh, I dunno. There may be one stashed away in a museum somewhere, that knows how to create 120V/240V 50-60Hz AC power (what ever the heck that was...). If such a thing exists, that VAX will run.

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: I can...

OK. But will they be "perfectly usable" on or after 2038?

Little grouse on the prairie: IBM's AI facial-recognition training dataset gets it in trouble... in Illinois

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: "using photos of millions of people in Illinois without informing them"

Somebody call a Waaah-mbulance for poor IBM or Google.

Brave, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla gather together to talk web privacy... and why we all shouldn't get too much of it

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: They do work, as much as it pains me to admit it

Tell 'em s/he's 42.

They might get it...or not.

Someone Else Silver badge

@naive -- Re: Targeted ads are great and we need them to keep the internet great

Can tell if you're trolling or not, but your handle seems to fit nicely.

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: They do work, as much as it pains me to admit it

[...] something of interest is being put in front of you, with zero effort from you having to find the information.

It that something is really "of interest", I would be actively seeking it out. If that "something of interest" were to be a good or service I was actively interested in, I'd be actively seeking it out, credit card in hand. Since neither of these are the case when some ad-slinger is spontaneously popping up photon pollution on my screen, that garbage is not, by definition, "something of interest. So bugger off!

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Why it's absolutely necessary...targeted to individuals?

The advertisers like it because they believe that this will mean only those who might be interested in buying a product or service will see an ad.

What that means, in the current state of maturity in the "industry", is that those that have already bought that product (or one effectively identical to it) will see that ad.

How well does that work?

Someone Else Silver badge

"The web doesn't exist in a vacuum," Lawrence warned. "People who are building sites and services have choices for what platforms they target. They can build a mobile application. They can take their content off the open web and put it into a walled garden. And so if we do things with privacy that hurt the open web, we could end up pushing people to less privacy for certain ecosystems."

Patent bullshit of Trumpian dimensions. No one is pushing people to less privacy. People like to use the web. People (increasingly and inexorably) want more privacy. Browser developers who supply access to the web and respect privacy will win, the others will lose. Simple supply and demand. And a person who is not on the web because browsers are constantly tattling on them is not a person who is viewing adverts or participating on that vaunted (and mythical) marketplace of all things that are.

Microsoft previews Visual Studio update with added Linux love, many new features

Someone Else Silver badge

@bazza -- Re: Oh-comma-goodie!

Look more closely, grasshopper.

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Oh-comma-goodie!

And then there's this:

"At EA our game developers are used to a Windows environment for development so we thought that forcing them to develop in a Linux environment directly would be a difficult ask, [...]

Yeah, I can see that; having to ask a team of hopelessly brain-addled, MS Kool-Aid drinking devs to actually learn the language they purport to be "experts" in might just be too much to ask....

Someone Else Silver badge


Linux development with C++ is supported in Visual Studio 2019, using either a remote machine or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), [...]

Great! Now you can infect the Linux platform with code written with a never-gonna-be-standards-compliant C++ compiler. Nah, I think I'll stick with ISO-compliant compilers like g++ and clang, thankyewverymuch!

Stiff upper lip time, Brits: After bullying France to drop its digital tax on Silicon Valley, Trump's coming for you next

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: Goverments have two options

We have full employment. You dont [sic] have to like it but by the measurement accepted across the EU we do.

cf. Your Hero Douchebag-in-Chief railing against the "fake" US unemployment numbers while a candidate, only to embrace those exact same numbers when he stole the election with Putin's help was elected.

1) Where you stand depends upon where you sit.

2) Irony is so ironic.

Someone Else Silver badge

@ Beridhren -- Re: Trump is great for Europe

I remember when Hillary said that Trump supporters were a basket of deplorables, as if no liberals were deplorable, [...]

This is the sort of false whataboutism that makes all you autocrat lickspittles sound so bloody stupid (and also confirms the original assertion in your post.

Maybe consider a different handle....

Someone Else Silver badge

Re: He's threatening Italy as well

The USA is the third largest country by population. If the USA was to increase its population by 1 Billion, it would still be third.

I do hope you're not advocating for that. Using current demographics as a guide, some 400-million more morons nicknamed "Skeeter" would be a bitter pill for not just the current Left-Ponders, but for the whole world to swallow.

Someone Else Silver badge

@LDS -- Re: He's threatening Italy as well

[...] and stop to buy US "goods" like the F-35.

Pray tell, what is "good" about an F-35?

Someone Else Silver badge

From the sub-head:

Macron suspends cyber levy plan after The Donald has a quiet word

When has the Blabbermouth-in-Chief ever had a quiet word?

How a Kaggle Grandmaster cheated in $25,000 AI contest with hidden code – and was fired from dream SV job

Someone Else Silver badge

@t-Unit -- Re: One of life's losers...

That's a very good point. I have some sympathy for Pleskov, I've been in environments where 'winning' was fetishised to the point that cheating, lying, and sabotaging others was practically encouraged.

cf. Donald Trump