* Posts by Mike 16

1439 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2009

BT Tower broadcasts error message to the nation as Windows displays admin's shame

Mike 16


Pittsburgh, PA, USA had a (somewhat) similar problem


although it was not noticed for a while, being in Morse Code.

A bit closer to the mark, and for the Penguinistas: I got a new TV some time ago and was doing the channel scan which popped up a very odd "channel". No station ID, and the image seemed to be a "terminal" screen from some Linux installation, with a login: prompt. Of course this was on cable, back when _you_ selected which channel to watch, and the cable presented them all (or, all those in your bundle), rather than you politely asking for a given channel and being eventually served the selected channel (and your choice sold to a bunch of advertisers, but anyway...) Yeah, for a split second I did forget I was on cable rather than antenna, so wondered if this was a result of really bad Tempest compliance. I'm assuming that the head-end for my cable segment had an admin interface that used an otherwise free channel for its console. No idea where I was supposed to plug in the keyboard.

Amazon woes and wins, IBM thinks it's solved employee happiness and Duplex phony phone calls everywhere!

Mike 16

Valuable planning info.

If a manager can be confident that an employee is likely to leave in the near future (barring any effort to address the issues), and can speed that future's arrival with a little subtle harassment, the company can save on both severance pay and HR paperwork they would otherwise spend on firing them. And that will look good on the manager's "social credit" equivalent. The damage that either course of action would have on future product quality/sales (compared to addressing the issues) will show up later, when the execs have already sold what shares they could during the bump from a RIF. And they will have done a round of musical chairs such that no blame for this can be solidly traced back to them. WIN/WIN for execs and managers, LOSE/LOSE/LOSE for workers, customers, and future shareholders, but "Not my job, man"

FBI catches heat, HS kids catch a hacking rap, and Albany catches a ransomware infection

Mike 16

What a windfall

Lucky Albany government workers will be able to add birth records (and delete death records) while "restoring" the data. They could offer a real bargain to crims too busy to prowl graveyards for ill-maintained headstones with plausible birth dates for a new ID.

Come to think of it, the ransomware itself might be able to do something similar.

What Brave New World!

Boeing nowhere fast: Starliner space taxi schedule slips once again to August

Mike 16

Can I dream

that the current wave of trademark necromancy (Atari, Mini, Sinclair, AT&T, HP?) will be to re-animate Pan Am in time for the first Boeing launch, so, after all, we get to see a Boeing craft in Pan Am livery dock with a lovely 1950s design space station (with a nice Waltz playing, but nobody will hear it because space...)?

How do you sing 'We're jamming and we hope you like jamming, too' in Russian? Kremlin's sat-nav spoofing revealed

Mike 16

Blast from the past

I recall seeing an article in the 1980s or so about a naval historian looking at logs from the 19th or early 20th century. Captains continue to do daily position checks even in port. There was reasonable agreement on the latitude and longitude of ships docked in Moscow (A river port). That consensus did not reflect the actual location of Moscow. I assume this was not some prescient countermeasure against tactical nuke drones, but an attempt to at least confuse and delay attackers by land or water.

Pecker-checker Becker's hacker wrecker: Saudi cyber-crew stole Bezos' sexts from phone, fed them to tabloid – claim

Mike 16

provide evidence of that truth

Under oath.

Or, they could just perjure themselves. It's not like perjury is completely off the table for either side.

The U.S. is so polarized that if Satan testified to the plans for apocalypse, half the country would believe him while the other half would claim that the whole "prince of lies" things was just a smear. Similarly, if Jesus were to be served a subpoena, he'd be stopped at the border (maybe the one in the third dimension) for being from the Middle East. Or challenged on ID because he doesn't look like his well-known pictures.

Apple redesigns wireless AirPower charger to be world's smallest, thinnest, lightest, cheapest, invisible... OK, it doesn't exist anymore

Mike 16

Try two?

They could buy uBeam.

Easy-to-hack combat systems, years-old flaws and a massive bill – yup, that's America's F-35

Mike 16

Re: What shall we do with a . . . . .

I'll admit I did not read the whole article, but one line early on struck me:

"The Defiant found use in gunnery training"

I'd love to know if the people being trained were actually _in_ the Defiant, or were trying to shoot it down.

What bugs me the most? World+dog just accepts crap software resilience

Mike 16

Re: Bug fixing and machine learning

I'm not sure that having an AI capable of explaining its actions will be an unalloyed good. When its explanation for why it hit a pedestrian is something like "He was a Ginger", how do you plan on fixing it? We've had millennia to work on that problem with the previous meat-sack implementation, with little to no progress (some would say retrograde) so far.

As for quality in general, as I've said before, in the past I worked on embedded systems that would count as Capital Equipment. "Fit for purpose" was the standard, and the customer did not care if the issue was hardware or software, it was on the manufacturer to eat the cost of the fix, and possibly pay some part of the loss of revenue to the customer.

In the Ginger-hating autopilot case, how would one expect to squeeze the money for getting a better training set out of developers hidden under 7 layers of shell company?

Netflix wants to choose its own adventure where Bandersnatch trademark case magically vanishes

Mike 16

Re: Trademark, not Patent.

Looking for prior art is (mostly) associated with patents. I'm pretty sure the "famous Czech Branching Movie" ("Dream Machines/Computer Lib", Ted Nelson) from 1967 predates the examples mentioned so far, as do the IBM "Programmed Learning" books I first met in 1961 or so.

The issue isn't the technique, but the name. Having a character named Ricky Rat may skate close to the edge, but using the M-words is gonna cost you.

Kaspersky Lab takes bite out of Apple in Russia over borked parental controls app

Mike 16

Re: 1984 won't be like 1984, but 2020 will

Pretty standard in tech. People overestimate "progress" * in the short term, and underestimate it in the long term.

* For whatever definition of "progress" is under discussion, whether it is monetization of the limited oxygen supply on Mars, 24-7 observation and recording of everybody (except billionaires and their tame politicians), or the improvement of safeguards beyond "But Fred would never abuse that, and he's the only one who knows the 4-digit PIN"

What was that P word? Ah. Privacy. Yes, we'll think about privacy, says FCC mulling cellphone location data overhaul

Mike 16

How else?

With the population aging and many skills over-represented in the boomer generation, how do we expect to keep up with the demand for accomplished assassins if we cannot enhance the accuracy of drone strikes with accurate location data? Automation must be expanded to jobs that used to require training and apprenticeship.

Don't be too shocked, but it looks as though these politicians have actually got their act together on IoT security

Mike 16


At the risk of becoming yet another broken record (in the vinyl sense of the word, not the Guinness sense), there are at least two issues around updates:

1) Devices need to be _capable_ of updating their software (and of reverting to a "not great but not totally borked" state).

2) Making updates mandatory, non-reversible, and silent? That's how a zero-day at the manufacturer becomes a worldwide shit-storm.

(And that's not even addressing which criminal gang/government agency is using that zero-day.)

Strewth! Apoplectic Aussies threaten to blast noisy Google delivery drones out of the sky

Mike 16

Frog Boiling

It's clearly {The illuminati, Masons, George Soros, Thetans, Roscicrucians,...} getting folks used to the sounds the invasion fleet will make as it arrives.

We have a few more years as the experience ramps up from mosquitos with 2-meter wingspans and modified dental drills for propulsion to space-going DC-8s full of recycled aliens for "drone delivery" into a volcano.

'It's like painting with atoms'... Watch how boffins form armies of simple micron-sized bots from a silicon wafer

Mike 16

Re: The researchers hope the bots can also be powered by ultrasound or magnetic fields

So the tiny submarine with the tinier Raquel Welch could be powered by biomimetic Electric Eel cells?

UK tech has a month left to bare gender pay gaps, but less than a fifth of firms have ponied up

Mike 16

Focus, People!

Who has time to worry about Gender Pay Gap Reports when the Zombie Apocalypse will be here sooner.

Or some such? I just know folks have been screaming at me about some dire event coming soon.

Sniff the love: Subaru's SUVs overwhelmed by scent of hair shampoo, recalls 2.2 million cars

Mike 16

Young'uns and switches

Concur with the various mentions of minimum current. Once was a time when _serious_ switch interfaces made sure the combo of pullup resistor value and the B+ on the other end kept things shiny :-)

But it's not just the folklore on electrical stuff that gets forgotten/ignored. After several sessions of an EE lying through his teeth about a particular switch being readable at all (despite being on the 10th bit of an 8-bit port), I got to confront the physical design. The ME had used a stamped lever to bear directly on the little button of a PCB-mounted microswitch, rather than the must-be-50-years-old practice of having something with a bit of compliance between the fragile, low-travel switch and the big-bad-world of industrial equipment. But by the time I could get anybody to listen (Go away, Gramps, you're just a programmer), it was too late, so they just edited the spec-sheet to no longer promise any mitigation of that particular failure mode.

Did you hear the one about Cisco routers using strcpy insecurely for login authentication? Makes you go AAAAA-AAAAAAArrg *segfault*

Mike 16

Important word

Newspaper editors sometimes called it the "million dollar word":

"entire contents of a [ALLEGEDLY] zero-terminated buffer"

Trust, but verify.

Oracle: Major ad scam 'DrainerBot' is rinsing Android users of their battery life and data

Mike 16

Re: Liability ?

You may be leaning a bit too heavily on Hanlon's Razor, and not enough on Occam's.

If a group is doing something dodgy, and your representatives seem curiously hesitant to address the issue, ignorance is probably somewhere in the mix, but is probably not as relevant as brown envelopes.

Sufficiently advanced cluelessness is indistinguishable from malice.

'Occult' text from Buffy The Vampire Slayer ep actually just story about new bus lane in Dublin

Mike 16

85 comments in

and nobody has yet mentioned


a mashup with Buffy and Edward Cullen?

What did turbonerds do before the internet? 41 years ago, a load of BBS

Mike 16

Re: 300 Baud - much faster than Baudot RTTY

Baudot (Murray) RTTY at 45.45 baud with 7.5 bits/character is slower than 300 baud 10 bits/character, but not _that_ much slower. Yes, I did edit over 300 baud, when there was "bad weather" for 1200. Using DEC's EDIT (then later KED, think: VI, but with slightly less arcane commands). Staying in non-visual mode unless needed, and setting ROWS to something like 4 (rather than 24) when going visual.

At least nobody I ever met tried to use a "visual mode" editor on a Teletype. :-)

Mike 16

Re: Once upon a time...

Be glad you were on that end of the "conversation". A friend was our BOFH when we took delivery of a system from a contractor. It was an (alleged) improvement of a data-collection device, meant to poll a number of remote systems for daily logs. But it just couldn't seem to connect from our office. After a lot of finger pointing and raised voices, my friend thought to clip a "butt set" (lineman's phone) in "monitor" to the line, and heard an exasperated woman "answer" with as close to expletives as a gentlewoman could be expected to use. Apparently the file of numbers to call had a typo for some location, and had been harassing this poor woman with unlimited retries.

There was a bit of discussion with the contractor about having neither a retry limit nor any log of retries. We did have to wonder how many enemies they had made while testing at their own office, or whether there had in fact been any such testing.

'This collaboration is absolutely critical going forward'... One positive thing about Meltdown CPU hole? At least it put aside tech rivalries...

Mike 16

Re: why people don't patch

Not to mention that many a "urgent security update" seems to come bundled with some obscure "improvement" that turns out to be "enable a new way of monetizing the user".

Of course, the tech industry is just following the lead of legislatures everywhere with their "urgent national defense (and pork for selected districts)" bundling of laws.

Wells Fargo? Well fscked at the moment: Data center up in smoke, bank website, app down

Mike 16

Re: Datacenter fire just a cover story?

I was wondering if someone had recently seen Ocean's 11 (The Rat Pack Version) and thought it could be profitably updated.

(TL;DR Latent hack to casino security is triggered by a widespread power failure. OK, blowing up a major power transmission tower is more dramatic than striking a match under the smoke detector, or maybe wearing particularly natsy cologne.)

Maybe we should check if Benny Hill is somehow still active in heists (Does WFB have Italian branches?)

Mike 16

Re: Smoke detection should just be a warning

They should have had spares on hand:


( In the toolbox next to the left-handed monkey wrench and the snipe-nets)

Mike 16

Re: Wells Fargo is still a thing?

Yup. Much like Bank of America, AT&T, and Atari. What's left of them is a name and some "goodwill" (in accountant-speak) after being acquired some years ago (In Atari's case, at least a half-dozen times).

Common decency forbids my naming several (formerly) U.S. and British auto and motorcycle brands...

(And don't get me started on "Craft beers" owned by mega-breweries)

Reliable system was so reliable, no one noticed its licence had expired... until it was too late

Mike 16

A byte for the year

Except that when many of these systems were written, a byte (called character at the time) was most likely 6 bits. Even when the term "byte" was introduced, it was defined as "The smallest addressable unit of storage), by which definition I have used machines with 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 24, 32, and 60 bit bytes. Most of those would have no trouble stashing a number > 200 (C'mon, who expects to live past 2100? Other than those who have met pretty spry people in their 90s), but not all. Time is hard.

"Byte" became synonymous with "octet" in the same way the "baud" became (equally erroneously) synonymous with "bit per second" about the time (and probably due to) the proliferation of Personal computing, and the notion that "Every computer in the world works _EXACTLY_ like the S-100 box I built from a kit".

National Enquirer's big Pecker tried to shaft me – and I wouldn't give him an inch, says Jeff Bezos after dick pic leak threat

Mike 16

Re: Attempt to blackmail the richest man on the planet, WCGW?

Reminding me of when Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman) asks something along the lines of:

"So, you believe ... one of the wealthiest and most powerful men on the planet... is a vigilante who beats criminals to a pulp with his bare hands and your plan is to blackmail him?"


Things that make you go .hm... Has a piece of the internet just sunk into the ocean? It appears so

Mike 16

Succession Planning

Like that going on currently in the U.S. state of Virginia (named, IIRC, for a certain queen who apparently lacked any such planning)? At the moment, it is likely that the next governor will have, effectively, been drawn by lot, as the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General are all facing calls for their resignation, and the next in line (Speaker of the house) owes his post to a 1-vote majority, which in term was provided by a tie for one house seat, which was then decided by drawing lots (or flipping a coin, or some such).

Comparison and contrast to some watery tart handing out swords.

Fake fuse: Bloke admits selling counterfeit chips for use in B-1 bomber, other US military gear

Mike 16

Doesn't have to be a dodgy middleman

I dimly recall a story from the 1970s wherein a mid-tier semi manufacturer shipped a bunch of empty packages (no die inside) to the U.S. navy. Their contract had strict penalties for not delivering a specified number of units per month, but no penalty for units that failed incoming test.

Grumble Pai: FCC boss told by House Dems to try the novel concept of putting US folks first, big biz second

Mike 16

There is another system

No, not Guardian, and I don't know if this applies outside the U.S., but IIRC there are at least two "Caller ID" like systems in the U.S. The common or garden Caller ID depends on the information given by the "network" in general, either (ideally) originating at the caller's provider and passed along unmolested, or "just made up" by one of the hops along the line. Think of it like the "From" header on email. "Trust, and don't bother to verify".

The other system is used for "Free calls" ("Callee Pays", 800 etc. "Area Codes" in the U.S.). That info is much more likely to be correct, because one of the main reasons for having an "800 number" in these days of really cheap "long distance" calls is to gather the phone numbers of every caller. This can be used as proof of an "established business relationship", and thus exempt one from "Do Not Call" regulation. I assume there is a similar use for "900" (enhanced services, aka porn-chat) lines. _somebody_ has to know who to bill), and of course "911" emergency services, although the recent 911 call from space indicates there is "room for improvement"

In summary: requiring that a call have "Caller ID" is hardly likely to improve things, since it is almost certainly unreliable, and probably fraudulent. Get an 800 number if you want a (mostly) truthful "origination number". Like most surcharges for "not spitting in the soup", it will cost you...

Bug-hunter faces jail for vulnerability reports, DuckDuckPwn (almost), family spied on via Nest gizmo, and more

Mike 16

Re: Disclosure

_Many_ years ago I bought some used tapes to use as scratch. (How many years? 1/2 inch 7-track, OK?). Well, of course I took a look at them first. Mostly wiped, but one had customer data from some financial institution. Actually just what appeared to be records of customer name, street address, branch or maybe department number, some other number too short to be an actual account number, etc.

I wiped it before putting it back in the case.

Before anybody gets huffy about the recklessness of using tapes that had almost certainly been "retired" for too-high error rate, I'll mention that I was a student at the time, and that, unlike some modern storage media, one got immediate indication of write-errors, so the penalty was slightly longer write times and reduced capacity. Each error due to a surface imperfection resulted in a 3.5-inch section of tape being "lost", equivalent to about 2K (out of 2-20 Meg).

Mike 16

Re: SS7 hacked?

My memory is that "prevention of phone-phreaking" was at first more things like "2600 sniffers" and "Out of Band Signalling". But of course I have no knowledge of such things

SS-7 was more, IIRC and as the article says, for inter-exchange, but got a real boost after the breakup of AT&T (now reversed by the most rapacious of the resulting "Baby Bells"). As a wide range of small telcos sprung up like mushrooms after a rain (or lawyers after a disaster), there had to be some way to route traffic. But, yeah, the design and the mods were made in a spirit of "we're all responsible adults here", which has been patently untrue for decades.

Kinda like the Internet...

I'm a crime-fighter, says FamilyTreeDNA boss after being caught giving folks' DNA data to FBI

Mike 16

Cigarette Butts

So, they had been studying up on Kurt?


Wherein the installers (3rd Reich) scattered American Cigarette packets were scattered about to reinforce the notion that the robot weather station was set up by the Allies.

Note also Italian resistance fighters attached Allied-supplied bombs (triggered by sudden drops in light, e.g. from entering a tunnel) to railroad rolling stock in alpine regions. They were labelled as being "tracking devices" attached by the Germans, and warned of dire consequences for anybody tampering with them.

Intel to finally scatter remaining ashes of Itanium to the wind in 2021: Final call for doomed server CPU line

Mike 16

Re: Design Flaw

So, the hardware variant of the "Sufficiently Smart Compiler"


Wherein the point is made that the compiler has to not only be sufficiently smart (to take crap-code and re-write it), but also _perfect_, lest a formerly unnoticed inability to deal with a particular corner case result in a trivial change to the source dropping performance in the toilet.

Facebook cuts off independent political ad reviewers, claims security concerns

Mike 16

Re: Anti-Vaxers

Why do all these x86-lovers still get all huffy about the VAX? I mean, yeah, it almost defined the term "CISC", what with "Polynomial Evaluate", but at least you could expect to survive having a paper copy of the architectural spec thrown at you. Let's have a little perspective.

Wait, do you mean those following in the wake of Wakefield?

Never mind.

Mike 16

Contract reviewers

Why don't they just contract it all out the the Internet Research Agency? It would be enormously more efficient after all.

Tech sector meekly waves arms in another bid to get Oz to amend its crypto-busting laws

Mike 16

Crocodile clips

Just had an image from my youth re-surface. One of a particular sort of test clip used on Central Office frames back when things were a lot more electromechanical. They were bent 90 degrees and had a nice (wooden?) handle with a button t open the jaws . So, these clips tended to go walkies quite a bit, and local users of The Devil's Weed tended to have them despite having nothing to do with the local TelCo, other than knowing someone who worked there.

Anyway, I wonder what other uses a "virtual crocodile clip" could be used for? Drowd maintenance?

Look out, kids. Your Tinder account is about to be swamped by old people... probably

Mike 16

Age discrimination?

So, is it also illegal for businesses to offer "senior rates"?

(Often without even asking for age verification, once I greyed and wrinkled enough.)

Don't those discriminate against the 15-60s? (Old enough to be spending their own money, too young to pass as a geezer).

Surface: Tested to withstand the NFL. Microsoft firmware updates? Not so much

Mike 16

Re: It's a bit like rugby?

I recall reading American Football described (in the 1970's IIRC) as a perfect combination of the two most characteristic aspects of American culture: Violence and Committee Meetings.

Oracle boss's Brexit Britain trip shutdown due to US government shutdown

Mike 16

Shutdown as negotation

@geoffrey W:

-- What were they thinking when they came up with that mechanism? --

Just as Bill gates did not invent CTRL_ALT_DEL, but did popularize it, there was guy who weaponized the shutdown as the one true way to govern.

Nice thing about recent history is that many of the players are still around, so you might ask him:


(I predict, though, that the answer will be somewhere between "The end justifies the means" and "F-you commie rat-bastard")

Not to single out Newt, really. A _lot_ of politicians are lawyers, and most seem to think that "If it is not illegal (yet), it is perfectly OK". Also, a surprising number (at least in the U.S. Congress) of politicians are former cheerleaders


and once you have a certain level of physical gymnastics handled, perhaps getting into mental and moral gymnastics is easier.

World's first robot hotel massacres half of its robot staff

Mike 16

Maybe they should have

put the bid out more widely than just going with Sirius Cybernetics, even if the owner's brother did own a bunch of SC stock.

Yes, you can remotely hack factory, building site cranes. Wait, what?

Mike 16

Re: Not good


How would the controller know that moving the load N instead of E would put it through the window of the bosses car?


How about N vs S? Your comment pushed me over the "should I bother to post?" edge, as the article had tickled an old memory about a not-exactly-security issue with a traveling crane. I probably read it on comp.risks, which means "before 2001" when I went cold-turkey.

Anyway, some repair of said crane had resulted in the phases being connected incorrectly. It powered up OK, stopped. Then the repair guy commanded a small movement one direction, but due to the reversed phases, the result was in a small movement the other direction, which the control loop "corrected", leading quickly to full power the opposite of the correct direction. The stop blocks at the (actual, not anticipated) end of the track were not able to halt the mass of the crane traveling at full speed, and it crashed through the wall and landed on a vehicle parked outside. There was speculation at the time whether that vehicle was owned by the electrician who had done the erroneous wiring. Poetic, but unconfirmed.

Smartphones gateway drug to the Antichrist, says leader of Russian Orthodox Church

Mike 16

Re: The so-called "beast" of Revelation was an STD ...

IIRC The identity of the "John" who wrote Revelations is far from settled. The claim that he was actually the Apostle John has been disputed for some time.

Facebook apparently did not enforce their "Real Names" policy at the time.

Linus Torvalds opts for the scream test: Linux kernel syscall tweaked to shut data-leak hole – anyone upset, yell now

Mike 16

Re: Probably an access control issue


have to let the system know which processes are trusted and which are not.


I thought one of the key principles in the Evil Overlord's Guide to World Domination was to _never_ let any of your "trusted" henchmen know which of them is actually _trusted_ (for now).

Mainframe brains-slurper sues IBM for 'age discrim', calls Ginny and biz 'morally bankrupt'

Mike 16

In people as in things

(allegedly) old saying:

Two fools. One says "This is old, and therefore good". The other: "This is new, and therefore better"

Meanwhile, I, and the other "nudged out the door" greybeards of my acquaintance had a tendency to document what we know, and were doing, including early design notes, without needing a patented process in place. Those who have stayed with a company for more than a few years have a personal relationship with their (soon to be) former co-workers, and do not want to make their lives difficult. Sometime, we are given time to do this. Others? Well, I left work on my last day of one job after 8PM, finishing up some notes to my replacement.

You can blame laziness as much as greed for Apple's New Year shock

Mike 16

Selling security

Some folks on another list have mentioned that the Apple "Privacy" sign is on the side of a Marriott hotel. Odd choice given the Marriott data leak.

Meanwhile, I do believe the Apple ecosystem is (a bit) more secure than most, as long as:

1) They don't get subborned by some TLA

2) You avoid iCloud like the plague.

Problem is, with the rise of authoritarianism, (1) will not last long, and (2) requires constant vigilance to avoid the dark patterns that try to get you to click the "leak all my info, passwords, email, etc. to Apple" link that _looks_ like a "make your device more secure with our guard-unicorn! It even farts rainbows!" button.

It's 2019, the year Blade Runner takes place: I can has flying cars?

Mike 16

Re: Imagine a smart bomb that refuses to explode

Let there be light.

(As "Benson Arizona" plays softly,,,)

Gotta go. My turn to feed the alien (and service the elevator).

Microsoft's 2018, part 2: Azure data centres heat up and Windows 10? It burns! It burns!

Mike 16

Re: It Burns!?

Thank you! The first, definitely. The second, most likely, Should have guessed they were from Hammer.

Thanks again, and Happy New Year!

Mike 16

It Burns!?

Very OT, but I would love to be told the name of the film or program that I stumbled on many years back when many UHF channels were pretty much "obscure old films, all the time". It was almost certainly toward the end of this one, and the scene I remember is some guy stumbling out of a spherical tank (probably shot at an oil refinery or other chemical plant) screaming "It Burns!", and the revelation that the "advanced fertilizer process" was actually making food (or fuel, or aphrodisiacs?) for some alien overlords.

On the chance that the headline is referencing that film, could someone enlighten me with the title and (rough) year)?

While diverging into B-movie filmography. any hints of one that features a tube station overrun by crocodile-sized intelligent mantis-like creatures? At least as far as I could ascertain through the (RF) snow. We no longer have that problem (snow, not crocodile-mantises), just variations on major parts of the frame entering Witness Protection, or the audio becoming completely unmoored from the video, in our brave new DTV world.