* Posts by Tom 13

7544 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2009

Iran admits cyberattack hit nuke programme

Tom 13

The Israelis probably weren't responsible for the attack.

I don't imagine Mossad would muck up something quite that badly. If you attack, you want to make sure you take out either large numbers or key personnel, neither of which seems to be the case. So that means it was probably another botched CIA op.

Oh and yes, just for the record, I count the scientists as key components in the manufacture of atomic weapons. The centrifuges never hurt anyone, but the people running them could be responsible for killing millions.

Feds seize 70 'filesharing, dodgy goods' sites

Tom 13

Oh Gawd no, not the commies at the UN.

Don't much trust any of those allegedly neutral International organizations either. Maybe a tenth as far as I trust the f*ck-ups who pulled the current stunt.

Tom 13

If they had seized the actual servers

pursuant to judicially approved warrants which the plaintiff could read and for which plaintiff was able to consult with counsel before submitting to, you might have a point.

But being as what they seized was purely the domain name, and pretty much all the rest of the requirements were absent as well, even this Law and Order conservative who supports limited waterboarding captured jihadists can't condone the seizure of the site names.

What is the point of End Point Protection?

Tom 13

"The ‘sneaker net’ at first kept the rate of spread at a relatively low level." Really?

When I started work way back in the dark ages of Novell 2.x and everybody was still using the new 1.2M high density 5 1/4" floppy disks (720K 3.5" disks were just coming out and still cost too much) we could not get rid of the Stoned virus because it was impossible to have all of the floppy disks in the building at the same time to scan them. So at least one PC on the network was always infected, and from it, more floppy disks would inevitably become infected.

In some sense my career in IT started there. As the DTP Specialist, I couldn't afford to lose clock cycles to Stoned and therefore was one of the few people constantly scanning my local and floppy disks to make sure they were uninfected. Well, that and the fact that my printing activities could crush the network so I had to become best buds with the Network Admin and carefully manage my work so I didn't down the network.

Leslie Nielsen dead at 84

Tom 13

One of my favorites is a visual from Police Squad:

"We have top men working around the clock," with guys working on a grandfather clock in background.

Putting the internet into neutral, or neutering the net?

Tom 13

I guess you missed it.

Google already have more fiber than anyone else, it just that it only talks to other Google servers, not the public. So the while the Net Neutrality people might talk a good game, in effect it only subsidizes Google, who already own their own money printing presses anyway.

Tom 13

It's called wireless broadband

and if the landlubbers don't keep up, it will eat their lunches.

Dell kept buyers in dark over hardware problems, say docs

Tom 13

Next time have your friend draft the first letter, then take it to legal

and have them send it instead on their letterhead instead of just an email.

It's amazing what the letterhead alone can accomplish.

Tom 13

Still Dell's fault.

They are supposed to have QC checks in place to detect and fix those sorts of issues. It might be Quality Engineering 604 instead of Marketing 101, but we expect our tech companies to complete their advanced degrees. And when they detect them afterward, we expect the to report them forthrightly so we can adapt to changing conditions.

Tea Party activists accused of rigging Dancing vote to favour Palin

Tom 13

You're doing well up to the last line.

There are certainly people out there who claim, and probably are trying to rig the vote for her. The point they are trying to make is that vote by mail, vote by internet, and anything else except some system where you must physically present yourself and you have a clear and unbreakable chain for forensic examination later is subject to tampering and fraud.

I do suspect Bristol might actually be winning without the manipulation. Someone on a radio show tonight noted her three daughters keep voting for her because she wears modest costumes unlike other contestants. Her back story (normal kid unexpected thrown into the spotlight, makes a mistake, tries to do the right thing after making the mistake) pulls at the heart strings of all but the most hate-filled libtards. And unlike a presidential election, there isn't really anything of import at stake in the voting for this show, so why not vote your heart?

Tom 13

You mean the Minnesota Senatorial Race of 2008.

While it is true the 2008 presidential election was corrupted, that occurred on a whole different level when the entire press corp abdicated their job of asking tough questions to ALL candidates. It was the 2008 Minnesota Senatorial race that seated Al Franken in which the vote stealing methods of the Democrat party were on display for anyone with eyes to see. To wit: One of the towns for which "new" votes were "found" for Franken had more ballots cast than the town had registered voters.

Tom 13

And if El Reg had done even some cursory research instead of just linking to MSLSD,

they might have stumbled upon this little posting and had a whole different take on Bristol's Pistols:


It seems one of the organizers chose Palin and the show for precisely those reasons. Which would seem to mesh well with El Reg's typical concern about vote fraud in computerized systems with no backup paper trail. But hey, now that it's no longer possible to engage in BDS, I suppose PDS will have to suffice.

Windows hits 25

Tom 13

Not so much parts laying aroung, just not a lot of design budget at the Boca Raton

office, so they built it out of standard parts instead of designing some spiffy component IBM could patent and make money from. It was designed, it was tested, and it ran well for where the industry was at that time. But the off-the-shelf components decision was the key one. One without which Microsoft would not be the company they are today. It was that decision which led to the Compaq clones, which even included specific known bugs from the IBM design. Once Compaq established the legal precedent that companies did not have to have licensing agreements with Microsoft, the foundation was laid for the commodity PC market.

Christians vs metalheads in FB flame war

Tom 13

Simple Solution:

Call it Heavy Metal Festival or Black Heavy Metal Festival. Catholics worldwide practice Mass. Muslims don't practice Mass. Jews don't go to Mass. Protestants don't go to Mass. Mass is a distinctly Catholic practice. And Black Mass is a distinctly anti-Catholic stance.

Don't attack the Catholics and they won't stand up for themselves.

Has CERN made the VATICAN ANTIMATTER BOMB for real?*

Tom 13

Only to reverse

the polarity of neutron flow. That things gonna blow!

Tom 13

Not necessarily.

I'm thinking the hovering nun with a ruler routine from Blues Brothers. <<shudder>>

Zuckerberg admits fallibility over Gmail block

Tom 13

Agreed, and I have a FB account.

I could see a setting which will allow you to share your email account information for export if you choose.

But if I see too much dangerous spam showing up as a result of Zuckerberg's latest moves, FB accounts are toast.

Windows malware dominates Mac malware detection chart

Tom 13

Sophos is not alone in that rather annoying problem.

I've had it with Norton and McAfee at work places that enforce their usage. Fortunately I've usually been able to find the logs which show the full path, but it is still rather a PITA. What I found more annoying was the lack of original filename and timestamp data for the reports I needed to file. The theory seems to be that you put the virus back where it came from, browse to the directory, record the data, and then delete it again. Reminds me rather of aiming a double barreled shotgun at my feet and making sure I fired BOTH chambers.

US may disable all in-car mobile phones

Tom 13

Saw a post on this yesterday.

First two post (within 2 minutes of each other) both noted it would never pass Constitutional muster. SCOTUS has been pretty consistent that infringement on 1st Amendment rights need to be narrowly tailored. Even presuming you can solve the technical problems with not extending the jamming beyond the range of the car, providing GPS navigation, and alerting emergency services in the event of an accident, you are still necessarily interfering with the 1st amendment rights of other passengers in the vehicle, which is NOT permissible.

Microsoft spooks software customers about dangerous pirates

Tom 13


No, you can't PIRATE OSS software. Poison it perhaps. Violate copyright certainly. But to PIRATE implies to make money by illegally selling something and denying the rights of the original creator to profit from his work. These specific concepts simply don't work in OSS.

UK.gov ignores 'net neutrality' campaigners

Tom 13

Wow, the Brit government is doing something right that we can't get done

properly here in the States with respect to free enterprise. Somebody better send some firewood to Hell, I suspect they are having some problems down there.

Alleged bad Appler should pay back $1m

Tom 13

That's not the way it works here.

Government gets the $1 mill from the bride taker, then shakes down the bribers for another, plus time in the pokey. Oh, and the taxpayer foots another half a mill for prosecution and court costs.

OpenSSL updated to kill code-execution bug

Tom 13

I don't buy that FUD from MS, not buying it here either.

What I do accept is that Open Source is more likely to get it fixed faster than MS. Which they seem to have done once again.

Facebook 'next-gen' comms (sorta) answer Google beef

Tom 13

Interesting point. Has Zuckerberg just killed Facebook?

Once upon a time I browsed the Usenets because you could find good and interesting information there. Then came the spambots and the downfall of Usenet. With this new play, will FB follow the same path?

Dunno. But I will miss my FB games if it does.

World's most advanced rootkit penetrates 64-bit Windows

Tom 13

That's not an app that's a tool and one which ought to require elevated access privileges.

Okay, what it really sounds like is a nasty virus that needs to be removed from your system ASAP, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Not something I'm frequently of the mind to do.

Tom 13

Agreed that I'd like to know what program wants to make changes.

But given that even Trend et al don't provide that info, I suspect that something about the way the OS works requires truly clever people to provide that bit of info.

As for the Run As bit, are you running Vista or Win 7? I had issues with Vista, but none so far with Win 7. This to some extent mitigates the habituation training issue.

MBR issues are with us always. LILO and GRUB would only obfuscate the issue, not resolve it. If Windows grants access via direct SCSI commands, the malware can overwrite either of those too. What is needed is a reliable control for access to writing the MBR. A DIP switch or jumper on the MB can guarantee that restriction, but are a PITA for maintenance, and as indicated previously there are times when a necessary patch will update the MBR. Next best choice is the BIOS. Apparently the BIOS boys never got this to work correctly previously. Even if they did, with the current crop of updatable BIOSes I'm not sure how effective it will be.

Facebook set to unveil 'Gmail killer'

Tom 13

I guess they never will figure this out.

I want my OS vendor to be my OS vendor, my mail vendor to be my mail vendor, and my social networking vendor to be my social networking vendor. And I want all three of them to be DIFFERENT vendors. I'm willing to let the all compete to sell me software, but for these different services, I WANT different vendors.

Seems simple enough to me. Don't know why they can't figure it out.

Palin email hacker gets 366 days in custody

Tom 13

No, this sentence was the minimum necessary.

He knowingly targeted a prominent US politician BECAUSE he figured he could argue it was a prank and get support from lots of wankers who ought to know better. If it was me he'd be doing the full 20 just because of that.

There are OTHER legal means of going after Palin if she was using the account for official government work.

Dell sells Android dream to corporate types

Tom 13

Right now, Blackberry is the only company

with a solid corporate governance footing and even it leaves corporate managers wanting a better solution. First company to crack it as a cross-platform has a major advantage.

World's largest pilot union shuns full-body scanners

Tom 13

[cue 70s piano music] Di-di-a-di-a-di-a-di...

Then one day after an accidental overdose of X-ray radiation at an airport security checkpoint, and now whenever Ian McGumby becomes angry a startling metamorphosis takes place. Wanted for a crime he did not commit, and relentlessly pursued by TSA Inspector Javert Ian must search for a way to control the raging creature that dwells within...

Facebook engineer bashes Google for Gmail block

Tom 13

Conceptually I like your fix.

Not sure I trust FaceBook to implement it. Less sure I trust Google to abide by it.

And completely irrelevant because neither of them are willing to consider it.

Facebook beats Google's block

Tom 13

Huh. I'll have to look at it and I might want to try it.

Because my non-sock puppet FaceBook account does not use my GMail address.

Oracle enlists private dick to sniff out HP boss

Tom 13

Apotheker is trying to prevent them serving the subpoena,

thus avoid appearing in court at all. Pleading the 5th only protects you from self-incrimination in LEGAL proceedings. If you are the CEO of a company that's not the sort of thing you want to be saying in court unless you are facing a long stay in The Big House. Saying it repeatedly is likely to cost you customers. The other part of the problem is that if Apotheker truthfully answers the question with "I don't know and was unaware of the actions until after the fact" (not asserting it is true, but even if you assume it to be true to explore a particular legal avenue) once he has answered that question, he is compelled to answer any other question put to him by the Oracle attorneys. There might be other dirt on Apotheker that is largely irrelevant to the case or his performance as CEO of HP but which might slip into the public eye once he is on the stand.

The point of the SAP quote is that many people (SAP, HP, El Reg, and me) think Ellison is using the courts to intimidate HP because he doesn't like what they did to his golfing bud and not because of anything he actually did, or anything he knows. Granted right now I don't have a lot of respect for HP as a company, but I would like them to have the chance to once again become the company I once respected. I see no such option for Ellison and Oracle since Ellison IS Oracle, much like Jobs IS Mac.

Ellison grilled on $4bn SAP 'theft' claim

Tom 13

If SAP stole 3000 customers from Oracle as a result of the breach,

it is NOT okay for Oracle to be compensated for the theft of 300,000 customers, which is what Oracle claimed in their filings. It is appropriate for SAP to compensate only for the 3000 customers.

Got it?

Firefox extension detects FireSheep snoop software

Tom 13

No, it's blaming Ford or GM for

not installing locks on car doors because they cost too much and it's the thieves fault for stealing cars anyway.

Windows 7 'I'm a PC' man quits Microsoft

Tom 13

Yep, they all reminded me of badly acted 70s sitcoms.

And its even worse than them being a random PC user with absolutely no idea how their PC works, they're actually even more clueless actors/actresses portraying computer users who have no idea how your PC works.

Hell, I fix them, and these days I'm not sure I know how the damn things work.

Software engineer blogs own Starbucks wiretap

Tom 13

Lots of reasons.

The ones which come to mind immediately:

1. The US jury system is so screwed up it is nearly impossible to get what most of us would regard as a competent jury seated, because so many of the things most of us would regard as marks of competence count as reasons to dismiss you from the jury pool.

2. Before you get to a jury trial, there's the whole plea bargaining mess.

3. Given solid evidence against a perp who committed a violent crime, there is at best a 50/50 chance of conviction. This isn't a violent crime, and the guy has shown his intention was to help people. I don't even think you could find 12 people if you select them at random who will agree to convict someone who hasn't caused ACTUAL harm when he was trying to do something good.

Tom 13

Is it illegal? Absolutely.

Could he be prosecuted? That depends on what you mean by "prosecute"

Could he be convicted by a jury here is The States? Not a chance. Hence the previous Clintonism.

Symantec under pressure to split up?

Tom 13
Jobs Horns

I recall using both those versions of Norton.

Like you I loved the DOS set. I didn't have the issues you had with the NU for 95, but by then the writing was already clearly on the wall. MS were going to kill all of the utility suppliers except the AV vendors. They broke the QuarterDeck QEMM memory extender every time they released a .x upgrade of DOS, and stole Stacker clean away (not that I was a big fan of Stacker, but I object to stealing even from the incompetent). They even worked hard to break Partition Magic and Drive Copy, both wonderful utilities in their prime, but no longer in my utility kit.

Security major strops over MS free scanner auto-downloads

Tom 13

The difference between MS Updates and Windows Updates is trivial.

And ought not constitute sufficient ground to deflect Trend's complaint if the go full bore lawyer on this. What I think will constitute a problem for them is that I believe the Netscape vs MS settlement has expired. The predecessor which allowed the Netscape vs MS case (illegal DOS distribution practices with one of those quasi-court/out of court agreements) certainly has. Which means MS is no longer legally covered by the requirement that they not bundle applications with their OS. And therefore Trend have to argue that all over again.

On a side note, if Trend want to depose me for their case I'm available. I'm a consumer, I buy their product, and when I build out my PC at home I always start by applying service packs, then running Windows update, then switching to MS Updates and patching until there are no critical patches left and nothing in the optional software that interests me. In my particular case they wouldn't lose a customer, but for others in the populace they might.

Google snips Facebook's Gmail line

Tom 13

Re: Facebook security = Google gets data

Yes, but Google want the data unencumbered by legal questions.

Zuckerberg: the iPad 'is not mobile'

Tom 13

So, despite being a twit, Zuckerberg got it right, and the fanbois didn't understand.

It's not a mobile, which everyone pretty much agrees is a device which fits in your pocket. It is mobile in the sense of it is easily carried with you, but that also describes the tablet form factor. Except the fanbois don't want to admit that Apple is selling a pricey tablet. Perhaps a well-designed tablet worth the price (YMMV), but still a tablet.

Google open sources Apache server speed mod

Tom 13

Re: Re: Erm...: Minor nit

the specific phrasing is "distribute" which includes free distribution of said code. But as you noted, they haven't distributed the code outside their organization, so it would be in compliance with the license. The code they are distributing has been released as required under the license.

eBay Meg bitchslapped by Governor Moonbeam

Tom 13

They are in

the land of fruits and nuts. Major tv markets there. No freebie airtime unless you are union goon.

Tom 13

That woman was no tea party candidate

She just tried to spin it that way, and the LSM (John Oates included*) are more than happy to spin it that way to legally slander an honorable group of people. Rand Paul was a tea party candidate, as was Marco Rubio. They both won their races handily.

*Why? Because in an election even the Washington Post is admitting is a historic victory for the Republican party and the Tea Party people who brought them to it, he has chosen to focus on two losers from the land of fruits and nuts. He'll make some lame excuse about these are the only two people with an IT angle, but it really is just what I called it: a lame excuse.

Shut up, Spock! How Battlestar Galactica beat Trek babble

Tom 13

Once upon a time I read a fair amount of hard sf (as well as some interesting Fantasy stuff)

(Gentle Giants trilogy, Foundation Trilogy, dabbled in some Heinlein but gave up on him as someone afraid to take a story where it wants to go). Over the last few years I've pretty much given up on the genre. Where it isn't too PC the sf reads more like fantasy, and regardless of what it is, it has all gotten a bit too preachy.

Even when I was reading it, I quickly grew tired of super-hard sf described in this article. I eventually read an article that pointed out why: When was the last time someone stopped in the middle of Monty Python skit to explain the basics of how the internal combustion engine works? How about in the middle of a Micky Spillane novel? Same thing applies to sf. You may need the occasional visit from the Doctor's companion asking how the internal combustion works so the audience will get a plot point, but when you focus too much on the science behind the story. Quite honestly, I find it less believable that the military will still be using slug throwers 50 years from now than that they will be using lasers. When the power density/killing power ratio is sufficiently high, we will switch to them. They always go straight so there is a better chance of hitting your target. Rail guns, okay, that works for me if it is something getting a significant percent of c for velocity. Anti-matter rail guns is getting on toward space opera (which I also enjoy but distinguish from hard sf). I use to work with the definition that hard sf was about the improbable possible, while fantasy was about the believable impossible. But I eventually decided what really interests me is a story where the technology is an important but minor character in the tale.

Google's 'copied Java code' disowned by Apache

Tom 13

I suspect that in any code sample taken from real human beings,

you will not find anything even closely approximating 10! listings of variables. Humans inherently tend to order things, and even will this effect will be even more pronounced when engaging in logic exercises. So I expect that unless the initial instructions indicate a need to try to randomize the order of declaration, you will find a few ordering techniques that greatly reduce the randomness, perhaps something on the order of 4!*3!*3! possibly even as little as 2!*2!*2!*2!*2!

Microsoft's IE9 'nearly finished'

Tom 13

@Giles: I'd like to agree with that, but I'm not sure

how many websites still have special pages just for IE, so getting to the gold standard at least requires going in and moving the IE redirectors.


Where's the "I wish this were a joke" icon?

Adobe Reader browse-and-get-pwned 0day under attack

Tom 13

Or they could just re-write without using Active X.

Oh wait, that COULD be taken to mean "security in mind" ...

Boffins mount campaign against France's official kilogramme

Tom 13


Or Celestial Goofy Shit as we called in Asto class because we never could figure out why you'd choose it as your base when the closest star is over 4 light years away. But for some reason it was and therefore the exponents were always even larger.