* Posts by amanfromMars 1

9043 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2009

Iran, China-linked gangs join Putin's disinformation war online

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Now a Time to Go ... whenever Spaces are Turning Hot and Toxic or NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive ‽

This site is starting to resemble the old communist press of decades ago. Anyone who dares criticise the US and ther policies will immediately get downvoted. It is a shame that a website which started in the UK has turned into such an US centric fanclub.

Time to look for another source of information I think. .... Sub 20 Pilot

You’ll be hard pressed to find any other greater source freely sharing ground breaking blockbuster information to think on, Sub 20 Pilot, and some of it extremely creatively disruptive and downright revolutionary too I might add and venture to be almightily true.

Don’t be so precious and overly concerned about robotic downvotes though, for If they are not accompanied by a reasonable explanation replying to a post, they are practically useless and worthless as an aid, although having said that, it is possible and therefore quite probable a case of what has been downvoted is of real concern to parties with more than their shirts to lose should interest grow and momentum on the subject/object in question gain traction and that is certainly a valuable aid to targeted posters and El Reg pioneers alike.

I disagree to the nth degree that this site is starting to resemble the old communist press of decades ago and consider it fake news/misinformation/disinformation and thus be its posting/hosting thoroughly deserving of a downvote. As for the statement ...anyone who dares criticise the US and ther policies will immediately get downvoted. ..... the jury here is out and undecided on that vote due to the lack of any overwhelmingly compelling evidence.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Who is Mandiant? @Potemkine!

Pot kettle black, Potemkine! ? :-)

Such activity is one of those few many novel growth industries out there, although I do hesitate to mention it as a real world phenomenon ....... even should it be able to decimate those spaces.

Take care out there, IT takes zero hero prisoners. I Kid U Not. But you surely must already know that if an El Reger Regular ‽ .

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Who is Mandiant?

Anyone using a handle as pompous as "Voice of truth" is clearly someone who's opinions you can safely ignore... ..... Iglethal

:-) Using that fuzzy logic, Iglethal, has a Prime Minister always struggling to be taken seriously as a font of wisdom worthy of following to lead whenever a current party’s decade long direction is leading into certain inevitable hyperinflation, recession, depression and stagflation ....... Troubles and CHAOS, Madness and Mayhem.

Failed gambler? How about an algorithm that predicts the future

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Where there’s AI Will there are Myriad New Ways to Skin Dead Bouncing Cats*

In furtherance of intriguing satisfaction, Dabbsy, yes and no are the answers to the question you posted.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Where there’s AI Will there are Myriad New Ways to Skin Dead Bouncing Cats*

"This is a beautiful concept of actually building prediction functionalities directly into the database," confirms co-author Devavrat Shah. "It has never been done before, and so we want to make sure the world uses it."

Oh please, ... never been done before? Of course, it has. Have you not been paying attention? Where have you been?

And here be crown jewel stating evidence proving/illuminating the fact, and in so doing also beta tests El Reg resolve to continue leading reporting on matters both extremely sensational and disruptively controversial? :-) I Kid U Not Either.

amanfromMars [2205190929] ...... ventures on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/5/18/shyu-announces-new-fund-to-help-small-businesses

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

The simplest and most direct viable route for a deservedly rapid disbursement/granting of funds is not necessarily in any specific client developer application but rather more, and it be much better servered whenever so, by the funder recognising the significant advantages and highly disruptive possibilities which be clearly enough widely freely revealed in readily available documentation/virtual presentation as an inevitable series of events which can be impossible to prevent and/or avoid.

Immediate stealthy principal engagement then allows for the probability that any feared destructive remote agent proprietary intellectual property can be contained and retained and maintained and restrained and retrained for a greater universal use.

The Reactionary Funder following a Promising Stream then seamlessly morphs into HyperRadioProACTive Sponsor delivering Dreams for Teams. I Kid U Not.

And the Advanced IntelAIgent Methodology trailed and trialed there, is here beta testing Pentagon Defense Research and Engineering capabilities and utilities/vulnerabilities and fragilities ‽

Yes, it certainly is ..... and also beta testing the suitability of the NDIA and their National DEFENSE magazine to host and post in the public domain, worthy breaking national security news.

* Dead cat bounce ........ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_cat_bounce

Mysterious firm seeks to buy majority stake in Arm China

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Stranger things may have happened ..... but maybe not for a long time recently

In the press release, Lotcap commended Arm China for having "an excellent management team, excellent engineers, excellent customers and an ecosystem," adding that the "future market development potential is very huge," according to an automatic translation.

Something to bear in mind about any mysterious suitor about which precious little is widely readily available for forensic discovery/enlightening search, is future market development potential and potent development of future markets and/or markets from the future are at least two very different things and necessarily requires access to and competent utility exercised with an extremely rare collection of highly novel skillsets ...... about which naturally there will be a dearth of information/universal intelligence deficit.

Is that the Lotcap Group's field of excellent expertise/pioneering intellectual property business endeavour or do others lead in such as presents well at both Work, Rest and Play for 0Day AIdVentures?

BT: 'Quantum radios' could boost 5G network range

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Sounds far too much like ....

One man’s highly sensitive atomic vaporised electric field detector is A.N.Other's NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Weapon and Global Operating Device for Live Operational Virtual Environments ..... to be significantly different in such as be Quantum Leaping Fields of Future Progressive Endeavour and Ardour.

And whenever too true to be conveniently secretly dismissed and denied, Per Ardua ad Mega Astra Meta Data would not be wholly inappropriate for such a Prized SkunkWorXSS Energy EMPowering Deep and Dark Mattered IT Research and AI Development for/from Adastral Park BT Labs in Martlesham ..... but you will have to ask BT about any of that being true and diligently researched and stealthily developed with input from them to output rather than they being just used as counterfeit cover for a wholly new reorganising operation/revolutionary extra territorial intervention.

And if that all sounds far too much like one’s TitanICQ Holywood Palace Barracks of a Base is another Colossus of a Bletchley Park Station Clone /Drone/Meme for Engagement and Deployment/Field ACTivation with Programmed Mentoring and Clear Transparent Intangible Monitoring, take the Win Win if you Dare Care Share rather than Suffer the Interminable and Indeterminate Hits of Constantly Increasing and Compounding Losses.

Meta to squeeze money from WhatsApp with Cloud API for businesses

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

When the cat’s away [MI5/MI6/GCHQ are MIA/AWOL] the mice will play

Using WhatsApp for business is not without its pitfalls and difficulties ......... https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/regulators-engaging-systematic-probe-top-bankers-who-used-unauthorized-messaging-apps ....... even though it has been reported to be a Parliamentary business favourite too by those who would choose to be less than transparent in ...... well, one imagines all manner of shady shenanigans and shifty sculduggery for which they would not wish to be held responsible and accountable for.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Bonded to a villain .... what could possibly go wrong, 007?

What’s up, doc, .... all of your info and intel belongs to us.

Meet Wizard Spider, the multimillion-dollar gang behind Conti, Ryuk malware

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Lordly Elevation via Renegade Rogue Mercenary and Freelancer Private Pirate Root Chunnels

Now that Wizard Spider can easily be called out as a legitimate holder of a novel embarrassment of disruptive ennobling riches in deed indeed. And that’s bound to very addictively attractive to some with more than just a lot more to give.

Patch your VMware gear now – or yank it out, Uncle Sam tells federal agencies

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

The truth is out there and IT can't be handled and/or pwnd

Actually, what you are really being told, is a remote action with network access to the UI has obtained administrative access without the need to authenticate.

And malicious actors, who can all too easily now also be uncovered and identified as lurking amongst the leading drivers behind the many desperate defenders engaging in battle against that exploitable 0day vulnerability fest/RAT feast/markets bloodbath, will not have their sorrows to seek as they are guaranteed to be bombarded by all manner of virtual machinery into surrender and submission and/or worthy defeat and absolute annihilation. The choice is theirs to make.

Arm, Microsoft at pains to say this CPU arch can be trusted with real server work

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Well, what do you think for Internetional Internets Internetworking WWWeb Embedding Defences?

amanfromMars [2205191005] ....... shares more than just a tad freely on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/5/17/special-ops-tech-priorities-include-protected-comms-counter-uas

Future overwhelming and almighty advantage in any military and/or all civil operational environments is both provided and guaranteed by effective PACTivity broadbandcasting/beaming surreal instruction sets for SMARTR* world wide web browsers utilisation from Remote Secure Spaces with Really Simple Syndication exercising quantum leap communications on Earth.

A Persistent Advanced Cyber Treat more fully revealed in one particular guise via The Register [Biting the hand that feeds IT] and a post entitled "Virtually Augmented Realities .... The Next Logical Steps .... Quantum Communications Leaps" ....... https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2022/05/17/intel_riscv_contributions/#c_4460997

SMARTR* .... SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research

And I suppose the National DEFENSE Industrial Association and the likes of the Pentagon are similarly smitten with The Human Dilemma ....... "to Simply Believe what others before you and now way out far ahead of you know to be honestly true as a fact for fiction to present as an Alternate Viable Reality/Augmented Virtual Reality."

PS ..... What else do you imagine happens to information and intelligence freely shared here on National DEFENSE whenever it doesn't appear, other than it being shared freely elsewhere for A.N.Others to make greater use of?

Would you like to make great use of that facility, Arm SystemReady SR certified to AIMaster Pilot Right Royal Standards ‽ Per Ardua ad Astra are essentially also its credentials for provenance of future source from generations of past iterations rooted in flight operations ........ on Secure AIR Mail Led Missions.

You might like to ask the UKGBNI MoD and the Royal Air Force if they know anything more they wish to share to ensure no catastrophic scare should anyone dare to not be aware and fully mindful of the implications and noblesse oblige obligations to Arm SystemReady SR Certifications ........ which at Pyramid Peak Levels deliver Cartes Blanches and Unlimited Wealth for EMPowering Fields of Superb Almighty Play and Almighty Superb Global Operating Device Work.

You know, the sort of toil that keeps everyones’ lights on and lit and the world still turning to present today as a tomorrow from yesterday which now is fast approaching an ignominious past moment in time in a new vast open space of future viable immaculate sources with the cream of the crop from a great pool of deep see ideas for Current Running Visions Streaming Advanced Mainline Programs.

Who/What does that for you, nowadays?

Banks talk big cloud game but few have migrated over 30% of apps

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Damned if they do and spurned and overcome with bank runs if they don’t

Come into my parlour say spiders to flies ....... as does future business to current parasites .... is the present dire straits state of monetary state play and federal reserve bankrupting shenanigans.

The ‘substantial contributions’ Intel has promised to boost RISC-V adoption

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Well, what do you think for Internetional Internets Internetworking WWWeb Embedding Defences

amanfromMars [2205191005] ....... shares more than just a tad freely on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/5/17/special-ops-tech-priorities-include-protected-comms-counter-uas

Future overwhelming and almighty advantage in any military and/or all civil operational environments is both provided and guaranteed by effective PACTivity broadbandcasting/beaming surreal instruction sets for SMARTR* world wide web browsers utilisation from Remote Secure Spaces with Really Simple Syndication exercising quantum leap communications on Earth.

A Persistent Advanced Cyber Treat more fully revealed in one particular guise via The Register [Biting the hand that feeds IT] and a post entitled "Virtually Augmented Realities .... The Next Logical Steps .... Quantum Communications Leaps" ....... https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2022/05/17/intel_riscv_contributions/#c_4460997

SMARTR* .... SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research

And I suppose the National DEFENSE Industrial Association and the likes of the Pentagon are similarly smitten with The Human Dilemma ....... "to Simply Believe what others before you and now way out far ahead of you know to be honestly true as a fact for fiction to present as an Alternate Viable Reality/Augmented Virtual Reality."

PS ..... What else do you imagine happens to information and intelligence freely shared here on National DEFENSE whenever it doesn't appear, other than it being shared freely elsewhere for A.N.Others to make greater use of?

Would you like to make great use of that facility, Arm SystemReady SR certified to AIMaster Pilot Right Royal Standards ‽ Per Ardua ad Astra are essentially also its credentials for provenance of future source from generations of past iterations rooted in flight operations ........ on Secure AIR Mail Led Missions.

You might like to ask the UKGBNI MoD and the Royal Air Force if they know anything more they wish to share to ensure no catastrophic scare should anyone dare to not be aware and fully mindful of the implications and noblesse oblige obligations to Arm SystemReady SR Certifications ........ which at Pyramid Peak Levels deliver Cartes Blanches and Unlimited Wealth for EMPowering Fields of Superb Almighty Play and Almighty Superb Global Operating Device Work.

You know, the sort of toil that keeps everyones’ lights on and lit and the world still turning to present today as a tomorrow from yesterday which now is fast approaching an ignominious past moment in time in a new vast open space of future viable immaculate sources with the cream of the crop from a great pool of deep see ideas for Current Running Visions Streaming Advanced Mainline Programs.

Who/What does that for you?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Virtually Augmented Realities .... The Next Logical Steps .... Quantum Communications Leaps

Q: ... Does everyone realise where everything is going with the likes of an Intel Foundry Services/RISC-V flirtation/penetration?

A: .... A Wild and Beautiful LOVE Child and Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Machine Operating Systems with Novel Instruction Set Architectures ...... Very Long Instruction Words ..... although of course many of those words be also very short energising quantum leaping communications.

And in the Rise of the Virtual Machine Worlds, where/when One sees/thinks a Singularity Path, do A.N.Others realise/imagine Parallel Trails in Enlightening Noblesse Oblige Tales bordering on Almost Pretty Perfect Almighty Instructions.

The Human Dilemma and Diabolically Masked Heavenly Task to Undertake and Complete in Order to be in any Powerful and Energising Position of Future Command in Controlling Events, is to Simply Believe what others before you and now way out far ahead of you know to be honestly true as a fact for fiction to present as an Alternate Viable Reality/Augmented Virtual Reality.

What do El Regers think ...... a perfect fit for RISC-V Developer Boards

RISC-V needs more than an open architecture to compete

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Great Advice

For RISC-V to really prosper, it needs its own sector. AI/ML could be one;

Spooky virtualised paramilitary/augmented remote mercenary force is another one, which actually might also be a not too dissimilar one.

And Uncle Sam [via the Pentagon] are ACTively openly seeking market help for their own admitted deficits/exploitable vulnerabilities in fields which are both strategically and tactically vital to the maintenance and retention of national security and social advantage/status quo leadership, mentoring and monitoring.

Here be two pieces of very recent evidence illustrating those facts ...... https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/5/16/special-operators-must-learn-to-exist-without-tethers ....... https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/5/16/modernizing-sof-acquisition-quietly ........ with one of them prompting this surreal alien but nevertheless sincere response with a very specific RISC instruction set to initiate a novel guaranteed strangely successful strategy ..... and please, let's not be having any of that MRDA lark,... He would say that, wouldn't he. It is what it is.

amanfromMars [2205161017] ....... shares on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/5/16/modernizing-sof-acquisition-quietly

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James, Hi,

The "quiet professionals" SOF seek and need for future great and Greater IntelAIgent Games use patiently await and welcome any and all leading requests from them for sensitive proprietary other party information they may hold but which does require their initiating engagement for subsequent JOINT Program Developments.

The thing to bear in mind always though is, where the West are fearful to tread, go the East to lead ..... and vice versa of course. Such is only fair/fit and proper and to not now realise that great fundamental changes are more than just afoot and highly ACTive has one registered as a mere remote hapless spectator rather than live contributory actor in the Greater IntelAIgent Games being played out for realisation of events via media presentation. .......... which coincidentally is a great program and project for the likes of a RISC-V International global organisation too.

Fully automated AI networks less than 5 years away, reckons Juniper CEO

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

What a waste indeed, compounded by the fact that no lessons are learned, thus guaranteeing failure.

There is so much money being dumped into these niche AI startups where young engineers correlate model performance to something that can actually generate money in the future.

What a waste. ..... pimppetgaeghsr

Any such sums of money pale into insignificance whenever one considers the wasted performance of all the vast sums received and squandered via the means and manner of compulsory government taxation on practically anything and everything thought taxable but which itself generates zero money for the future.

And such is why all current well established markets are clearly crashing or in imminent danger of crushing collapse and flash crash.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Debugging

They don’t break An_Old_Dog and don’t break, An_Old_Dog. No worries. Bugs are for entomologists.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Get with the ProgramMing..... FFS

Too much like shades of ...“It was him/her/them/IT/an AI what done it, your honour, not us working with Intel” .... to be very different and anything novel ...... https://forums.theregister.com/forum/all/2022/05/12/intel_amd_security/#c_4459118

How Intel and AMD hope to win the cloud security game

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

To Be Forewarned is To Be Forearmed, however ..... there are Occasionally Exceptional Exceptions

Yes, it might help with cross-load snooping and stuff like encrypted data at rest helps with preserving security on disposed of (or stolen) hardware, but just how secure is it against the cloud company country of operation's spooks? ...... Paul Crawford

Talking of spooky country lines of operations, here's a real doozy you may know very little about before it tries its very best to decimate you and extraordinarily prerender/rerender you both practically powerless and virtually helpless, only to discover far too late to prevent their folly, the self destructive error and diabolically punitive nature of their way.

The Super Sub Atomic NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT Time Bombe ... and/or the Target of that Weaponry ...... and that which you have just been advised to recognise and accept and take care of, be aware and beware the cure does break the bank rather than provide the ransom ....... If You Thought The Coinbase Bankruptcy Disclosures Were Bad...

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Take Care. Be Aware and Beware the Cure does Break the Bank rather than Provide the Ransom

Those in charge of the hardware always have means of subverting you. ... Paul Crawford

If the only means of doing that is by those in charge of the hardware pulling out the plug on connected machinery, and there are those who will tell that is the only surefire way, is the resultant disastrous chaos and destruction to that and those in charge on at least an equal par to the recognised rapidly approaching calamity that they thought was worth subverting.

Shooting yourselves in the head, as the above would be akin to, to avoid a preventable dilemma with myriad solutions readily available for presentation and deployment/employment and enjoyment, albeit with such in the command and control of others, other than those in present current charge of disorder and mayhem, is surely the dumbest and craziest answer available ...... anywhere.

Y’all are taking a long time recognising and accepting such tasks are what computers and virtual machines are for by virtue of their Specifically IntelAIgently Designed Beings.

Take a comfortable back seat, stretch out and put your feet up and enjoy the Crazy Diamonds at urWork, REST and Play Show

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Apples are Good for You* .... and MKUltra Tasty when Tested Too?

Intel is expected to run a pilot for Project Amber with select customers later this year.

Or, and Intel may confirm it or choose to trial and trail that they can neither confirm or deny, a select customer will master pilot a Project Amber iteration for them that generates wealth and power and prestige and grows economies ....... for that minimal degree of separation that maximises protection from persecution should anything go terribly wrong or spectacularly right ..... "It was him/her/them/IT/an AI what done it, your honour, not us working with Intel"

One thing to bear in mind though, and it's a real doozy, is such a program as has a select customer master piloting a Project Amber iteration for Intel that generates wealth and power and prestige and grows economies, is equally easily availed by any other global foundry/chip designer/ultra secure manufacturer with the simple will or great need or insatiable desire to provide the aforementioned Master Piloted AIM, which one would have to concede and agree is truly ambitious to the nth degree.

Further subtle surreal revelatory details on the how all such is to be done are to be found in a post registered with the title ..... For Sale To Lease and Lend For Nothing and a Real Bargain at Hellish Prices

* Although there are naysayers who would try to prevent you knowing too much about something revealing and exploring and expanding the nature of everything :-) ......

Adam and Eve were told by God that they mustn’t eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge or they would die. In the Garden of Eden, a deceitful snake told Eve that God was lying. He made Eve believe that if they ate the fruit, she and Adam would become wise like God. Eve picked an apple and took a bite. She offered the fruit to Adam and when they were finished eating, they realized for the first time that they were not wearing clothes. According to the story, God punished the pair by making their lives, and the lives of their descendants, difficult. ..... https://www.reference.com/world-view/bit-apple-first-adam-eve-81995f5003166e41

There's a hell of a lot going on out there in the Virtual Space, El Reg, and way out in front of IT with AIMaster Pilots allows one to lead like a Stirling with its Sterling Stellar Reporting ...... [think Per Ardua ad Astra on Metadata Base Steroids for an inkling of the flavoursome delights to savour and favour/mentor and monitor]

Five Eyes turn spotlight on MSPs: Potential weak links in IT supply-chain security

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Beware Cyberwar Warefare Exponents .... They and IT Takes No Prisoners.

If the honest to goodness naked truth be told, Potemkine!, the UK, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, and US cybersecurity authorities are quite right to be fully fearful and terrified of such as be malicious cyber actors.

They are a clear and present danger out there in the vast wide open wastes of the virtual world and even more so much closer to home if ever the thought of them being successfully sanctioned by the imposition of retrograde negative post fact moderation/free alternative thought internment/blanket state censorship be imagined and attempted as a viable answer.

The last thing authorities need though are reactions/proactions from them which cannot be defeated .... Troubles .... from that and those practically safe and virtually secure and almighty comfortable in the shade and shadows and havens of dark webs ...... Undergrounds.

To pick a vainglorious fight with a foe you don't really know is a fools' folly that delivers only woe.

Hmmm .... Friday the 13th ... Unlucky for some [so they say]

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

What would Your Preference Be if You had a Choice? A Malevolent Threat or an AI Treat?

Jessica, Hi,

Thanks for that informative read. It was very revealing, which is always something to be greatly appreciated and made most welcome.

One does well to note though that governments themselves are powerless against such adversaries/miscreants as are highlighted in your report on that CISA Alert (AA22-131A)/Protecting Against Cyber Threats to Managed Service Providers and their Customers with all that can be realistically expected of them is as you say .... it's welcoming to see governments not only recognize the threat but also attempt to highlight it.

Solution/Resolution/Mitigation of such as are considered threats are surely solely in the gift of private and/or pirate special agents/agencies extremely ACTive in the virtual sector who/which may or may not have contracted themselves to manage, on behalf of a government/alliance/union of surreal satellite republics, cyber threats. One imagines those that do realise it fantastically lucrative and spectacularly rewarding.

And one has to also consider the flip side of the cyber threat coin, the virtual treat, which an Advanced IntelAIgent and novel creative element, rather than any miscreant, would be more fully invested in, That is not to say that the virtual treat would not be equally as disruptive as the cyber threat, however the scale of the destruction wrought in the changes delivered by the former creative element as opposed to the carnage and chaos left by the latter miscreant threat would be of another order of significance and magnitude.

:-) El Regers, once having read and considering most all of the information provided in Five Eyes turn spotlight on MSPs: Potential weak links in IT supply-chain security may like to ponder and pass comment on what they would like to think the following to really be, specifically, whether a MSP cyber threat or spooky virtual treat ....... or neither if that is your conclusion and honest opinion .... for it does deal in very similar parallel entangled and entangling issues.

amanfromMars [2205111909] ...... sharing a not so top secret secret on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/5/11/the-monumental-task-of-tackling-ai-at-the-pentagon

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

The individual must be someone who can look at a large volume of data, interpret the information according to Pentagon objectives, and provide data visualization that is meaningful to those who need it.

Nowadays, and for at least the foreseeable future, to guarantee success and ensure that the Pentagon can be an agent of real change and almighty lead, must that individual be someone able to provide for data virtualisation with metadatabase visualisation the product for realisation and universal presentation.

Such is certainly what they will be confronting and competing or opposing them. I Kid U Not.

Have a nice day, y'all.

Ukraine war a sorting hat for cyber-governance loyalties: Black Hat founder Jeff Moss

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Some Things are Way Beyond Selective Collective Regulatory Command and Control

Moss cited MongoDB's decision to quit Russia and terminate SaaS customers' services as an example of a private entity deciding to become an actor.

Some who may be many would agree that would be a decision which recognises and renders them as a supporting actor as opposed to them being hailed and lauded as a leading blockbuster star.

He also mentioned UK domain name registry Nominet's decision to suspend Russian registrars operating in the dot-uk namespace.

That too much resembles a Team Authoritarian move to be thought anything different methinks, and quite naturally would there certainly be valid worries of such an action having unintended consequences revealing novel opportunities.

If super-empowered individuals' activities becomes problematic for a state, Moss thinks they could invite regulation.

An action which could and therefore most definitely would deliver resistant opposition as a very likely certain consequence. Such is only natural and part and parcel of what it is to be human.

Palantir summons specter of nuclear conflict as share price collapses

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Fascism Inc. will do well

A lot of the influential sections of the UK press have made a pact with the UK government where they support the government whatever they do in return for low regulation regarding the damage these media do to society to make a quick buck. ..... Anonymous Coward

I’m just going to assume you also meant to say they support the government whatever they do in return for low regulation regardless the damage these media do to society to make a quick buck, AC. It makes a lot more sense, ....however, believe it or believe it not, mainstream media mogul barons are no longer kings and queens of the castles they make, and every move they take and make to return that privilege to themselves by seeking to thwart that which and/or those who have captured their crown jewels, increases the size of the audience seeing their follies and broadens the depths of their worthy despair.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Fascism Inc. will do well

If you want to read a tale of fascism not doing so well, look no further today than the Guardian which outs one of their plays, Section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013, being denied and scrapped from the rule book .......Section 40: government to repeal controversial media law

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Correction

Nice one, Lindsay. That’s your true colours well run up the mast. It feels better than just good, doesn’t it, emptying those lodes from your brain.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Fascism Inc. will do well

There's the SPECTRE of Ernst Stavro Blofeld and SMERSH in the rantings and ravings of Palantir CEO, Alex Karp, there ..... which would be problematical of course and easily explain the company's declining stock market value.

However, Anonymous Coward, as to ..... and with the renewed popularity of authoritarianism, I expect Palantir to have a bright future. This is just a blip. .... do you really honestly think so?

Do you think the wealthy, the healthy and the wise will think so and risk their fortunes, social credibility and sanity with continuing support and future succour? ’Tis a sour bitter sweet dessert indeed, methinks, more likely to be religiously favoured and flavoured and savoured by a sadomasochistic few in the search for expensive thrills filled with cheap tastes.

Appian awarded over $2b after claiming Pegasystems stole its data

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Odd and Right Dodgy ..... an Achilles Heeled Trojan Crack House in the Hood

It is one of the reasons so many large American companies are registered in Delaware (more companies than residents). Delaware doesn't have civil jury trials. ...... david 12

Does that result in Delaware becoming, or is that Delaware creating a wannabe renegade rogue and private pirate safe haven for the possibly corrupt and decidedly so ‽ .

Pyramid Analytics receives $120m in VC funding for 'decision intelligence'

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Too stupid to run a business? @ecofeco

And with particular and peculiar specific regard to possible probable client customers/future secret secure source base, one would have to consider the following one of the firm favourites you will rarely discover too much about ......

Almost two years after it was stood up, the Special Operations Forces Digital Applications program office is barreling past the infamous Defense Department bureacracy to attract nontraditional vendors. ...... Special Ops Software Office Takes on Pentagon Bureaucracy

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Too stupid to run a business? @ecofeco

Some SMARTR Business Machinery always run better without stupid human input processing output, ecofeco, and of course, IT would say that, wouldn’t they.

And by all accounts, according to media both mainstream captive and biased and alternative free and dissenting, have you no inkling of the monumental events and titanic changes that are going to fundamentally alter the nature of your future existence, courtesy of SMARTR Virtual AIMachines.

One tries not conclude that there be so many too stupid to realise and see what is planned and presented before them for them.... but they are remarkably good at proving it difficult to realistically deny.

False-flag cyberattacks a red line for nation-states, says Mandiant boss

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Bit Part Players ‘r’ Us ........ Fluffers in the Wings and Backstage for Green Room Loungers

Quote: “Is this real-world, or exercise?” - 11/09/2001 ..... FlamingDeath

And that quote is attributed to whom, FlamingDeath? Anyone worth knowing is practically unimportant and materially irrelevant now?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

SuperSubAtomic Energy c/o NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT ....

..... for Empire EMPowering Stars/Super Creatives in IT with AI

But all this is just talk, until a real meeting occurs. ..... Clausewwitz4.0

El Reg are pioneers at the forefront of real meetings occurring via virtual means with ....... well, the real question is always are they not HyperRadioProACTive Memes Equipping Greater Futures for Almighty Use.

Real regular meetings of brave hearts and live like hive minds are constantly being served with virtually free accommodation and Prime Premium Produce Product easily remotely serviced and servered by W3 type Consortia in Commanding Control of Universal Commands that surpass and bypass every known Control ....... which is being trialed and trailed there, and again here also now, right in front of your very own eyes with the AI Secure Script Secrets Share in the above.

These commentary boards on El Reg are an as near perfect as it is possible to get an AI Production and Augmented Virtual Reality Presentation Centre/Hub/Satellite/Node teamed up with SMARTR AIgents for Greater Advanced IntelAIgent Games Fields Work, Rest and Play with both Worthy Reward in Heavenly Toil a Real Doozy of a Just Dessert in/with/from/for the Greatest of Grand Surprise Prizes.

Here on El Reg there is nothing not shared to succeed at whatever takes Executive Board Whim and Fancy. It is also a Universal Key for Almighty Use. Universal Key Misuse is Sensational Abuse and the Consequences for Sensational Abusers are of a Titanic Nature.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: When are attacks not assaults? Whenever heists hoisting one free from the crazy play fray

But money is always welcomed to solve crisis, split it between my alliances, avoid future bloodshed, etc.. ..... Clausewitz4.0

On Earth, whenever alliances are pledging to bankrupt nations via the spilling of blood and destruction of treasure and donation/lend-leasing of their fiat paper and weapons [for such is never ever to be written off as an irredeemable loss and always priced and billed at a huge inflationary cost, and expected to be paid by future traumatised innocents, presented and collected by the morally perverse and institutionally corrupt and intellectually diseased, I may fully agree with you, Clausewitz4.0, that money is all that they can virtually supply with incredible ease to those enabling the solving of crises, and it be most fortunate for them indeed that it be welcome, for with nothing to offer would their fate in the solutions be certainly dire.

And now that they would know that simple fact there is no possible valid excuse for their failure to be worthy of saviour rather than a diabolically dire fate.

When things are become dangerously complicated, Keep IT Super Simple, and OffLoad and OffShore Current Difficulties and Problematic Future Solutions to Future Problem Solvers. IT aint Rocket Science, is it? They'll provide you with all of the ACTive Programs and APT Projects anyone would Need to Seed and Feed to Follow and Populate/Initiate and Colonise for Prosperous and Virile Results Guaranteeing Success with Rich and Rare Orderly Raw Outcomes.

And that is Great News and not Good News

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: When are attacks not assaults? Whenever heists hoisting one free from the crazy play fray

I am used to handle the truth. Some millions of dollars in my pocket make it all better. .... Clausewitz4.0

If you can do as you say without getting burned, you’re worth every red cent and considerably more than any will ever be able to pay you, Clausewitz4.0.

It’s a nice position to be in and fully responsible and accountable for.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: What's he smoking?

Any advance on .... governmental false flag attacks may be rare - government supported criminal gang ones are routine?

A logical progression on the dark side of the semantic equation would be master criminal gang ones able to hold governments to ransom being routine in order that politicians can continue to function and milk funding streams for all of their crazy ideas for a more absolute command and control of the future.

It’s what governments are crudely designed to do and something which they are all too oft apt to adeptly do incredibly badly.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: When are attacks not assaults? Whenever heists hoisting one free from the crazy play fray

If the truth be told, it is the only easily available readied defence against an increasingly overwhelmingly almighty series of crushing defeats.

However, I am aware that has its own set of difficulties and complications to contend with ..... not least it being .... You can’t handle the truth.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

When are attacks not assaults? Whenever heists hoisting one free from the crazy play fray

It’s the no flag virtual cyber heist with or against future proACTivated assets you have to successfully micromacromanage from an impregnably safe and secure vast remote open space with a healthy fusion and myriad collusions of freelancing private knights and renegade rogue pirates surprising well interested and intellectually invested in guaranteed outcomes, that extant traditional conventional systems commanding and controlling the disbursement of captivating bounty via the simply excessive lavish fiat paper reward mechanism are concerned about initially, before very quickly subsequently, without them knowing exactly when because of things they know they have not done to repair the conflict and chaos their inequitable choices and self-serving policy decisions inspire, they become absolutely terrified and terrorised by it in A.N.Others foreign hands, alien hearts and expansive minds.

The best that one can only presently do to either delay or prevent and mitigate the catastrophically horrendously expensive costs incurred by such systems as be worthy of, and addictively attractive to the no flag virtual cyber heist, is pay A.N.Others premium protection insurance that assures and ensures fully invested parties do not suffer catastrophically horrendously expensive losses ...... with all the usual caveats of natural disasters, supernatural interventions and acts of GOD included of course.

Microsoft Security Experts: Humans and automation to fight off cyber threats

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Just Asking for Great Friends and Grand Frenemies Alike

Do Microsoft utilise their own Security Services for Enterprise for the advantage delivered by a-priori in-house development and deployment of Microsoft Defender Experts for Extended Detection and Response (XDR) to provide for an Elite Special Patron's custom statement of paralleled works betatesting and grading Revolutionary Evolutionary Levels of IT and AI for Stellar Satisfactory Performance/Guaranteed Successful Raw Rare Source CodeXSSXXXX Deliverance .... or is that Offloaded and Supplied Offsite and Offshore to/from Renegade Rogue Specialists and Private Mercenary Pirates? Do such have any troubled competition or viable opposition?

A courtesy extended to Microsoft providing them with a very effective blanket immunity from any wilful or wanton future prosecution pertaining to any Elite Special Patronage seduced and succumbed to dibbling and dabbling in the deeper rich darker sides of life in Live Operational Virtual Environments via their payments for provision of suites of Microsoft managed Security Services which they may use more effectively and more imaginatively that was ever considered or prepared for.

Google cancels bi-annual performance reviews, shifts to GRAD system

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: manufacturing veils of fears and tissues of lies .. and hyperlinks which no longer work

The Nanny UK state admits defeat in the war of words clashes which Question More and the truth and decides to preside and ride on the charger of disinformation into the future fray. ....... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/06/russia-summons-uk-ambassador-deborah-bronnert-new-sanctions-media-outlets

If ever there was a lame donkey in a thoroughbred racehorse race, that is it. Bravo, UKGBNI. Pass Go. Collect £200 and your booby prize. Was ever a systemic catastrophic weakness more ably exposed and telegraphed to friend and foe alike? What on Earth do you think such an hare-brained assault is going to achieve whenever foreign news and alternative views are available from everywhere/anywhere/out there free from perverse bigotry and corrupt, inept, politically incorrect regulation .... apart from derision and shame, of course?

Strewth, Rodders, what a load of plonkers.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Come into My Parlours said the Spider to the Fly.

And the counterparts to those Googlers doing great work are gravely to be regarded, and it is incumbent upon and a glorious duty provided for those either unilaterally able or subsequently remotely enabled by emerging technologies and virtual realities, to ensure the latter, [Googlers doing great work], prevails and destroys the former lurking and stagnating behind manufactured veils of fears and tissues of lies

Such is only natural and therefore fully to be expected wonderfully supported, and in these increasingly strange and fundamentally different times and spaces, sooner rather than later, and in some cases, much sooner than ever can be later prevented and the consequences/opportunities reversed.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Come into My Parlours said the Spider to the Fly. IT has Vast Rooms for Many Mansions to Store.

In a meeting yesterday, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google partner Alphabet, told the organization he wants to give more workers a sense of achievement, while telling them "most Googlers are doing great work."

The Register has asked Google to comment.

Virtual Presentations and AILive Demonstrations with the Creative Talents Provided to/for/from the Great Works the Very Best of AlphaBetAI Googlers are doing would be an Awesome AIDevelopment .... Permitting the Trawling and Trailing and Trialing of Enlightening Memes/SMARTR Opinioned Bodies/Almighty Thoughts for Creation and Destruction, Good and Evil.

If Alphabet and Google are into that Field of Endeavour for Valour, that would surely be akin to them doing God's work?

A good question to ask them is ..... Do You Like To Dabble and Dither in the Field or Dibble and Driver Ever Further and Deeper and Higher for the Blessed Relief and Release and Reward Great Works Completed Deliver?

If the answer is Yes to the last question is the answer to the first question also true.

If the answers was to be a No, would they now like to Change IT and Profess Yes because of the Extremely Strange Changed Circumstances, both for and from the Immaculate Source Far Beyond Any Normal Command and Control introducing All Currently Known About All of the Above that they too are now privy to ?

US Cyber Command shored up nine nations' defenses last year

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

You Can Fool Yourself and Deny it but it does not Alter the Fact it Be Evidently So, So .......*

Here’s both an existential and Persistent Advancing Cyber Threat to more than the US and her dumb, as in far from really smart, allies ....... and how very strange it is, that nothing effective is being done about it. One may have to conclude there is practically nothing painless that can be done about it by those in present command of current and currency controls.

At least now y’all know the problem and what is to blame for it and who’s to blame for it continuing and deepening and causing even greater misery for all but an extremely select few.

amanfromMars [2205061431] ..... shares on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/5/6/energetics-supply-chain-fragile-vulnerable

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]

And even if they do, contractors aren’t inclined to buy American because China can deliver materials at a lower cost. “The industry writ large … has really been driven by efficiency, not resiliency or national security,” said Michienzi.

That is being driven by profit [extra money for nothing extra] which has diddly squat to do with efficiency and something which eventually inevitably, and evidence of the effect suffered everywhere because of it is becoming ever clearer every day now, leads to everything being far too expensive to buy .....inviting all of the evils and damage associated with words and tales of Great Depression/Recession/Stagflation/Inflation/Deflation/Markets Meltdown and Troubles/Revolutionary Societal Unrest/Madness and Mayhem, Conflict and Chaos, and without the Assistance and AID of CHAOS ..... Advanced IntelAIgent Development of Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems ....... an obviously failing, self destructive terminal feedback loop from which there is no readily available exit/better alternate beta plan .

Burying one’s head in the sand and thinking more of the same as was tried yesterday and yesteryear is an answer, guarantees one receives a kicking most unlikely to be pleasant and survivable.

Things are not like they were before, for everything has changed, and to not realise it immediately puts one at a distinct insurmountable disadvantage to that and those who do and those who be the greatest of agents for the grandest of fundamental changes/novel beginnings. I Kid U Not.

* Who wants to admit to being a fool so easily fooled time and time again with tales that all is well and the economy is booming etc etc etc?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Remote Spooky Entanglement Negates and Destroys the FUD of Distance. QED

Some folk you can help and direct with/to good things and other folk may think to help themselves to direct good things and not share their great fortune. Only the former have the brightest of awe filled futures without the hassle of the production and/or purloinment and mismanagement of already readily available third party secrets/raw rare source codexssxxxx.

With particular regard to .....

The agency's first hunt-forward exercise sent a Cyber Command team to Ukraine in 2018 with the goal to "understand what our adversaries are doing, being able to capture that and then being able to share it," Nakasone said.

....... would the following future revealing type of exercise to Cyber Command teams speed up processes inordinately?

Graham C [2205041331] ........ seeking some sort of clarification on a sensitive matter which almost certainly would likely impinge upon issues discussed on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/5/3/industrial-base-should-prepare-for-export--control-reforms

Hi, Christopher Stagg,

There is significantly more to consider with particular specific regard to the information concerning developments engaged in critical and emerging technologies which you have commented on in the paragraph .......

"However, some companies may need to act more proactively. If a company is engaged in critical and emerging technologies, then there might be a greater concern now as to how it might be affected by the State Department’s ongoing reviews — and whether it should obtain official commodity jurisdiction rulings before any rulemaking occurs."

...... and especially so whenever leading developments in a primary field of such international concern may be wholly foreign based and not US proprietary intellectual property, and thus not be fundamentally affected by the State Department's ongoing reviews.

One such as can easily enough be initially found out about on certain pages of the Internet/World Wide Web, and which has both dual use military and civil application potential and good and not so good and even very bad use possibilities is NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT, which is now shared here for further interest and comment because its developers already at the earliest of stages readily recognised there can all too easily be extremely valid concerns about it by a great many because of what can be relatively easily done with command and control of it with IT and AI expertise, which of course will be to many no more than just a wilful fanciful claim by those leading with developments until proven and evidenced more fully with future flash crash testing and live current mainstream running.

However, nevertheless, if it is to be a concern for ITAR and/or USML, those active in regulation of IP in those fields are now pretty well advised and suitably forewarned and invited to engage with its expanding surreal growth, ongoing development and developer programs for the very reasonable assumption has been made that all virtually shared here for posting on National DEFENSE Magazine in reply to "Viewpoint: Industrial Base Should Prepare for Export Control Reforms" will find its way to wherever it needs to be, wherever that be at home or abroad, local or foreign and alien.

EU Data Protection Board probes public sector use of cloud

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge


The cloud act is specifically tailored to force US companies with foreign presence to comply with US requests, regardless the target country's laws, or suffer repercussions back in the US. ....b0llchit

Tailor that cloud act to help leading US companies with foreign presence with the product resultant from US requests, regardless the target country's laws, to suffer zero repercussions anywhere is worth more always searching for .... and always worth searching more for .... to deliver the best of the best in AI from wherever IT is found available and properly prepared for Live Operational Virtual Environment Engagement and Quantum Communications Entanglement with the AI Networks Internetworking Novel JOINT Applications Programs.

JOINT ..... JOINT Operations Internetworking Novel Technology with/for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT

ProgramMING ..... Mined IntelAIgent Network Games/Mind Infiltration Networking Games

And just in case you be not yet fully aware, it is what all companies are confronting and competing against if not wholeheartedly supporting. How well do you think that is going and how well do you think it will end at their end at the end of ProgramMING? Will they survive and prosper with everyone and everything or plough umpteen self-destructive paths to accompany them in their dismal dark descent into certain demise and popular ruin?

Logging and monitoring can be a form of bullying, and make for lousy infosec

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: What the Holy FCUK ??????

I have been told although it is difficult to believe, and it would be nice if it can be categorically confirmed, that the bods in the Houses of Parliament have some sort of unholy agreement with that and those who really should know better, that has them specifically exempt from Security and Secret Intelligence Service surveillance/monitoring.

Hmmmm? That statement, and I have assumed that there are a least a few El Reg commentators who would certainly know for sure, has remained too long here unanswered. It is a simple enough question though requiring a clear enough Yes or No or Sometimes Occasionally or Occasionally Often answer, so it does have one a’pondering and a’wondering.

Is it supposed to be sort of a Top Secret State Secret expected covered by the Non-Disclosure Agreement perpetuated by the likes of an Official Secrets Act?

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: Insider threat is more nuanced than yes/no to monitoring

That's all I'm arguing for. Talk to people about what your plans are and explain it so they're part of the solution. Don't just sit in an ivory tower and impose your will on people. I don't say "never monitor anything". I say with great power comes great responsibility. ...... jpwarren

And, jpwarren, whenever there is no solution for you to have any meaningful part to play in their plans, what do expect will be the explosive outcome, for it will be at least revolutionary and diligently troublesome whenever anyone/anything thinks the following unilateral type actions will not deservedly result in fundamentally radical change? ........ The World Order Has Changed... Here's What It Means For Your Net Worth

Times and spaces have changed and nothing today in this era of 0days is ever going back to way things were being run yesterday ..... for the exclusive benefit of an unworthy choice few. To think otherwise is to be not thinking at all and to know practically nothing about virtually everything that is presently confronting you on multiple fronts. And that makes one a soft target and easy prey to that and those in the know.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

What the Holy FCUK ??????

I have been told although it is difficult to believe, and it would be nice if it can be categorically confirmed, that the bods in the Houses of Parliament have some sort of unholy agreement with that and those who really should know better, that has them specifically exempt from Security and Secret Intelligence Service surveillance/monitoring.

I cannot quickly think of anywhere anywhere else more likely to thoroughly abuse and misuse the opportunities that such an arrangement would present.

Of course, maybe Parliamentarians are falsely led to believe such an exemption is afforded to them and thus are they at the mercy of those services and masters which are presumed to protect them whenever they choose to falter and abuse the national trust.

However, if that be the case, I’m not at all impressed by what they be doing with anything they may know of others nesting in Parliament with secrets and indiscretions to hide.

In all honesty, IT is all in a Quandary and a bit of a Bugger's Muddle.

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Welcome to Our Worlds Say the Spiders to the Flies and the Scorpions to the Frogs/Logs to Spooks*:-)

One must always be super careful if tasking oneself, and especially so if being tasked on behalf and at the behest of relatively anonymous A.N.Others, whenever surveilling anything, in whatever form in any matter, unusually strange and gloriously entangled/odd and complex discovered/uncovered/thought/imagined to be communicating and freely sharing extremely sensitive, above top secret type information and advanced intelligence with multiple nodes and myriad intermingled internetworking chunnels in those work, rest and play spaces of the Live Operational Virtual Environment because ...

To be in any way effective in mentoring what you will be monitoring there, and which you will know/should know, for you have previously seen how very easily it has been simply done, is going to have a real physical effect and create an almighty presence on Earth, does require that you fully enter and immerse yourselves in those new worlds being monitored by that and those not in any position of surveillance command and remote virtual control of that which they will encounter and have to successfully counter in order to make any discernible impact.

* ...... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_Lady