* Posts by Eddy Ito

4662 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

I'm a crime-fighter, says FamilyTreeDNA boss after being caught giving folks' DNA data to FBI

Eddy Ito

Damn it! See icon--->

We all owe Greenspan and FamilyTreeDNA a debt of gratitude for his ethical and moral stance.

The worst part is it's bourbon o'clock!

Ca-caw-caw: Pigeon poops on tot's face as tempers fray at siege of Lincoln flats

Eddy Ito

I'll just leave this here.

Eddy Ito

I was going to suggest the Goliath birdeater but it seems it only occasionally eats birds. Wait, can they spare a few pelicans from the park?

You got a smart speaker but you're worried about privacy. First off, why'd you buy one? Secondly, check out Project Alias

Eddy Ito

Re: you could simply not put the creepy things in your home

More terrifying is the politicians who seem to think 1984 provides all the fixes to the shortcomings of Animal Farm and once both are properly implemented it will produce their ideal society.

Eddy Ito

Re: you could simply not put the creepy things in your home

It's creepy because I had an Amazon Fire tablet right up until it decided to slip Alexa in during an automatic update and there was no way to remove it. Like Cortana in Windows 10, I was given a spy feature I didn't ask for and don't use that was near impossible to neuter. What's not creepy about a bunch of Big Brother wannabes shoving spy shit down your throat?

Eddy Ito

Re: Why not just

Or a minor tweak of the Alias device.

"Hey Alias, activate the [Google, Amazon] spy."

You think election meddling is bad now? Buckle up for 2020, US intel chief tells Congress

Eddy Ito

Re: Let's be careful out there

That's kind of why I'm hopeful. Once all the deep fakes and meddling are known common practices I think people will become more skeptical of everything they see and hear and less prone to the knee jerk bloviating that so saturates anti-social media. I'm also hopeful that people will see the blatant political hyperbole for theatrical histrionics it is.

Then again, I'm hopeful I'll find a valid winning lottery ticket in my jacket pocket even though I haven't bought one for years.

Eddy Ito

Re: Karma

Sadly I think the real number of folks trying is a lot bigger than we're aware of and it's more a matter of some being able to hide it better than others.

Eddy Ito

Re: I'm not quite sure why this is surprising...

A large number of American's don't think of ourselves as "world police" and would be happy to be out of that role. Unfortunately there is a very vocal minority who insists we need to either "help" certain other countries or "protect ourselves" from largely those same countries. Inevitably as a result of the ensuing marketing campaign we wind up in yet another clusterfsck where we don't belong trying to bring a form of democracy we don't use to countries that only a few pols and celebrities pretend to care about. All so they can be seen as doing something to save the great unwashed1, most of whom don't need saving in the first place.

1. The great unwashed being either here for the "protect ourselves" group or there for the "helping" group.

Want a bit of privacy? Got a USB stick? Welcome to TAILS 3.12

Eddy Ito

Re: An ARM version might be more useful...

Hmm... I wonder what it would take to give the full Tails treatment to Android. I know you can get an ARMv7 Tor Browser on Android but I really want the whole enchilada. Tordroid anyone?

And it's go, go, go for class-action lawsuits against Equifax after 148m personal records spilled in that mega-hack

Eddy Ito

Don't worry, the lawyers will each get a similar check but with six or seven more zeros.

Say what?! An AI system can decode brain signals into speech

Eddy Ito

Pretty soon we'll discover what we've long assumed. The dog is actually laughing at you when he licks your face right after he's licked his arse and the cat thinks you're such a bore although you do manage to come up with food from time to time.

We did Nazi see this coming... Internet will welcome Earth's newest nation with, sigh, a brand new .SS TLD

Eddy Ito

If wikipedia is correct, I actually find it amusingly ironic to think that some neo-nazi or white supremacist would use it to find online refuge.

The name derives from the Arabic bilād as-sūdān (بلاد السودان), or "the lands of the Blacks".

'Nun' drops goat head on pavement outside Cheltenham 'Spoons

Eddy Ito

That's just it, it's not very forgiving for anyone to have a "toasty afterlife". The old testament is different with the jealous, vengeful, grapes of wrath, fire, brimstone, etc. has a reason for a hell but the kinder, gentler, and most importantly forgiving new testament absolutely doesn't.

No matter, I agree the goat's head thing is a bit odd unless a game of buzkashi went a bit awry.

Eddy Ito

Christians enjoy reminding the heathens, atheists and sinners who share this world that they're all going to Hell.

I've noticed that. Here they're supposed to be all new testament, forgiving, etc. yet they still have a need for hell. Why would a forgiving deity maintain a place for eternal damnation? It just doesn't jibe.

Holy crappuccino. There's a latte trouble brewing... Bio-boffins reckon 60%+ of coffee species may be doomed

Eddy Ito

Re: Umm... nope.

Domestic banana plants, specifically the current Cavendish and the former Gros Michel are triploid cultivars having been bred to be seedless and that leaves propagation by asexual vegetative reproduction which rules out cross breeding and largely means they can't evolve. Many wild species of bananas do have seeds and can reproduce sexually allowing them to adapt or be cross bred to become resistant. The problem then becomes one of marketing in that the perception is that people largely won't accept bananas with seeds.

Coffee is different since seedless coffee would be pointless as it's the seeds/beans that we're after so they are fully capable of evolving and adapting and cross breeding is easily possible. The problem is that coffee plants typically take several years to mature before they produce a significant crop so it takes time.

Eddy Ito

Re: Great solution to overpopulation!

Does this mean we have to wait until we're overpopulated?

You heard the latest Chinese CRISPRs? They are real: Renegade bio-boffin did genetically modify baby twins

Eddy Ito

Re: He has a tough name to work with...

I'll tell ya, Tomorrow.

Hardworking Americans keep busy during the government shutdown driving up smut traffic

Eddy Ito

I'm shocked!

Huh, here I thought visits to porn sites would have dropped precipitously. Although I suppose with fewer people walking about to butt in it could just be congresscritters with a little more time, among other things, on their hands.

Surface: Tested to withstand the NFL. Microsoft firmware updates? Not so much

Eddy Ito

Re: It's a bit like rugby?

... but with larger gaps during the plays/tackles.

I don't remember where I saw it but there was a study, if you can call it that, which determined that the average NFL game contained roughly 12 minutes of action even though it is officially 1 hour long and takes over 3 hours to play. Of course that means that folks willing to splash over $8k on super bowl tickets are paying nearly $700 per minute of action not counting the time and money spent on ancillaries like plane tickets, hotel rooms, and stadium priced beer.

DNAaaahahaha: Twins' 23andMe, Ancestry, etc genetic tests vary wildly, surprising no one

Eddy Ito

Most of various DNA companies allow you to download the genetic data they have. It should be simple enough for each twin to download as many sets as possible and compare them directly for discrepancies.

Diplomat warns that tech industry has become a pawn as politicos fight dirty

Eddy Ito

Pawns? Come on, they know the rules. If they're being jerked around it just means they aren't adequately applying the palm grease. Step up unicorns, spread the love. Just be sure to keep your eyes on who is running what committee because it doesn't work if you wind up paying the peons.

Man drives 6,000 miles to prove Uncle Sam's cellphone coverage maps are wrong – and, boy, did he manage it

Eddy Ito

Re: A good pro-bono opportunity for Google

Go one step further and put gear in every delivery and postal vehicle plus many OTR trucks already have trackers so I'm sure they must also have some data. Since they all have lithium batteries they have to go ground anyway.

Cops told: No, you can't have a warrant to force a big bunch of people to unlock their phones by fingerprint, face scans

Eddy Ito

What can I say, I took the explanation out of the safe and presented it to you but you still don't understand it even though it isn't encrypted.

Eddy Ito

Perhaps I wasn't clear. There are two aspects, there is 1) the storage box and 2) the encryption. A safe is just a storage box that is difficult to open. That difficulty is the only security it provides. Any documents inside that are not encrypted rely on the security of a difficult to open ~500 kg box that is bolted to the floor. If it isn't secured in place then it offers no protection at all, except maybe to fire, which is the main difference from a mobile electronic device. An additional layer of security can be obtained by encrypting the documents inside. The key/combination to the safe is protected by the 5th amendment as is the encryption key to the documents so there are potentially two layers of security.

Mobile electronic devices don't have two layers. They rely only on access to the encryption key provided by the password, finger, etc. Yes, for the pedants, one could employ a separate lock to see the file system and encrypt the individual documents on the device or lockout the i/o or other contrived method to more closely match the safe paradigm but then it quickly becomes impractical since the device gets so difficult to access it then offers no benefit to it being mobile. After all, safes are largely safe because they aren't mobile.

Besides, at some point it becomes pixies on the head of a pin supported by encryption turtles all the way down and where do you draw the 5A line? It only makes sense to draw the line at the beginning or not have a line at all because an arbitrary line will always be arbitrary.

Eddy Ito

but she made clear that she believes device owners should not have to testify against themselves
I don't think the safe analogy is correct. If you don't open a safe the police will just get a safe cracker to open it anyway but you won't have to cough up an encryption key should all the documents in the safe be encrypted. The big difference is that electronic devices make it easy to encrypt/decrypt your documents and access to the encryption key is via your password, finger, face, etc.

We need to stop looking at the $device as a safe and see it for what it is, an encryption tool that also happens to have document storage. It's no different than having an encrypted note in your pocket so when the police asks "what does that say?" you're free to plead the fifth.

FCC's answer to scandal of AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile US selling people's location data: Burying its head in the ground

Eddy Ito

The bigger problem is there is nothing codified in the law just agency rules which are at the whim of the figurehead. If the congresscritters were serious they'd be pushing for legislation which actually has teeth and not finger wagging at the particular burrocrat acting as figurehead for not tweaking the agency rules to their liking.

Note - this applies to all agencies not just the FCC and it's a broader symptom of congresscritters shirking their own responsibilities and being too busy tweeting insults back and forth instead of getting on with their real job. It doesn't matter if we're talking about net neutrality or the war powers act, congress largely just sits aside inciting division, outrage, and hate while drumming up support from their base because all that's really important is keeping their cushy job.

US prosecutors: Hey, you know how we said 'net gambling was OK? LMAO, we were wrong

Eddy Ito

Re: Why?!

Yes but - those are merely contemptible products that corrupt the mind of the people so by themselves they aren't immoral. It's the smoking and drinking that are immoral.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to cash this multi-state lottery ticket and pick up some bourbon and cigars.

Bipartisan Kumbaya: President Trump turns Obama's open govt data policy into law

Eddy Ito

Fear not, the gut-driven dictums and cynical fear mongering will continue unabated as evidence-based policy makes no mention of the quantity, quality, or speciosity of the evidence. These are, after all, Congresscritters and TLA agency burrocrats we're talking about here.

Forget Finding Nemo: This AI can identify a single zebrafish out of a 100-strong shoal

Eddy Ito

From the study

We randomly selected 3,000 images per animal for training.

There's a problem. Where are the spy monkeys going to get anywhere near that many facial images of everyone to train their facial recognition? Oh that's right, they aren't so concerned with accuracy when it comes to upending the lives of we plebs.

Americans are just fine with facial recognition technology – as long as they get shorter queues

Eddy Ito

Re: I think the real problem is...

Ah, I notice the linked article does mention accuracy albeit in a fuzzy way:

Support for using the technology that way increases depending on its accuracy: If the software is right 80 percent of the time, then 39 percent agree with using it and 32 percent disagree. If the software is right 90 percent of the time, then 47 percent of respondents agree with using it and 25 percent disagree. And if the software is right 100 percent of the time, then 59 percent agree with using it, while 16 percent disagree.
The problem is saying the software is correct 80% of the time is such a weasel worded thing. Say it another way, one in five innocent people will be tagged by the software incorrectly and potentially shot by the police while one in five criminals will get a pass. Would they still get 39% to agree supporting it?

Astonishingly it only gets 59% support even when it's perfect.

Eddy Ito

Re: Once it's implemented hardly anyone will object

Uh yeah, or it could be proof that travelers don't prefer an extended groping in order to bypass the scanners.

Eddy Ito

Re: I think the real problem is...

This particular survey is horrid. Just look at the questions and notice the ambiguity and stress of the fear factor.

I can see a lot of people not really having a problem using facial rec to unlock their mobile especially if they just bought one just for that feature. To stop shoplifting? That sounds like a good application. At airports? For public safety? Oh hell yes, that's all good stuff!

Notice it doesn't ask, "what if it screws up N% of the time?" or "what if it wrongly identifies you?" or "would you support strict limits if facial rec. wrongly identified and caused X people per day to be detained for Y minutes/hours?" and "what if one of those wrongly identified and detained caused a delay to your flight?"

My guess is that if they pointed out the negatives it would quickly swing the other way as the fear factor would shift to 'I could be one of the N%'. I'd also guess that they would say they accept a much larger percentage of mistakes, N, than they realize since the actual number of X they would accept would likely wind up as 0.01% if not much less.

Dozens of .gov HTTPS certs expire, webpages offline, FBI on ice, IT security slows... Yup, it's day 20 of Trump's govt shutdown

Eddy Ito

Re: About this new wall

Think of the wall as, hopefully, the final curtain to the many years of security theater we've been having. Soon we won't be groped at the airports, our communications will be secure, none of our private information will be sucked into the malevolent void that is the NSA, bureaucrats will stop trying to backdoor encryption, and we'll all be happy and peaceful.

What? Why is everyone laughing?

Two out of five Silicon Valley techies complain Trump's H-1B crackdown has hit 'em hard

Eddy Ito

Re: H1-B abuse

Add to that it looks like the "skills gap" was all part of the gaming as Vox explains some current research.

Senator Wyden goes ballistic after US telcos caught selling people's location data yet again

Eddy Ito

Re: Re-seller

Don't forget that all these new connected cars also have connections that can be tracked. Presumably that location data would also be available to chop shops repo companies should they have a desire for your car you miss a payment.

Encryption? This time it'll be usable, Thunderbird promises

Eddy Ito

Re: The only reason "everyone" runs Outlook is because "everyone" uses Exchange.

Yes, plus "buying Microsoft" goes in hand with the "nobody ever got fired for" adage.

Oregon can't stop people from calling themselves engineers, judge rules in Traffic-Light-Math-Gate

Eddy Ito

Re: Incredible

Louisiana is actually one of the better ones on braiding. You only need 500 hours of training to get a braider's license where other states like Rhode Island require a full cosmetology license to the tune of 1,500 hours of training.

Full IJ report link on this page for anyone interested in how silly it can get.

Eddy Ito

Re: Incredible

Yes, the vast majority of occupational licensing is about limiting competition. It's little different from cab drivers trying to reign in Uber & Lyft. In the case of many "professional" licenses there is also a lot of cronyism and tradition so it becomes more a "brotherhood". It's also why so many are willing to cover for the ineptitude of their peers which is why bad doctors, teachers, lawyers, etc. are often so hard to purge.

Eddy Ito

Re: Oregon Engineers

Ahem! The proper title is "petroleum distillate transfer engineer". At least it was when I was a wee lad working at a service station. Of course with everything these days being merely a filling station perhaps a more apt term would be filling hose wrangler.

Oz cops investigating screams of 'why don't you die?' find bloke in battle with spider

Eddy Ito

Re: Even in Australia

Hmm... those huntsman spiders look a bit like king crab. Surely it just needs to be marketed properly. Perhaps we could call it the soft shelled Oz desert crab or something, fry it up, serve the legs on a toasted hot dog bun with butter and the rest in a nice bisque spiced with just a hint of cayenne.

Dutch boyband hopes to reverse Brexit through the power of music

Eddy Ito

Re: old 70's song

Is that by any chance sung to the tune of Loesser's "Baby, It's Cold Outside"?

London's Gatwick airport suspends all flights after 'multiple' reports of drones

Eddy Ito

Ducks can also be quite tasty, drones - not so much.

A year after Logitech screwed over Harmony users, it, um, screws over Harmony users: Device API killed off

Eddy Ito

Re: They should stick to mice and keyboards

Oh come now, Logitech mice aren't that bad. Their cordless mice are about the only thing I have that will go through a box of Costco Duracells in the few months before the batteries start to leak.

Forget your deepest, darkest secrets, smart speakers will soon listen for sniffles and farts too

Eddy Ito

Re: Bollocks to this creepy shit.

I don't know, I noticed my brother got one and I think at this point you could start a company called Ingsoc and build a speaker that responded to "big brother" or "the party" and it would likely fly off the shelves.

I can see it now, "big brother, how long until two minutes hate?"

LG's beer-making bot singlehandedly sucks all fun, boffinry from home brewing

Eddy Ito

Re: Does it despense vast amounts of bog rool??

As the kids today would say, it all depends on your level of wokeness or stay woke. I assume it's an actually an acronym for something like 'Willfully Overlooking Knowledge & Education" or something like that.

Eddy Ito

Re: Does it despense vast amounts of bog rool??

I get the feeling any success will depend on three factors; hipsters, price, and hang on...

Two weeks, as in 14 days, for 5 litres?!? That isn't even one beer per day! Are they saying we need to buy 2 of these things just to have one single lousy beer each day?

Huawei CFO poutine cuffs by Canadian cops after allegedly busting sanctions on Iran

Eddy Ito

Re: China is not a democracy

because in a democracy there are at least mechanisms for checks and balances. In the dictatorships of the World what the dictator declares goes...

A true democracy doesn't have any such mechanisms, it's largely just mob rule and in its pure form is little different from any other oppressive regime. Democracy's only fortune, or failure, is that it tends to be less consistent in its oppression.