* Posts by Eddy Ito

4662 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

SCREW YOU, FEDS! Dozen or more US libraries line up to run Tor exit nodes

Eddy Ito
Thumb Up

Streisand effect FTW!

Bible apps are EVIL says John McAfee as he phishes legal sysadmins in real time

Eddy Ito

Re: Paranoid?

Meh, if you track many electronic transactions you'll see that they usually take a few days to fully process as well. The caveat is that not all banks show both the transaction and posting dates. I've even seen a few that took a week. Don't kid yourself into thinking the banks aren't taking a free loan from you for a few days regardless of how it gets handled. Hell, I closed a bank account many years ago when I was told my deposit would take a few days to clear - yes it was a cash deposit.

Banks team to paint shared target on Target

Eddy Ito
Paris Hilton

Tell me again, why aren't we allowed to sue the banks for their little cockup about seven years back?

Ahmed's clock wasn't a bomb, but it blew up the 'net and Zuckerberg, Obama want to meet him

Eddy Ito

It was the bloody science teacher who started the whole bomb talk in the first place!

It's just a good thing the kid wasn't into music. Imagine what damage our dumb arse teacher would cause upon seeing a brown kid with a violin in a case after having watched so many '30s gangster movies.


Eddy Ito

Re: Shrinkflation

They are reducing the size of bulk products like the pound of coffee I used to buy is now ten ounces but the size of individual portions of prepared food have increased. Granted it's largely the result of adding fillers with associated fat and carbs so that while the size and caloric value of let's call it a hamburger patty has increased the amount of actual meat in it has decreased. Of course the fact that it's lubed with a quart of some orange pseudo mayonnaise like condiment to help you choke it down and hide the actual flavor doesn't help much.

'To read this page, please turn off your ad blocker...'

Eddy Ito

Clearly they just don't get it. It's not ads that I'm trying to avoid, it's the annoying crap I want gone. Simple not obnoxious ads don't particularly bother me if I can read the piece I'm interested in peace. Audio, overlays that moving shit over and obscure the text and hideous videos should be hung, drawn and quartered.

Cuffed Texan woman holsters loaded gun IN VAGINA

Eddy Ito

Re: What's the point?

Probably a last minute thing as the cops were walking up.

"Quick, hide the gun!"


"I don't care, anywhere!"

I will say, if that pic is the actual pee shooter, the plods did a fine job of cleaning it.

Daredevil Brit lifts off in 54-prop quinquaquadcopter

Eddy Ito

Re: Yay for the idea...

Agreed, I love the feat. The name I'm not sure about but more because he called it "super drone". I don't think it's still a drone if it has the pilot aboard. I think as configured it's a regular aircraft but if it just carried the occupant as cargo then it could be a drone.

I suppose it could have remote controls that would make it either depending on whether the occupant was holding the remote. Of course in that instance a tether on the remote would be rather handy since dropping it would likely result in some fancy maneuvering as the joysticks get knocked about on hitting the ground.

Victims of US gov't mega-breach still haven't been notified

Eddy Ito

Re: Such a bargain....

Seeing as it's government, they probably haven't figured out who they need to notify or if the list is still growing.

Earth wobbles on axis as Google rebrands

Eddy Ito

What's with the blue pill in the feminine hygiene cup?

T-Mobile US CEO calls his subscribers thieves, gripes about 'unlimited' limited tethering

Eddy Ito

Re: So, that's a couple of problems lined up for T-Mobile then..

Could be a first: a class action libel suit.

I think you'll find it difficult to get a lawyer to sign up for that one. US libel law differs greatly from that across the pond and I believe most lawyers would laugh if someone brought this to them.

Better crypto, white-box switch support in Linux 4.2

Eddy Ito

Re: すし, 寿司, 鮨

Maybe we should call all animal products exactly what they are, may turn a lot of people into vegies

Oh, I don't know. They've been serving things like 炸豬大腸 and 大腸麵線 in China for a while and nobody seems to mind.

Google's Chrome to gag noisy tabs until you click on them

Eddy Ito

Re: Finally!

It's a good start but needs one more step. Find some way to identify the tiny 30 pixel player located halfway down the page I'm reading that is making noise so I can shoot it in the head efficiently. Maybe change the cursor into a flashing homing beacon that points out the offending page element.

US to stage F-35-versus-Warthog bake-off in 2018

Eddy Ito

Re: Well said.

That was the whole point of developing the A-10 in the first place. In Vietnam the jets of the day, F-4, F-105, et al. were too fast and couldn't loiter for good accurate support. The choppers were ok on soft targets but aren't really equipped to take on heavy armor. That left shoehorning older prop planes left over from the '40s to do the job. By the time they finally got the A-10 in service the war in Vietnam was over.

The love/hate relationship the USAF has with the A-10 is really odd. They keep looking for a replacement but they also won't let it be sold to allies. My only thought is that they absolutely never want to run the risk of being on the receiving end on an A-10's wrath.

Drum roll, please .... Results are in for the collective noun for security vulns

Eddy Ito

And here I was thinking that from the subhead the collective noun was going to be 'fix'. Intentional I suppose and I should have known as I didn't remember it from the poll.

Another chance to win a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive

Eddy Ito

Hello sweetheart, the name's Sunshine and I'm here to make you happy.

Eddy Ito

A giant bug! Where? I'm famished.

Glaring flaw in Apple car hype-gasm: The iGiant likes to make money

Eddy Ito

There is a reason the iOS things hold their value better folks.

We must have a different understanding of value. I don't consider resale price to equal value, I consider lower cost of ownership to be value.

If replaced after the same period of time a $750 iPhone that holds 75% of its value has the same cost as a $375 phone that only holds 50% of its value. You only need the Moto G to hold 17%, assuming it's the $220 16GB version, to make out the same. The best value is probably a Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 which at about $150 only needs a new consumer replaceable battery and it's good for another few years.

If you want to do the full calculation, be sure to include lost opportunity cost on the money tied up in the expensive phone. The $600 saved with the Xiaomi can buy a plane ticket or nearly a half dozen shares of AAPL if you so desire.

Eddy Ito

Foxconn Rebrander tax?

Yep, just like Microsoft, Amazon, Blackberry and Xiaomi. I think someone's Kool-aid was spiked with Apple-cider.

Apple watch breathes down Fitbit's neck

Eddy Ito

such as smart glasses or hearables.

Aren't smart glasses just another "wearable" and without going into bluetooth headsets, my car is a "hearable". Sounds like marketing droid wants to create yet another superfluous word. Maybe that's what we could call the broader category of these types of toys - superfluousables.

What Ashley Madison did and did NOT delete if you paid $19 – and why it may cost it $5m+

Eddy Ito

Re: Lat Lons

Really, six decimal places on longitude? That's one hell of a GPS that can tell location within the length of an iPhone.

Still 3D printing with one material? We can use TEN, say MIT eggheads

Eddy Ito

You are aware that you're comparing apples to oranges, aren't you? You aren't mentioning that the replacement, a printed picture, isn't the same as the original even if the functionality is very similar. It's a bit like saying that celluloid film that runs through an old time projector is the same as the digital bits that are tossed up by a DLP projector when it's not even though the end result of watching a movie is pretty much the same. You might also compare vinyl LPs and CDs or flash memory for that matter. In a like way, while your 3D printed component may be functionally similar enough to replace the original it isn't the same.

The true advances in 3D printing will come when people start to leverage the strengths of the technology rather than trying to duplicate things we already make very efficiently. Yes, your plastic figures and drawer pulls are very nice and printing one is cheaper than tooling up to make ten thousand, now go out and print something useful that is nearly impossible to be made any other way and maybe folks will find it hard to give you their money fast enough.

Eddy Ito

In the future, they could walk into a FedEx with a design and print out batches of their finished product at a reasonable price

I suppose it depends on what one calls "a reasonable price". It's going to be quite some time, if ever, before 3D printers can compete with a continuous production process for quantities beyond a handful of pieces.

Prof Hawking cracks riddle of black holes – which may be portals to other universes

Eddy Ito

Re: Holey information loss, Batman!

And when it comes to black holes guessing isn't a bad place to be since it might suck to have one near enough in the neighborhood to actually experiment on.

Twenty years since Windows 95, and we still love our Start buttons

Eddy Ito


Also, weren't PC HD floppies only 1.44Mb?

Technically the HD DD 3.5" floppies were 1440 KB, but yes. There were also DMF (the 1.68 MB mentioned in the article) and XDF that were done by MS and IBM respectively because software had gotten rather large and CDs had yet to become ubiquitous. Both required special utilities. I believe I still have XDF floppies of PC DOS 7 hanging about somewhere; I don't believe I still have a drive but perhaps it's worth a look if only for fun.

Eddy Ito

So you're saying that I should purchase an automatic floppy disk changer to install Windows 10 from DMF floppies?

A:\ is not accessible. Please insert disk 2,297. Then press any key to continue.

Get whimsical and win a Western Digital Black 6TB hard drive

Eddy Ito

What?! A selfie with Kim and Kanye? That's it no more banana daiquiris.

Yet another Android app security bug: This time 'everything is affected'

Eddy Ito

I'm torn. I like the current collective words such as brood of bugs, a bevy of breaches or an array of inadequacies but I'm not against hijacking a word to give it a new meaning like a fluster of flaws or an absurdity of exploits. Perhaps it deserves a new word but it would require someone smarter than I to invent, fortunately that's not exactly a high bar to clear.

Samsung goes to US Supreme Court to wriggle out of paying Apple millions of dollars

Eddy Ito

Another possibility is that even if it doesn't hear the full case SCOTUS can remand the case to a lower court to have another look at it or even force a new trial. In any event, I think you're right and Samsung buys a few months for relatively cheap money.

Anti-privacy unkillable super-cookies spreading around the world – study

Eddy Ito

Re: "the Land of the Free"

That's probably why AT&T stopped with the cookie. They just leave the tracking to the NSA. I wonder if AT&T get a marketing basket with a nice big bow on it in return for all that data.

Windows 10 PC sales boost? Don't hold your breath, say analysts

Eddy Ito

Oh, I don't know. I just bought a new laptop to replace my aging and increasingly flakey Win 7 unit. Of course I did it now so I could still get Windows 7 pre-installed so I can watch how Win 10 pans out over the next year.

Riddle solved: Do bears crap in the woods? No – they're stressing out over drones instead

Eddy Ito

Re: Kill the buggers

Just like the politicians most people woul rather argue moot points and ignore that matters at hand, why does no-one talk about over-population, why are we not "forcing* a new power, other than oil to be used, the technology is there, why are wee still rapingAfrica etc of all the minerals, all this because you want comfort and riches and couldn't give a shit about the guy next door....fucking pathetic really..

Does over-population actually exist? Why are you so eager to use "force" to solve problems you perceive? It sort of paints you as a person who "couldn't give a shit about the guy next door" if you're ready to use force to solve problems. I'd be interested to know how a individual such as yourself uses force to solve a problem like over-population and whether you have any preferred methods from history. I hear some guys named Joe Stalin and Saloth Sar among others had some ideas that might work.

Eddy Ito

Re: Kill the buggers

( What is the half life of uranium/plutonium)

It depends on the particular isotope but it's anywhere from about 14 years for Pu 241 to 4.4x10^9 years for U 238. In fact if you look up Oklo you'll find that fission is a naturally occurring thing also. All we did was find a way to use it.

We have literally become more powerful that nature

Please try again. Before you go declaring that we're more powerful than nature please check back in to reality and examine the world around you. I shouldn't have to point out things like Typhoon Soudelor or the tsunami that caused the disaster at Fukushima but apparently you've become so isolated from nature that your point of view is a bit distorted.

Gazan medico team 3D-prints world-leading stethoscope for 30c

Eddy Ito

one Gazan hospital covering more than a million patients had a single autosculpt [The instrument used for peering into the ear canal - Ed]

Uhh, I think you mean otoscope.

Cheers, Bill Gates. Who wouldn't want drinking water made from POO?

Eddy Ito


It's the various congeners in drinks which give people problems not the ethanol itself. Distilled spirits typically have fewer congeners and if taken straight produce fewer hangovers. I'm surprised that red wine gives you no problems as it's usually one of the worst offenders since it contains a bit of methanol. It could be something particular to beer that you're sensitive to. My brother has the same problem and can drink margaritas all night but one beer will take him down for the evening; it turns out he has a sensitivity to something in barley which makes him ill and it's present in beer but distillation removes it and whiskey isn't a problem.

Eddy Ito

You do realize there isn't much difference since the processing that's done post reservoir is partly to remove things like faeces from the various critters living in or near the reservoir. I suppose it's just another sign of how disconnected we have become from the realities of life in modern society.

Apple tries to patent facial recognition

Eddy Ito

So you're saying they are taking Faceborg's automatic tag recommendation feature and applying magic Applesauce to make it new and palatable patentable?

BlackBerry can't catch a break: Now it's fending off Jeep hacking claims

Eddy Ito

Re: It would be like blaming MS for cause adobe flash

My guess is that it's a case something along the lines of putting in the hooks for self-driving cars to make life easier for phase 2 of their self-driving cars program and forgetting to nail it shut on the current production software.

Intel building Xeon into lapwarmers as designers, content creators call the shots

Eddy Ito

Re: The Difference

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I understand the difference but it seems there's been a bit of whinging about it being a lapwarmer that seems unjustified. Heck the current E3 Xeon series run the TDP down to 35 W have integrated graphics and will easily run with the better i7s so I don't see the cause for all the hate.

Eddy Ito

How is this really that different from the 17" 'gaming' laptops that are around now with 200+ W power adapters? It shouldn't be hard to get a mobile Xeon down to the same 50 W that the high end mobile i7s run and it might even be easier since there is no internal GPU. Besides if they are looking at the 'workstation replacement' market with 15-17" displays it isn't likely to be melting anyone's family jewels since it'll probably tip the scales at 8 pounds or better since it's going to need an impressive battery.

Sure, they'll pull the usual tricks for mobile use like shutting down cores and throttling the speed so it will likely mean that you'll have trouble running that complex CFD analysis at the same time as designing up the next Airbus A385 strato-disco while flying first class in an MD-88 but... Yep, I gotta figure the target market isn't particularly worried about it since what they are looking for is not so much laptop as luggable.

Brassiere belays boob-bound bullet, begetting bruised breastbone

Eddy Ito

Re: Life-saving, really?

Since no skin was broken and there was no mention of broken bone the question is whether it managed to put a hole in the cloth of whatever she was wearing. Typically, a hunting round has a soft tip or hollow point and will often break up on the initial impact leaving smaller parts that fly off with much less capability of inflicting damage. Of course it could have been a solid or tmj which is less likely to break up but the article doesn't state. The only time I've been hit by such shrapnel I was lucky enough that it didn't make it through the denim I was wearing but I did make the mistake of quickly picking up the shard in a wtf was that moment, a mistake because it was damn hot.

Want to download free AV software? Don't have a Muslim name

Eddy Ito
Black Helicopters

Re: 'against the law'

Then there's the whole problem of the silliness of the law. The only reason to make free AV unavailable to certain people is if the software is able to detect the government's own spywa

Error 451

Moronic Time cover sets back virtual reality another 12 months

Eddy Ito

Re: Moronic Time cover sets back virtual reality another 12 months

The issue with VR is 'what problem does it solve?' The answer to that question is almost always going to be either gaming or a niche application like remote controls. Augmented Reality may have greater appeal if done right but things like Google's Glass tend to be a bit too intrusive. In reality, VR hasn't been pushed back 12 months, it's been pushed aside.

ROBO-TENTACLE with mind of its own wields deadly electrical power – turns on Tesla car

Eddy Ito

The unasked question

What happens when the driver is bent over looking for something in the back of the car and the automatic charger inadvertently plugs in to the wrong uhh, lets go with - port? I mean besides the obvious contusion to the back of the skull resulting from the collision with the open boot lid immediately following said attempted plug insertion.

Lenovo topples Apple from PC summit by declining less slowly

Eddy Ito

It's true that Apple still rules the tablet roost but the latest numbers from IDC shows that while the two dominant players, Apple and Samsung, are showing decreased sales, the next three much smaller players, Lenovo, Huawei, and LG, actually posted gains.

Eddy Ito

Re: 70% of Apple's PCs are Tabs

Yes, 4.796M Macs actually according to their report (pdf). I get that folks don't know where to put tablets but it seems silly to lump iOS and Android in the PC category. Next they'll be putting anything in a tower case in with server category since the cpu comes in a box separate from the display and PC will mean tablets and laptops.

How much of one year's Californian energy use would wipe out the drought?

Eddy Ito

Re: Not going to happen

The killer is there are multiple salt plants who collect the sea salt after evaporating the water. There's absolutely no reason they couldn't take most of the water out to use for consumer use before putting a concentrated brine in their salt ponds and it would probably improve their salt production. No, lets just ignore that perfectly good fresh water that we can very easily capture with nearly zero environmental impact other than slightly lowering the humidity near the salt plant. The plants are already there, all they lack is a little equipment to capture the fresh water. Yep, even that is too hard.

Bloke cuffed for blowing low-flying camera drone to bits with shotgun

Eddy Ito

Re: I sort of agree

@BillG Thanks for the WDRB link. It seems they have an update which has the drone owner showing the tracked flight path on his iPad. The owner of the drone says it was at 272 feet (~83 m) above the shooters property. Now I don't know what kind of medals the shooter has won shooting trap or skeet but it's one heck of a shot to knock down something from that distance with a single shell of No. 8 bird shot.

Eddy Ito


I wonder that the drone operator didn't see the guy coming out with the shotgun and divert his toy elsewhere.

Of course, that's it.

Droner1: Hey cuz, what's that the naybor went and got?

Droner2: Whayy dat looks like a shotgun. Maybe you should fly 'er over der to get a better look jus' a be shure.

Droner1: Ok. Hey it looks like he's pointin' it at the drone, doesn't it.


Droner2: Yup, it shoo did fo' a second der.

Obama endorses 3D TLC flash. How else can you do exaflop computing?

Eddy Ito


Dear Prez. Obama,

I hear the Chinese are doing great things in supercomputing and are even developing their own chips. Perhaps we could ask them if they could sell us a few of those.

mkay thx bye,
