* Posts by Eddy Ito

4662 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Apr 2007

MS Paint re-born in 3D

Eddy Ito

I get it now. The whole point of flattening the UI was so people could tell which was the content and which the program. Sheer brilliance! They've finally shrugged off the last vestiges of MS BOB and flipped the whole concept around. Bravo!

'There may be no hackers' says Trump in Presidential Debate II

Eddy Ito

Re: Donald Trump is a plonker

Besides, Donald doesn't actually plan to win. If ever there was a false flag campaign this is it and it's been known for over a year. Just ask yourself who he supported in the NY Senate races of 2000 and 2006, Hillary. What about the 2008 Presidential campaign? Hillary. Why do you suppose he began all his birther nonsense to push Obama back? Hillary. Which foundation did he contribute to? The Clinton Foundation. Who did he invite to his wedding in 2005? Bill & Hillary Clinton. Not convinced? Who did he consult with at length in mid-2015 just before throwing his hat in the Republican race for President? Nope, it wasn't Hillary, it was Bill Clinton. After years if not decades of support are we supposed to believe that he's serious about defeating Hillary?

Come now, I may have fallen off the corn wagon at harvest time but it wasn't this year.

Eddy Ito

Re: Donald Trump is a plonker

But some people say the Vice-President debate offered hope for the future.

That's the most depressing thing I've ever heard. Pence is basically a cross between Bush the younger and Pat Buchanan while on the other side you've got Kaine who is Walter Mondale with the self control of Howard Dean. [$DEITY] help us.

So do you want mayo or mustard on that shite sandwich?

Eddy Ito

Re: USAians

Ideally it would be between the general election and the electoral college vote just to maximize the chaos. Since we're living in interesting times already, why not?

Steve Jobs' thermonuclear showdown with Samsung reaches US Supreme Court

Eddy Ito

Re: Shorter process?

That's easy. The process is rigged so that only super rich folk get to fight all the way to the top while the poorer folk have all their money sucked dry by lawyers long before it becomes a real issue. Can't have the hoi polloi getting the issue resolved once and for all without picking their pockets clean, now can we?

Police raid India call centre, detain 500 in fraud probe

Eddy Ito

Re: Similar Scam in Hong Kong

* This is in addition to my complete lack of interest in all things Kardashian, "Brangelina", and similar matters.

I can understand not wanting to have any part of circus ClinTrump but this is just un-ay-merri-can!

Eddy Ito

Re: Similar Scam in Hong Kong

It's also just like spam in that they only need to bag a very small percentage in order to be profitable. The nice thing about the phone variety is that you can often keep them talking for quite some time before they catch on to the fact that you're only wasting their time so they can't immediately call another potential victim.

Google's home tat falls flat as a soufflé – but look out Android makers

Eddy Ito

"We weren't inspired by gadgets. We looked at what people actually wear."

I never knew people wore a cloth covered creel. I've only ever seen the wicker variety and I really don't see the cloth covered version taking off. Besides the electronic data leach won't be very amenable to the damp moss that keeps your catch cool.

Smartphone lost on QANTAS 'began hissing, emitting smoke and making orange glow'

Eddy Ito

Re: Lithium!

It's not straight lithium metal used for the electrodes in LiIon batteries as it is in disposable lithium batteries. The most common variety uses lithium cobalt oxide which decomposes at high temperature giving off oxygen which reacts splendidly with the electrolyte or other nearby combustibles. As a result the goal is to reduce the temperature as rapidly as possible to stop the oxygen generation and copious amounts of water does the job nicely.

Having said that I assume the fire extinguishers aboard an airplane aren't filled with water if for no other reason than its weight. I assume they had halon or halotron extinguishers.

Eric Raymond revisits his biggest mistake, updates 'Pilot' language after 20 years

Eddy Ito

Re: Software luminary?

- he designed, built and flies the Sunseeker series of solar-powered, self-launching aircraft.

Actually that's Eric Scott Raymond who is part of Solar Flight. I don't believe there is a relation with Eric Steven Raymond who wrote "The Cathedral and The Bazaar".

Add 'fattism' and hacker stereotyping to the list of Donald Trump's list of non-PC positions

Eddy Ito

Re: Their advisors should be fired

This is what happens when two over the hill megalomaniac dinosaurs win the primary elections. You have to remember these are two people whose understanding of all things digital came from watching The Terminator and War Games.

High rear end winds cause F-35A ground engine fire

Eddy Ito

Re: workaround?

Maybe a dumb question but couldn't they just point the nozzle down when starting?

Moron is late for flight, calls in bomb threat

Eddy Ito

Re: Only 1 year?

Agreed, they should make him read and memorize the CARs and when he's done follow with the FARs followed by EASA and JAA regs. He doesn't get out until he writes a thesis comparing and contrasting all four.

Oh, he should also give all the passengers a refund plus a nice dinner for their troubles.

Not enough personality: Google Now becomes Google Not Anymore

Eddy Ito
Big Brother

Maybe I should hurry and buy one of the remaining BB10 phones while I still can.

Anti-ICANN Cruzade continues: Senator Ted still desperately trying to defund US govt

Eddy Ito

Re: "unlikely that President Obama would allow a government shutdown over the IANA issue"

The difference between this year and 2014 is that there will be 10-20% greater turnout this time around. Most folks skip the mid-term elections and slightly fewer folks skip the big-P elections. That said, I'd say it's about even money on who winds up controlling the Senate. The House isn't going to change much due to the simple fact that the large cities that drive Senate races and tend toward the blue team lose their power. Case in point, here in California the Senate race1 is down to the San Francisco blue and the Los Angeles blue due to the odd new primary system the state has chosen which essentially pits the two large metro areas against one another and dismisses everyone else. Of course a cynical person might think that depriving large cities of this kind of mob rule power was the whole point of not having Senators directly elected in the first place.

1 Spoiler Alert - Bet on San Fran as LA is a lost cause.

We live in a world where a 'Hamdog' burger hybrid is patented

Eddy Ito

Re: Oz patents

Meh, it's a design patent. Nice to see he got around Apple's rounded corners by putting the round bit in the middle.

Latest F-35 bang seat* mods will stop them breaking pilots' necks, beams US

Eddy Ito

Re: Handling the G's

It's largely a height issue but there's also a build issue. A short person who is well conditioned resists black-out better because in addition to the G-suit, which effectively squeezes the person, a short person has a shorter distance to pump blood to keep the brain in adequate oxygen supply. Being fat is bad and fit is better because in addition to the lower probability of restricted arteries a fat person isn't as capable of tightening their muscles to push as much blood toward their brain as a slender fit person and it comes down to only the suit squeezing the fat. In the end, your ideal fighter pilot would look a lot like a well toned jockey.

Of course, that isn't what the typical fighter pilot looks like and in order to accelerate the typical amount of beef of the larger pilots and clear the tail it has to be a rather good shove and you want the parachute to deploy quickly because you never know what orientation the plane will be in or how close it is to the ground, yes that would leave a mark. So you get a really healthy shove out followed by a quick jerk back which would likely break our jockey's neck. Delaying the rearward jerk while reducing whiplash will also increase the odds of splatting on the ground in the hopefully rare case of an inverted low altitude ejection. Perhaps a simple1 tether to the back of the helmet that goes taut when ejecting would ease the problem while keeping the quick chute deployment.

1. Simple in concept as I'm fairly sure it would require a bit more than installing a seat belt auto-tensioner since the "gravity" vector can change radically in a fighter aircraft.

Is Tesla telling us the truth over autopilot spat?

Eddy Ito

The whole reason the OEM auto companies have been so much slower than Tesla on many of these technologies is that they have a

slow plodding process that has only recently started to pick up pace and have been hamstrung by ridiculous regulations written by lawyers who don't understand how vehicles work. As example of the slow plodding I give you the humble audio cassette tape which pretty much was dead and replaced by CDs in 2001 when music companies dropped it but the auto industry kept it around largely as standard equipment for another ten years. For the regulatory silliness I offer up the sealed beam headlamp which was mandatory in the US for an absolutely absurd amount of time.

Now of course things have changed and the car makers will adopt any insecure, internet connected, gee whiz IoT morceau de merde and stick it in without regard to the consumer. But that's ok, self driving or driven by some cracker on the internet, what's the difference really?

Apple seeks patent for paper bag - you read that right, a paper bag

Eddy Ito

Meh, looks like the bag I use for grocery shopping. It folds exactly the same way, has the reinforced top edge and a stiff card that sits in the bottom to hold it flat and provide support. The only difference is that mine is cloth, is washable, and will easily carry 20 kg.

WTF is OpenResty? The world's fifth-most-used Web server, that's what!

Eddy Ito

Re: lighttpd..

I don't know that it's abandonware. It seems to me that it's embedded in lots of other software both open source and commercial. Of course that doesn't mean it's getting anything back or if those packages aren't just stripping out the bits they need.

Oh AC, somehow I don't see how winning the battle for parked domains is much of a feather in anyone's cap or what your comment has to do with the topic.

Uncle Sam rules on self-driving cars

Eddy Ito

Of course the flip side....all those that, for whatever reason cannot drive now, may be allowed to have a car. After all, if they are truly self driving, why can't blind people, children, severely physically disabled people all be allowed one?

In most US states there is no law that disallows anyone from buying a car with perhaps the exception of minors who aren't legally allowed to sign a contract but even then I'm sure there are some states who would allow anyone with adequate cash from buying one regardless of age. As to whether they can register it, insure it, or drive it on a public way that's a different story but buying a car in many states is little different from buying a bicycle other than the cost.

United States Air Force grounds F-35As after cooling kit cracks up

Eddy Ito

Re: Puzzled

Does anyone know something about the reasoning behind this? Has this something to do with cooling the jet exhaust "because stealth"?

No, I doubt it has nothing to do with cooling the exhaust. Typically the coolant, which in this case is essentially a type of synthetic oil, is used to cool high power electronics such as the radar system. Microwave radar is highly efficient at producing heat and also does a reasonable job of providing detection of other objects in the relative vicinity. The use of poly-alpha-olefins, introduced some 20-30 years ago, was because previous coolants were silicate ester based and would absorb water, break down and ultimately create a rather flammable alcohol to which bad things were prone to happen.

Interestingly this might partially explain a few things such as the need to "reboot" the radar by turning it off and on again. Perhaps it simply overheated because the coolant lines were too heavily insulated, undoubtedly due to non-conforming insulation which is the fault of a subcontractor, and didn't give off enough heat as they passed through the fuel. Shutting it off for a moment or two allowed it to cool enough so that it would restart normally. Of course that's just a bit of speculation on my part.

To address the comment of why the lines aren't on the outside of the aircraft, it's likely that at higher altitude there isn't sufficient air mass to dissipate the heat in a timely manner without using the entire skin as a heat exchanger. Of course that might raise issues with coolant loss when confronted with things like bullets.

Idris Elba thrashes Night Manager Hiddleston for James Bond job vacancy

Eddy Ito

For those wishing to know...

Why would anyone care? Well, anyone other than Kanye. Oh wait... Nope, still don't care. Maybe you should ask Kim.

iPhone 7 first fondle

Eddy Ito

Re: Who is buying this?

I don't know that diminishing returns applies. Diminishing returns is about getting reduced incremental output for a given increase in marginal input. So adding 10% more power may not result in going 10% faster or adding 10% more workers may not result in getting 10% more product. Fundamentally it applies to things you can measure and I don't see how one can measure things like "better".

Certainly the examples of wine and hi-fi1 don't apply as those are highly subjective and individualized depending upon the individuals palate or ears and preferences. For instance some folks may actually prefer a flabby bitter wine or excessive bass which can be felt more than heard by everyone within a hundred meters of the car. Cars too get a quite a bit fuzzy when speaking of 'better' because one person may prefer a more plush ride while another may like the feel of a taut and sporty suspension or the utility of a one ton truck.

No, we're clearly in the Veblen territory because it doesn't cost Apple any more than anyone else to make minor changes that may or may not be ever so slightly "better". You see it's the production costs that diminishing returns addresses, not the sale price.

1. Yes I understand that noise and distortion can be measured as can frequency response but again it's ultimately going to depend on the individual's ears.

French hackers selling hidden .22 calibre pen guns on secret forums

Eddy Ito

Re: Newton's Third Law of Motion

I was just thinking the same thing. If you're that close then certainly something like a Fairbairn-Sykes has it all over any pen gun with perhaps the chief advantage being the ability to reuse it immediately.

EU ends anonymity and rules open Wi-Fi hotspots need passwords

Eddy Ito

Re: Erm

Don't be silly, that means next time the likes of Sony get their pound of flesh from the shop owner for failing to provide due care if he doesn't cough up the names of the folk who used his wifi.

Hacker dominates Festify crowd-pleaser party app

Eddy Ito

Do they charge a quarter per song like the old jukeboxes? Of course today you'd have to charge $5 a pop to keep the yahoo at the bar from feeding it a tenner to play the same four songs over and over and over?

Airbag bug forces GM to recall 4.3m vehicles – but eh, how about those self-driving cars, huh?

Eddy Ito

Re: Voluntary

For the consumer nearly all recalls are voluntary in that if you don't make an appointment to get it fixed they aren't going to come to your house and force the repair on you. The voluntary part here is that GM voluntarily performed the recall as opposed to having the recall the vehicles mandated by the NHTSA.

US Congress blew the whistle on tax-dodging Apple, claims Europe

Eddy Ito

Target for scorn

Apple has long been a target for scorn in Washington, DC

But is it really due to the tax shenanigans they play or is because Google has such a cozy relationship with some of the local residents?

United States names its first Chief Information Security Officer

Eddy Ito

Seems like a position designed to hold the sacrificial goat / whipping boy for when things go sideways.

Google hover-drones to drop burritos on campus

Eddy Ito

If I recall correctly it's the equivalent of 'drop a deuce', 'lay some cable', 'pinch off a loaf', 'back one out', 'feed the sewer gator', 'lay a brick', and depending on the burrito 'mud butt fire storm'. I'm sure there are lots of others but these are what I can recall from when I was a millennial's age.

Sony wins case over pre-installed Windows software

Eddy Ito

@alain williams Sure, you can easily buy a barebones laptop and mod it.

Granted it's a bit harder of late as manufacturers are becoming more enamoured with glue.

Printers now the least-secure things on the internet

Eddy Ito

Re: Do printers really need to be connected to the internet?

The internet, probably not unless you have to use Google Print or some such nonsense but the intranet, yes, definitely, even if that is via VPN. As far as printers that want to access the internet that's what firewalls are for.

US tech college ITT is not pining for the fjords. It is no more. It has gone and met its maker

Eddy Ito

Re: Well ...

Depends on what you mean by *market*. Harvard, MIT, Caltech, etc. are all in the hands of the *market* and tend to do as well if not better than schools in the hands of government. We won't even bother to address local public schools such as elementary or secondary which tend to be between abominable and wretched.

Google plots cop detection for auto autos

Eddy Ito

Re: Oh good grief

It isn't a patent yet, only an application at this point. It should be a year or two before it's rubber stamped approved.

Helpful airport robots

Eddy Ito

Re: Pronounced...?

It will tell you. In English near the 1:20 mark.

Windows 10 now rules the weekend, taking over from Windows 7

Eddy Ito

Re: Non Microshit OS??

Going by the graph it looks like the sum of the bars is fairly steady. Also summing up the tables has NetMarketshare showing a slight increase in Windows usage, 85.98% in June to 87.52% in August and StatCounter a slight drop from 79.07% to 78.52% over the same period.

Still got a floppy drive? Here's a solution for when 1.44MB isn't enough

Eddy Ito

* There have long been rumours that certain launch codes are stored on a floppy....

There have long been rumours that certain launch codes were 00000000.

Australian geoboffin discovers 3.7 billion year old fossils after ice melts

Eddy Ito

No, it just means different things to different people. In the US (short scale) trillion = 1012 where in the UK (long scale) trillion = 1018.

That said, you were looking for billion not trillion.

Intel's makeshift Kaby Lake Cores hope to lure punters from tired PCs

Eddy Ito

"... give seventh-generation Cores up to a 12 per cent performance boost over the sixth-generation – well, when running the SYSmark benchmark on a seventh-gen 15W 3.5GHz Core i7 7500U versus a sixth-gen 15W 3.1GHz Core i7 6500U."

Just so I'm clear, they bumped the max clock speed 12.9% and got a 12% improvement. Pardon me if I'm less than tickled paisley but I'm going to hold off on the back flips for a bit longer.

Having offended everyone else in the world, Linus Torvalds calls own lawyers a 'nasty festering disease'

Eddy Ito

Re: So, to sum up...

I would guess that Bradley Kuhn is trying to become some sort of an important "High Priest" in the community. Having them too involved is a risk hardly worth taking, easily poisonous indeed.

I found it funny that Mr. Kuhn isn't even a lawyer. Perhaps he is actually looking to become the next RMS.

NASA's free research trove may have broken arms trafficking rules

Eddy Ito

ITAR as a whole needs to go. It's forty year old legislation that hasn't even tried to keep up and was enacted as part of the Cold War. At this point it's just a hindrance to everyone and does absolutely nothing to keep people safer. It's the big club that Uncle Sam uses to slap down innovative folks from security researchers and cryptography experts to academics and backyard boffins who might actually make something great if it weren't illegal or require hefty fees and licenses. The Cold War has been over for quite some time and ITAR doesn't stop terrorists from shopping outside the U.S. Hell, it's main feature is that it inhibits U.S. companies from hiring competent people while simultaneously limiting the employment opportunities of those same competent people. It's time to let ITAR slip beneath the waves and move on.

Excel hell messes up ~20 per cent of genetic science papers

Eddy Ito

Re: My pet gripe is

My personal favorite was when someone either accidentally or as a prank formatted the date something along the lines of yyyy-mm-ddd.

Tesla touts battery that turns a Model S into 'third fastest ever' car

Eddy Ito

10 kWh is energy, for quicker acceleration you need more power not necessarily energy. In fact 10 kWh is about one liter of diesel fuel but we know adding another liter to the tank won't make a car quicker.

The difference in power output is likely coming from reduced internal resistance and perhaps enhanced thermal management. The reduced internal resistance will give more power and have the added benefit of bumping up the overall capacity. Consider that if the internal I2R losses are reduced it will contribute to slower heating and its associated increase in resistance allowing more power to be pulled from the cells. Now since there are only so many joules stored in the cells the slower heating means you aren't losing as many of them to heat which ups the capacity.

London cops hunt for drone pilots who tried dropping drugs into jail

Eddy Ito

Re: Oh FFS!

Sure, 40 kilos dropped by a drone from 100 feet on the top of your noggin.

FireEye probes Clinton foundation hack: Reports

Eddy Ito

Re: Politics?

"according to sme(sic) reports"

Do you have a link? I'd be interested in reading it.

Eddy Ito

Re: Blame the Russkies

Well some of the mocking is appropriate such as the DNC emails with all the information one would need to steal a donor's identity. Sending that kind of information around via unencrypted email is simply daft if not mindbogglingly stupid and if mocking it makes it less likely that others such as realtors, bankers, et al. do the same thing then I'm more than ok with the mocking bit.

Google had Obama's ear during antitrust probe

Eddy Ito

Re: @Eddy Ito - voter fraud

But this isn't absentee ballots as such, in Cali we're asked whether we prefer to vote by mail when we register to vote. Literally anyone can ask to vote by mail and so many do that it isn't actually difficult to walk in and out of a regular polling place in a few minutes. On top of that the ballot is perhaps the worst I've seen in several decades of voting in over a half dozen states. Plus anyone can set up a polling station practically anywhere by simply filling out a bit of paperwork, there's no requirement for cameras or anything really, it's pretty much a joke.

Eddy Ito

Re: transparency unlike unworkable limits is way to go

I've seen voter fraud first hand in California. One lady I know collects mail in ballots from several people in exchange for a few bucks they sign it and hand it over to her and she fills them all out and mails them in. Sure, they get their drug, liquor, or even milk money for their kids but that doesn't make it legal. I don't turn her in because she always marks them for the green party so it's mostly harmless and besides, it's Cali, we already know who's going to win every election in the state.