* Posts by Oninoshiko

1937 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Oct 2008

Shareholders! attempt! Yahoo! coup!


Who knew?

There exists enough cash to revive yahoo!'s bussness?

Pope's PR says Vatican in grip of WikiLeaks-style scandal


"The possibility that the very personification of evil has now extended his armoury to include the dark arts of selective press leaking is truly terrifying."

Now extended? I thought he wrote the book on it!

iPads seized from shelves by Chinese officials



I was thinking of them appealing 20 or 50 times!


2020: A Press Odyssey – reporter licensing explained



An AO story I dont have to try to vote to oblivion because comments are disabled.

RIM's cartoon superheroes inspire caustic Tweet-storm


well I keep reading it as

goo girl...

(looking that up is NSFW, and heavily rule 34)

Mine's the dirty mac.

SpaceShipOne man, Nobel boffins: Don't panic on global warming


I have my prefered terms already...

Themageddonists vs. Denialests!

Star Trek tractor beam to save Earth from asteroid Armageddon



and monolithic kernels.

iPad Fleshlight lets fanbois express their love



I'm fairly sure once that happens we'll never hear from you again...

BT comes clean on Infinity modem 'upgrade'


Strictly speaking

from "not working consistently" to "working correctly more often" does sound to me like an "improvement."

So their original statement was correct, although maybe not complete.

Apple: Yes there are horrendous accidents, but we CARE


care to tell me where you're numbers come from?

Here's the experience of someone who DID try to manufacture electronics domestically. It would take 4x as long, was substantially more expensive (primarily due to taxes), and would have made the entire project non-viable.

"I’d like to draw attention to one cost in particular that really created problems for us in Britain. Simply put, if we build the Raspberry Pi in Britain, we have to pay a lot more tax. If a British company imports components, it has to pay tax on those (and most components are not made in the UK). If, however, a completed device is made abroad and imported into the UK – with all of those components soldered onto it – it does not attract any import duty at all. This means that it’s really, really tax inefficient for an electronics company to do its manufacturing in Britain, and it’s one of the reasons that so much of our manufacturing goes overseas. Right now, the way things stand means that a company doing its manufacturing abroad, depriving the UK economy, gets a tax break. It’s an absolutely mad way for the Inland Revenue to be running things, and it’s an issue we’ve taken up with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills."


Boffins one step closer to invisible shed



now we can stop arguing over what colour to paint it.

Intel issues dividend, Apple sits on $97.6bn


not to quible on the numbers

but it's 15%. Dividends are covered under capital gains, which is 15%.

This is actually widely known in the US right now, as it seems like it will be an talking point in the upcoming presidential election.

(you are correct in that it is generally considered to be double-taxed though, once at the cooperate level and once as capital gains)

Telly makers aim to put OLED in your lounge in 2012


Sure you can.

You just don't put it that way, you say "Super energy effecent!" and stick some wildlife on the sticker.

People are stupid.

Microsoft to cash in chips on virtual currency


Bad move for MS

The idea of a system like this is to mentally decouple your purchases from the costs. While it may not work for the average elReg reader, this type of thing DOES work for most people. Actually letting people know what they are spending is the nice, ethical thing to do, but not great fiscally.

If you happened to be the person running the conversion, you are the exception that proves the rule.

Kiwis collar Megaupload kingpin, Anonymous exacts revenge



The dissenting opinion of Justices Breyer and Alito.

(warning: PDF containing both the majority and dissenting opinions.)

(The dissenting opinion starts on Pg. 45 of the PDF)


It Cites US caselaw, the act in question, the Berne convention, The Statue of Anne, and makes careful note of the differences between English copyright (on which the US copyright was modeled) and mainland - European copyright.

So, I've listed my source, what's your's?

Feds: Apple, Google, Adobe, Intel, Pixar had wage-fixing no-poach pact


As one who is opposes to trade-unions in all but the most egregious cases of employer malfeasance, let me point out the following:

If this accusation is true (and, based on these emails, it appears to be), this is a clear case of trust-type market manipulation. I generally support a free market as the best solution to most problems, but when monopolies and trusts conspire to artificially manipulate pricing the concept of a "free market" has already been lost.

The market where this is the most important is the human resources market. We are talking about people and families. While no one has a right to a job, they do have the right to a fair opportunity to negotiate, which is what this type of manipulation denies. This type of behavior cannot be tolerated, and requires offenders receive the most stiff punishments available.

Iranian coder faces execution 'for building smut websites'

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"The use of vaguely worded charges is not new in USA, but the allegation that these where carried out on the internet is. It is an unwelcome addition to the catalog of ways in which USA finds it can imprison other countries citizens"

wow... by replacing a few words you can make a coherent statement about Iran's attempt to execute someone for writing software someone used to make a porn-site into an incoherent attempt at an anti American mess.

SOPA is dead. Are you happy now?

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Who disagrees:


It seems to actually be what all the shouty people were shouting.

'Space Monkey' craze: Texan students 'get high' by choking each other


Clearly not

As reports on this vary forum date the practice to at least the 70's.

Holographic storage's corpse twitches


We have VR

I've used it. It's just not vary useful for anything.

Peroxide-fueled jet packs can be made relatively simply. They just have no fail-safes, are hard to control, have low flight time, and again not vary useful.

I do want my flying car though and hoverboard though!

Japanese cops cuff six smut-scam ransomware suspects


anyone else misread this as

Kyoto-based gang bang?

Mine is (apparently) the dirty mac.

Teen net addicts pee in bottles to stay glued to WoW


What is addiction?

"Any activity, substance, object, or behavior that has become the major focus of a person's life to the exclusion of other activities, or that has begun to harm the individual or others physically, mentally, or socially is considered an addictive behavior. A person can become addicted, dependent, or compulsively obsessed with anything."

-- Ruth C. Engs, RN, EdD. Professor, Applied Health Science, Indiana University (http://www.indiana.edu/~engs/hints/addictiveb.html)

I don't know many (any?) people who would pee in a bottle to keep gaming. As far as timing of game sessions goes, I question if waking up early and gaming for a bit qualifies. I would say it does if, and only if, work/school is compromised... I'm not convinced this article established that in cases where the "addict" was getting up early morning to play.

I have gamed early morning, mostly I'm kinda annoyed to be up that early and unable to sleep. I'm mostly a night person, but, due to call, sometimes have my sleeping patterns disrupted. Nothing open, can't go get a coffee... nothing on TV (is there ever anymore?)... don't want to bother anyone (I'm not QUITE that rude)... so I either stare at the ceiling, or go through the normal hygiene routine and play until it's time to go to the office.

I've also texted at inappropriate times, I'll admit it (not an iPhone though, just the company-provided BB). In almost all cases, the person who was texting me was my boss. So, maybe my life didn't depend on it, but not being on the dole did.

Google accused of vandalising OpenStreetMap


Re: David W

I was responding to an Anonymous Coward (a "person unwilling to put their reputation"), not you. elReg's forums really should give an indication of which post you are responding to, but alas.

You and I both seem to be of the opinion that OSM is in the wrong here. I think you must be confusing me with someone else (maybe the the AC I was also responding to?), because I cannot find anywhere (in this thread anyway) where you said I was wrong.


The libel is that is is a consorted attempt at industrial espionage from google. It is likely libel because OpenStreetMap's OWN SYSADMIN said it didn't look like any thing of the sort.

Maybe before accusing me of being a shill, oh person unwilling put your reputation behind your allegations, you should have actually read the article.

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I don't know, ask the OSM guys.

Libel sounds pretty evil to me.

Peeking up the skirt of Microsoft's hardy ReFS



CDDL code would be vary easy for them to incorporate into windows. The CDDL is only scoped to the actually covered files (unlike the GPL is it non-viral). Therefore they would not have to worry about making any changes to how windows is licensed, they would just have to provide the code to their version of the specific CDDL licensed files they used under the terms of the CDDL, not the entire OS (nor even the other original files created as part of the porting process).

I'm curious, what things do you think windows needs that ZFS does not do?

Apple wants to OWN YOUR VERY SOLE


I agree

They didn't patent the non-obvious part...

How they plan on convincing me I actually want this.

Work from home, find a new hobby, buy a fountain - UK.gov


Looks like Im the only one here

who utterly HATES working from home. I only do it VARY rarely, when something unexpected comes up.

When I do it, I'm slower at getting things done, and highly distracted. I always feel far less productive. I actually like have home for my personal life and the office for my work life.

Maybe I'm old fashion though.

Microsoft raises 'state of the art' son of NTFS


If they wanted that

They could have just used ZFS.

the CDDL does permit it to be used in a closed source product (or even to combine with any of the less viral F/OSS licenses)

Acorn King Moir: BBC Micros, Ataris and 'BS' marketing


Re: endianness

There is one thing I hate about bikeshead, though. The colour is WRONG!!!1!1!!1!!11

Android devs get schooled on style

Big Brother

You are confusing and intertwineing two unrelated complaints.

Apple's walled garden means that we cannot install applications from outside their store. Everything HAS to be signed off and approved by Apple. It is not MY device to do with it as I see fit, it is APPLE's device to dictate to me how I will use (at least this seems to be Apple's position). Yes, I think that's a fair complaint. If i want to install apps from Amazon's store or malware.ru's store that should be my prerogative.

The first complaint makes the second MORE valid not less. Apple runs there store like a true orwellian regime, a la "Animal Farm." Rules are applied haphazardly, and seem to be applied with intents differing then obvious reason for the rule.



Do they actually reject based on this? Or is this HIG document just so horribly incomplete that no one can make a useable app based around it.

I have an iPad2 and one thing that I have noticed, is that from app to app the interfaces are wildly inconsistent. Even Apple's own applications are inconsistent in places. Up until now I have mostly blamed app developers, with a little ire to Apple for not enforcing UI consistency. Now that you tell me the ARE supposed to be enforcing consistency, I'm far more annoyed at them.

To put it lightly, Apple's track record here is abysmal. I can't imagine Google's will be worse enough to matter.

UK student faces extradition to US after piracy case ruling


Strange, but true.

Not prostitution, "Escort services." I have no idea what the difference is, but there is apparently one.

There are legal brothels in parts of Nevada, but advertising them in counties which do not permit it (such as the only Vegas is in) is illegal.

It's really pretty wierd overall, but "what happens in vegas..."

Maps to meth labs probably wouldn't be a problem, provided they where accurate (otherwise it would be slander against the people living in the houses that AREN'T meth labs). You generally don't actually buy your meth by going to the lab... in fact the makers of meth would prefer the location of said lab not be known, and may decide to do something else less-then-legal about you.

Provided you met all the federal and state laws restring arms sales (wonders how this can mesh with "the right to bare arms shall not be infringed") you are not responsible. Well, you might be if it failed to operate as designed.

The US laws vary widely sometimes from state to state. Recently there was a woman who's house was being invaded by two men, and locked herself in the bedroom with a shot-gun and called the police. The police did not arrive before one of the men broke down her door and she (fatally) shot him. There is a murder charge, but it is against the other man who was breaking in. The wording of the law in that state is that if someone is killed during the commission of a felony, the person committing the crime is culpable for the death.

EPIC asks FTC to probe Google's search biz tweak


Except Google doesn't exactly do that. Google does a lot of manipulation of what you see. They take into account everything they can about your account, if you are logged in, and everything they can deduce about you if you're not. The reason they do this is because they believe that to provide you with what you WANT to see is providing you with a better service.

Some of us don't think that really does provide better service, so much as it creates and echo-chamber of similar opinions around us. Last hear Eli Pariser gave a good TED talk on the matter. It was pretty interesting, and somewhat scary.


Is is better to show me what I WANT to see or what will challenge me? I know which I would prefer.

Big Blue boffins cram information onto a cool 12 atoms


You seem to have missed his point

It's an interesting idea, but the parent's point is that it requires temperatures to be low enough to that it can't be maintained by any reasonable means.

Call it a "breakthrough" all you want, but until it's able to be done at room temperature rather then temperatures so low they do not naturally occur on earth it's not USEFUL.

US killer spy drone controls switch to Linux



so you aren't bothering to check then?

Profs call for harsh taxes on sweet carbonated beverages

Big Brother

@william 14

I have no problem with that. Provided you don't ask me to pay for it.

You can't have your triple sterilized super fortified vegetable protean pellets and eat them too.


The Suez Canal

It's a giant hold in the ground, dug from 1859 to 1869, then filled with water so ships can pass. Frankly I don't know how you could miss it.

'Mainstream media' mute in SOPA piracy debate


Actually, Disney has innovated quite a lot, when the old man was in charge he SET the state of the art for animation, funding the construction of a 7-layer multiplane camera in 1937 (which by far exceeded the capabilities of the first (3-layer) one, created 4 years prior), and being the first in the animation industry to attempt a full length animated feature, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (1937). Before this was fillmed, no one thought a full-length animated feature would be commercially viable.

Disney would continue using this process through "The Little Mermaid" (1989), at which point CAPS finally replaced it.

Disney was VARY innovative, just not with his stories.

Oh, and the modern incarnation of the company that he started, utter bastards (although they do good work bringing studio Ghibli stuff to english-speaking audiences).

Germans increase office efficiency with 'cloud ceiling'


Sad light

Awww... Cheer up light. We all have bad days!

Wi-Fi Protected Setup easily unlocked by security flaw


The DNS server your router uses?

Sorry, but I set my resolvers on the host, and not to my bastard ISP.

AMD claims 'world's fastest GPU' title


"an improvement of over 150 per cent in performance/sq mm over the prior generation."

Bah! What happened to our sensible metrics like "Mhz", and "transister count?"

A simple HTML tag will crash 64-bit Windows 7


That's a FEATURE?

how about this, restart it. Not the machine, the crashed sub-system. Some of the L4 guys playing with Nitpicker can do it, so it's not impossible.

(and, they have also proven with a properly built performance oriented IPC system, microkernels can be made pretty damn fast)

Benchmarks are $%#&@!!

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Which, by proxy means the only benchmark worth running is your actual work load.

Now if I could just make my boss understand this.

The cure for US job woes: More immigrants


so can you read, or only type?

what it SAID was due to foreign students graduating from our institutions, then not being able to stay, we have a shortage of people to fill these roles. That isn't a problem with the education system, at least not at the post-secondary level.

Once they have come for an education, it only makes sense to have a streamlined system to keep them. It sounds far less like an education problem (unless you are advocating banning foreign students) and more of a problem of a dysfunctional immigration system.

Euro cops cuff 112 in paedophile network raids


It's also worth noting, did all of the "Chlid porn" actually contain children?

There have been some definitions of the term lately that do include porn which does not actually contain children.

CERN: 'New physics starts now'



you missed the opportunity to piss off an AC. For shame!

UK is biggest nation of web shopaholics - Euro poll


Part of the problem

What, pray-tell, do we NEED 25M for?

That's a dual-layer Blu-ray every 30mins. Seriously, I'm a net junkie, online all but 10 hrs a day, and I cannot IMAGINE a use for that. At 2M I'm doing ok for almost all my tasks, 6M I'm happy as a clam for anything (that's a DL-DVD every 30 min).

There really comes a point where is a this type of technomasterbation is just silly.

Ebooks must stay fat with VAT, blame the EU, MPs told


Re: iucounu

yes but WHY is the author getting more? Did (s)he do any more for the e-book then the dead-tree book?

So, it me is SHOULD be 1/2 to 1/3 as much (before VAT). That's not a commentary on what I think the publisher should be getting, but a commentary on the fact that there is NO DIFFERENCE in the effort of the author/editor/legal/etc.

If your profit is staying the same while everyone else involved is going up then you publishing houses really do a crap job in your field.

God particle hunt breakthrough expected TODAY


the mission is neither

It's to entertain me. All else is secondary.

Why yes, that IS a Total Perspective Vortex in my pocket.