* Posts by DZ-Jay

938 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Apr 2007

George Lucas: 'No more Star Wars'


Re: @Giles


They exist, but not as the main attraction. The DVD set of the "Special Edition" versions (wtih "all the stupid colour changing/Annaking overlaying bullshit") contains on each disc the original, theatrical release of the movies as a "bonus feature."

These are gritty, without the benefits of the re-mastering and restoration performed during the 1990s. However, they also are devoid of extraneous embellishments or extra scenes, just as you saw them in the theater, with a mono soundtrack and all.



Re: *sigh*

I'll be eternally grateful to the man that made Star Wars. I loved that movie, and I still watch it every now and then. What is this "A New Hope" you speak off? Is that one of those episode-somethings?

The Sons of Khan and the Pascal Spring


@Uncle Slacky

You mean... Biblical cherubim? :)

Android devs get schooled on style


Re: Devs Can Do UI (Not really)

As a programmer and, at times, designer, I disagree with you. Most developers think it's boring because they do know how to do it, and thus are not bothered to understand its intricacies.

I see it all the time at the various places I've worked at: when given the chance, a typical developer with apathy towards design would end up with something horrendously complex and unwieldy. For instance, on this particular application, an otherwise brilliant programmer took the data model literally, and created a form that contained a label and field for each entity attribute, just one below the other. He even made a direct translation between data-types and field control without regard to actual user workflows or usability.

No wonder people like him later decry that task as "boring."


iOS 5's iMessage chops carrier SMS routing traffic


Wi-Fi is not required

You can send iMessages and avoid SMS when communicating between two iOS 5 devices, whether they are using Wi-Fi or, in the case of the iPad and iPhone, 3G.


Exotic Russian rock CAME FROM OUTER SPACE


Russian Rock From Outer Space

And here I was thinking the story was about explaining why certain Russian loud music is so strange.


Apple shoots for Premier League soccer streaming rights




Is El Reg all'merkin now?

Darth Vader dies peacefully in hospital


Ah, swords...

An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

Das is alles.

Santa's Xmas Caper


Such is the nature of hobbies and projects done as a labor of love, not following any schedule.

For what it's worth, I did release the game last Christmas. Feedback was positive and I was even asked by the community to extend what was essentially a single-screen demo into a full-fledged, multi-level game.

Writing games for ancient, arcane devices--in Assembly Language--is not an easy task.



Not all Xmas games are equal

Most Christmas-themed games are crap, but not all. For the last year I've been working on one myself--a retro, classic-style, 8-bit action gem implemented for the Intellivision console from the 80s (remember those?).

It was supposed to be finished for Christmas 2011, but alas, that won't happen. However, it will definitely *not* be crap, and the feedback I've received so far from the community is very good indeed.

I'm now aiming for April, 2012. If anybody is interested, watch the Intellivision boards at AtariAge.com.

The story and brief description can be found here:


Screen shots of the newer levels and progress updates can be found here:


(Sorry for the plug, but I thought it would be interesting to other retro-gaming fans. Besides, our Intellivision Homebrew community could use some more people :)

Happy Christmas!


2011's Best... HD TVs


Question about Panasonic Viera TV

>> 2D image quality is sublime and 3D crosstalk free.

What does that mean? Suppose I was interested in this telly to use it for 2D--with no interest in the 3D capabilities whatsoever--would it work well?


Malicious apps infiltrate Google's Android Market


Re: Not a virus

Actually, on the tin italso says "Angry Birds," and Assassin's Creed," etc., so I don't think these are by legitimate at all.



Dude, that wasn't EA. You may want to scan for malware... Just saying.

Domesday Book put on touchscreen at Bletchley Park


>> "It wasnt about the end of the world."

Ah! Thanks for that tidbit.



What's a "Doomsday Book"?

And why were they publishing it in the 11th Century?

El Reg's life of Steve Jobs - now available on Kindle


No, I don't. I use iBooks, like many other iPad users.



Kindle only?

What about iFruit device owners?

Star Wars 3D holo displays becomes a reality


Holy crap!

Focusing Laser light to excite plasma in the Oxygen and Nitrogen molecules of the air? Ingenious! I'm officially stunned, and excited to see practical applications in the near future.




In that case, the vapour/mist act as the screen. The difference is that in such cases, you are artificially adding a component to the ambient in order to reflect the light, which means that the floating aerosol is as important a component as the image source, perhaps more.

Conversely, this new development does not rely on any "screen" component, but purely on the image generation technology and the molecules already naturally available in the environment. This is why it works equally well underwater as in the air.


Mozilla promises more speed with Firefox 9 beta


>> "However, the situation is as it is, so just get over it."

Or, you know, eave Firefx behind and use a better browser.

Adobe's future is controlling what you watch, not delivering it


Keep telling yourself that...

And eventually, possibly, it'll come true.


Sony develops 'new kind of television'



>> "Every TV set we all make loses money.” The only way around that: to drive content sales that will cover the cost of the hardware.

They're already starting with the wrong premise. As Steve Jobs would say, the money is in the device, everything else are value adding features.


Apple expels serial hacker for publishing iPhone exploit


Re: one wonders....

He probably did. However, I very much doubt he also said, "oh and by the by, if you wanna check out the bug, just download my app from the PRODUCTION APP STORE and I'll hack your iPhone so you can see."

Profiteers cash in on Steve Jobs' signature glasses



You know who also was not an engineer? Albert Einstein. I also believe that neither Copernicus, Galileo, nor Newton could code or program a computer.

Is that the only measure of genius?

Doctor Who and the Unsatisfactory Five Hole Tape Punch


Block Transfer Computations

Sound like bit-blitting!

US.gov: We aren't hiding any space aliens


Well, that's just what they would say, innit? Their denial just proves that they are hiding the information.


Apple requires Mac App Store candidates to be sandboxed


It is...

It is indeed the responsibility of the OS and so it will be... on March 1st. What Apple are announcing is not that they will require developers to write their own sandbox, but that *all* applications built after that date need to support the sandboxing model of OS X if the developer wants to sell it in the Mac App Store.

The OS defines and enforces the sandbox, but it is up to the app developer to specify the boundaries of the sandbox. Does the app require access to the Internet? File access? Access to other applications? The developer needs to explicitly define these requirements, what Apple call "entitlements," in order for the app to work within a sandboxed environment.

That is the new requirement, not that developers have to roll their own implementation of a sandbox; and the system already provides a nice API to do this which developers are ignoring.


Google signs Deepak Chopra and Madonna in TV blitzkrieg


>> "Face it, the media companies haven't exactly been flocking to the web in general and sometimes have been avoiding Google in particular "

I wonder why...

>> "Any sane company that wants to do well in this area would be doing similar things."

Any sane company would be building bridges to partners, not burning them down. Is Google ready to take on the *entire* content industry? Because just fighting against a bit of it will spark ire against it from the rest.

Seems like the Nexus One plan all over again. Didn't they noticed that it didn't work with the Google TV either? Yes: content, *that* was it. That was the only reason it failed. Right.


Steve Jobs: the Exclusive Biography


Read the book...

Or any of the other biographical accounts on the subject of Pixar's creation. Pixar was a research center and software products outfit in the hands of Lucas. It wasn't bringing in enough money and was not deemed much valuable, attested by the fact that Lucas chose to sell it when first requiring funding for his other ventures.

Steve Jobs did not design, write, animate, nor produced Toy Story in any direct way; that much is true. However, it is indisputable that he facilitated Lasseter and his team, and at the very least saw enough talent in them to leave them well alone in running the enterprise by themselves.

Toy Story was such a great work *because* Lasseter was left to his own devices, but this ostensibly would *never* had happened had it not been Jobs at the helm of Pixar. Certainly not under Lucas.


Stallman: Did I say Jobs was evil? I meant really evil


The actual difference

One's a megalomaniac who believes that he's always absolutely right about everything and who tries to convince the masses of his One True Way.

And the other actually managed to before he died.


Google won't face Oracle in court until next year



Jurors are supposed to be "regular folk and not boffins." Boffins are brought in to testify and explain the facts to the non-technical jurors.

This is how the judicial system works in the USA:


"Another factor in determining the impartiality of the jury is the nature of the panel, or venire, from which the jurors are selected. Venires must represent a fair cross-section of the community[...]"


Groupon will replace 1 in 10 sales staff to ensure growth



May I ask, sir, what is a "fish pedicure"?


Father of Lisp and AI John McCarthy has died


That's what is happening...

Creation's up for an upgrade, and they want to improve from Mark I so they're calling in the experts. Ritchie for speed and elegance, McCarthy for complex symbol manipulation... and Jobs to make it all shiny and simple.


War boffin: Killer cyber attacks won't happen



His point is that we should put as much attention on so-called "cyber attacks" as we put on other forms of sabotage and subversion, because it is just another facet of them.

In other words, we should not worry about "cyber wars" as a brand new category; we should worry about the risk of "cyber war" in the same way that we worry about the risk of a traditional war with any antagonising state.



A single act of sabotage does not a /war/ make.


Jobs was 'working on future product day before he died'


This is stupid!

>> "He said that Steve is calling me because he wants to talk about their next product."

Could it be that Mr. Cook received a distress call from a friend or family member announcing the imminent death of Mr. Jobs or perhaps even an emergency meeting to deal with the urgent matter?

I can see why Mr. Cook would not just blatantly say "Sorry, I need to cut our meeting short. Steve is on his death bed and I gotta go deal with his family."


Google planning major upgrades to Google+ ‘within days’


Typical geeky myopic view

>> "Based on my experience of going around to Silicon Valley startups is that they pretty much all use our apps"

Perhaps if he looked outside his back yard and expand his scope a bit he'll realize that the world of technology is much larger than Silicon Valley.


C and Unix pioneer Dennis Ritchie reported dead


void main() {




Reported dead?

So, is he, or is he not?

Damn! Another of the good ones gone. Requiescat In Pace, Ritchie.


Googler squeals: 'We don't get platforms'



Can someone post the text or a link to a plain-text/html mirror? Following the link yields a blank page. I'm not about to enable JavaScript or cookies to hit a Google site, no siree!


Pay Jobs due respect - by crushing the empire he created


Good one!

Did you know that the World Wide Web was invented on a NeXT workstation? The same OS designed and implemented by e people that run Aplenty now, and which made it's way into being OS X.

What about all the Macintosh and iOS developers, are they not "Apple users"?

Apple cofounder Steve Jobs is dead at 56


Godspeed, Mr. Jobs

The world will never be the same again.


iPhone 5: Apple 4S, pundits 0


Failure... just like the iPad 2?

Lets not forget that these are the same analysts, pundits, and journalists that in unison declared the iPad 2 a failure because it was "merely" a conservative upgrade in internals rather than the greatest technological marvel.


Apple turns the screws on reseller channel



So there's some law that says that you must give a rebate to customers who pay early? I understand that this squeezes the profits out of the resellers. But if Apple can access customers directly, why would they want or care about middle men?

Sure, it's not *nice*, in the ponies and rainbows Internet definition; but it is not illegal to reduce incentives to partners.


Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection


I played Shadow of the Colossus in the PS2 years ago and there are not enough superlatives to describe the experience. Truly one of the very best games I've ever played, and I'm much more into the shoot-em-up, arcade action genre. It is a masterpiece.

I never played Ico, but I've read reviews of SotC where they claim that is not as good as its predecessor. So, with an endorsement like that, my expectations are very high.

I've been waiting for this remake for years now and I'm glad it's finally out. My Amazon order has just shipped, and I can't wait to play both games soon. I look forward to re-living the magnificent, yet bitter-sweet experience of playing SotC.


Amazon accepts Kindle Fire will be rooted


Re: Jim Booth

Actually, you may not be aware, but high end car manufacturers will sue others if the design of the cars seem too close as theirs. And yes, it comes down to curves, fins, shapes of the front grille or headlights, the colour combination of the interior, etc.

But go on, ignorance is bliss and all that.


Android outsells Apple 2:1



Didn't Nielsen come out with a report a couple of weeks ago that claimed that most mobile users where using iOS devices than Android ones? If so, then this survey only highlights the fact that people are purchasing *phones*--the device--not *Android*--the software platform.

If people are not actually using the "smartphone" capabilities, how does this make Android the winner?

So, more people are buying cheap (or at times, free) phones available from all major carriers than people buying iPhones from Apple-sanctioned ones. Colour me stunned.


Panda Security axes jobs, gets new chief exec


Panda Security axes Jobs???

OMG! Is he dead?! I know OS X security has been in question latetly, but attacking Steve like that is a bit drastic.

(sorry, I couldn't resist.)

I saw Facebook's music service 3 years ago. Done properly


@Steve Knox

Your comment has very valid points, but I would argue that that is Mr. Orlowski's point all along: Those obstacles that you mentioned aren't new, nor are they accidental--they are the real world problems of any incumbent industry that any entrepreneuring individual or organization must face.

Why aren't they factored in? That is *indeed* what we need, someone or someones that views the complete picture and has the intrepid ability to communicate this vision in a way that causes the change.

But nobody is trying. Everybody is too busy patting themselves in the back coming up with random ideas that do not necessarily add value, nor solves any real problem. And when they're not, they're lamenting how "big business" gets in their way.

Well, I'd say that ignoring "big business" and the realities of an existing industry or social norm is not going to gain you any inroads into solving those problems.


Samsung-Apple patent lawsuit tally hits 21, and counting


Probably because you are a sick freak.